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    Dark Souls Weekly General Discussion Thread (June 04, 2021)

    Dark Souls Weekly General Discussion Thread (June 04, 2021)

    Weekly General Discussion Thread (June 04, 2021)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the weekly general discussion thread! This thread is for the community to discuss whatever is on their mind (whether it is Dark Souls 1 related or not).

    Have a question that you've been meaning to ask but haven't gotten around to making a post yet? Something on your mind you want to discuss? Playing a game that you think others would like? Comment away! All we ask is that you are respectful of each other, and have fun!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Estus taste

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    So what does estus taste like? Orange juice?

    submitted by /u/ShiroNiixy
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    Anor Londo was such a beautiful experience

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    So last night I finished Orstein & Smough, got the lordvessel and placed it in firelink. I can't even begin to collect my thoughts on this masterpiece of an area. The moment of arrival and the sheer beauty of Anor Londo was enough to send chills down my spine.

    I spent a while in the first area farming sentinals before moving onward, a choice that I would eventually do again before the boss. That one path from the bonfire to fight 10 sentinals and 4 imps before reaching the blacksmith to upgrade my gear was one that I did many times.

    But before all that, the disconnection of this area was mind blowing. How one spot wouldn't be where it needed to be, so you take a long detour, only to then need to detour again before finally opening up the map. Then finally you reach the end and everything is connected, all the tough areas aren't relevant anymore. Seeing those doors open and platforms connect was such a rush.

    As for the infamous narrow beam part or the Knights with bows, I actually didn't have trouble here. I played very passive with my longbow and spent an unreasonable amount of time trading shots into the Knights. Eventually I killed both and went onward.

    Finally I got spanked by the bosses. I had a moment in the fight where I just kinda laughed at myself and said "God damn I've been running forever, haven't got a single hit in and I've lost half my flasks, I'm screwed." They dunked me a few times, but eventually I won! Like I promised in my last post, I killed Smough first to exert dominance on myself.

    Now I'm sitting here with fully upgraded black iron gear, ready to tackle New Londo Ruins.

    submitted by /u/No_Blacksmith_1609
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    Why do the Batwing Demons Betray you???

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    So I've played through Dark Souls 3 and am watching my boyfriend play through Anor Londo in Dark Souls currently. I was really excited to see the batwing demons again because they seem really nice and carry you around and stuff. I would consider them friends. However, I feel so betrayed because they started attacking in Anor Londo? I just feel sad because I thought we were friends. R.I.P friendship with batwing demons :'(

    submitted by /u/_wheres_my_chippy_
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    First Time Through Thoughts

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 01:10 AM PDT

    I am currently undergoing the fun trek of playing through all three Dark Souls games for the first time. I'm about a quarter of the way through Remastered right now. I have played Bloodborne and Sekiro already with the former being, possibly, my favorite game to date. The biggest challenge for me is adjusting to the slower pace of Dark Souls as compared to its successors. I like the quicker pace of the other games, to the point where, even in Sekiro, I struggled more with the Genichiro than Sword Saint because he is slower, and the timing of his attacks feels less fluid.

    With all of that said, I am really enjoying Dark Souls, though I am not fully clicking with the combat of the bosses. I struggled with the Gargoyles for a bit just figuring out how to properly balance the two, and the Capra fight is more irritating than enjoyable. However, this isn't me making a rant post about that because there is something I've noticed so far that is really interesting: the environment of the game is unlike anything I've experienced.

    Everyone always talks about the level design and how cool it is to see this map slowly fold in on itself to create a new shortcut and truly feel like a living world, but I don't see a lot of people talking about how that continues into the boss arenas. Each room feels lived in. The boss does not really feel out of place in their respective rooms, and, to add to that, the room itself is the boss. Gaping Dragon is a good example of this. The boss is very easy, but I died to it three times, not because I got overzealous with my attacks or mistimed a dodge, but because I lost track of my footing and fell off the pit in the back trying to trigger the weird waddle attack or hit a part of the rubble trying to move.

    The environmental aspects of the bosses are beautifully done, and I haven't really seen anything like them in From's other games. Bloodborne has a rooftop battle that you can easily fall off of much like the Bell Gargoyles or Laurence's small room, but for the most part, the arenas are fairly spacious and allow for enough room to move away and analyze attack patterns. The most environmental changes are random bits of architecture that can be used for dodging projectiles or that slowly get destroyed. With Dark Souls, every boss arena, that I can tell, feels completely different. They aren't all just a big open rooms, they feel completely different in layout as well as design/theme.

    While this most likely won't end up being my favorite game, it's definitely one of the most thoughtfully designed games I've ever played, and it will definitely stick with me. Everything about the level design is so memorable that, even while I'm not the biggest fan of the bosses, I still look forward to seeing every area and how it feels compared to the last.

    submitted by /u/praeberifari
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    Just found a "bug?" I've never seen before

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    I shot an arrow at gwynevere from outside of her throne room by the chamber of the princess bonfire. I watched her die, but anor londo never went dark. Even the firekeeper became aggro'd. I've reloaded the game and warped in and out of the area but she's still dead and anor londo is still light.

    Anyone else experience this?

    submitted by /u/elscardo
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    I just defeated the Bell Gargoyle and it was amazing

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:57 PM PDT

    I ignored this franchise for the longest time, but last week was my birthday and I said "heck, I can't grow old without playing Dark Souls at least once." Plus, I saw it as a way to homage Miura Sensei. So I gifted myself a copy of Dark Souls Remastered.

    I fell in love with the game immediatly. The grim and interesting world, the map design, the gameplay. I died many times, soo many times. I probably made a mistake creating a naked character, but it seemed cool. They killed me with swords, arrows, maces, bombs... they tricked me, hiding behind things, those skeletons are waay too strong for my level I think? better go back to where the zombies are. But they have armor and shields now? It took me 40 minutes to kill a single black knight (I thought he was a boss), and what's that? A freaking dragon is breathing fire at me?!

    I was poisoned to death by stupid rats, that i couldn't fight properly because my sword was too long and kept hitting walls (Goblin Slayer PTSD intensifies). And since when armored boars became a thing, by the way?

    Then I began to understand, death is not final, losing souls isn't a big deal, now I have a new sword and I know how you swing yours, I can do it.

    I don't have 10 hours playtime yet but I already know that this game is a masterpiece. The sense of accomplishment after defeating that black knight, or that bigger knight, or that sorcerer, it was great. And the NPCs are amazing too, they don't give a crap about me or my quest. Well, some do, like the Solaire guy who even helped me against the Bell Gargoyle.

    I'm trying to avoid spoilers and go blind as much as I can, but let me say that the DS community is amazing. The written signs helped me a lot, I felt like I was part of a collective journey, that's why I didn't even get mad when I fell to my death several times because a sign was saying "try jump" or "treasure ahead". When I turned human at Undead Burg someone invaded, and a naked man killed me with some flashy magic. It was awesome.

    I look forward to continue this adventure, I'm having a blast with Dark Souls Remastered and I will surely buy the other two games. Thanks From Software and thanks to you guys for keeping the community alive. Praise the Sun!

    submitted by /u/Severus_Majustus
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    Just got the PS4 DS1 Remastered platinum trophy looking for the next game to play…

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    And found my PS3 DS disc

    Wanted to post a picture but apparently it's not allowed here? 🤔

    submitted by /u/-Astrobadger
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    Today I learned...

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:08 AM PDT

    Enemies can parry your shieldbash from a greatshield.

    Anything you learned way too late?

    submitted by /u/The_Penguin_Butler
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    What's your favorite build?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    I've been playing dark souls remastered on my switch off and on for a few years now and every single time I end up playing as a character with the zweihander and a shield. I have never beat the game and every time I try to play as another type of character I get bored or frustrated really quickly. What is your favorite style of character, I'd really like to try something new.

    submitted by /u/LilDooka
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    How should I play as a sorcerer

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    Hello, again I'm new to this game. I'm playing as a sorc. What should I focus on? As a sorcerer I'm running around with the Uchigatana lol

    submitted by /u/Gzus5261
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    Stuck in early-mid game

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    Aloha all!

    Like the title says, I'm stuck. Just bought this for my Xbox 360. Seems I have an original disk, pre-patched. Anyway, I'm level 24. Got Vit 15, End 15, Str 16. Wielding the Drake sword, wearing patchwork armor, carrying a Hollow Soldier shield.

    I now have my choice of gruesome deaths. Most playthrus suggest I should be going for the Gargoyle bosses. I've managed to cleave a tail and get the axe, but that's really as far as I can get against them. Or I can get killed by the Drake, die in the cemetery, make the mistake of descending at a couple of locations...

    Anyway, I'm stuck. I'm currently grinding, trying to get my stat up to a uniform 17 before trying again against the gargoyle bosses. Or maybe I'll go buy a few hundred arrows and try to take the Drake down all cheese-like.

    I guess I just need some inspiration! Offer a poor noob some words of encouragement, please!

    submitted by /u/chimerix
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    Sunlight Medal

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    Huhu, i need to farm some medals. Does anybody need some help or can tell me a place where you get summoned a lot (remastered)?

    submitted by /u/RaVagerAtHappy
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    Is online still available for dark souls prepare to die edition (PC) ?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 02:49 AM PDT

    I've been playing through it and cannot seem to connect to anyone :( Any advice?

    submitted by /u/yareyaredaze10
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    Why is the respawning Titanite Demon so HARD?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    I started with Dark Souls on xbox going blind, no dlc, and never really bothered fighting any of the Titanite Demons at all until late in the game. After playing Bloodborne and the rest of the series and absolutely falling in love with it I eventually gave in and bought the remastered version of DS1.

    This was my first time playing the dlc, which I did before fighting Sif for the special cutscene. After the leveling I'd done and the awesome fashion souls I'd accomplished with said leveling (ask me about it) I thought I was op. I was smashing through bosses like it was nobody's business, everything in Lost Izalith was my bitch and they knew it.

    I was WRONG. I met the respawning Titanite Demon, and he made me his bitch. WHY? IS? HE? SO? STRONG?

    submitted by /u/youthofnausea
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    How do I stop skeletons from falling into Ramos' hole in the catacombs

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Basically the title, I'm trying to make the run to Ramos for a fire weapon right off the bat. But every time I get to him I can't talk to him because all the skeletons fall down into the hole with me, I've seen plenty of videos of people doing this strat and haven't seen a single one of them have this issue, but for the life of me I can't figure out what they're doing different.

    Edit: I meant Vamos lol, idk why I wrote Ramos

    submitted by /u/Airtightspoon
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    Is the lightning spear miracle op?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    I just like three shot pinwheel. Which was kinda anticlimatic. Although I already got the Lord Vessel so maybe I am overleveld for him?

    submitted by /u/BlackFlagZigZag
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    I don't know what to upgrade.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    I'm afraid of investing titanite shards into a cool weapon only to discover an even cooler weapon later. Do you have suggestions or is it all about personal preference? What say I upgraded the knight's sword I got at the start of the game? I know builds weigh into the equation. I'm not doing a magic run. So the only thing that matters to me is strength, endurance, dexterity and the like. Also, what about armor?

    submitted by /u/AgentP-501_212
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    Halfway through a playthrough as Lautrec

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    And only now have I realized how fun but underwhelming dual wielding shotels could be. The damage is not as high as I would hope, and I have decided that they are not meant to be a main weapon, or that I am just bad with them. One is chaos infused, the other lightning. They work, and honestly it's the easiest I've ever found darkwraiths, but it's definitely underwhelming most of the time. In short, Lautrec probably died because his weapons aren't exactly amazing.

    submitted by /u/CaptainPotato95
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    Let's discuss your favourite DS themes (top 10 souls music)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    So i love making boss rankings and tier lists for souls games but lately I've been hooked to the OSTs. They're simply some of the best in gaming in my opinion and they contribute incredibly to the overall experience that is soulsborne.

    In appreciation of that i thought of providing my top 10 soulsborne themes and i encourage you to do the same in the replies.

    This list isn't in any particular order because if i try to do that, we'll be here forever. Also i don't remember the exact name of some of the songs so I'll refer to when or where it plays; you'll get the idea!

    With all that being said here's my top 10 souls themes:

    1. O&S aka super Londo Bros theme (DS1)

    The perfect pre-workout music! Listening to this makes me feel like i can do anything! You can hear the epicness build up throughout the entire track. For how beloved O&S are i believe this theme is quite underrated.

    1. Longing aka end credits song (DS2)

    The best way i can describe this theme is beautiful. I prefer this over the end credits song of DS1. Such a soothing voice!

    1. Majula theme (DS2)

    This theme stands out from almost every other theme on this list. Majula is my favourite hub area in souls. It makes you feel relaxed and unnerved at the same time. Like you're experiencing something incredibly pure and sinister at the same time and the same is applicable to the theme. I find it amazing how such a simple piece of music can act in such complex ways.

    1. Soul of cinder OST aka plin plon ashen edit (DS3)

    While a lot people like this theme for the DS1 plin plon nostalgia (and i love that part too), it's on my top 10 for the first half of the song. There's no build up at the beginning of the song just like there's no build up to the soul of cinder. You enter the arena and you know what must be done and so does the soul of cinder. You just go! Also the swell up to the plin plon and the release of the tension is just incredible!

    1. Ludwig the holy one shot sword theme (bloodborne)

    Not a lot of tracks here from bloodborne because for some reason i don't have the emotional connect to that story or that world like i do with dark souls, all that being said, this is a banger that transcends the need for any emotional connection. The build up to the second phase and the eventual release is some of the best I've ever heard. Gives me goosebumps every time! Also the inclusion of this song in the old hunters DLC trailer made that one of the best trailers I've ever seen. Says a lot about the quality of the music.

    1. Gwynevere aka amazing chest ahead music (DS1)

    Not a lot to say about this. If ever there was a "you've made it" song... This is it.

    1. Gwyndolin's theme + Aldrich's theme (DS1+DS3)

    I've lumped them together because let's be real here, they're pretty similar and also in my mind they tell the tragic story of Gwyndolin. In my opinion he is just as sympathetic of a character as artorius. Rejected by his father, abandoned by his siblings, he still chose to stay in eternal service of his family to preserve their name... Only for his lifeless body to be puppeteed around by a glutton after being captured and probably tortured by a tyrant. Aside from the story the theme on its own is just solid.

    1. Character creation music aka lo fi souls (DS1)

    I only started playing souls game around last year but this music makes me feel so weirdly nostalgic. It's therapeutic almost.

    1. Main menu theme (DS3)

    My ps4 homescreen theme is a DS3 theme that plays this music and i love it so much that i sometimes turn on the console and let it play without doing anything lol

    1. Nameless King/Iudex Gundyr/Slave Knight Gael (DS3)

    I know I'm cheating at this point but i really can't pick one between these 3 lol The reason i picked them together is because they all satisfy a really similar itch for me, if that makes sense. Really excellent and epic boss music that elevates the fight to an entirely new level.

    I love so many more themes from the series but for the sake of making it concise, these are the top 10. I would love to know yours now!

    submitted by /u/vishal-2698
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    Solaris got enthusiastic and killed Ornstein by himself. Anyone else has gone through this? Is this normal?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    It kept going like this in this run, so I just went along with it.

    But damn, I wanted Ornstein's set.

    submitted by /u/zeh74
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    A nice mashup of a Dark Souls song

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:03 PM PDT

    Sense of shame after being helped a lot with Ornestein and Smough

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    I just defeated Ornestein and Smough for the first time but I was helped too much by 2 summoning ghost that did the majority of the job. Now I feel empty because it was like cheating and I did not enjoyed the fight like it was conceived. I wanted to make it a challenging fight with a sense of accomplishment at the end but now I feel that is all ruined. Has anyone ever feel like this? Any suggestions to overcome this sense of shame? Is there a Way to challenge them another time? (Maybe fighting them again will help me)

    submitted by /u/RedFieryMonkey
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    BSS or ectoc: who is boss eater of DS

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    I think estoc is better than BSS for boss fights as nearly all its attacks can be benefited by the leo ring; where as BSS have slow thrusting attack compared to estoc. But BSS have more AR than estoc. Estoc's running attack can hit two hits; and if it is buffed and with leo ring's counter bonus this single attack can be devastating. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/aviraj12
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    Shout out to Alon and Drake

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    I am absolute trash at PVP. I've never been able to internalize the muscle memory, so invaders have just always been a nightmare and waste of humanity. While grinding out some levels in Anor Londo, expecting to just help some people get through S&O. I was summoned, the landscape was dark, and so were the intentions of the summon. After Alon brought Drake and I in, we cruised around dunkin' on fools brazen enough to invade for a good chunk of time.

    It's hands down my favorite, and maybe only good, experience with PVP. After years and years of frustration, annoying the shit out of some invaders is maybe the best feeling I've gotten from this game.

    submitted by /u/Debasertron
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