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    Friday, September 4, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Boys... I did it

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I finally beat Dark Souls 2, and it's the first Dark Souls I beat too. gg

    submitted by /u/Tiopatonomy
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    I beat Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin today!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    I really liked it! I prefer Dark Souls III but this game is very good too!

    submitted by /u/danklekandrey
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    Fume knight down

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    Finally took him down. It's been about a week, off and on, idk how many attempts. I finally got him to remain in his first phase (I find dodging those attacks easier) and nailed him. Little bit more dlc left, and then I can finish the game.

    Edit: Thanks everyone for the kind words. Souls community is pretty much the best gaming community I've been part of.

    submitted by /u/axmantim
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    Anyone feel like they suck at PVP?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    I think I must be the only one (or in the minority) who played 200 hours of this game but sucks at pvp. To be honest I only put a few hours into pvp but it seems like I never git gud. I kept getting my ass kicked. Whenever I tried a few rounds of it at Iron Keep I died within seconds. Hell even newbie players can beat me. I always do Pve anyway, but thinking about being bad at one aspect of the game just makes me feel less motivated to play the game... :/

    submitted by /u/Jamesjane5
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    Faaram Knight Sketch

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Aava vs Sif. Who would win?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    The battle takes place in a tundra with only a few trees in the evening. Both have their iconic abilities and gear. Who'd win?

    I'm leaning towards aava but sif's sword seems to pose a real threat. Aava has the magic projectiles and advantage in range, maneuverability, size (maybe?), physical strength and magic. Though sif seems to be able to counter that with his smaller size, sword, etc.

    submitted by /u/dsaf6229
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    Arsenal of the Awful: Curved Twinblade (aka the source of all my misery)

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    What can i say about a weapon i went to NG+2 with on a mid-SM meme Bleed build? Well, i have a lot to say and not a lot about it is positive for good reason. Or bad reasons. Incompetent reasons for locking this thing behind tryhard cancer arena rank up or NG+2 when it's long past its usefulness less than halfway to that point.

    The Curved Twinblade is a proper twinblade, unlike the red iron crutchblade and the guide-reader bullshit spear, being unique in that it's the only twinblade with an innate status effect. Bleed. Unfortunately, Bleed go gutted harder than i thought because back when i reviews the Scythe of the Forlon, i apparently mistook sweet spot hits as multiple bleed procs because bleed can only be procced once every 20 seconds, meaning that the mass bleed spam bullshit in pre-nerfed Carthas Rouge in DkS3 isn't possible, and for good reason as DkS2's bleed if it was spammable would literally delete stamina bars.

    This 20 second timer results in a twinblade with mediocre to bad damage output, and good at applying a status that cannot be spammed. Honestly, what sucks is that it's at best a step up from the standard, plain Twinblade that Helicopter Man died trying to use but a step below the Dragonrider Twinblade, the rusty red cheese tool twinblade, inferior to the Stone Twinblade, and has no mixup potential or surprise combos like the Sorcerer's Twinblade.

    Twinblade tech is quite simple in hindsight: use the 2-handed R1, followed by 2 R2s for a stylish asf combo, as the R2 attack comes out much quicker if it's used as a followup. The literal only 1-handed attack worth anything is the rolling R1, which is actually really good. But the problem with the above is actually executing the combo without getting interrupted.

    Because you see, all the proper twinblades have a very brief windup before their 2-handed R1, which is the key to their combos, which due to being a windup is slower than any weapon that just instantly swings...aka most weapons in the game. They also have no reach whatsoever with their 2-handed moves, albeit surprising amounts of reach in an unexpected radius with the rolling R1. As a result, you either have to fight someone whose playing passive or hit trade in a poise race to ever pull off the combos reliably against half-decent players, the bloodbro arena being hell for the Curved Twinblade which is ironic considering that it's a rank reward for the damn covenant.

    However, this also makes the Curved Twinblade quite a funny weapon to use for invasions from how players react to getting hit by it. Because people PANIC and play defensive when seeing that bleed go off nearly instantly, which is quite ironic when you see this weapon's actual bleed values.

    For those of you who don't know (aka literally everyone because i highly doubt any of you have actually obtained this weapon before), the Curved Twinblade actually has hilariously LOW innate Bleed, way below the amount given to any non-bleed weapon infused with Bleed, but as an innate Bleed weapon it gets nearly doubled the benefit of the Bloodbro Ring and Shadow Gauntlets (they grant +30 bleed for non-bleeding weapons infused with bleed (+60 total), +50 bleed for innate bleeding weapons (+100 total), and +60 bleed for innate bleeding weapons infused with Bleed (+120 total). This combined with the Curved Twinblade actually has good scaling off its bleed value despite the comically low base means that you really don't have to Bleed infuse it to be a bleed machine, retaining its decent base attack value.

    But i Bleed infused it for the memes, surprised to find that the damage doesn't drop much at all but the bleed scaling skyrockets for maximum meme fuel. Fuel that is unfortunately not very potent. If anything, the Curved Twinblade is best used for a completely different, specific setup: multi-status.

    This is because as the only twinblade with an innate status debuff, the Curved Twinblade can become the only weapon that's good at inflicting both Bleed and Poison, rather than just only 1 of them. It can thus become a low-reach, double Channeler Trident for bleeding poison, while also surprisingly still not losing much damage compared to if you infuse bleed/poison onto any other weapon, leading me to believe that this is how it was made to be used for.

    Too that that's still not very good, though, because aside from harassing newer players a properly made build can and will whoop your Curved Twinblade using ass in less than half the hits you need to hit them to kill them even with multi-status spam. Still, it does have a unique niche that's a rather fun one if not gimmicky asf.

    However, if you pull it off you'll find that this weapon is a panic causing machine of sadism because your opponent can't eat moss without just getting re-comboed to a another round of poison, and their slashed stamina from the bleed makes it difficult to get away from you (in fact, another aspect of Bleed is that it slows down a lot of movements, making it impossible to escape). Even the 200 damage procs from the bleed help inch you to victory and cause players to try running only to find that they kind of can't.

    Which is also probably the biggest strength and weakness of the Curved Twinblade; it's a borderline evil harassment weapon for invasions, but comically useless against anyone being a guide reading tryhard with meta weapons. It eats through PvEr's shields, being the best opportunity to just R1 spam that 2-handed moveset, but no PvPer will give a shit and smack you for way more than you can possible hope to hit them. The Curved Twinblade is genuinely very good against slower weapons but it can't fight rapiers or katanas for shit, aka it's useless against 99% of arena duelists.

    And that's honestly a shame because it's a very fun weapon to use but nowhere near practical enough in either function or access to incentive anyone to use it unless making some sort of stupid, try-everything joke review like my dumb ass. And now i have a joke Bleed build stuck in NG+2 who can't kill anything for shit for a weapon that doesn't kill anything without a bleed+poison combo.

    That stupid windup also makes it ludicrous hard to pull off hitting its combo with against most players unless they're either turtling or if you have a ton of poise. For a weapon about being nimble, it doesn't do the job all that quickly and requires borderline caveman unga bunga hit trading for consistent attacks.

    And the worst part is that things didn't have to be this way either. If Bleed's damage stacked but its stamina slashing didn't, it would be able to legit pull off good damage from multiple Bleeds while not permanently disabling your opponent from multiple stamina cuts. There was almost a weapon that could dish out poison's damage output with Bleed...but that shit went to DkS3 only to get nerfed there too so fuck it. So much effort to get a weapon that's obsolete way before reaching the end of the road with said required effort.

    It is a surprisingly recognizable trophy, though, as i actually got some messages of people surprised to see it as it's practically a mythical weapon at low-mid SM. Fairly effective there too, but i wouldn't go any higher as you'll get gigglestomped by proper builds if trying to use the Curved Twinblade against them.

    Which then leads me to try out the next source of my perpetual misery of using garbage. The Puzzling Stone Sword...the prime example of "all style, no substance". Also known as the weapon Fencer Sharron has used to kill countless noobs as the only one to ever successful use that weapon, and only via bullshit NPC hax stats and impossible poise levels.

    submitted by /u/Branded_Mango
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    (WORLD'S FIRST?) Flexile Sentry blindfolded

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:29 PM PDT


    I beat the Flexile Sentry blindfolded, after the Persuer. But this time, fighting in the arena and not cheese the boss. I am very excited, it was incredible! 🇮🇹

    (Here's the link, i don't want to spam for sure https://youtu.be/jekPTBVnK_8 )

    submitted by /u/FabioSpoto
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    Invades even though I'm hollow?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    I got invaded several times whilst I was hollow and I don't understand why. It happened 3 times at king's gate in drangleic castle when I was trying to beat the watchers. It also happened with npc invasions such as Forlorn.

    submitted by /u/Foggedfan
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    [spoiler] How the hell do I reach to smelter demon without dying? The blue version BTW!

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Fighting the boss is not the hard part. Going to the boss is the worst and hard path. By the time I reach smelter demon I have only 8 estus, and reaching to the boss is not guaranteed as well because 85% of the time you die reaching him. How the hell do I reach to him without dieing? I have strength build. My new strategy for tomorrow is to have lot's poison bows. Fight my way through and then fight smelter demon. That way I would at least not die in the path.

    submitted by /u/sanketvaria29
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    Favorite Bad Boss Fight?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    Any boss fights that are generally considered not very good that you personally enjoy?

    For me personally it was actually the ancient dragon, notorious for being very tanky and a mega heavy hitter, personally being a caster along with figuring out how to bait him to fly to the front with his fire breath made it a bit more fun for me.

    submitted by /u/123darkelf
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    Havel monster has appeared.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    So I I just started playing Dark Souls 2 again for the first time in a few years so far I've beaten every single non DLC boss and two of the DLCs I can't seem to figure out if wearing armor is really worth it though. Ive got enough vitality to wear full havels+5 and still can roll. Yet it doesnt really seem to make a huge difference I'm noticing. I know in ds3 armor is basically a joke. Youre fine if youre just wearing something. I'm wondering if ds2 is the same.So would my points be better used in a different slot. Should I say bye to havels?

    submitted by /u/nsnake60
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    Your favorite Item descriptions

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    I want to talk about something that isn't talked much exept for the information.

    What are your favorite Item descriptions, here are mine:

    What makes a king?
    Some say that it is birthright,
    while others call it destiny.

    Perhaps it is not important, as long as
    the king's name serves to unite his people.

    -King's Set

    Life itself is suffering; or karma,
    as some have called it.

    The embrace of death awaits all things,
    But does death mean an end to suffering?

    -Agdayne's Set

    Nothing notable about this weapon,
    except perhaps the luxurious jewels
    embedded in the hilt. If your aim is
    to appear dazzling on the battlefield,
    this might just do just the trick.

    -Melu Scimitar

    Only the King knows whether the depiction
    of the Queen is a resentful mockery,
    or an affectionate exaltation.

    -King's Ultra Greatsword

    He who chooses this as a weapon either
    faces extenuating circumstances or has
    an odd sense of humor. If you care for
    your life, leave this one in the kitchen.

    -Handmaid's Ladle

    The pig head looks eerily authentic, but is an
    imitation. Though the shield's defensive capacity
    is ordinary, it may spook an unsuspecting foe.

    -Porcine Shield

    submitted by /u/UsingHat
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    First time for everything I guess

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    At Iron Keep. I like to get the invasions out of the way just in case so:

    First lap, Sharon shows up. And then I head on to visit Magerold and a first lap of the surroundings. All went well, but Dennis invaded as I was walking back to the bonfire.

    Never happened to me before and in fact I was certain you had to rest for the second invader to spawn. Evidently not.

    submitted by /u/rnj1a
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    My highest rated message is about Helicopter Man.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    It's a message that I left ~half a year ago in front of the iron chest that contains the twinblade in the Lost Bastille:

    Visions of circling around..., and then tears

    This message refers to the sad tale of Helicopter Man, whose dual twinblade strategy was not meant to be. Funnily enough it's my highest rated message with 177 ratings. I suppose the playerbase still feels the sadness that is the tale of Helicopter Man.

    submitted by /u/VreesKees
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    Those who only play pve, why aren't you interested in pvp?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Those who don't play pvp, may I ask why?

    For me personally I'm just bad at it, lol. But even if I'm good I don't see myself investing time into it because I will get bored quick. PVE is what makes the Souls series interesting to me.... Would like to hear your opinions.

    submitted by /u/welchs_is_yummy
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    Magic build

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Just so I can understand it better. If I aim for 40 INT and 40 Faith. Does that makes me an efficient Socerer, Hexer and Pyromancer ? Miracle caster too if I might add ??

    submitted by /u/ineedadvil
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    Return to Drangleic?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    I know that it happens every now amd then, can anybody tell me when it will be happening next? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/The_OldOne
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    Shout out to one of the most active and helpful people of the community I see him on almost every post never gives anyone shit and is always guiding

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    u/TheHittitie hope everyone agrees

    submitted by /u/a_allen4261
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    Anyone wanna link me to a full guide to no death no bf

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Did you know that you can complete ds2 in 6 bosses?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Normally you would kill your way to the Lost Sinner, Rotten, Iron King and Freja, but did you know that if you get soul memory 1 million, you can get to drangleic, kill the dragon riders, mirror knight, demon of song, velstadt and then go to the throne defenders and finally kill Nashandra?

    And because of this you can have 9 different first bosses (Dragon Rider, Dragon Slayer, Last Giant, Rat Covenant, The rotten, Dragon Riders, Scorpioness, The King's pet and The King's pets duo.)

    Edit: I'm not quite sure if you can kill the kings pets before you kill Aava, so there might only be 8 first bosses.

    submitted by /u/Flariore3
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    TIL Zwei is German for two

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Zweihander literally means, "two hander"

    submitted by /u/wvmtnboy
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    All the items in corpses have disapeared, literally all items that are not key items and are in corpses around the map are just gone, does anyone know how to fix this?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Please help

    submitted by /u/Pig_2608
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