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    Dark Souls Im the stupidest girl alive

    Dark Souls Im the stupidest girl alive

    Im the stupidest girl alive

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    Everyone told me this game was super hard. So, when I started, I was not surprised to find those skeletons in the graveyard. I got my ass kicked a lot, but I figured hey, the game is supposed to be hard. I eventually killed one and almost killed the other-- took about two hours or so of practice to get it juuuust right-- then I died and they both respawned and I was like ok maybe this isnt right. I googled it and sure enough, someone said nah, skip those skeletons-- take the stairs near Firelink Shrine.

    So, naturally, I went to New Londo Ruins. I couldnt see, I couldnt even hit anything. I tried to sneak a couple times, which obviously didnt work. I tried just... sprinting. Just running for it lol.

    After a little over an hour, I decided to make sure I had read the post right. Then I learned about Undead Burg. I had been playing for about 4 hours at this point?

    Undead Burg was like heaven, man. Beautiful, beautiful heaven full of little guys that couldnt one shot you. I had a great time. Taurus demon was fun, killed him on the second go. Just loving it. All smooth sailing until I got to the Red Dragon. I mean I figured out pretty quickly I didnt stand a chance, but I must have tried like 10 times or so to fight it before I wised up, and each time I spawned back in Undead Burg and had to fight my way back...

    So, basically by the time I hit the Gargoyle I was level 23 and I saw a sign to summon somebody and I didnt know what that meant so I was like okay sure. We killed it in like... maybe 2 minutes lol. And the second one too! I didnt even get a chance to hit that one. :/

    Tbh the first fight really set the stage for this kind of play. Im a thief and I didnt realize you could just run away... So I just slashed at that fat fuck demon with my little broken sword. I had the bombs but I didnt wanna waste them. So I just grinded man. I think that one fight alone probably took a good 20 minutes, and that was just the time that I ended up actually winning.

    I just rang the 1st bell, about 11 hours into my game. Then I started doing a little run through the catacombs afterwards because I couldnt figure out where to go next. Im level 24 now and it felt pretty difficult. Also I have no light source so I kept running into the abyss. But I figured hey man... its a tough game or whatever. And its easier than New Londo Ruins, so it must be the right way! And well. Now I am posting, so you probably know how that turned out.

    Im trying my best to not look stuff up, because people say not to. But honestly? Im just really fucking stupid.

    I dont know if this game was made for people like me that are perfectly content with just hitting their skull into the wall over and over until the brick crumbles, but I guess theyre gonna be because I like the whole fever dream ambiance and I dont want to ruin it with something as gauche as a wiki article. I am concerned I am overleveling and will ruin future boss battles, like I accidentally did for the gargoyles (very bummed about that, I was looking forward to them). But Im sure it evens out later on.

    Anyway I just wanted to tell someone about it. Please dont be mean to me lol.

    submitted by /u/arthouse2k2k
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    Can we just ban the "is Dark Souls Remastered still worth playing?" threads?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    It's gotta be 25% of the posts on here. The same question, day in and day out, over and over again.

    submitted by /u/Mettelor
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    My friend who's just started playing DKS 1 thinks he can do a deathless run.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    This man refuses to listen to reason. Every time he dies he starts a new character. I mean, if he wants to do it that way, then he can, but it's gonna suck when he makes it to Anor Londo and gets shot off of a cliff.

    Edit: I'll post updates with his attempts as they happen. Stay tuned, lol

    Update: Quelaag got him. Still starting with a new character every time. I showed him this comment section and now he's even more determined

    Update 2: he literally created a Twitch account for this: twitch.tv/drak_soul_bruh

    Btw, my and my friends have been coaching him through the earlier areas and telling him some strats that we know (drake sword, Taurus demon kill, etc.) but if he ever manages to kill Quelaag, I say we let him go through the game as blind as possible. Be more fun that way.

    submitted by /u/haha_what_a_username
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    Why is this community so nice?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    Its really heart warming. I hop on other gaming subreddits and theres a lot of flak and hate, but here in the most unforgiving series out there you guys are all so helpful and kind. What gives?

    submitted by /u/Animal-Inztinctz
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    Just beat Ornstein and Smough for the first time without a shield!!

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    Hi, everyone. I am a newcomer to the Souls games with Dark Souls being my first one. I am not good at third-person fighting games with 2D platformers being more up my alley. So, expectedly I am not amazingly good at Dark Souls either. But I have been getting by just fine without having to grind for souls or anything. The game felt challenging but never unfair. That is, up until the fight with Ornstein and Smough.

    Over the course of the last two days, I must have died over 30 times to them, barely taking half of either's health bar at best in each fight. After a point, I just started feeling so anxious at the very thought of walking through the fog into that room that I would just put up my shield, hide behind a pillar and hope for the best. When my health bar would get too low, I would frantically run around in a panic and eventually end up getting hit by Ornstein's dash attack. Earlier today, I realized that I was just not having fun. The game started feeling like a chore instead of the rewarding experience it had been until now. That's when I decided to throw all caution to the wind and did the one thing I had been too afraid to try.

    I unequipped my shield.

    I two-handed my sword and went into the fight with the intention of not surviving it but beating it! I faced both of my opponents for a change. I looked to dodge and track their moves. I looked for openings and was very very patient. And in only three more attempts, I beat them!!

    It felt almost euphoric. Like an achievement that had been truly earned. It was a special moment that I am sure I will remember fondly for a long time to come. So, I just wanted to share that.

    Thank you for reading :)

    submitted by /u/Hornetisbae
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    Would you want to have the undead curse?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    I think it's best if we list some disadvanteges and advanteges first

    Let's begin with advanteges

    1. You're immortall.
    2. If killed you will just get back up.
    3. You have an estus flask.
    4. (Dark souls 3 only) You have an ashen estus flask.
    5. You can absorb the souls of the dead, to become stronger, faster and smarter.


    1. If you die you will look like a corpse unless you regain you're humanity.
    2. If you keep dying you will become a insane zombie if you can't reclaim your humanity.
    3. You most likely don't derive pleasure from most foods and drinks. As the siegbrau states that it is a drink even the undead can enjoy.

    I think the advanteges outweigh the disadvanteges.

    submitted by /u/wobsbobs
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    I just got an invasion on the xbox 360 dark souls version

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    300+ hours into this game and this is like my 2nd invasion ever apart from my first playthrough. The other guy was excited as well!

    submitted by /u/Sandbax_
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    A list on bosses who were only killed in benefit of the player and get no consideration from anyone

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    1. Asylum demon: Hes doing his job and thats all, he literally is just protecting lordran from getting infested of hollows and shit, proof? When you return, there are hollows on their way to escape and cause havoc, hence the black knights to keep them at bay.
    2. Stray Demon: You just fucking broke into his house, took the roof down, infest it with filthy hollows and kill him, how rude.
    3. Priscilla: Shes just sittin there and you commit genocide on her people and slit her throat lmao
    4. Sif: Protecting his master's grave from robert and fame seekers who want some treasure to sell
    5. Both Capra and Taurus demons: Are optional, and are there to "protect" the zones from hollows (see vaati vidya lore videos for more info)
    6. Queelag: Is just there to feed her DYING sister (who also absorbed most of the swamp infections) the souls of tresspasers, and why the hell would they come down there anyways?
    7. Gargolyes: Doing their job, protecting the chapel from curious idiots and vandals, the reason the velka guy got to pass was because the gargoyles where still there, until they fucking died.
    8. Ceasless Discharge: A gigant kid whose wounds got infected by the lava, and unable to die from them only found comfort on her dead sisters clothes, which you steal (hence he gets angry and tries to smash your head).
    9. Moonlight butterfly: Just vibing, you get into her eating zone, she pissed, you smash her head into a mush for existing, and also optional.
    10. Iron Golem: Dosen't have even feelings, his only purpose is to protect the city of the gods from assholes who would being hell over earth, and you kill him, not only making his only purpose go to shit, but also letting others pass
    11. Gaping Dragon: Also vibing by his own, until you appear and electrify his ass into assh (optional)
    12. O&S: They live fooled by the ilusion of Gwyndolin, protecting what they think is real, and the only purpose why they keep living or even exist is false, and you not only kill them, but the illusion they protected, shitting on their fading souls.
    13. Pinwheel: Eternally suffering, searching a way to revive his family, unable to and forever tied to them, forever cursed. You monster killed him and his family (pinwheel is also the kid and wife).
    14. Gwyndolin: Kind of an asshole for the whole illusion thing, but not only he is a femboy, he also does this because he never felt the love of gwyn, his father, or gwyndolin, his sister who he apreciated most

    End of the post, if you wanna add more, do it

    submitted by /u/Doesenju
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    Am I very lucky or are vagrants getting more and more commons?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 05:48 PM PDT

    I mean, I've just got my third in less than a week. And it previously took me almost ten years to find my first one...

    submitted by /u/kedino
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    Playing through NG+ made me realize just how good the Zweihander is

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    In my NG playthrough, the Zweihander was my primary weapon and carried me through the game. I didn't realize it at the time, but the ability to stun-lock certain bosses made all the difference in making certain fights a lot easier.

    Halfway through NG+, I decided to switch to the Great Scythe. It's a fun weapon and it's wide heavy attack makes it great for attacking from a safe distance. However, I noticed a marked difference in a couple boss fights using the Great Scythe.

    The first was the Artorias fight. The Zweihander has the ability to interrupt his power up/AOE attack. I didn't realize how critical this was until trying this fight with the scythe. While I could easily hold my own in the early portion of the fight, the moment he'd power himself up, it was basically over. After a dozen failed attempts with the scythe, switched back to the Zwei and beat him handily.

    A similar pattern happened with the final boss, Gwyn. My approach to Gwyn (both NG and NG+) was to use fast-rolling, dodge his attacks, and counter. With the scythe I was able to inflict significant damage, but couldn't quite finish. Inevitably one mistake on my part and it was over. After a dozen attempts of this, I switched back to the Zwei. The added damage output of the Zwei coupled with it's ability to temporarily stun Gwyn made a huge difference. Suddenly he was very beatable and I took him on the second fight using the Zwei.

    This experience made me realize just how powerful the Zweihander's ability to interrupt attacks and stun bosses really is. I also realized how it's possible to have a completely different experience and why some enemies are perceived as tough as they are. Without that slight advantage, certain battles are a far more challenging.

    submitted by /u/Shponglefan1
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    First ever Darksouls game, some questions.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    Hey I've started playing Darksouls for the first time ever, always wanted to but never got round to it. I want to start by saying it is amazing and I'm pissed I didn't start sooner! I've kinda been naughty and went and got myself the gravelord sword at the start along with the dark Knight sword and halberd. Anyway I've got my strength up to 20 so I can use the dark Knight sword and two hand the gravelord. Having fun so far getting killed once I'm nice and far past my current bonfire! I have a couple of questions I hope you lovely people can help me with please?

    I seem to never be able to get a back stab when using the above weapon only when I have a smaller one handed sword, is this right or am I doing something wrong?

    Is there meant to be a lack of any real direction to the game? Like I feel like I'm going in the right direction then there's like 3 different paths to go down so I'm just kinda guessing and killing things on the way at this point?

    Do enemies scale with your level? I've kinda leveled a fair bit as am too scared to carry too many souls on me just I've seen a few things saying not to level too early?

    submitted by /u/Maleficent_Owl_6347
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    Can dark souls 1 (PtD edition or Remastered) run on windows 98?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 07:07 AM PDT

    Weird question, but i couldn't find a straight answer anywhere.

    And yes I know it sounds horrible, but i have my reasons.

    submitted by /u/AirforkOne
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    Is Dark Souls 2 worth playing?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    I'm a newcomer to the Dark Souls series and, I picked 1 and 3 on steam but not 2 due to the criticism it receives on the internet. Dark Souls 2 usually gets the most criticism out of the 3 games, but is the criticism justified or not?

    submitted by /u/disjointedredditor
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    Starting playing dark souls a few days ago.. I'm completely hooked.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2021 07:19 PM PDT

    I am a 20F who really has only played cozy games before (i.e. Stardew valley, animal crossing) aside from some cod and GTA back in the day. My roommate thought it'd be funny to have me try out dark souls, and he only told me that I had to finish the tutorial (he considered this fighting the first boss).

    I managed to take that guy on after a couple deaths, and then I just kept playing. I'm now completely obsessed with the game. It's so much more difficult and intense than any other game I've played before. I was super shit at the beginning, and the mechanics were so hard to get used to, but it's so rewarding being able to easily kill dudes that I had no idea how to fight earlier in the game.

    It's literally only been 3 days and I've already killed the stray demon, gargoyles, Taurus demon, the butterfly, some hydras, quelaag, ceaseless discharge, sif (very sad), pinwheel, and the iron golem. For the most part, I didn't have much trouble with these guys, aside from the gargoyles at first and quelaag. For some reason she took me like 20 attempts.

    This game is so frustrating but so fun at the same time. I'm just waiting for it to get harder and harder (o&s cough cough) until I actually get rage-y enough to put the game down for a few days/weeks/months.

    tldr; i usually don't play video games but now I'm obsessed with dark souls. That's all

    submitted by /u/lyridd
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    Some grumbling about a griefer determined to fuck up my whole playthrough

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    Inb4 "git gud" or "you should have seen this coming" I know I'm not very skilled and I dont watch dark souls pvp videos so I don't know if this is a common thing.

    I'm trying to get a character ranked in warriors of sunlight in ds1 remastered. Simultaneously, I'm saving up my humanity to donate to a buddy who's playing for the first time so they can consistently summon me. I wanted to summon solaire for every fight I could for the sunlight medals, but he only survives to the boss door if all the enemies in the hallway where you summon him are dead (at least when I tried it each time).

    So, I'd have to unhollow, run to the room, kill all the enemies, and then summon solaire and get to the fight. I pulled this off just once and got very close to beating super ornstein before slipping up. But the next 5 or so times I tried, I got invaded by the same person with a brony username that would shoot at me with a greatbow from the boss stairs and deftly backstab me if I did any animation other than a sprint near them. No matter how fast I tried to beat the enemies, they or the brony would kick my ass before I was close to summoning solly again.

    He must have hacked time or something in order to know I was trying to get to him, since on his final invasion he completely baited me into the bonfire room, baited me into hitting solaire while aiming for him, and then shut the door.

    Then I dropped my controller and went to work. Havent played since.

    It's been three days and I'm still miffed

    submitted by /u/Deetee-Senpai
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    Dark Souls info/theory dumping thread, whats your best useless info or most convoluted theory?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    Im bored so yeah, put whatever you want in the comments

    submitted by /u/Doesenju
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    Anor Lando - Invaded to death

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    I beat DS3 recently (my first souls game) and wanted to go back to DSR to get a feel for the lore. I reached Anor Londo (beautiful place, like it much better on DSR than on DS3). I made it to the first bonfire in the actual castle with no trouble at all. Then I started getting invaded.

    I died, no big deal, "get good" right? I head out again… I get invaded again. I die, damn I'm so bad at pvp. But whatever, press on.

    I get invaded a third time right before the damn boss, with the giants out there and still alive. I die again.

    I'm a little frustrated at this point, but whatever. I start at the darkmoon chamber and I work my way up… I get invaded again. Wtf!

    I wouldn't be as mad as I am if the dark spirits would have bowed or did some decor-am before we started fighting.

    I beat O and S first try with Solaire. I never had such a hard time finishing off an area in DS3.

    submitted by /u/BdonLangs
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    Is the Black Knight Halberd good enough to get me through the rest of the game?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    I just killed seath and have the BKH +5. Will I need to get a new weapon at some point or should I just focus on armor now?

    submitted by /u/wettednoodle
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    Is the pyromancy flame a item or summoned from the player?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    So I was curious is the pyromancy flame something that is an item like a staff or a talisman? Or do you summon it forth, from within yourself?

    The item description doesn't really say.

    Most likely you summon it rather then equip it. Since hoe would you store a flame? Second your equip load doesn't increase, yes it's a flame so it probably wouldn't weigh anything but still.

    So what is it?

    submitted by /u/wobsbobs
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    What did Gwendolyn mean by the curse?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    Was he cursing the player in real life? Or just the player character? Is there any way to lift this curse?

    submitted by /u/Ok47382828
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    Beat Artorias After 10 Tries

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    Yes let's go I feel so happy this event literally changed my life I can feel my spirit slowly ascend one step closer to God.

    In all seriousness though, it's a fun fight. I was fighting him using the Cursed Greatsword Of Artorias +4, and wondering why 2/3s of the time he was able to land a counter attack on me after my swing. Then I realized that I was pretty stupid for not 2-handing my weapon. Absolutely shredded him after that. Kinda wanna face him again.

    submitted by /u/chinese_quality_user
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    How to turn birdge to get Tranquil Walk of Peace miracle

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get twop miracle but every video I watch this bridge is turned. How do I get past it? https://imgur.com/a/u2BQ3q4

    submitted by /u/DecoyOctopus7
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    Do you think hollows permantly die?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    Personally I don't I believe it works like this.

    When first turn hollow you will become what I'll call an impure hollow. In this state if you are killed you die forever, hence why NPC's like Siegmyer or Anri and Horiss die permantly.

    Then after some time passes you become what I call a pure hollow. In this state you cannot die you will revive again and again. Hence why the regular enemies keep respawning.

    submitted by /u/wobsbobs
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    tips for not missing the story/lore?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    I recently started playing dark souls 1, I know this question might be stupid, but is there anything that I can do to be able to understand the story?

    submitted by /u/some-_-onelse
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    (Switch ver)monster themed fight club??

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Was planning on doing an egg head build and thought it would be fun if we made use of ds1's tons of monster heads! Maybe someone with bloated head and someone else cosplay as a dragon XD,we could do pve or pvp

    submitted by /u/l---__--l
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