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    Friday, June 25, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 Just finished Ds2 for the first time it was hell compared to DS1 And 3.

    Dark Souls 2 Just finished Ds2 for the first time it was hell compared to DS1 And 3.

    Just finished Ds2 for the first time it was hell compared to DS1 And 3.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    I tried my Best doing a minifigure of The bearer of the curse in LEGO

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    On my way to 100%, hit max Soul Level for the heck of it!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    Me and my responsibilities, colorized, circa 2021

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    Taking down Sinh without taking any damage!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    So It's Your First Souls Game

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    My previous guide, So You Just Bought Dark Souls 2, is specifically targeted to Souls series veterans and doesn't really help players who are completely new to the series. Dark Souls 2 is generally not most players' first choice to jump into the Souls series. It's not the newest or the shiniest and even those who barely know anything about Dark Souls have probably heard that it's the black sheep of the bunch. But it is consistently the cheapest to buy and easiest to run on low end hardware, so it's not entirely uncommon for complete Souls newbies to show up in this sub when the game is on sale. This guide is for you guys. Mostly just some advice that I had to learn the hard way my own first time in a Souls game.

    Getting Started

    I find the best starting class for a first timer is the Knight. It's the closest to battle ready right out of the gate and you'll have the highest starting health so you can afford to make more mistakes. Take Healing Wares as your starting gift for more of a safety net. As far as build goes, pick one of the weapons you can find in the first area or buy from the blacksmith and build around that. Be wary of "OP Early" guides. They're rarely as easy as they look.

    The Basics of Souls Combat

    Souls combat is sometimes described as a rhythm game with extra steps. While a bit reductive, there's something to be said for this approach. There's a certain tempo to combat; you have to read an opponent's tells and choose the correct response with the right timing. There are four basic actions you as the player can take: Attack, Block, Dodge and Parry.

    • Attack - Every attack both you and enemies can do (with a few notable exceptions) come in three parts: windup, action, and cooldown. Most of combat is reading an enemy's windup, avoiding an enemy's attack and punishing them during a cooldown. Bait and punish is the name of the game.
    • Block - Blocking an attack will reduce the damage you take (depending on the shield or weapon, it can completely negate it) but will also drain your stamina with every hit. If your stamina drops to zero you'll be staggered and open for a devastating critical attack. Larger shields generally offer better protection and less stamina drain. Not every attack can be blocked and it's unwise to simply hide behind a shield.
    • Dodge - Dodging has no windup, you'll dodge roll as soon as you press the button. While useful for covering distance quickly, it also makes you invulnerable to harm for a short time (the I Frames you may have heard about). Invulnerability begins at the very beginning of the animation, but only lasts a fraction of a second. You begin with less I Frames in DS2 than other Souls titles, but can improve them by leveling your Agility stat.
    • Parry - The riskiest but also most rewarding option. Certain shields and weapons can parry attacks if timed right. Some are more effective than others. The ones that are better usually tell you in their descriptions. A parried attack will not only deal no damage, but will leave the parried opponent open to a devastating riposte. It's rarely necessary to learn how to parry in any of the Souls games, but it is extremely satisfying once you get the hang of it.

    That's not everything to know about Souls combat, but it's enough for you to start with. Take some time in the tutorial area to get used to the rhythm of combat where your mistakes won't hurt as bad.

    Learn to Conserve Your Stamina

    If you've played games like Skyrim before you're probably used to thinking of running out of stamina as a nuisance. In a Souls game it's a death sentence. If your stamina runs out you can't sprint until it refills, but you also can't attack, block, parry, or dodge. All you can do is walk and use items. The bar also takes longer to refill if it's completely run out, so you're helpless longer. That last little bit of green is not for an extra attack, it's for emergency dodging. This lesson took me a lot of deaths to learn the first time. The sooner you learn stamina management the better.

    Learn From Your Mistakes

    This is going to sound mean, but dying is always your fault. You can blame the game all you want, but there was always something you could have done differently to avoid death. Sometimes it's just a case of skill and there's nothing to do but, as the kids say, Git Gud. More often there's ways to make things easier for yourself. Strategies to learn, weaknesses to exploit, or just different ways to approach situations. Every time you die, treat it as a learning experience and try to figure out what you can do differently next time. You can try throwing yourself at a brick wall until you get lucky and break through it, but it's much less frustrating to find the right tool to break it down instead. Fight smarter not harder and you'll find you Got Gud along the way.

    Don't Be Afraid to Ask For Help

    One of the best aspects of the Souls games is the community that surrounds them. In game if you're playing online, pay attention to blood stains and messages. They can warn you of dangers and point you toward secrets. (But they may be lying too, so be skeptical.) Also don't hesitate to summon help or put your own summon sign down. There's little to no risk for the phantom to help the host out and everyone gains from the experience. And don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't know things or ask for some help with a hard part, even if it's an "easy" boss or a "stupid" question. Looking up guides is a bit of a divisive issue, but you should always choose whichever choice maximizes your own enjoyment. Some consider the exploration and discovery aspects of the game to be the most important parts, and for myself there's parts that I really wish hadn't been spoiled for me the first time through. On the other hand, I'm not going to shame someone for looking things up when they get lost or stuck. A lot of the mechanics in the game are intentionally made overly complex and vague.

    Miscellaneous Advice

    • NPCs will tell you what to do and where to go. Talk to everyone until they repeat themselves. Come back regularly to see if they say anything new.
    • The story is told through item descriptions and the environment more than cutscenes and dialogue. Even when you have all the pieces, there's a lot of it left open to interpretation. How much you want to engage with it is up to you.
    • If you're stuck on something you can usually backtrack and take a different path. There's nothing wrong with trying again later with more levels and better equipment.
    • Souls games loop back around on themselves a lot and there's a lot of things that you can't interact with the first time through. Try to remember things that looked important so you can come back to them later. Especially locked doors and blocked paths.
    • Friendly NPCs are a very limited resource and there's nothing you can get from killing them that you can't get peacefully later on. Some of them are untrustworthy or will turn on you later, but you should never attack unprovoked. Don't be a murderhobo.
    • Have fun.
    submitted by /u/TheHittite
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    Best Souls character

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    My First playthrough of the DLC and I was stuck on this fucker for ages. After many deaths from bad hit boxes I finally get him to low health. I get too exited and this happens. The end result - we both went back to the bonfire. Never in my souls gaming history have I seen this happen ��

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    I love this game

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:28 AM PDT

    You know I actually quite prefer DS2's atmosphere.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    The world feels real, My problem with the worldbuilding and locations in the rest of the games (as fabulous as they are) Is that everyone knows nothing, like nothing nothing people act like they were born 2 days ago, But in DS2 you can actually believe there are countries and a world outside of Drangleic, While the rest of the games just feels like a timewarp pulls heroes and people of the world into a single place, Which imo doesn't make for a very interesting world, Especially when those people have nothing to say about home and the world.

    submitted by /u/Eastern-Horror-6444
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    Straight from Bell Delphine's Onlyfans

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    I beat it

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    That was certainly a game, better than ds1 tho and ds3 seems good in the less than a minute of playtime I had excluding character creation

    submitted by /u/Coolcause
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    I wish the game gave SOME clues...

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    It's my pet peeve with all the souls games. But i find it so irritating in this game for some reason.

    The way u access the first game's DLC was almost not possible without google, something i thought they fixed in DS2SOTFS, because i found the shrines by myself.

    But nope you can't do anything with the shrines... You have to get a Dragon Talon from a chest but first u need to get a key that u can only get by dropping off a cliff thats rly dark and really hard to spot. Then u have to go in to the well and open a door there to get the Dragon Talon.
    All this with 0 clues, NADA, nothing. Literally impossible to figure this out without google or running around aimlessly for hours trying.

    I rly hope Elding ring is still cryptic sortoff. But you can be cryptic with atleast SOME clues too, but this is just ridiculous.

    Same with Vendrick. 0 ingame clues that getting Giant Souls will make u do damage to him.

    Every Souls game has these moments with 0 clues, but this is just the last one i'm playing and i hit my boiling points.
    I don't need my hand held, but atleast SOME TINY clue would help...

    submitted by /u/DeadZeus007
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    Dark Souls 2: The Underappreciated Gem of the Trilogy

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Why the hate for DS2?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    I literally just finished this game and while I don't think it was as good as the original (was really annoying after the four lords) it was still a damn fine game. Why do some people in the souls community hate this game and say people should skip this?

    submitted by /u/putter7_
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    Loved Dark Souls: Remastered, having a lot of trouble with Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    Hi, first Reddit post here after years and years of lurking.

    It's been years of me picking up Dark Souls and Bloodborne and putting them back down. On my first playthrough of Dark Souls several years ago, I didn't finish Blighttown and explored into The Great Hollow and got into Ash Lake. Attempting to get back to Blighttown, I got cursed and couldn't find my way back up. So naturally I just put down the game and stopped bothering with it. Then the remastered edition came out on Switch, and I got as far as Anor Londo, but I reached a point where I couldn't even get to past the Silver Knights.

    Finally, after purchasing Dark Souls: Remastered on Steam recently, I did a Faith build, cheesed some enemies and NPCs for great early game loot, got help for difficult bosses in co-op, and beat the game for the first time. I ended up loving the game so much I immediately jumped into NG+ and beat it again two days later, this time while staying in Human form the entire time for PVP (only ever beat one person lol) and no online co-op help on bosses.

    So I'm checking out Dark Souls II: SotFS, and a lot of things feel different. I have a lot of friends who love DS1 and DS3, all of them are telling me I should just not bother with DS2 since Miyazaki wasn't involved in it. And even though this game feels different, the new parry mechanics were easy to learn. Right now, I'm having more trouble with enemy placement. Rarely did I ever feel like I was getting swarmed with enemies in DS1 unless I was carelessly running through and aggro-ing a bunch, but in Forest of the Fallen Giants, after the bonfire right before the Ironclad Soldier, I'm getting swarmed immediately upon reaching that rooftop, and the Ironclad Soldier will sometimes hit a barrel and explode--usually one-shotting me. It feels like there's an element of randomness here, like sometimes the barrel will explode, sometimes the Ironclad Soldier will break all the barrels and nothing happens.

    I'm just wondering the following:

    • Can this board help me with any tips to get through the early part of the game?
    • Should I dial it back and play the first version of DS2, which I've been told is less hard?
    • Should I just skip this one and come back to it later after playing more Soulsborne games?

    Playing DS1 also got me pretty invested into the story, and I heard the DS2 story has nothing to do with DS1, but the DS1 story is continued in DS3. This is another reason I think that maybe I should skip this game for now.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/wndrtl
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    To the legend named Int who helped me take down The Rotten just now

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    Thank you. praise the sun.

    submitted by /u/TheKingOfGhana
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    I killed Shrek mid-gesture and I'm sorry (SERIOUS) (NOT CLICKBAIT)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    I promise, there's an explanation for this post's title.

    So, I just saw a meme on a Dark Souls facebook group (post shared from here) with a green invader named Shrek (of course), holding a large club, invading someone's game as a grey spirit. It seems to be an old Tumblr post, but it's freaky that I saw it today, because just yesterday, I killed a green/gray invader named Shrek in the Iron Keep - in the worst way possible.

    This guy, Shrek, whoever he was (if it was a he - apologies again, o invader, for I must respect Shrek's pronouns), he didn't invade me directly, no - I saw a grey dragon eye sign on the ground near the merchant in the Iron keep, a challenge to duel him one-on-one. It was the first time I had ever played against a PC invader in Dark Souls 2, and this man/ogre was kind enough to extend a request to let him in.

    And when I let him in, he didn't immediately start swinging, oh no - he gestured at me to duel, like a gentleman. And instead of reciprocating, I panicked and started swinging at him while he was in his gesture animation.

    Shrek, you left your swamp to venture out and duel nobly, unlike other PC nobles in regal regalia I'd meet later that would try hiding and sniping at me in Belfry Sol. You were a good guest, and I was a bad host. I even saw your invader summon sign again, this time ahead of the crossbow, and I'd dare not invite you back - not after the ignominious behaviour I showed to you.

    Shrek, if you're seeing this, I'm so sorry. Please accept my humble apologies.

    submitted by /u/mehluv
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    Some thoughts on DS2

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    So I beat the game for the first time last night, and I've had some trouble pinning down my feeling towards it. I'll admit from the get go I was part of the arbitrarily hating it crowd having only played a little bit before, and I decided to give it a proper run through.

    I really, really wanted to like this game as much as this sub does, and while I absolutely did have alot of fun with it, it just felt like it could have been so much better? There are so many cool mechanics and ideas, I love the idea of being able to affect the arenas and fights, the game has some very unique fights I really enjoyed. The npc summons/invasions had some great character to them, cant remember his name but the barrel guy in the third dlc but he made me laugh out loud the first time he jumped me. The lore is fantastic, and I found the reject the cycle ending and Aldia's additions to lore genuinely poignant.

    I could list off everything else that's unique about the game that you guys already know, but I just cant help but feel like it's bloated? Theres just too much of the game and I cant help but feel that if the devs had trimmed the fat a bit they could have properly explored their ideas, and the unique parts might have carried over to ds3. So many bosses wind up being a big dude with a sword that invariably has an impale attack with vendrick being the biggest let down on that front for me. I did all the prep and was really excited, only for it to be far too similar to the sinner imo.

    Theres a fantastic game in here, it's just buried under to much content to explore its potential fully. I'm really really glad I finally gave it a go after playing 1 and 3 to death, and I think I will come back to it for other runs, I just cant bring myself to like it more than the other 2 games, as much as I genuinely enjoyed the game.

    Anyway cheers for letting me ramble, and to this amazingly passionate community for inspiring me to give the game a go

    submitted by /u/Sarge42
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    (PC )Looking for co-op buddies

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I recently bought this game after playing with the first and third of the series. I'm looking for friends to play this game with. I'm currently at Earthen Peak, Shaded Woods and The Gutter.

    submitted by /u/Folix97
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    Why is this game so different from DS 1 and 3 ?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    Not saying that it's a bad game by no means, it's a bioshock 2 type of scenary where a good game is in between 2 incredible games, but when i think about ds1 and 3 i think about the dark fantasy, grimm visuals, challenging bosses, weapons and equipment that are a mixture of realistic with the fantastic, an excellent combination of wester and eastern, but with dark souls 2 it's literally the light mode meme, everything is more bright with a cartoony/comic-book visual, the challenge is really reduced and it basically accepted that it's JRPG with the non-realistic equipament designs, it literally went from berserk to dota: dragon's blood what happened for such a drastic change in style ? Was it like a change in direction and other problems behind the scenes ?

    submitted by /u/jhonathan_Z_star
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    Recently used Loyce Greatsword

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    Just curious, what's a weapon you started using later on on your adventure with Ds2 and enjoyed it? For me it's definitely the Loyce Gs. Fast for a Greatsword and the moveset is solid.

    Video for fun. Ng+ no damage https://youtu.be/_b2EIwnucic

    submitted by /u/minoas348
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    This fry that I found looks like the FUGS

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    Finished my Sorcerer Classy Run! Definitely a fun and unique challenge run! Might do more classy runs in the future!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    Showing DS2 some love by starting a let's play series on youtube.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:05 PM PDT

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