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    Wednesday, July 7, 2021

    Dark Souls Off my chest about gamers and the community

    Dark Souls Off my chest about gamers and the community

    Off my chest about gamers and the community

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    I was moved by a post on r/all, and I just wanted to tell you guys that every single person I have met online in the last ten years, in DS1, 2, 3, and Bloodborne has been such great people! Never have I been insulted (heard a few quips though), and everybody have been so polite!

    What resonated so much with me about that post is that I've been invited to stay with a friend and his wife until I find a job and a place to stay. This is incredibly generous! Not only because being welcomed into someone's house is very friendly, but we're talking different continents. Europe and USA.

    Being friends online is real. I'm grateful to all of you I've co-oped or PVP'd with, and I just love the friendship. Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/OktoberStorm
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    FINALLY! Just defeated Ornstein and Smough in NG+ which was basically my first proper go as I summoned in the first playthrough

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:21 AM PDT

    I know it's not an amazing feat or anything but I thought I would never do finish this fight. The temptation to summon again was starting to rear it's head but after 50+ tries -- at least that's what it felt like -- and after quite a few ragequits I finally did it! "Defeating" them (more like bypassing them) with a summon felt like I'd cheated basically and you only really feel disappointment so I'm glad to have done it properly, in NG+ no less. I thought I was screwed as I'm a pure STR build really and the only upgraded weapons I have are big slow weapons, but I just had to be extremely patient for good attack windows. I ended up targetting Smough first because he hits so hard and has less health. Anyway I'm just pretty happy I did it properly as I thought I would never do it and could have ended up summoning again

    submitted by /u/Interesting-Light-13
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    My sister just told me that "praise the sun" is a yoga position

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    Im afraid and i'm feared

    submitted by /u/ReDeiRettiliani
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    If you could be any species from Dark souls, what would it be?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Quick note it doesn't have to be in the world of Dark Souls you could also imagine being it on earth.

    Now personally I think I would choose to be one of the dragon species from the time of ancients (Not the wallmart dragons which go down with a few sword strikes).

    I would be immortall almost nothing can penetrate my stony scales. And lastly I wouldn't need a catelyst to cast sorceries (my favorite play style). Also the fire breath is neat, and if I end up biting more than I can chew I could attempt to fly away and flee.

    Now ofcourse the downside would be that you're pretty big so it will be difficult to hide. Furthermore if I'm in the time of dark souls 1 I would be hunted by Gwynn. However the Dragon in Ash Lake was able to hide there from Gwynn. Right in Lordran so I probably could hide in other lands.

    What would you want to be?

    submitted by /u/wobsbobs
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    i was today days old when

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    i learned blighttown is actually under the free sky. been there many many times and didn't doubt that i'm deep down under the earth. wouldn't lie but the whole place seemed brighter as if i switched my tv settings. well more space to PRAISE THE SUN amirite?

    submitted by /u/Flyga64
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    I'm lost where to go now, can someone give me an idea where to go?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    So I just went through and rung the bell in the undead burg, but now I'm very confused where I should continue on into and what areas I should go first, should I go to the new londo ruins or continue to the other areas near the undead burg?

    submitted by /u/mq44475
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    Is there a way to export the 3D models from DS Remastered?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:20 AM PDT

    I have found a way to do it with PTDE but not for Remastered

    submitted by /u/lxurin_hei
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    Dragonslayer Ornstein Cosplay: Day 2

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    I decided to skip the detailing and getting the major pieces of the Dragonslayer Ornstein Armor done first, so here is his helmet that I made in just under 3 hours. It's a rough helmet, but when I add more details, the paint, and plume, I'm sure it'll look better.

    Dragonslayer Ornstein Cosplay: Day 2

    submitted by /u/Neuro_Fox
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    Doing my first sl1, why the hell is the giant blacksmith hammer so good

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    And why do I gotta kill my buddy for it, seriously it still hurts

    submitted by /u/Choco_cookiez
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    As a Dark Souls fan, where should I start with Berserk?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    I'm a huge fan of Dark Souls, and I've seen a lot of comparisons between it and Berserk here, and in other places. I wanted to get into the story of Berserk, but I'm a little unsure where to start. I know there's a bunch of anime, both shows and movies, adapting various arcs from Miura's series, but I don't really have an idea if any of them are a good place to start.

    Does anyone have a recommendation for what I should start with? I'm inclined to "begin at the beginning," but I'm wondering if maybe I should start with one of the shows first to get a feel for it? I'd love to hear from people in this community specifically, because you guys are why I want to check out Berserk.

    submitted by /u/LoremasterKahn
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    Noob player in Dark Souls

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:39 AM PDT

    good morning, first i wanted to say i'm new to the souls series, i played when it came out but soon i dropped it and now i'm coming back. does anyone have tips on how to build the paladin on DS 1 remastered, I would like it very much if it were focused on pve since I don't know how to play pvp and I don't care too much. Thanks

    submitted by /u/phenomorion
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    Murakuma+15 currently does 420 damage to the undead weeping outside New Londo.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    I keep 69 bones too.

    submitted by /u/idonnaknow
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    Should I even be proud of this?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    So I got bored making builds in DS3 and killed the first boss as a warrior with the shield, because why not? And that gave me an idea

    Well I decided to start a shield only run in DS:R without any guides at all to give myself something to do. Because that's exactly what sane people do. I managed to kill Asylum Demon first try with the pyromancer starting shield doing an earth shattering 13hp per 2HR1. I know it's not exactly like killing it with a broken sword or fists, but I'm just counting my small victories where I can

    Sooo I dunno, I just kind of felt like sharing this because I thought it was neat and had no one else to share it with

    submitted by /u/Lunaire_of_Astora
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    Best areas to invade?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    Just recently started getting into PVP and covenants after several strictly PVE playthroughs, but it seems like it takes forever to find someone to invade. I'm on Xbox, my friend on PS4 seemed to have shorter wait times. Is the Xbox community just less active than PS? Or was the fact that it was 2-5am a big factor? Anyway, any tips on how to engage in as much PVP mayhem as possible will be greatly appreciated.

    Side note: I'm currently a Darkwraith using the Red Eye Orb.

    submitted by /u/Fuzzball15
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    I got dark souls ��

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    Can't wait to play after download 🤪🤪🤪😜🤨🧐🤨😛😍🤨😂🤣😂😂😋😋🥰😂

    submitted by /u/Zeppelinincolor
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    What happened to the light soul, death soul, and life soul after their bearers were killed? Does the world even need them?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    Anybody know the height of the Giant Blacksmith in Anor Londo?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    I'm no good at pixel measurements or anything like that, just super curious

    submitted by /u/Purelyawesome7
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    If you had one month of free time and had never played one, what order would you play soulsbornekiro?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    I get addicted to videogames very easily so I've been an absolute peasant of a gamer for most of my adult life and haven't owned a 'real' console since the PS2 like 15 years ago.

    I got a switch to get me through surgery recovery a few years ago (best guilt free gaming you will ever experience btw) and stumbled upon dark souls after hearing about the difficulty. Being a masochist and an old school NES gamer I obviously fell in love and have looked forward to the day when I'll get to play the rest.

    That day has come, I've been following the elden ring reddit for a while which got me super hyped on all things miyazaki. I'm also travelling to the US for 3 months for work in August. So I decided fuck it, I'm gonna be financially irresponsible and buy a ps5 and drop out of life until I go away to COVID central and just be an absolute hedonist.

    My choices are:

    Demon souls remake (the OG)

    Sekiro (fast paced, hard AF?)

    Dark souls 3 (finish the trilogy)

    Bloodborne (I know very little about it other than it gets called the best most often)

    I won't have time to do them all unfortunately, all run-throughs will be blind.

    Also I already beat DS2 on a ghetto ass mac running bootcamp - wasn't the greatest experience lol.

    submitted by /u/ApeMummy
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    I finished my first run a few days ago and wrote a review in /r/patientgamers

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:14 AM PDT

    Crossposting is not allowed so here is the link. I debated whether to copy-paste it here, but it was written for /r/patientgamers where my assumption is that not everyone knows the game, so it will just be weird to paste it as is in this sub.

    submitted by /u/Known-Bite
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    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    Idk if it's an NPC or an actual dude, but…thank you. Just thank you. Bye bye Farley and Spade

    submitted by /u/nevalost20
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    Is the blacksmith of Dark Souls 3 Andre?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    I started playing Dark Souls 3 and spotted a blacksmith. He looks and sounds just like Andre of Astora from Dark Souls 1. Is it him?

    submitted by /u/RaccoonRac
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    Please help!!! Im stuck at Steves house!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    How do i kill Steve the scaleless. I want to progress

    submitted by /u/unsolvablequestion
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    I'm trying to put this f****** dog down

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    Is anyone online interested in a game, I'm tryin to beat sif, I'm level 42, and I cant seem to do it. Please someone help me put down this dog!!!

    submitted by /u/smokatronic9k
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    Instant regret after turning +10 great club into Smoughs Hammer.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    This thing sucks, a hilariously massive thing like that should do way more damage and it only has D strength scaling. It's like buyers remorse, why didn't I check it's stats on the wiki

    submitted by /u/Interesting-Light-13
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