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    Tuesday, June 29, 2021

    Dark Souls Who are the four Lords again ?

    Dark Souls Who are the four Lords again ?

    Who are the four Lords again ?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 01:25 AM PDT

    There's Gwyn, the Witch of Izalith and Gravelord Nito but I think I forgot the last one

    submitted by /u/TheFunnyLemon
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    To all the people who post when they defeat a hard boss

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    Yes you are awesome for overcoming it. I beat this game 4 or 5 times by now and after starting once more after a year off, I'm literraly stuck between an ornstein and a hard place. I know I can beat em. I definitely did before, but for the life of me orns isn't gonna make it easy this time. So if you beat something you thought was impossible, don't stop yourself from showing off, because sometimes this game really demands some work out of you

    Edit: I slept on it, finished work, ate some yogurt and took em down. Made sure to fight super orns cause I knew smough would be easier for me.

    Realized I was dumb and was using the 2 handed heavy too often and barely got windows long enough to land them safely. So yeah dark souls isn't impossible. It just demands a lot and is super spiteful if you mess up

    submitted by /u/FrabascoSauce
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    Dark Wood Grain Ring is stupidly fun

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    It makes your movements look cool, it makes you use a lower equip load if you want to use it (or just level up that stat), it makes rolls faster than running, it boosts your I-frames, it makes some boss battles that were tricky into jokes (Manus) and it just makes you look cool.

    Only downside is you have to betray Shiva to get it and Shiva is nice.

    Edit; Why does this have so many upvotes

    submitted by /u/MaleficTekX
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    Just played through Upper Blighttown on a 360 ...

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    Man I really did not know what to expect but the ppl who said that the game becomes a "slideshow" were spot on. I'm so glad that I was stoned going into it because I would have DEFINITELY lost my cool more than once. Those little toxic dart shooting fuckers were making NO noise and i literally could not see their projectiles due to the stuttering !!!!! I can see why this area has a reputation to this day, even after the remaster.

    Super grateful for FightinCowboy's walkthrough series on Youtube. I would not have been able to figure out what the hell was going on without his help. Hoping I can play through it on an XB1 or PS5 soon

    submitted by /u/nd999fx
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    Dark souls help me appreciate myself more and just life in general during some tough times.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:27 AM PDT

    Replaying the dark souls series again for what must be the 10th time, maybe? It's hard to put into words but this series while frustrating and rage inducing as it can be when something doesn't go your way or you screw up it's also comforting in a strange way. I don't know maybe I'm crazy for thinking that but the way it deals with themes of life death and rebirth are amazing and also how it teaches the player to be patient but also to take risks are incredible. Played this last year during the height of the pandemic and it was one of the things that helped me through that and other personal things I had going on that were just making me miserable for what felt like a long period of time. Playing the game during this time and constantly gettin my ass handed to me somehow helped toughen me up in a weird way and pushed me to progress through the game even when I was on verge of just giving up and walking away. I guess it's meataphorical for how I was feeling and how I would eventually push through my anger and frustration I was feeling at myself for things in my life not going to plan. Anyways I'll end this sappy post but I just wanted to share my love and appreciation to this incredible game and series. Thank you From Software.

    submitted by /u/Ashenone0619
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    Is there a way to cheese Quelaag?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    I've reached the boss, but I can't defeat it. I'm cursed and I've nothing to cure it. Should I go back and buy the thing (I don't remember its name) to cure the curse, buy some other items to help me and then return to the boss or should I keep trying?

    submitted by /u/just_generic_user
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    Dark souls community is wholesome.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    The lands of Dark souls are a place so dark and sad with no mercy; nostalgia is everywhere, and the death, the ruins, the loneliness, the madness, and even a false sun, the anger when we die, the feel of despair, the tiredness of always repeating the same roads, or the attemps to defeat a boss. A place where the bonfire is the only place that we take a break if we don't fight. for such a place like this, is so amazing that the community is totally the opositte: so understanding and inspiring people, that make you stand up when you fail, and i you can't progress, and wanna leave the game, makes that you don't give up, you gotta stand up and try again and learn, study and teach how to beat a boss. There's no toxic relation with the game, and being a game with pvp, the honor is what most abounds, compared to other games like lol, or battle royals. I think that is so deep in philosophy, we are more humans and good person in hostile places, that brings out the best of you. I need to thank all of you, cause maybe for some of you this doesnt mean much, but i compare this game with my depression, a constant fight, and all the things that the comunnitty says about encouragement , i read subliminally, and it help so much. (Sorry for the bad grammar, i'm not english speaker.) I think ,for this time, i will say (unironically) thank you Dark Souls.

    submitted by /u/brokenstrato
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    Trying to make a giant dad build but I screwed up

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    So I have a chaos zwei +1 but I accidentally put strength to 18 instead of 16 and I don't know what to do Should I make a new character or should pump strength to 24 so I can also use the zwei one handed if needed?

    submitted by /u/Dio_-_-_Brando
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    Why doesn't the Dark Souls Remastered go on sale?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    I have bought the DS II and DS III when they were on sale(Steam) and have been waiting to buy Dark Souls Remastered. The sequels have been sitting idle in my library and I want to play them so badly, my frustration is just compounding day after day. I want to play DS I before the others(I haven't played any DS before). Is there any chance that it will go sale in the near future or is it region specific(my region - India)?

    submitted by /u/Varun_shiroyasha
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    What do we know about the four kings?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:12 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Mv3tt
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    ok so my game completly glitched out

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    i went to the catacombs to the smith to upgrade my Zweihander to Chaos +2 and logged out. when i logged on the next day it was completly glitched. not only where all Bonfires you can´t Teleport to unlit again. they were also reset back to lvl 1. the same goes for the two Special Doors leading to Havel (both sides) and the one leading to the Capra demon (the wooden door near the Hellkite Drake and the metal one in undead burg and i can´t open them again the "open" popup doesn´t show up again. on top of that my death is glitched as well. when i die i will loose my souls just as normal the same for my humanity but i never hollow. no matter how much i die (and i died multiple times to testing this) i loose souls and soft Humanity and they appear in the bloodstain but i always remain human. on top of that Solair is gone from the game too. i can use his summonsign but the NPC Solair to talk to is completly gone. i tried relogging multiple times but it doesn´t work. someone got an idea?

    submitted by /u/Krawaiil
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    Magic upgrading

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    So I got the large magic ember and gave it to the guy in new londo but can't upgrade magic weapons past +5 still. I have checked every tab in the npc's menu and nothing. Anybody know if im doing something wrong or is this a bug ?

    submitted by /u/Jar_of_Flies1398
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    Dose anyone remember the meme about 1 death = 1 push up?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    I'm curious to know if anyone knows that anyone has done a playthrough to where each time they die or take a hit they have to to do one push up, or even if they streamed it or made a video on it as I feel that would be an interesting premise.

    submitted by /u/Johitch9468
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    Logan won’t show up?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    I never saved logan so he was locked up in Sen's fortress. I already placed the lordvessel and defeated Seath. I decided to go back and save him for his stuff. However now he's at fire link and won't go to the Dukes archives? Any idea how to make him?

    submitted by /u/Prepared_Noob
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    Jolly Co-Operation!

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    Hello there fellow hollows, need a hand with some bosses? I'm currently level 166 and just trying to beat 5 bosses to get the remaining medals I need to get to rank 1 of Warrior of Sunlight (currently working towards the platinum trophy for DSR)

    Feel free to reply with the boss and password, not doing AotA content however, happy to help with most other bosses!

    (and yes this is PS4 only)

    submitted by /u/Scrubaati
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    I got every soul of lords(those I need to have in order to open the door to Gwyn) but the door doesn't open(I'm like ng+8 so I did it many times). Why doesn't it work?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    I love this game so much

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    Here to share my feelings:

    After years of missing this game I could buy a new PC and the first thing I did was installing Dark Souls.

    I felt really rusty at first, having been years since my last game, after talking with Solaire for the first time (I luv my sunny bro) I got invaded and had an epic fight. I was so happy that the community and the game was active it motivated me to git gud again (nothing but respect to my invader, dude got class he killed me but paid his respects).

    Last night my GF and I got really high and I decided I would fight Ornstein and Smough right then and there. I gave it all and defeated them in my first try while she cheered me up. It was a moment I'll never forget.

    See you in Londran, our paths are intertwined, I hope we will always engage in jolly cooperation.

    submitted by /u/juancarg
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    Dark Souls 1 vs. Bloodborne

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    How is DS1 compared to Bloodborne, second one was the only FS game I've ever played and loved it, Im considering buying DS1R on Steam if it ever goes on BIGGER sale, but Im not sure if Ill like it

    submitted by /u/EnZooooTM
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    What bugs?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    I just read article about there being a lot of bugs in Dark Souls that remained present in the remastered game. This confuses me a lot, since I've never experienced any bugs.

    Am I the only one?

    submitted by /u/kinnamonroll
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    [Lore Question] About the Undead Asylum

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    What is the point of the undead asylum, if undead are all over Lordran anyway?

    submitted by /u/C0ckerel
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    is it possible to buy DS1 on steam anymore?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    I wanna get this game and it seems like the remastered is barely better. But the original isnt even for sale? Is there a way to get it digitally?

    submitted by /u/Barrusu
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    anybody here know how to mod DSR?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    cant really find anything online. idk if there's a mod engine or anything either. any tips would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/schlomboy
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    missing weapons for trophy

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:12 AM PDT

    anyone willing to hand over their channelers trident? it's the last thing I need! would be greatly appreciated! (I am on PS4)

    EDIT: stone greatshield, silver knight gear, black knight gear no longer needed

    submitted by /u/Scrubaati
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    What's the most annoying thing PVP players do?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    I love the Souls games but never really cared to do PVP. I like competetive games and they all have their cheap tricks that most hate and the guilty justify, from camping in FPS games to spamming in fighting games. What's the worst kind of Dark Souls player to face?

    submitted by /u/RagingCookie127
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