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    Friday, June 25, 2021

    Dark Souls I just fucking died to Pinwheel

    Dark Souls I just fucking died to Pinwheel

    I just fucking died to Pinwheel

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    I wanna die I should just delete my fucking game

    submitted by /u/IronicWeea
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    Infamously "easy " boss that kicked your ass repeatedly?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:54 AM PDT

    I know this subreddit is for ds1, but throughout the entire souls series, what is an "easy" boss that took an embarrassing amount of attempts for you?

    On my most recent playthrough of ds1, I died more times to the moonlight butterfly than I did O and S.. and in my first playthrough of Bloodborne the Witch of Hemwick absolutely destroyed me..

    submitted by /u/blutundehre14
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    I DID IT!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    I defeated the giant in anor londo first time!

    On first play through and from the first time I saw this enemy I didn't trust him! much like I don't trust many/any chest's and NPC's (fuck you patches!).

    I spotted him from the stairs, and there he is trying to hide in the corner but making lots of noise. so I snuck down the stairs as to not agro him, and sure enough he is beating away on a weapon, a weapon I assumed he was intent on using on me!

    As I had the jump on him I got the first flurry of hits in. I did not fall for his exclamation of pain, delayed agro and his plea for me to stop, and sure enough, my suspicions where confirmed. he leaps into combat. he is in such a rage he didn't even pick up the weapon he was making to assassinate me with. so I fight him, nearly get ganked by the devil outside and eventually land the final blow after using the environment to my advantage.

    After a fight hard won I then reap the rewards by looting the chest behind him (affirming he is an obstacle to remove) and getting his hammer. again, strange how he opted to use his hammer over the weapon he was crafting??

    Anyway, my tips for this fight are get the first flurry of hits in and do not hesitate! clear the area outside if you want to fight out there / use the door way as cover but you are probably best using the stairs and baiting attacks and retreating and punishing misses.

    Hopefully this post helps get the better of this ambush and stay one step ahead.

    Anyway, on to the boss. Heard that you can make lighting weapons in anor londo but assuming this is gated behind the boss, so I'm off there next. cant wait to make my trusty Hammer of Vamos lightning!

    Don't you go hollow skeletons!

    submitted by /u/MontyGreenstone
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    I just first tried four kings

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    I'm still shaking. This is my greatest achievement in dark souls

    submitted by /u/okdude23232
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    After 196 hours I've finally made it to Gwyn

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    I got this game for the PC a few years ago and have gone through phases of loving it then rage quitting for a while (sometimes months or longer).

    I've restarted the game about 5 or 6 times with new characters trying different stats/ideas... But the past couple weeks have been having a particular blast, as I've (finally) gotten the rhythm of the game. Biggest sticking points were Torus Demon, the frickin' archers in Anor Londo, and O&S.

    What a crazy ride.

    submitted by /u/evilartstudio
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    Beginner to the game, struggling quite badly

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    So, i recently decided to pick up the dark souls series, after listening to a bunch of friends discussing about the games lore, which seemed quite interesting. Thought to play the whole series starting from 1, in order to enjoy the whole experience. The game looked insanely fun, and i was having lots of it in the first half an hour. But it got quite hard a bit later, honestly, i just suck at parrying. Im stuck at the second area. The one where the crow takes you. Those skeleton warriors are just beating my arse. I can parry the normal ones just fine, but the ones with proper gear just attack too fast for me to react. And then theres a big knight a bit later, whom I haven't been able to hit even once. I know that games hard, but this is getting kinda frustrating. I've just been grinding souls for the past hour trying to level up and put points into my vitality stat, but it ain't helping either. Those firebomb throwers make matters even worse. They usually group up, and throw bombs at me from a distance. If i try to come near, one will throw a bomb and others will jump towards me right after, making me unable to parry as i can't really see because of the explosion. I really wanna enjoy this game, but it's getting quite hard. Would really appreciate some tips regarding parryingm. I chose knight as my character, and rolling is kinda hard with the heavy equipment. Also don't wanna rely on rolls right now, as i heard i would have to master parrying in order to progress later. Also would love some tips for a totally newcomer to the series, I don't wanna go to the wiki to search for something and get spoiled.

    submitted by /u/krieket
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    How do I figure out what a boss is weak to?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    I've just started the first game but like, the Taurus Demon for example. Apparently he's weak to Fire and Lightning. I'm not sure how I was supposed to figure that out if I hadn't stumbled upon it on Google. Is there something I missed?

    Didn't expect this many responses. Thank you all.

    submitted by /u/cronetto
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    I know a lot of people wanted to see more bosses, but I couldn't resist drawing an absolute legend, Solaire of Astora.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:43 PM PDT

    I'm so sick of Ornstein

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    Just to preface this, I'm playing on a randomized save file, so every item location and enemy is changed.

    I started off with a giant blacksmith hammer (thank goodness), and after beating the bell gargoyles (which were 2 dragon butts), I try to make my way down to darkroot garden, killing a "titanite demon" on the way. I kill a blighttown sniper and a man serpent, then I see an ominous orange glow around the corner. I round the corner and see a Gwyn pretending to be a bush while t posing.

    I try to walk past him hoping he won't aggro, but no such luck. I try to parry him, but I'm not very good at it, and when I manage to riposte, it does like 4% of his health bar. So I decided to come back to him once I can upgrade my gear past lvl 5.

    So I master key my way down to blighttown and fight my way past dark sorcerers and those toxic mushroom hollows from the painted world. I get to the bottom and instantly targeted by an ornstein. I make a mad dash for the bonfire, can't light it, retreat to the room with a dragon scale and the ornstein doesn't fit through the gap in the bars. Nice! I use all my pyromancies ( great chaos fire ball and fire storm) using my unupgraded pyromancy flame and finish him off with my hammer, which has a large chunk of its damage as lightning damage. I go to light the bonfire, and before I can sit, a second ornstein dashes into me from offscreen and kills me. Dammit

    So I respawn at firelink, and make my way back down. After making a mad dash for the bonfire and sitting, i deal with the 2 ornsteins that come into the bonfire room. Afterwards, I peek out and see a four king stuck on a root trying to reach me. Great. But wait, what was that behind him sticking out? A spear. I wonder who that could belong to. After picking up as many items I can get to on suicide runs (the most ornsteins I've seen at once is 5 by the way), I decide to make my way to quelaag, which was, of course, another dragon butt.

    After disposing of it, I make my way down to the Demon Ruins and go to fight the Ceaseless Discharge. I run up to the items to start the fight, and see ornstein, chilling like he lives here. After dealing with him, I start to go pick up the lava items, using my most flame retardant outfit: Gwyn's Crown, Golem Armor, Smough's Gloves, and the Gold Hemmed Skirt. After becoming the most fashionable undead in Lordran, I start picking up the lava items, one of which is Nito's lord soul, so that was nice.

    I find another lord soul in the chest guarded by 4 centipedes, then make my way back up to firelink. I make my way through set's fortress (which had an ornstein in the muck pit by the way). At the top, I find that the Iron Golem was, in fact, the Iron Golem. Ok then. When I land in Anor Londo, I see a Centipede Demon vibin where the bell gargoyle usually is. I dodge him, and make it through the rafters.

    After pushing the elevator up from the rafters, I hear some weird footsteps. I look up and see Manus running at me, stuck on a corner of the rail. Worse yet behind him, slow walking down the stairs, is another Gwyn. I decide that is a problem for later and decide to check on Gwyndolin. He dies before I even step into his room, and I'm teleported to his arena. Ok. I loot the area and make my way back up.

    I manage to get manus to fall off the edge by spamming the elevator lever. I play ring around the rosie for a little bit with gwyn, then my brother reminds me of a very important fact: you can't parry on the elevator. I hightail it up the stairs, and manage to lose him on the first rafter. I make my way to the bonfire pretty easily from there.

    I walk out of the bonfire room and see a suspicious spear sticking out through a door. Hmmm. After looting that and a few other rooms, I open the shortcut (that has another ornstein in it) and make my way to the main hall. I see an orange glowing sword sticking through the main doors, so I decide not to open them. I go over to visit my main man giant blacksmith, when I see another two gwyns running up the stairs at me. I scramble back up the stairs and go to check out the boss. Of course, giving me flashbacks to blighttown, the bosses are a super ornstein and a four king. They promptly dispatch of me and I decide to keep exploring, so I jump through the broken window that leads to the dragonslayer great bow.

    I go out to the ledge and see one of those chain guys from the dlc relaxing in front of the blacksmith's workshop. I try to shoot him with my great bow, but he runs out of my range, so I jump down.

    I run for the shortcut when I see the gwyns following me. To my relief, the don't fit through the shortcut door. Even better, there doesn't seem to be a gwyn or manus on this side of the door anymore. I deal with the chain guy that follows me, and watch the two gywns hurt each other with friendly fire. Once one dies, I finish the other off with my greatbow. Then I go to see what my buddy has for sale.

    I scroll to titanite, and I see Twinkling Titanite for sale for 100 souls each. And he stocks them infinitely. A tear comes to my eye. He's proven yet again that he's the best smith in the souls series, sorry andre. After upgrading several weapons to +5, including my hammer, greatbow, and a black knight sword, I go to try the boss. Of course, they beat my ass, but at least I do repectable damage. So I decided to leave it there for the night.

    Also, official ornstein count is at 10.

    5 in blighttown, 2 in set's fortress, 3 in anor londo.

    Apologies for any typos, I'm on mobile.

    Tl;dr - Fuck Ornstein

    submitted by /u/MickeyZer0
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    New player... That feeling when you die in a boss battle you summoned another Chosen Undead to help with is just awful.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    Fighting Seath for the first time and I saw a summon sign and assumed the character was an NPC. Should have known better because it was so far from any clearly marked boss room/fog door I could see but I thought it might be for the gold golem in the courtyard?? I killed the gold golem alone but then summoned him anyways??

    In any case, this guy (Pharis I think was his name) was very nice and tore through all of the courtyard golems with me and then showed me where the invisible paths and humanity and clams were - never been down there before so it was my first time facing Seath and I died when he had maybe 10% health left. It was awful. I felt like I really let him down.

    So of course I went back to see if the summon sign was still there so I could make it up to him by winning this time around and..... Died at the same point again. I think this is my first rage quit lol.

    Any advice for a new player using summoning signs? Is it common ettiquete to not use them until you know what you're doing?!? I just feel bad but it's also soooo fun to play with other people. I've never enjoyed co-op with strangers before until now and it's awesome, but feels like a lot of responsibility. I also have zero understanding of how any of the covenants work.

    In case anyone was wondering, I decided to keep it stupid simple for my first playthrough and have been building off a thief in just plain old dex, end, and stamina. Sekiro was my first From Soft game so I guess I just feel comfortable playing as a ninja!

    Thanks for reading and I just had to share, I was so disappointed with myself and Pharis if you see this I'm sorry!!

    submitted by /u/lyric22
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    Dark Souls has an easy mode, and it's called using a shield (first, blind playthrough)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    I've played a lot of DS2 and DS3, so I'm already in tune with the souls-like gameplay. For my first playthrough of Dark Souls 1 I wanted to go with a sword and board character because it's the type of character in the game's marketing and the most traditional fantasy character - I thought it was how the game was MEANT to be played.

    But now I'm almost done with my first playthrough (I have 2 lord souls remaining, doing the DLC now, just defeated Artorias). My high-stability shield has just made the whole game a joke. I defeated Ornstein & Smough on my second attempt, same with Artorias. The only times I really die a lot is to cheesy level design, like the Anor Londo archers.

    I thought for sure the developers would give mobs and bosses mechanics to challenge shield users, but no, almost everything can just be blocked.

    I'm loving the game though despite being underwhelmed by some of its design, I'll do a bigger post with all my thoughts once I'm done with this playthrough. And then I'll do a second playthrough with a no shield dex build.

    submitted by /u/HEIR_TO_DESPAIR
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    I beat the game!!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:51 PM PDT

    So I started playing dark souls about three weeks ago and posted the very first day I started playing asking for advice, the game at the beginning had me a bit overwhelmed but got the hang of it eventually, I didn't post about my progress since I simply don't post much.

    The game was simply amazing I loved everything about it, of course I died constantly but that never bothered me since u always knew it was my fault for being to desperate to get the final hit in or start spam rolling. But when I got frustrated and leave all I could think about was how I could beat them. Specially O&S they really tested my sanity but the thrill of the battle and the pure happiness I would feel when I beat a difficult boss on my own was a feeling you really don't get in other games.

    But I guess what I want to say is thank you everyone, I didn't post much but I always read tips and questions other players had and I'm glad I could overcome such a game and I couldn't have asked for a nicer community. I'm planning on playing the others before I move to USA on my own so I'll ask for help when I start the next game

    submitted by /u/Caherva
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    Ceasless discharge doesn't do the thing where he slams his fist if you're near the door and then you can hit him 2 to 3 times and he falls down, what am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 10:52 PM PDT

    I shoot him with an arrow to agro him

    I then immediately run to the fog door

    But he doesn't follow me all the way, he stops a little further behind from where he is supposed to stop

    And instead of slamming his fist, he just shoots his undodgable fire at me

    submitted by /u/SirRoderic
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    Any idea how to cross that bridge in Undead Berg?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    I tried the stairs, and i tried to jump trough the bridge too. Is there an item or something that helps me there? Or if someone has jumped trough there, what does that message say?

    submitted by /u/Liderc99
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    I DID IT. I finally beat the game. My 2nd Character did not go hollow like my first.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:24 AM PDT

    This game went from being on my shit list to being one of my absolute favorite games of all time.

    My intro into the Soulsborne Series was Bloodborne. I picked up Sekiro and Dark Souls 3.

    After picking it up on Steam last year I picked it up & put it down. The relentless Blight Town made me want to rip my hair out. Catacombs made feel so lost and helpless. I faulted the game for so many things, in particular not being able to Move & Heal. "This game is just to dated to enjoy". I told myself.

    The past month I figured "alright, Dark Souls Remastered & L.A noire are the only games I have not beat in my library, I'll chip at DSR once more and stick with it". To my surprise, after asking many questions on this subreddit, I was given the insight and pointers to prosper!

    I can't believe how fucking beautiful this game is. From everything! How the homeboy Oscar tosses a corpse in your cell to Walking into the Kiln of the First Flame. I still have many questions like what the heavens is going on in the Painted World?

    After a while, I noticed that this game is the Sensei (Master Splinter Type Beat) to all my other favorite FromSoft Games.

    The amount of content within the game is astonishing.

    Like, going back to your cell to pick up the summons (peculiar doll) to Painted World. A lot of ideas from BB is just a huge Fan Service to DS.

    Bloodborne was my favorite game of all time. After watching the credits roll, I'm not so sure anymore. This game takes the cake simply for existing to make BB possible.

    submitted by /u/LightningKup0
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    The Hellkite Drake hasn't triggered at the bridge. Where is he?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:19 AM PDT

    I started NG+ on a strength build. First order of business was to kill Quelaag so I could beeline to Anor Londo and unlock warping. After Quelaag I went through the Valley of Drakes to Darkroot Basin and then up to the Taurus Demon. For some reason, on my way across the bridge, the drake hasn't bothered to show his face. I can't remember this happening to me in a run before but I've done enough for them to blur together, so maybe it has. Is this because I didn't trigger his appearance in Undead Burg?

    submitted by /u/CraicAttack
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    Anybody notice how boring pyro and sorcery builds are?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    I always give up on these kinds of builds just because of how bored I get doing them. Faith is fun, dex (dont tell anyone I leveled that up), strength, quality, etc. I just don't find it fun to stand far away and blast my opponents down. Anyone else agree?

    submitted by /u/PraiseTheSun90283
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    noob friendly guide for PVP

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    Hi, So I recently started playing Dark Souls again and I like playing all souls games online (writing/reading notes and engaging in co-op) and I came across a few invaders, and as much as I try to like the PVP I just can't find it fun. I just don't understand the mechanics at all and in all my encounters I was one-shotted by dark orbs or chained backstabbed to death and never had the chance to even fight back, and that's just frustrating.

    So I read a bit about the PVP, and from what I understand there are a bunch of hidden mechanics in this game like chain backstabs, toggle escapes, and such.
    What I'm asking in this post is, is there a newbie-friendly guide for PVP that explains all these mechanics in one place perhaps demonstrates them? It would be really useful.

    Thanks and have a wonderful weekend.

    submitted by /u/TheRealSpill
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    I just acquired the lord vessel

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    I just get it what lord boss should i kill in the 4? I like to start with something easy

    submitted by /u/Frost096
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    [For a school project. PLEASE HELP!] please share your favorite NPC stories with us

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    we are Japanese students. Due to the different cultures, there may be differences in the favorite NPC between Japan and overseas. We drew some pictures about our favorite NPC, We had prepared some pictures, but what a pity this community can not send pictures. the reply we will share some stories about them with you, please share us your favorite NPC and memories with them. We look forward to your reply.

    My favorite NPC is Solaire. Although in the end I didn't know what sun Solaire was looking for. . but The feeling he gave me was warmth, hope, friendship .In my mind, he is the sun that illuminates me ,he helped me when I was in trouble, and I also wanted to help him when he was confused, But it's a pity that I didn't save him the first time I played the game. This is how I understand solar. He hopes to be the salvation of the world full of despairing conspiracy, but in the adventures, he realizes that his weakness and he can not save the world and become the sun . Finally, he was engulfed by his crazy faith.

    submitted by /u/sakai_den
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    Death By Pinwheel should be used as a form of torturr

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    Being killed by Pinwheel is the equivalent of dying from a naked Hollow at SL 200 but 10x worse because Pinwheel is weaker than a Hollow

    submitted by /u/IronicWeea
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    Praise the sun!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Daily reminder to praise the Sun!

    submitted by /u/Messeduppika
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    First time player.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    I started dark souls 1 remastered 2 days ago and I'm just about to fight ornstein and smough, the only souls game I have played is sekiro. But how has no one ever made me play the rest I am in genuin disbelief at how good this game is and how I have never played it. Sens fortress was unreal and the first time you go to anor londo is a magical experience.

    submitted by /u/grapefruitposer
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    Marvellous Chester murdered?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    So earlier this morning I went to Artorias, summoned a Giant Dad and beat him. I went to buy some humanity but Marvellous Chester wasn't there.

    "Nevermind" I thought to myself "he's gone to the township to invade me". I wandered that way but before I got to the bonfire my soul count went up twice then one again by about 9000, the amount I usually get the rare time I kill an invader.

    I lit the bonfire, got invaded by a Giant Dad and res pawned in the sanctuary (like a prat I didn't light the next bonfire). On my way to Oolicile I noticed a glowing item and a dropped item. Picking them up I got Chester's set and a bit of rubbish.......

    What the hell happened? Did someone invade without me knowing and kill my Chester? Like, how is that possible? This happen to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/bastarte
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    I’m stuck in the Demon Ruins

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    So I killed ceaseless discharge, and made it all the way down all to be stuck. I've looked up some helps as to where to go from here, but I'm at a loss. The only way to go is either back the way I came or through a fog gate that's sealed by the lords power or something. Do I have to go all the way back up through blight town and the depths or is there a shortcut?

    submitted by /u/Grand_Legitimate
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