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    Saturday, June 12, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 I did it! I finally completed a no death, no bonfire run for SotFS on the first new game cycle! I also uploaded a video playthrough with commentary for others!

    Dark Souls 2 I did it! I finally completed a no death, no bonfire run for SotFS on the first new game cycle! I also uploaded a video playthrough with commentary for others!

    I did it! I finally completed a no death, no bonfire run for SotFS on the first new game cycle! I also uploaded a video playthrough with commentary for others!

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    After dozens and dozens of hours, I finally completed the no death, no bonfire challenge run to receive the Illusory Ring of a Conqueror and Illusory Ring of the Exalted. Not only did I achieve this on the first ng cycle, but I also managed to complete it using the Sorcerer class. Finding walkthroughs and tip videos was pretty difficult, so I decided to record my playthrough and add some potentially helpful commentary for others! I am very new to video editing, so the format is pretty basic. However, I had a blast doing it, and I hope that others can find the video useful.

    Here's a link to the video for those who are interested: https://youtu.be/Bosf4FVw958

    Edit: It's true I did this as the sorcerer class, but I did not complete the challenge as pure sorcerer. I had to convert to a DEX/rapier build to make the run viable. I purposely chose the sorcerer class, so I could reallocate stats after getting the rings and try PVP as a hexer with invisible weapons.. it's been a lot of fun :)

    submitted by /u/RED_SUN_RISES
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    Can somebody explain how Sinh died in the air like that?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    Got backstabbed from an NPC that stood infront of me. Classic

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    The Frigid Outskirts... *Spoilers*

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    Man, what were they thinking?

    So I've finally reached the end of my first run through of this game. As I was watching a YouTuber go through the DLC areas, I noticed that I had somehow missed this section. I stopped the video and decided to give it a try. Oh, boy...

    Up to this point, I had beaten every area/boss on my own, with no help from PC or NPC summons. After getting ganked a few times by lightning ponies in the blizzard, something inside me said, "you have nothing to prove. Call some summons and have a little fun with what may be your last area." Am I glad I listened to that inner voice!

    I am sure there is no way I would have made it through the blizzard, the horses, and then the fight with two tiger bosses that hit for half of my life bar (and one of them regenerates its health!) I know my limits.

    After beating the bosses, I stood there, shocked, with pretty much no consumables left in my quick menu. "Surely, there must be a bonfire I missed somewhere. How are you expected to do this alone?" I thought to myself as I left the arena to search for said bonfire, only to find some ring and my own death after clumsily falling off the ice cliff.

    If you're like me, and you like to do your first run as blind as possible and completely solo, take it from me: feel no shame in summoning all the summons in this area. They put 3 here for a reason.

    Just one bonfire somewhere in the middle or outside the boss arena would have made this place so much more manageable for solo runners like me. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/capt_strugglebunny
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    first character

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    What should my first character be?

    submitted by /u/sundude05
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    How much harder does the covenant of champions makes the game? Like as if you're on a NG higher?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    And besides the giant lord, is there another way to farm souls?

    submitted by /u/SirRoderic
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    I pulled the lever

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    So I was fucking around aldia's keep just now and I pulled the lever I was told not to pull. I had previously passed through the area but came back to unlock the locked door and couldn't resist pulling the infamous lever.

    It just released the wizard on the other side of the hall. He went on to say he found his new mark and will chase him down. I assumed that was me so I killed him.

    What are the consequences of pulling the lever?

    submitted by /u/Flat_Duck7115
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    Monastery Longskirt

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 02:58 AM PDT

    I really need it, anyone want to trade or have a extra one? PS4: DrMikkel_yz54 (soulmemory: approx 5,6mill)

    submitted by /u/DrMikkelyz54
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    Not new to Dark Souls but new to Dark Souls 2 and this sub. Have a few questions (SotFS)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    This Dark Souls I got into after being told by many of my friends who played 1 and 3 that 2 was bad. I watched Joseph Anderson's videos, Matthewmatosis' video, HBomberGuy's video and finally MauLer's behemoth of a series on it. I know all the common complaints and thought to myself that I'd check it out for myself. And while yes, enemy spam is unreal at times, I dont understand why some people say its objectively "Bad". I do get it has it's flaws, but that is true for every game. But my questions are not related to the game's quality, as 1: I'm sure this sub gets enough "Why does Dark Souls 2 get so much hate" threads as it is and 2: I prefer to make my own judgements on things rather than be told why they are bad. What's bad to you might not be bad to me. My questions are related to the early game and to the differences (besides technical ones) between the OG DS2 and the SotFS edition I happen to be playing.

    1: What is ADP and how does it work? 2: What is AGL (assuming agility) and how does IT work? 3: Are there any major differences between OG and SotFS I should know if I decide to go back and play OG? 4: Where is better to start, Forest of Fallen Giants or Heides Tower of Flame. 5: any pointers on getting started I should know about?

    Thanks for everyone who helps and hope to be here a long time.

    submitted by /u/Malakithas
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    Hi I am new & need some help figuring out what stats to build with using the Red Iron Twinblade in mind

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    Hello friends, So I am new to DarkSouls in general just finished the first game now I'm onto DS2 but I am unsure on what skills to level up and in what order. I like the look and move sets on the Twinblades plus heard the RIT was the best so Id like a build with that in mind if anyone can help!

    Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply!

    submitted by /u/Crippsylol
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    SOTS : Iron Keep blues

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    This is my 2nd post about my experience with SOTS, because I played the "original" game for hundreds of hours, and just began replaying but with the SOTS version.

    Today's subject of distress? Iron Keep

    That area has been my favorite area in the original game for farming, because it seems to me even when you are done with the place, the amount of souls you can get quickly even though at and advanced level is great for leveling up.

    Now that I reached the place in SOTS, not so sure, at least for the first part. In order to start farming from the 2nd bonfire and backstab all these archers and enjoy myself, I need to get there....

    I think they added like a million alone knights ; moved some of the archers so they can get you from multiple places, running from the bonfire to the Smelter Demon boss fight used to be catchy but manageable. Not so sure anymore ; once you cross the bridge over the lava to the right side of the place where the boss fog gate is, you have to deal with the big one in front of the gate, plus like 2 or 3 "new" (to me) Alone knights coming from the opposite direction?

    There used to be a gap there, so knights or not they could not reach you, now they just drop from the higher place where the pharros thing is to kick you ass

    I had like 45 minutes to play this morning before work, rage quit after 20 because I got killed too many times.

    Boy I love this game

    submitted by /u/sabrosafb
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    Build my build #1

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, and welcome to the first ever edition of Build my build! I invented a way for all of you to be the ones creating a build for my next challenge run, one item at a time!

    The rules are very simple: I will go through an all-bosses run of the game using ONLY the weapons, armor and items YOU will be randomly suggesting. You will even pick my stats. Comment this thread based on what time of the day it is while you're reading this. Check the ranges below (they represent the minutes of the hour) and make your suggestion accordingly.

    XX:00 - XX:09 Pick a weapon/shield/catalyst. I will be collecting the first 6 suggestions and they'll be all I can use.

    XX:10 - XX:19 Pick a ring. The first 4 rings that get mentioned will be part of my setup, and will never be removed.

    XX:20 - 00:29 Pick an armour piece. Whichever part of the body is fine, I'll pick the first of each category and stick to that (no matter the weight load, but go easy!). Fat roll? Yes please.

    XX:30 - XX:39 Pick an item (consumables/items). The first 10 items suggested will be all I have. Who knows if I'll get any healing wares.

    XX:40 - XX:49 Write a number between 10 and 30. These numbers will become my stats. I will allocate them in order, and I won't level up past these (I set the limit at 30 so that the final build can be balanced and reachable early)

    XX:50 - XX:59 Pick a sorcery/miracle/hex/pyromancy. Will I have the stats to cast them? Will I even have the slots to attune them? We shall see. Please stick to casts with maximum requirements of 30 int/faith, as that is the max I have the chance to get. I will obtain and attune as many of the suggestions as my Attunement value allows.

    That's it! I will post the results once I collect all the data necessary.

    This can either be a total disaster or a great experience, but I'm determined to fight through blood, sweat and tears to make this character conquer the coveted throne.

    Surprise me, and let me know if you'd like updates on the run!

    submitted by /u/kilianer
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    Did SotFS change enemy AI from the PS3 version?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 10:29 PM PDT

    I'm making my way through the PS3 version now. It's been a while since I played SotFS, but I don't remember the enemies being this dumb and slow.

    The bosses seem much easier too.

    Tried googling this, but I'm only seeing info about different enemy placements.

    submitted by /u/beardedweirdoin104
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    Best build for new game? (2nd playthrough, but not NG+)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    Hi there!

    I beat the game a couple years ago but remember that the way I speced my character really screwed me over when it came to the late game (especially Old Iron King DLC!!). I still finished it, but I'd like to return to this one as easily as possible. What would you say is the best build to easily work through (or perhaps even cheese) a new game playthrough? 🙂

    Appreciate the help!

    submitted by /u/jakeklusewitz
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    Any way to stay hollow?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    Trying to co op using the forlorn sword which scales with hollowing. But each successful co op restores my humanity, which I then gotta jump off majulas cliff a bunch of times to get back to full hollowing.

    Any way to avoid the humanity restoration? Or a quicker method of full hollowing?

    submitted by /u/sealungs
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    Returning to platinum after 6 years!!

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Well this was a damn journey, I loved this game the first time I played it but never really understood it, upon returning to the game it was even more apparent I was oblivious to everything.... 8 ADP.... no wonder I was rocking heavy armour, dodging did nothing anyway...

    But this smelter demon armour wearing, black knight halberd weilding, miracle and sorcery wizard has now joined the ranks of the platinum holders!!

    All in all, not too hard really, problem is now that I have DS1 & DS2 plats I guess I have to return to DS3 next...

    Just remember kids, try finger, but hole....

    submitted by /u/Brad_Bandicoot
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    Ng+ and Ng+2 Frigid outskirts made me appreciate shields

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    So I finally decided to take on Lud and Zallen while at Covenant of champions on Ng+ and Ng+2 with my pyromancer character by using bonfire ascetics. To this day, those ram attacks from the reindeers are the only ones that I can't consistently dodge (Even Royal Rat Authority charge attack is tame compared to them). On Ng it wasn't that big of a deal because the damage wasn't that huge.

    Normally, I'm not a big fan of shields in souls games except for Sen's Fortress in DS1 but after many failed attempts, I decided to try Drangleic Shield + gower's ring of protection to counter the charge. Because I'm a bit stubborn, I decided to cap my stats at lvl 150 so I just had enough STR to 2H the shield with the pyro build. Adding third dragon ring helped to have just enough stamina to not be thrown off balance by the charge. On the boss room, just had to unequip the shield and equip the needed rings + Flame weapon on my fire infused dagger. After that, everything went smooth.

    So yeah, now I have a little bit more appreciation for shields.

    submitted by /u/AxelBrionac
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    Who is the Tutorial Boss for Dark Souls 2?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    I just realized that Ds2 doesn't really have a obvious tutorial boss given that your first boss can vary upon the first path you take. So who would this community dub the Dark Souls 2 Tutorial Boss?

    submitted by /u/GodzillaHunter
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    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    Need some help with dukes dear freja spider boss fight

    submitted by /u/Longjumping-Echo-205
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    Where can I use cracked red eye and blue eye orbs?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    I'm human and haven't burned and effigy. I've travelled to different areas and walked far away from bonfires and the "use" option is still grayed out.
    Also, if I lay down my summon sign and leave the area of disappears. Does that mean if I want to use it I have to just hang around the area until someone summons me? In DS3 you're able to be summoned from anywhere, right?

    submitted by /u/Slowspines
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    Good Dark Souls II twitch stream

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    Ive been watching FatRabb1ts twitch stream and he totally got me into the game! any other good streamers anyone knows about for soul games?

    submitted by /u/Dankberg_
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    What stat do I need to raise to make my character less clunky?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    I got done playing Dark Souls: Remastered not too long ago and figured that I should jump into the sequel sooner rather than later to take advantage of the gameplay style being fresh in mind. Unfortunately, whereas the original felt natural to play, in Dark Souls II my character feels as though it's moving around in a sea of molasses, with every attack and dodge feeling agonizingly slow, and worse yet, every hit taken leaving my character standing helpless for several seconds in some sort of weird slow-motion flail.

    Dark Souls II both moved around properties of its stats from the first game and added new ones, so I'm not sure what I need to raise in order to stop feeling like the game is in slow motion. Is it Adaptability for the "agility" it references and extra poise? Vitality to reduce equipment load? Do Strength and Dexterity improve weapon swing speed?

    submitted by /u/ErdrickLoto
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    DS2 looking like sh** on my new MSI Optix G27C4 Monitor

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    What's your advice on how to best get more uses on my pyromancies?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    I never really played as pyromancers in DS2, but I love playing them in DS3. I want to do an all pyromancy PVE build in DS2. I realize that's not going to happen right away, and I'm fine with that. It doesn't seem like you can get Rosabeth to sell more pyromancy scrolls like you can with Licia and Carhillion, so how can I best get more scrolls of basic pyromancies like fireball and fire orb?

    submitted by /u/Wreten314
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