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    Dark Souls 2 Weekly General Discussion Thread (June 04, 2021)

    Dark Souls 2 Weekly General Discussion Thread (June 04, 2021)

    Weekly General Discussion Thread (June 04, 2021)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the weekly general discussion thread! This thread is for the community to discuss whatever is on their mind (whether it is Dark Souls 2 related or not).

    Have a question that you've been meaning to ask but haven't gotten around to making a post yet? Something on your mind you want to discuss? Playing a game that you think others would like? Comment away! All we ask is that you are respectful of each other, and have fun!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Never trust a cleric (credit: @embers_only on twitter)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    Which one of you did this

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    Idk what it is, but somehow I have a feeling this jump ain't safe

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    So I hear this Last Giant is pretty tough.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    After a little over 25 hours of prep work I think I might be ready for my first boss. Only SL 156 so maybe I need to grind some more in Eleum Loyce.

    What do you think gives me the best shot at victory? (50 STR, 32 DEX, 18 INT)

    +10 Rampart Golem Lance.

    +10 Greatsword

    +10 Mastodon Greatsword

    +10 Mastodon Halberd

    +10 Fire Longsword

    +10 Great Club

    +3 (only 9 Twinkling Titanite) Ice Rapier (Can't infuse yet and no damage boost rings)

    +10 Hunter's Blackbow (with only Lighting and Magic arrows unlocked)

    Or for something completely different, Poison Mist + Great Soul Arrow from a +10 Witchtree Branch

    I could also respec to use either Vengarl's Set or Havel's. Right now I'm using the Northwarder set.

    submitted by /u/rnj1a
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    I solved the "mystery" of the petrified man in the tutorial zone spending 12,000 souls, killed 2 giants, killed a pursuer just to find out that the box that I thought it was a boat to another zone just change my sex. The face of my now female character is my face right now

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    Burnt Ivory King is one of the coolest Souls bosses ever

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Just finished up Crown of the Ivory King for the first time and man what an awesome end boss. Everything about it was so cool. The arena itself and sound effects as you enter and discover the Chaos was amazing. I loved that it started with the Loyce Knight phase, making the fight unique and giving it more of an endurance aspect. The fact that you could give yourself more of an advantage by fully exploring Eleum Loyce to get more friendly Loyce Knights on your side was a great addition as well. The Ivory King phase was really well done too, he looks cool and I generally think 'swordsmen' type bosses are the most fun to fight. My only complaint is that I wished the Ivory king himself was harder. After Fume knight it felt like the Ivory king was just a weaker, more predictable version of it. Even when he enchants his sword it doesn't do much through shields, so it's hard to get punished by him. Anyway, awesome fight overall, just wanted to share my joy at discovering such a cool old boss I never got around to doing when I first played the game.

    submitted by /u/Artorias2728
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    Just finished my SL1, it was a hard path, but I'm proud of myself :)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    Let's discuss your favourite DS themes! (Top 10 souls music)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    So i love making boss rankings and tier lists for souls games but lately I've been hooked to the OSTs. They're simply some of the best in gaming in my opinion and they contribute incredibly to the overall experience that is soulsborne.

    In appreciation of that i thought of providing my top 10 soulsborne themes and i encourage you to do the same in the replies.

    This list isn't in any particular order because if i try to do that, we'll be here forever. Also i don't remember the exact name of some of the songs so I'll refer to when or where it plays; you'll get the idea!

    With all that being said here's my top 10 souls themes:

    1. O&S aka super Londo Bros theme (DS1)

    The perfect pre-workout music! Listening to this makes me feel like i can do anything! You can hear the epicness build up throughout the entire track. For how beloved O&S are i believe this theme is quite underrated.

    1. Longing aka end credits song (DS2)

    The best way i can describe this theme is beautiful. I prefer this over the end credits song of DS1. Such a soothing voice!

    1. Majula theme (DS2)

    This theme stands out from almost every other theme on this list. Majula is my favourite hub area in souls. It makes you feel relaxed and unnerved at the same time. Like you're experiencing something incredibly pure and sinister at the same time and the same is applicable to the theme. I find it amazing how such a simple piece of music can act in such complex ways.

    1. Soul of cinder OST aka plin plon ashen edit (DS3)

    While a lot people like this theme for the DS1 plin plon nostalgia (and i love that part too), it's on my top 10 for the first half of the song. There's no build up at the beginning of the song just like there's no build up to the soul of cinder. You enter the arena and you know what must be done and so does the soul of cinder. You just go! Also the swell up to the plin plon and the release of the tension is just incredible!

    1. Ludwig the holy one shot sword theme (bloodborne)

    Not a lot of tracks here from bloodborne because for some reason i don't have the emotional connect to that story or that world like i do with dark souls, all that being said, this is a banger that transcends the need for any emotional connection. The build up to the second phase and the eventual release is some of the best I've ever heard. Gives me goosebumps every time! Also the inclusion of this song in the old hunters DLC trailer made that one of the best trailers I've ever seen. Says a lot about the quality of the music.

    1. Gwynevere aka amazing chest ahead music (DS1)

    Not a lot to say about this. If ever there was a "you've made it" song... This is it.

    1. Gwyndolin's theme + Aldrich's theme (DS1+DS3)

    I've lumped them together because let's be real here, they're pretty similar and also in my mind they tell the tragic story of Gwyndolin. In my opinion he is just as sympathetic of a character as artorius. Rejected by his father, abandoned by his siblings, he still chose to stay in eternal service of his family to preserve their name... Only for his lifeless body to be puppeteed around by a glutton after being captured and probably tortured by a tyrant. Aside from the story the theme on its own is just solid.

    1. Character creation music aka lo fi souls (DS1)

    I only started playing souls game around last year but this music makes me feel so weirdly nostalgic. It's therapeutic almost.

    1. Main menu theme (DS3)

    My ps4 homescreen theme is a DS3 theme that plays this music and i love it so much that i sometimes turn on the console and let it play without doing anything lol

    1. Nameless King/Iudex Gundyr/Slave Knight Gael (DS3)

    I know I'm cheating at this point but i really can't pick one between these 3 lol The reason i picked them together is because they all satisfy a really similar itch for me, if that makes sense. Really excellent and epic boss music that elevates the fight to an entirely new level.

    I love so many more themes from the series but for the sake of making it concise, these are the top 10. I would love to know yours now!

    submitted by /u/vishal-2698
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    Drawing of the kitty boss

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    ..Ok. I did some research, but. I could not be sure which stats to focus on first from the beginning of the game.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    A best build for a cleric...?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    I came from Dark Souls 3. I could not be sure the comparison between with this game.. I could like to be a dark buff dark infused cleric..

    submitted by /u/tHUG_sWiZzLE801
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    TIL You can increase the amount of iframes in your roll by leveling your adaptability and attunement.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Smh, I've been playing the game since 2015. It turns out that lowering your equip load only increases the distance covered by your roll, but by increasing your Att. and Adp. you can increase the amount of invincibility frames. The starting amount of iframes for dark souls 2 starter classes have only 5-8 frames, while in dark souls 1 and 3, stats do not affect rolling, only equip load does. In ds1 and ds3, a light roll has 13 iframes.

    Agility is the stat that affects iframes. The stats that determine agility are attunement and adaptability. So in dark souls 2, to achieve the most iframes, you must level your attunement and adaptability to the point where your agility is equal to 116, having a total of 16 iframes.

    Agility can actually shorten the horrifyingly long time it takes to drink from your estus flask too! Cool!

    I know most of you probably know this by now, but this was such a cool discovery, and it made me able to play the game in a totally different way.

    submitted by /u/DarkSoulPraiseTheSun
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    Why could I be so weak in the beginning of the game??

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:03 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/tHUG_sWiZzLE801
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    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    Is it for the PlayStation 3, Playstation 4, or. Both?.

    submitted by /u/tHUG_sWiZzLE801
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    What are meta Rings/attunements every build uses?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    Hello. I'm almost done with my first playthrough of SOTFS. I don't really have a "build" yet, but am getting familiar with the game's mechanics. I'm wondering if there are any rings that most meta PVP players always use (Havel or Darkwood Grain Ring from DS1 for example) or any Miracles/Spells/Hexes that every build uses. Are the Strength/Dexterity Rings in the DLC worth using to gain minimum weapon requirements, or do they end up taking a slot from a more useful ring?

    Investing 15 INT and 16 Faith is mandatory for every PVP build in Demon's Souls to use Second Chance, for example. Does everybody level up Attunement to 10 for Warmth at minimum? Should Denial be treated as Second Chance or only be invested in if you're specifically going for a Faith or Faith hybrid build?

    Thanks for any input!

    submitted by /u/EndOfAllFlesh
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    Aggressive Dragon Knights

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    I started playing ds2 a short while ago and have now played through the game on two characters. My first character was a level 30 bow only build while the second one was level 120 in a Havel cosplay although I couldn't imagine that effects anything but who knows.

    Dragon Shrine on my bow build was intense because all the Dragon knights were aggressive which I originally thought was meant to happen, this made me temporarily give up on attempting the Ancient Dragon boss on my bow build and ended up moving on to the rest of the game first. Then on my next character they just watched me as I fought the Drakekeepers. I searched it up, and the wiki said they're aggressive if you bring a summon which I've never done so I'm not to sure why they were aggressive. Maybe they didn't consider a bow fair similar to how they won't let you 2v1 with a summon, or maybe I somehow went there at the wrong point in the story or something.

    submitted by /u/Souless_F0X
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    DS2 Regular version Sunlight Medal Help

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    I recently began to collect 100% on all of my Soulsborne games and the community of this game is kinda dead for collecting sunlight medals.

    SM: 2 365 212

    submitted by /u/ThatSkyer
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    ..Old whip drop

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    Could they have changed the drop of a old whip with the Small Smooth and Silky Stone at the bird nest at the beginning of the game on the PlayStation 4 version?

    submitted by /u/tHUG_sWiZzLE801
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    Armor Rating

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    For a long time i wondered about how armor rating works, like 1000 def surely won't give you 1000 less damage from attacks. So, how does it work?

    submitted by /u/Gunmershooter
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    Slayed Sinh on my first try as a sorcerer

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    I know magic is easier but I literally bashed him with my magic mage mace.

    Significantly more challenging on the 360 version but still enjoyed.

    Thank you for listening to me rant just thought it was gonna be a rough couple fights.

    submitted by /u/mkelngo
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