• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 15, 2021

    Dark Souls I didn't realize there was a lock on feature until after the fight against Orstein and Smaugh.

    Dark Souls I didn't realize there was a lock on feature until after the fight against Orstein and Smaugh.

    I didn't realize there was a lock on feature until after the fight against Orstein and Smaugh.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    fml this game was super hard before I found that out.

    submitted by /u/-Rhade-
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    I’m stuck on the Capra demon any tips

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    So I've been trying and trying I just can't kill him

    (Edit thank you all for the help)

    submitted by /u/Soulnightofeden
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    Anyone feel like Sen's should have more shortcuts?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    My second favourite area but seriously. The bonfire placement is spaced out and fine but only one shortcut which is right at the end?

    edit: Not sure why this is getting upvotes if everyone disagrees but ok lol

    submitted by /u/okdude23232
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    The WORST of the WORST situation

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    I ran out of humanity, I am underleveled, and I am at the bonfire outside the O&S boss room. There is no going back. There is no going forward. There is no escape. There is no hope. Hollowing is imminent.

    submitted by /u/genosoul
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    How did you understand Dark Souls? How did you make sense of the story (the game's, or your own) ?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm from Belgium, currently studying media education and literacy. I'm writing my Master's thesis, which is an analysis of Dark Souls' storytelling, or how video games can convey a story, or let a player experience one, in a different manner. I'm trying to come up with a tool that might help "read" a game. For now, that tool will be soulslike oriented. So, my question to you guys is in the title. How did you make sense of Dark Souls' story? What tools did you use, ingame or out of it, to understand, and to live a story that's your own? No answer is wrong, but I'd like you to develop a bit, if you have the time. It can be about any of the Souls, preferably 1 and 3, but all other From Software games are welcome.

    Thanks a lot for your help, and OHHHHH january is so far away.

    EDIT : to make things clear, I know most of us use VaatiVidya. That's a fair answer. But as I said earlier, please develop if you have the time. HOW do you make sens of it using Vaati? Do you just go through the game without understanding, then use Vaati to learn things afterwards? I'd like more details. Thanks ! <3

    PS: this was supposed to be a crosspost with Elden Ring, but I can't seem to crosspost to this subreddit. So if you've already responded to the post there, no need to do it again here. Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Neyvermore
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    Beat Capra 1st try!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    My first play through of ds1 (been amazing btw) and was worried about this one but just managed to get extremely lucky and do him first time. Praise the halberd I guess

    submitted by /u/greenbrad_
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    Saving Solaire without killing Centipede Demon?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 05:14 AM PDT


    Currently on a play-through to complete as many NPC quest-lines. I'm nearing the end of my play-through having left Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith to last. I have defeated the Demon Firesage and opened the Chaos Covenant shortcut, while also killing the bugs and obtaining the sunlight maggot. However, I have already ventured into Lost Izalith using the shortcut, already saving Siegemeyer from the chaos eaters. But, I have realized that I've missed the centipede demon and the lasagna lake.

    Is it best to kill the Centipede or can I skip it? Or is this an integral part of Solaires quest, as I know he spawns near a bonfire after the Centipede. If not, is it safe to just kill the Bed of Chaos and hope he spawns depressed in the shortcut?

    submitted by /u/TA8931241
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    Dark Souls Youtube Series

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I recently began doing Youtube with a Dark Souls series and I've been reluctant to post the link here since it may seem wrong but I figured it's worth a shot because maybe some of you may enjoy the videos. Here's the link, just reading this is greatly appreciated!


    submitted by /u/UpperDistress32
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    Beat ornstein and smough on my first ever attempt

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 10:39 PM PDT

    Played ds3 and sekiro prior tho, so I'm not completely new. Sry 2 flex

    submitted by /u/astrumus
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    I am new to the dark souls series, what is the best dark souls game to get in first

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    What dark souls game is the most beginner friendly?

    submitted by /u/MonitorProud
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    Fashion souls for knight mages

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 04:12 AM PDT

    So I'm doing a hybrid build between knight and mage and i I'm looking for cool armor for that build

    submitted by /u/SnooShortcuts4966
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    Why is the giant dad costume so popular? I have seen many videos and i dont understand the purpose

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    What to get my best friend?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    I am wondering if there is anything I could get my best friends as a gift for standing with me for my wedding. He is a bid Dark Souls fan, and we have fond memories of playing in the barracks and having some drinks. I've been looking for maybe a figure but can't seem to find anything that isn't $800+. What would a die-hard, who dies all the time, loves to hate the part about dying, fan of Dark Souls like to get as a gift?

    submitted by /u/L4t3r41u5
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    An ode to Dark Souls

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    I felt the need to write this after my most recent playthrough...

    ... Why did I just spend 3 days replaying dark souls? At no point in the game did I start having fun. I start the game and think oh this is cute, killing the lil skellies in the burg and then I get fucked up by the Taurus demon and remember oh yeah, this game fucking sucks. But do I stop playing? No, because I'm a dumbfuck. Then I have to beat a flamethrowing garg while ANOTHER garg beats me with an axe, and when I beat them I feel no satisfaction. Instead I think great, now I have to go do the next shit.

    So I make my way past the 3 shreks guarding blighttown and think oh great, my least favorite part of the game. I get to roll through the poison shit on my way to fight a spider waifu that's inevitably going to fuck me up. So after an afternoon of rolling through poison getting boulders tossed at me by Shrek, I finally beat quelagg and again, derive no joy from this success. Instead I feel more dread knowing that I have to go through my least favorite part of the game, sens bouncy house from hell, fighting snakes and platforming physics at the same time.

    After getting crushed by boulders and the iron giants feet, oh boy! The game is actually starting! But do I feel good about this? No. Instead I get to dance on a series of tight ropes while getting pelted with knives thrown by ninjas from all four sides of me. That's fun. And when that's done, sweet! I have now earned the right to get knocked off of a bridge upwards of 17,748 times by two knights with big ass bow n arrows, for fuck knows why. Once I get past them, I finally made it to my least favorite part of the game, the fight against Spongebob and Patrick. The tricky part about fighting Drake and Josh is that Drake is always up your ass with a lightning bolt and Josh always hides juuuust outside of the camera with a big ass hammer that looks like the DK jungle beats drum set that you rented from blockbuster video in 2004. Once Bob the tomato and Larry the cucumber are finally dead and you glance at some stripper tiddies, the game finally opens up. And I finally have access to my least favorite part of the game, lost izalith. Multiple hours of fighting through multiple copies of bosses I already beat earlier as well as flame spitting chicken mcnuggets, it's time for my least favorite part of the game, the fight against the bed of bullshit. Words cannot express how much I love rolling into the depths of hell 14 times in a row because a big ass tree knocks me off the path of landing on the XS sized limb located where the beds penis should be. Oh boy, now I get to keep playing. For what reason? I don't have one, because this game fucking sucks and i haven't had fun once yet.

    I know what would be fun, my favorite part of the game, the pitch black void filled with skellies, wheels, and skellies in wheels? For some buttfuck reason? Yeah that's fun. You know what's more fun, is the same skellies except now they're dogs and the inflict damage about 5x as much. Then I get to drop into a big ass hole, RIP one estus flask, to fight the grim reaper from family guy and his crew of bleeding inflicting asshole boys. At least now that thats over, I get to go over to the other side of the world to go into MORE pitch black, except this time I have to kill a dog beforehand just to make me feel like an asshole. Once I put the wolf down and steal his jewelry I get to run through enemies that I cannot damage, because what quality game doesn't fill an area with those (???) and do my best Donald Trump impression to drain the swamp and jump into a hole to fight four dudes whose attack range is somewhere around... infinity? At least after that I get to go through a blind dragons library, which he needs for who the fuck knows why??? Cause he's blind???

    So I get to fight two armored boars by sotomizing them with a sword so that I earn the privilege of getting ganked by a bunch of methheads and level 7 golems from clash of clans. Then I get to platform through an area where the platforms are INVISIBLE??? Who the fuck had that idea??? HH Holmes??? Which sadistic fucker suggested that, and who the fuck in that meeting room approved that idea? I just need to talk to them. Then I get to fight a slut-shamed dragon in his slut caves, as well as seven copies of that clam that spongebob adopted in that one episode. Phew, now I get to take the world's longest walk to a final boss that doesn't even feel special, because I've seen it all about 15 times already throughout this game. What is a flaming swordsman going to do to my mental state that an invisible bridge didn't already do?

    So I kill firelord Ozai just so I can take his place so that we get to do all this bullshit all over again??? Wow what a game. At no point did I ever have fun, I just kept playing. I got home from work each day and turned on my Xbox thinking oh boy, I can't wait to not have fun for the next two hours. What a terrible experience that I recommend to absolutely everyone. I have never experienced such a piece of shit masterpiece. Fuck you dark souls, and thank you

    submitted by /u/jnb15431
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    The dukes archives / Seath the Scaleless / Dark sun Gwyndolin

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    Welcome back to my tale.

    Now continuing my quest for the lord souls I headed off to the dukes archives. I actually really enjoyed my time in here. The level design is actually very clever and the new enemies were fresh and good. My only gripe is the stupid haha april fools , Seath kills you and you can't do anything about it prank. And when you're in captivity the noise in that room was making my ears bleed. It's a pretty short area with not many things to do in it. But i killed the last mimic in my playthrough and got the mimic headpiece, so that was cool. I don't really have too much to say about the dukes archives, it's short, not too complicated and not too difficult. After finding my way out of the archives, I ventured to the crystal cave. This area is actually surprisingly short, but very weird. I never read the lore of this place so I don't exactly know why there are invisible platforms and why there are moonlight butterflies and... clams? Yeah I don't understand that part.

    I walked into the boss arena and there he was. Seath is fucking awesome looking. A crystal dragon with icy crystal breath is a great design. But after destroying the crystal it was time to fight Seath. I don't know what was going on but I just stuck to his left tentacle and all of his attacks missed. So he was already about 2/3's dead before he did damage. And when he did it was massive. But it wasn't too hard and Seath was dead pretty quick. And it was at this point, when i layed the final blow on seath, I finally felt powerful. I felt unstoppable. I was no longer intimidated. Before this point, every enemy intimidated me, every thing I fought I would be cautious and run away, but after defeating Seath something changed.

    After Seath I decided to take on Gwyndolin. I killed the illusion Gwynevere and made my way down to the tomb. Gwyndolin is... Annoying. I just want to smack him in the face with my sword but he keeps teleporting away. Anyways, his attacks are easily dodged, highly telegraphed and he takes TONS of damage. He actually killed me once because I wasn't paying attention to his bow and he flamed me. But after enough running along the tomb, I killed Gwyndolin. Now I lay rest at the bonfire in the crystal caves. Im setting my sights on the demon ruins to conquer the witch of Izalith.

    (I'll update you on my journey)

    (I promise I won't go hollow)

    submitted by /u/propagandagenx
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    Could someone help a brother out with a black knight halberd?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    I have two characters on this Xbox One is sl 300 And the one I want the halberd on I just made (sl 11)

    The lvl 300 has a couple of them but I don't have two consoles. If anyone is able to help you're welcome to anything you need from the ng+ character. I'm so over restarting over and over and not getting it lol

    To clarify I'm playing dark souls (the 360 version) on Xbox one

    submitted by /u/steve133796
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    Why do you stick with dark souls 1?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    I personally love challenges and making different weapons op, but why this game? And why not 3 or 2

    submitted by /u/GroundbreakingBag406
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    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    How can I return to the Fire Shrink after defeating Qualaag? I have ringed the bell. How to return?

    submitted by /u/Just_a_anime_fan
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    How my friend beats dark souls bosses

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    So, to preface this, my friend is naturally gifted at video games. The saying that no one is an expert at something when they start something is wrong, because my friend is somehow an expert at non-shooter games, even when rust playing. His brother got him dark souls due to its extreme difficulty, and he beat it in a week, and since has become a huge pvp master.

    On the subject of him beating the game quickly, we were talking about boss strategies since I had just defeated artorias and I was telling him how. He said that e noticed from the very beginning that listening to the music makes boss fights easier. According to him, boss fights happen in meter with the song, and finding out what the time signature is key. He said the only boss he had trouble with was Gwyn, because unlike the others, his music was in 3/4 instead of 4/4. I wanna ask, is this common knowledge? Or is this dumb and my friend is just crazy?

    I'll have to wait for new game plus to test it out since I'm almost done with my first playthrough.

    submitted by /u/Jiggha
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    Who were your top 5 DS1 bosses?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    Not just by difficulty, but by the amount you were fascinated with the boss' concept (I was amazed by Bed of Chaos), their lore, how bad you felt beating up the boss (several names come to mind).
    Basically overall the boss instead of just the difficulty.

    submitted by /u/amgstymeme
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    What is your least favorite enemy in DS1 or DSR?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    I'm not talking about bosses I'm asking purely about the trash enemies. Like the hollow soldiers or the silver knights. Mine will definitely be those skinny bat demon things in Anor Londo. I can kill them in a hot or two but that's assuming I can hit them in general.

    submitted by /u/Jumpy_Beach_6525
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    Why did people used to think Solaire was the firstborn?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    Im not trying to be condescending or insulting but I don't really get it. To me he just always seemed like a really dedicated sunbro on a mission, even before I delved into the lore.

    submitted by /u/FormalyAFailure
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    I hit an npc and I don't know what to do

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 01:17 AM PDT

    Help I accidentally hit Adres of Astora with the drake sword. It caused him to aggro. what do I do. I quit at the bonfire hoping to reset him, but he still came up the stairs and I quickly left. This is my first time playing and I haven't any of his items, only the gesture and I accidentally hit him after. I am panicking. I heard that the guy on the undead parish bell can reset npc agro but I am very early game. I don't want to kill him so I can use his shop. Please help I don't know what to do. (I quit out right when he did his sliding attack next to the bonfire, he missed though. edit: after much consideration (lie), and 10 hours of gameplay, I think I will restart. Yeah, it will suck losing a lot of that grinding time, and having to go back to the asylum. But I don't really think me (who sucks at darksouls) could defeat the bell gargoyles.

    submitted by /u/redditorbored
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    The Demon Ruins / Ceaseless Discharge / Demon Fire Sage / Lost Izalith/ Centipede Demon and The Bed of Chaos

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    Welcome back to my tale.

    Where to even start. Well first off Ceaseless Discharge. What an ugly boss. It was pretty easy but I found it hard to dodge his fire . Two handing your sword and using heavy attacks does massive damage to him. There's something so epic about this, he's so big and it feels like you're slaying a giant. That being said though, I died to him many times because of his near undodgeable attacks. But with some time and persistence, I killed him.

    After that I went down to the lower part of the ruins. I started by killing all of the Taurus Demon's and all of the Capra's. They are pretty easily killed and easy to dodge. The worms are very annoying. There really isn't much to say about this part of the ruins. The fire dragon statues are easily killed and I got the chaos flame from a semi hidden path. But after that it was time to fight the Demon Fire Sage.

    This guy is so disappointing. He's literally the same thing as the Stray demon but fire attacks. He actually killed me and I was so mad because he was on literally one more health bar. But after that I came back and killed him very easily without getting hit. I wish they could've done something better for this boss but I understand that the ruins we're one of the last places they were developing, and they were on a deadline. After that it was time for another boss! Back to back ?? I rested at the bonfire and found the shortcut to Quelaag's domain. And now it was time for the Centipede Demon.

    The centipede is a really cool enemy. He took his time coming towards me but when he did, I dodged his slam and cut his tail off and got the Ring. Then he just stood there. On the platform just stood still and let me steamroll his health, he occasionally stomped but he literally didn't do anything else and he died pretty quick. I know this fight can be annoying because he can hit you from a range that you can hit him from, but my fight was really simple and easy. Now on my way to Lost Izalith, I equipped the Orange ring and ventured off.

    At this point I reached Lost Izalith, but I've been staring at the screen for so long that the red glow from the lava literally started to hurt. So I took a nap before continuing. The vast sea of lava is humbling and the many decaying dragon legs are tough to dodge and do a lot of damage. I found the bonfire in the secret room and was on my way past the decaying dragon lava lake. I ventured through, killing many enemies and a new enemy , it looks like a vacuum and reminds of something from SpongeBob (idk why). But at this point I fell through a hole and found Siegmeyer. Unfortunately I didn't help him and he died prematurely in his questline. F's for onionbro. After some half assed exploration, I continued through the fog door to fight the Bed of Chaos... Oh what a ride I was in for...

    Plain and simple, the Bed of Chaos is bullshit. I didn't know you could block the tree hands and thought they were literally unblockable and unavoidable. I died (I counted) thirteen times against this thing. I kept getting swept into it's crevices and just failing jumps into the middle. After destroying both of it's... I don't understand anything about this fight if in being honest. And if I'm being real, I wouldn't be so mad about this fight, if the run back wasn't so damn long!!! And after many attempts I finally got to the middle, but I was too slow and it killed me with the fire pillars. After this my heart was shattered. But eventually I finally killed the bug and was finally done with this entire nightmare of an Area. Now I rest at the bonfire in the bed of Chaos. Now I will make my way to the Tomb of the Giants in seek of the Gravelord Nito and the last Lord soul I need.

    (I'll update you on my journey)

    (I promise I won't go hollow)

    submitted by /u/propagandagenx
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