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    Saturday, June 12, 2021

    Dark Souls I am the biggest idiot in the history of Dark Souls

    Dark Souls I am the biggest idiot in the history of Dark Souls

    I am the biggest idiot in the history of Dark Souls

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    We all know the pain of facing O&S for the first time, and they're a boss I've just never been good at even after the second dozen time. However, I've unintentionally been making their entire fight a level of stressful I've never needed to by grinding to a +15 weapon before ever going to Anor Londo, every time I've played, because I didn't know you can take the demons back to Sens. I've always thought you were stuck when you get dropped in Anor Londo until you get the Lordvessel and can warp, and thus I've been making my prep for their fight an unnecessarily long ritual that I never needed to fucking do in the first place. Jesus Christ.

    submitted by /u/VivaBlasphemia
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    I beat o and s!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    Now, the real game begins. Honestly I died more to the stray demon but this boss was hard, I threw my load down do I could roll and had a lengthy battle. Now I am not sure what do do, boobies lady told me to link the first flame

    submitted by /u/BasedAncapistani
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    Tomb of Giants made me see the flaws in my gameplay

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    So recently I passed through Tomb of Giants and Demon Ruins. At first I thought I was ready to tackle the tomb with just the lantern, but I came to a very harsh realization that sacrificing a shield for visibility comes at a heavy cost.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed playing through this area quite a lot. I think my feeling of anxiety and hesitation was exactly what Fromsoft wanted me to feel. In that regard, the experience I had in the tomb was perfectly expected.

    That said, this area showed me very clearly that I overly rely on movement and shield play. I'm always circling my opponent to get their back, and I always have my shield ready for a responsive block. Now immediately I was robbed of my ability to see my target, to defend against my target and my ability to maneuver around my target. Right at the point in the game where my confidence was high from successfully beating challenging bosses, I got robbed of my advantages. It was a helpless feeling that reminded me of how I felt when first encountering balder Knights. I once again needed to analyze my playstyle and adapt.

    So I warped out and went to demon ruins. My plan was to get myself a sunlight maggot so I wouldn't lose my shield to have visibility. I ended up clearing most of demon ruins, got the helmet and warped back to Tomb of Giants. After this, I was able to slowly make my way to Nito.

    I genuinely enjoyed this fight, Nito had very clear openings and telegraphs, but also was dangerous in many ways. It felt like I was adequately punished for making mistakes and rewarded for playing right.

    On a side note, ceaseless discharge was meh. I fought him without the cheese method and almost lost to his insane fire attack to goes through walls. But eventually I found a sweet spot where he'd attack with his arm and miss me, so I could get a few bonks.

    Demon firesage was asylum demon again, just one that spams jump back even though he was already against a wall.

    Centipede demon was surprisingly challenging, but ended up just being a weird flustercluck of odd camera angles and panic rolls.

    Ultimately, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself so far.

    PS: Fuck skeleton dogs.

    submitted by /u/No_Blacksmith_1609
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    Finally deathless!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    Oh goodness! This was the stupidest challenge I ever set myself: Dark souls without dying. I thought I would get it in one or two goes. 14 attempts later and here we are.

    To be clear, this wasn't a no-hit run. More like all the hits. The only challenge was no deaths and no summons except Leeroy. The Happy Hob has nothing to worry about 😀

    If you want to know my process, I'll set it out below. Here's what 14 attempts taught me.

    Don't play when you're tired. You make simple mistakes like not having estus selected when you really need it!

    What I learned is that RNG is more deadly than poison. Enemies you've run past 1000 times will suddenly be magnetically attracted to your butt. Ornstein and Smough are particularly bad, what with Orn jittering his way across the map long after his moveset should have finished. I learned that the mosquito bugs in Blighttown cannot be targeted by magic spells, it just flies over their heads. I learned that Gwyn can chain 5 kicks in a row, draining all your poise. That the 4 kings are sometimes addicted to grab attacks. That Seath really doesn't like you touching his tail.

    Most frustrating are some elements of game build. Enemies that can attack you through pillars or solid brick. Ledges where you can just kind of slide off despite not moving.

    Would I do it again? No, it stops being fun after a while, since dying even 90 seconds before the end of the game means hours more work. My preferred style is to run into fights like an idiot, this challenge forces you to consider every aspect of every fight, even when facing hollows.

    Spoilers ahead

    My successful run involved grabbing the gravelord sword early. To do this, start as a warrior. Straight after getting to firelink, grab the zweihander. If you're unencumbered you can run right past all the skeletons.

    Level up just enough to two-hand the zwei, then run into the catacombs. If you are swift and run right into the room with the necromancer the skeletons get confused and roll around outside instead if coming in and ganking you. Get up in the necros face and flatten him with the zwei. You'll have just enough stamina to keep going, meaning he can never initiate an attack. I've done this numerous times and am pretty confident about not dying on this part.

    Next, you can either go human or stay hollow. Either way, grab the gravelord sword by dropping off the ledge. If you're worried about the titanite demon hitting you when you get in the coffin, quit and restart the game, it will de aggro and you can take your own sweet time.

    You should be able to two-hand the GL sword. So it's off the kill Pinwheel for his souls. If you're human you can summon Leeroy, or do it yourself. But Pinwheel is prime RNG. Sometimes he'll spawn so many clones that you'll die without help.

    After that you should have enough souls to level up whatever stats and weapons you want. I was lucky enough to get a black knight halberd to drop, so focussed my build around that.

    My only other advice is to free Lautrec early, steal his ring then kill Quelaag before the gargoyles. The gargoyles are a DPS challenge. If you don't kill the primary one quickly his buddy can easily knock you off the roof. Take your time with Q, keep your distance and she's actually quite an approachable boss. Use her souls to increase your damage output prior to facing the rooftop jerks.

    I'd love to hear how others have got on.. it's entirely possible I've made a bigger deal of the challenge than it should be, but it would be interesting to compare notes. Don't go hollow!

    submitted by /u/superplint
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    New to dark souls, how to get more involved in the game.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 10:14 PM PDT

    I started playing DS1Remastered about a month ago and have absolutely fallen in love with it. Watching gameplays here and there (only of the areas I've currently visited). I don't get much time other than weekends to play the game, but I want to keep myself occupied with the world of dark souls.

    I'm currently at the first Blighttown bonfire (no idea if there's more) and I don't want to spoil anything for myself, even how the future bosses. Are there any things I could read/watch about DS that don't have spoilers?


    submitted by /u/amgstymeme
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    Missing Statue in Anor Londo?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    [edit & potential spoiler alert: okay so from your comments and more reading it seems like the nameless king is more likely the missing statue but perhaps Andre is a bastard son? Like GOT😆 or close relative]

    Before I say this, let it be known that I don't know a lot about the Dark souls lore.

    'Andre of Astora' according to dark souls wiki - He was betrayed but little is known about his character. Which to me seems almost purposeful to leave a mystery there.

    In terms of npc strength he can just about handle Gwyn without a weapon or amour https://youtu.be/RCgXuOBRAIs. So here it is, what if Andre was Gwyn's right hand man? maybe relative, maybe son? And was betrayed because Gwyn was jealous of his power?

    Is 'Andre of Astora' the missing statue?

    submitted by /u/Dougy120
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    Weird glitch just happened to me, an invasion counted as a co-op

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    I was invading anor londo and I spawned in at the bottom of the stairs to the fog wall right as the host and his password buddy crossed the wall.

    Normally of course it sends me back to my world but this time I stayed, I couldn't go into the boss room but I stayed at the the wall swinging into it and as they fought O and S they noticed me and we were hitting each other back and forth.

    Then they went back to fighting the boss and beat them and I got sent back to my world but received 25000 souls! Like as if I was co-oping with them!

    Hey I'll take it. Wish it would have happened on one of my characters that really needs them though but still. \`[T] /

    submitted by /u/Dr_BloodPool
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    Do you ever all-of-a-sudden struggle a ton in areas or bosses that you’d never had issues with in the past?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    For me, I've died close to 10 times in Blighttown. In my years of playing this game, I've never really struggled, maybe a death or two here and there, but this time it's a different story. Guess it's my luck catching up to me.

    Do you ever have this happen to you?

    submitted by /u/Gr3enzo
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    [Switch] Handheld quality question

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    I'm overseas and I am getting that kick to play Darksouls again after the OooOOoOooh announcement. I however don't have access to a TV right now.

    Is the quality decent enough to play handheld without saying "this is fucking awful?" I know its going to be a drop, but how much? Is it even worth it?

    submitted by /u/OhNo_StepBro
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    Anor Londo turned dark (Haven't even got to Gwynevere yet)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    I just got through the top of the chandelier and had to quit. Came back and i was back at the start of anor londo and it has went dark... this happened to anyone else? Can this be fixed?

    submitted by /u/based_aleksi
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    Did I shoot myself in the foot?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    I never freed Big Hat Logan from sens fortress and made it to the end game (only have Manus, Kalameet, and Gwyn left). I went back and freed him and he appeared at firelink shrine and I bought all of his spells but now he won't leave firelink or offer me the crystal spells or proceed through his story to start going hollow. Did I get too far and lock out the rest so I can't do it anymore?

    submitted by /u/awesomepossum1992
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    What am i missing about faith builds?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    Replaying the game and challenging myself to play builds i usually wouldn't try, this time a faith build. I have 40 faith and it feels so useless. I've only gotten as far because ive been putting points in strength too. Ive got grant, the "best" faith weapon and i am doing damage not really worth using such a slow weapon. Great lighting spear and lighting spear both are too slow to use effectively, and all the buff spells seem way to specific to be useful.

    All of this gathers into this overwhelming sense that i am missing something obvious. Or did they just gimp lightning damage that much with the patch?

    Edit: so doing a bunch of digging i think i figured out the problem... maybe. The math works out but i have no proof.

    Faith weapons lie about their damage. Technically the number they show is how much damage they should be doing. The problem is the auxiliary divine stat. What i think is going on is the 130 divine grant has does bonus damage to Skeletons and such... and lowers damage against everything else. I cant find anything saying this outright but it would make sense... in a way only dark souls could.

    submitted by /u/ProfDagon
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    Can't listen to Spotify while playing the game on PS4?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    I know some of you will want to burn me at the stake for heresy, but I've always loved to listen to podcasts while playing my FromSoft games. I obviously only do this once I've completed a few truly immersive playtroughs, and mostly when grinding for the platinums. But it would seem like I can't use Spotify while playing DSR. Is there any way to fix this or will I have to listen to my podcasts on my shitty phone speakers? Thanks in advance, and don't worry, I'm already gathering firewood for the stake! ;)

    Also, shout-out to "The Last Podcast on the Left" for keeping me company during the horrendously long farming of the covenant items in DS3!

    submitted by /u/kedino
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    Elden Ring Trailer but with berserk music

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    An Honest Review of this AMAZING GAME

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    This game IS WORTH THE MONEY, even the DLC, it is THICK with plot, it has so much lore in which has been heavily covered with not just combat but with activities that occupy your mind, it has little to NO hand holding and if you have the time you can 100% the game, from the sidequests, to the DLC, to the full game, the community is more then lush, even entire factions, if you have an extra 60 bucks this is an INSTANT buy, you'll invest hours upon hours of playtime and enjoy yourself the entirety of it, it's a beautiful game, please consider it, this subreddit along with other people, VaatiVidya, Fightin'Cowboy and many others contribute with not just the plot but how to play the soulsborne games without having a bad time, everyone I've ever encountered in the entirety of darksouls has been entirely nice, the game is perfect if you need a challenging game with DAYS of playtime, the soulsborne series is for you.

    submitted by /u/Oreo_Crimson
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    Combo Wingedspear + Anykind of buff is really something else.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 06:58 AM PDT

    The running attack of the winged spear deals multiple hits which applies the effect of the buff multiples time as well. This make the combo really overpower as I tested it on Bell Gargoyles and in a single attack it caused more than 700 damage. The video.

    submitted by /u/Happy_Wench
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    What was your first "welcome to dark souls" moment?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    For me it didn't come for awhile because I let my friends carry me through the game. But I'd have to say it came when I reached O and S during my solo playthrough of dark souls remastered. I thought "I've beaten bloodborne, and dark souls 3 and both of their dlc I got this" then I learned that I knew nothing and was in for a very eventful night

    submitted by /u/spectral5608
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    Newbie here, Should I play DS Remastered or DS 3?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    This is my first time playing darksouls and not sure which one to i should play, or what one is better.

    submitted by /u/StunZ_T
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    Dark souls 1 multiplayer need help

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    Is there any mode that makes co-op easier ? Like infinite summon or when the summon dies he respawn back into my world on automatic ? I was planning to play with my friend ...

    submitted by /u/omidhhh
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    Praise. The. Sun!!!

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    After over 100 hours and 4 and a half playthroughs I finally have that beautiful platinum trophy to brag about. I have been obsessing the past couple of months. Where I need to go,lists of items I need and where to go or speak to and in which order scribbled on notes left around my house and at work. Nightmares where I wake up in the night dreaming I'd let Big Hat Logan go mad before I'd bought all his spells. It's been a hell of a ride. I'd like to summarise my experience if I may.

    I did a strength build. In the end I had Havel's Armour, the ring of favour and protection, a +5 Black Knight Greataxe and Artorios Greatsheild. Oh and Mask of Child. I smashed my way through 4th playthrough just to get to Giant Blacksmith in about 30 mins lol. I did dabble in magic just to snipe some enemies like the ninja folk in Anor Lando by the painting (I've just finished my brain is fuzzy I can't remember the proper names lol). My Greataxe was my favourite weapon in the end but my +15 Claymore was also a bloody beast for most my time. I also had a +5 black Knight sword which was ok but I think would be better with higher Dex. As I was all about strength I found the axe did more damage, even if slow.

    Favourite boss: obviously Smough and Orstein. Trying to kill Smough first on NG+ to get Orsteins soul was... Hell to be honest lol but when I'd done it I nearly flipped my desk in sheer joy.

    Favourite area: Blightown. Because fuck Blightown right? But again, the joy of finding your way to Quaaleg EVENTUALLY was brilliant. And finding that tree that goes to ANOTHER area was mental. I also LOVED Ash Lake for the sheer dramaticness of the whole thing. There was no need for that music in such a deserted area but it was magnificent.

    Hardest boss: I mean, Manus is obviously the hardest that dude is ridiculous. But in the core game I'd say Bed of Chaos. I just attempted to run for it every time but actually, if you just wait for a big swing then run for the center it is much easier.

    Hardest area: Sens Fortress 1st time. Those traps are evil!! Eeeevil! After that time it was much easier to navigate but that first attempt I was laughing/crying ALOT.

    Hardest moment: it's the archers at Anor Lando for EVERYONE right? My last playthough I got it down first time you just have to commit and don't bloody hesitate. A superb moment though.

    Favourite moment: being taken to Anor Londo. Like.. when all of a sudden you see how HUGE the place is you've just explored then being dropped into an even bigger area. My jaw dropped.

    Main reason I loved it: sense of accomplishment after doing pretty much anything. Exploration and finding a chest at the end of a maze- feel like a G. Finally beating Manus - feel like a G. Farming souls and leveling up to be able to wield that weapon you've kept- feel like a G. It challenged me on everything and I was hooked!!

    There isn't much to be said that hasn't been said before. I played this once when it was first released and couldn't get into it because of the difficulty level. But I'm older and wiser now and I am so glad I gave it another try. But after getting that Platinum I had to get it all out my system and I thought you guys would appreciate the rant rather than wake the wife up lol! I did it!

    Dark Souls 2 next!

    submitted by /u/nadzisme
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    Artorias's soul is mine!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Took me too many fights to claim, but it's finally mine! I love the sense of accomplishment this game gives.

    I will not go hollow today:)

    submitted by /u/kain4577
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    My experience with seath

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Finally worked out the hidden paths to get across the crystal cave and came up against the (not so) scaly boi. Started up against his side recklessly poking with my +10 halberd which started burning his health pretty quick, however I got a bit carried away and got stuck in his crystal attack which started filling my curse bar pretty quick. So I'm there frantically spamming my attacks with my entire screen filled with crystals before I die. Just got him in time, or so I thought but half a second later the bar ticks over and I get cursed and drop dead. Then as a bonus I get one shotted by an ice golem on my way back (because of my new half health bar) and lose 60k souls :(((

    submitted by /u/Tiny_Platypus_4563
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    Does the Dark Souls Trilogy set include the DLC on disc?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    I'm thinking of buying the Dark Souls Trilogy for a PS4 that I'm borrowing. I'm a little conscious about buying a game for a console I don't own, the PS4 is my brother's, but my step-brother wants to play the games with me. I've played DSR and DS2 SotFS on other platforms.

    I suppose what I'm asking is: if I buy it second hand, will it come with all the DLC? Or are they a redeemable code that is useless to any second hand purchase?

    submitted by /u/The_of_Falcon
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