• Breaking News

    Monday, July 19, 2021

    Dark Souls To the guy who left a summon sign at Artorias’s fog gate at soul level 130+: Thank you!

    Dark Souls To the guy who left a summon sign at Artorias’s fog gate at soul level 130+: Thank you!

    To the guy who left a summon sign at Artorias’s fog gate at soul level 130+: Thank you!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    Listen, I've killed artorias before but that was a while ago and I was running a much faster character than I am now. I'd already died a few times and was in no mood to relearn the timing of his moves with a much slower albeit tankier character. You saved me a lot of time by helping me split hit attention and pelting him with lighting while I put my pace up where the sun don't shine. Again, thank you!

    submitted by /u/SaltySwan
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    Update to stupidest girl alive post: I now know what all those cryptic "Kill the dogs first" comments were about

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    I lost 12k souls to that fucker!!

    I will kill that thing. The absolute disrespect! He thinks hes so fucking slick, coming at you right when you get in the door. I will have my revenge!! I will crawl back into that hole and murder his little dogs and then him, right through the gut, and leave his body to rot in the sewers where it belongs!!!!!

    Good tip tho lol. Thanks reddit!

    Original post

    UPDATE: I beat him. He tasted my blade, and died like a bitch.

    submitted by /u/arthouse2k2k
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    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    After months away from the game, I came back and I beat o&s

    submitted by /u/lckvc
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    I love this game

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:52 PM PDT

    I was scared to fight Nito for the skeletons, but I did some research and found out that they die forever if you hit them with a divine weapon, and the game literally gives you one seconds before fighting him, the grant

    Besides that it scale quite well with strength, and for the first time those souls I spend in 25 faith will help me

    submitted by /u/EmGoches
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    About to finish my first run of DS1, what a journey that was

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    I started my first run of DS1 remastered on switch over a month ago as a sorcerer build.

    I got so frustrated playing this game. Everything was excruciating hard until Anor Londo. I thought of quitting so many times and even wrote a long https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/o5hrh7/10_reasons_why_ds1_is_like_a_toxic_relationship/

    Past Anor Londo, my build became way stronger, I got way more spells. I would still die of course, but I surprised myself killing many bosses on my first try afterwards. Sif probably died within 30 seconds!!

    The next time I encountered serious difficulties was beating some bosses from the Artorias DLC. But even then, I don't think this was as hard as my first 40 hours or so in the game. I would just die a handfull of times for each boss. Have I became better? I'm seriously not sure about it. I don't think the game is equally as hard from start to finish.

    I've just done 2 things I didn't think I would have even considered a few weeks back:

    1. bought a second hand PS4 to play bloodborne
    2. kindled all the bonfires to have 20 estus flasks in case I want to do a NG+ in the future

    Tomorrow night is the night though! Once the sun sets, I'm going to enter the last fog gate and encounter the final boss after 115 hours+. (might have to chuck a sickie afterwards).

    I will die!!

    submitted by /u/Lozaroo
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    Just getting back into the game after a few years. Anyone want to help me with sens fortress? I'm kidding (kinda) but wow is that place still a bitch. It's like riding a bike they said... Maybe if the bike was made of pain and remove. With a little bell on the front when You Defeated.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/Rem0XIII
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    What is "logically" impossible to find in this game without help or a guide?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    By logically, what I mean is, a normal playthrough where you play the game the way it expects you to and don't return to areas if it isn't needed, and it isn't hinted either through dialogue.

    For example, you can save Solaire without feeding The Fair Lady 30 humanities if you don't quit the game between beating the centipede demon and reaching the Sunlight Maggot, which is a direct way to progress through the game (on the other hand, skipping talking to him in Anor Londo technically isn't). On that same note, Siegmeyer's quest doesn't really require revisiting areas on purpose, you are bound to cross Blight Town a second time to reach The Great Hollow, for example.

    One example I can instantly recall is finding Kaathe. Even if the Four Kings are technically available to face the moment you beat Sif, and can be done before Sen's, you have to go out of your way by killing Ingward to face them before obtaining the Lordvessel. Unless I am mistaken, is no dialogue in the game that hints there is a second serpent hiding there, and that it leads a convent.

    submitted by /u/caelussideralis
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    Apparently the second half of the game entirely consists of Lost Izalith

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    I keep hearing about how Dark Souls 1 has a 'lazy' or 'rushed' second half, and it really seems like something people just say without really thinking about it.

    Because I really don't get it. If the second half starts with getting the Lordvessel, then it consists of getting the Covenant of Artorias from Sif (one of the best bosses), doing New Londo (a good area), fighting the Four Kings (one of the best bosses), the catacombs and Tomb of the Giants, Dukes Archives and the crystal caves (decent areas), going back to the Asylum, going into the Painted World (a superb area), Lost Izalith, and then a great final boss fight in Gwyn.

    Of all those areas, the only thing that is objectively rushed, imo, is Lost Izalith. Like yeah you might not like invisible walkways or dark areas, but effort clearly went into those areas.

    So I have never understood why this opinion is so popular.

    submitted by /u/braiman02
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    Enemy and item randomizer problem with boss

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 09:59 PM PDT

    So i have gotten to where O&S is at but How do i kill both Sif and Manus Edit changed seed and beat them

    submitted by /u/stormalfred123
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    Is it possible/worth it to add pyromancy in the mid-game?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    I started playing dark souls with ds3, so I didn't expect to be able to incorporate pyromancy until I learned that it only scales with the upgrade level of the flame. Is there any reason I couldn't start using pyromancy later in the game? I'm in the crystal cave.

    submitted by /u/wapple41
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    Praise the Moon!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    My first playthrough of Dark Souls compiled into screenshots

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    Hello, everyone.

    I made a video compiling some screenshots from my first Dark Souls playthrough.

    I was a bit afraid to share it but here it goes. Maybe someone will enjoy it.

    And please be gentle. I poured lots of love into it.


    submitted by /u/Akelov
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    One of my favourite things about a Souls Game, is the second playthrough

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Yes, the first play through can be a ton of fun, frustrating, etc., but after you beat the game and decide to do another run (Not NG+), you realize how well balanced the games are. You can start to clear house, where you originally struggled in those areas. Also, I feel guilt free, for looking up 'best X builds', or 'best weapon', etc.

    My first playthrough of DS1, BB, and Demon's Souls was great, but the second? Shiiiiiittttttt, pump that into my veins. What say you, chosen undead?

    submitted by /u/Crybe
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    Nothing works? Black knight is impossible and I’m bad.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    I made it to the lower undead burg but I went back for that black knight by the armor pig. Nothing works. I can't backstab him, tried so many times. I've tried every direction of dodging. I've tried parrying. I can't time anything. I basically end up taking a massive blow and never have a chance to recover because he closes ground so fast. I get that I'm really really bad at the game but this is the first boss where I've felt like my attempts teach me nothing and I get purely frustrated.

    submitted by /u/suprstr8livesmatter
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    What are the worst Dark Souls Let's Plays?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    Just finished binging DSPs abysmal attempts to play the games and I need more entertainment along the same lines. Can be any of the soulsborne, but the worse the player is, and the more salty they get, the better.

    submitted by /u/Orange_Snek
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    Your Favourite Parts of Dark Souls (A Survey)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    https://forms.gle/KnLmXSmCWktRojcR9 (No personal information is being recording)

    Hi, this is a survey (for a uni assignment) that is trying to find out why people play the Dark Souls games, by asking what your 3 favourite game-play elements are. The Questions will be multiple choice followed by a short answer on why it is your favourite.

    If you have any feedback please leave them in the comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this and do the survey if you did. Sorry for any formatting issues this is my first post to reddit :).

    submitted by /u/Boouuurns
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    Painted world files where?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 01:45 AM PDT

    Trying to find the painted world's (painting image) files to mod them and put there other images. Please help!

    submitted by /u/ZeroSenpai99
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    Bloodborne made me love this game.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    So I first tried Dark Souls in maybe 2014? And I just couldn't get into it no matter how hard I tried. As soon as I got my shield at the asylum, I was behind that bitch for the rest of my time playing. It turned into Ocarina of Time combat, where you hide behind your shield until the enemy attacks it, then attack back, rinse and repeat. I don't remember exactly how far I made it, but I know I never rang the first bell.

    Fast forward to a couple years ago, Bloodborne was free on PSN. I saved it to my library, but it was only last year that I really tried it out, and wow that game sucked me in. The enemies in it really incentivized me to play aggressively and stay in close, instead of running away and waiting for an opening. Not to mention, it was one of the first games I played where it doesn't treat you like an idiot and lets you figure things out on your own, especially the story. Took me maybe 3-4 months to finally get through it, DLC and all, but then I had an addiction to fix..

    Almost immediately after finishing Bloodborne, I stepped back into Lordran and I was amazed at how much more fun I had this time around. Instead of hiding and waiting, I found myself making openings for myself and just overall playing more aggressively. I ripped through the game in a month and linked the fire in the end, not realizing I just got played, hard. A friend hinted that there may or may not be another serpent in the abyss if you don't deal with Frampt and that there's was more at play than I realized.. That was enough for me. I hopped straight back into NG+ and became the Dark Lord. It was all right in front of me the whole time, but I had believed the subtle lies the characters in game tell, and Im just in awe at how cleverly the story was presented. This game is a masterpiece.

    Anyway, I'm about to start Dark Souls 2.. wish me luck lol

    submitted by /u/DoubleABatterys
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    Just beat all soulsborne games

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    Recently I went on a soulsbourne binge and beat all of them now I'm not sure what to play after completing them. I'm afraid every game from now on that I pick up will disappoint because soulsborne games were so good

    submitted by /u/plataneco
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    I've finally done it... I've platinumed Dark Souls 1. Now for 2...

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    After several days of dying in Ng+ and Ng+ 2 I've finally gotten the platinum trophy. I'm done with DS1 for now. I've already platinumed DS3 so now it's time for 2

    submitted by /u/Environmental-Box608
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    This damn game

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    So I have played and beaten every soulsborne game (ds2, ds3, bloodborne, not sekiro that game kicks my ass) multiple times and for some reason I cannot beat ds1 for the life of me. I think I often spec wrong and/or don't upgrade what I need to in order to get sweet ass boss weapons which, while not essential to win, is generally why I enjoy the games. On top of that I think the areas in the game are a fucking absolute drag, every time I start a new run I just dread certain areas (looking at you new londo tomb of the giants). Not really asking for advice just wondering if anyone else has had this experience with this game. Also I don't hate or think that it's a necessarily bad game I just have an odd relationship with it.

    submitted by /u/Hour-Natural-2290
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    Is there another way to farm souls?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:51 PM PDT

    Except the bridge where dragon is. I go there most of the times to farm. But I was wondering if there is another place to farm. I'm really low on upgrade and need some souls.

    I'm in sen's fortress right now.

    submitted by /u/GreasyGoose13
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