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    Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    Dark Souls Girlfriend left the bread knife out…

    Dark Souls Girlfriend left the bread knife out…

    Girlfriend left the bread knife out…

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    and can't help thinking about my favorite boss fight.


    Hopefully she grows up to be as loyal as the goodboy Sif.

    submitted by /u/Occams_schick
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    A black knight greatsword pin I made

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Hey guys. A while ago, I shared a moonlight greatsword pin that I made, and you guys seemed to like it. So thought I'd also show the black knight greatsword pin I just made. Would love to know what you guys think. Any other soulsborne weapons you guys would like to see made?


    submitted by /u/PizzaMonster93
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    I finally did it!!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    You guys I just beat the game. I bought the DS1 last March (right after my country went into lockdown) to keep myself busy. After over a year of starting and stopping and restarting I finally buckled down, made a fresh character and beat the game! I've never been so proud to have beaten a game in my life. Unfortunately I don't have any friends who have played. So, what was it like the first time you beat the game?

    submitted by /u/Headwires99
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    If you know, you know.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 08:39 PM PDT


    I love seeing messages like these.

    submitted by /u/willthisnamebetaken
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    Where did Giantdad actually came from?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    Who created it?

    submitted by /u/Dog2-
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    Help, I learned forbidden knowledge

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    I found out why they call him big hat Logan...

    submitted by /u/DeafGundam
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    Why is blighttown so hated?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:47 AM PDT

    The other day I explored all of blighttown and really the only thing i've ever heard about this game is that blighttown is awful. And like yea, at the start getting toxiced on your way from fire link sucked ass, but all of those dart guys despawn. I was frustrated the first run but as soon as they stopped spawning I made it my mission to hunt every single one down. When they're dead It's easy to pick off enemies one by one and you can almost always see them coming. I had a much easier time navigating and exploring blighttown than I was lead to believe I would

    After giving up on quelaag, I decided to explore into the depths and boy oh boy that place sucked. Holes in the floor, ganks around every other corner, I was so incredibly lost for half of it. And then I got cursed because I found a corner with 4 of the lizards and didnt have the 6000 souls needed to buy the little curse box thing as I had just been killed over and over. At least in blighttown, killing the dart gun shooters gave you poison moss, there was nothing in the depths that could save me from being cursed.

    I ended up killing both bosses but man the depths was way worse than blighttown

    I don't know, am I crazy? Am I alone in my pain? Why is blighttown so hated when the depths is not? (Or does everyone hate the depths too and I've just never heard about it)

    submitted by /u/GodLifeIsStressful
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    Was the guy in front of Quelaag's sister important?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    So, because that servant guy was blocking the way and didn't look any different from the guys outside, I accidentally killed him and now I can't bring him back. Did I screw up? Was he essential to a quest? I prefer not to kill NPC's if I can help it so this is gonna nag me a little, even if he wasn't important.

    submitted by /u/AgentP-501_212
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    Press f to pay respects

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    It's my first time playing and finally beat Quelaag and then immediately killed eingyi. Im so sad, I didn't see any kind of talk option so I thought he was just an enemy between me and the bonfire. Trying to decide if I should start all over. Why tf do they make all these NPC's look like enemies? I almost killed one of the merchants too, Press f to pay respects :((

    submitted by /u/GodLifeIsStressful
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    Are the Black Knights undead?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    I've always wondered this because it seems like everything in Lordran is an Undead or a demon or something else besides human.

    submitted by /u/Badger456872
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    Which dark souls game is hardest to parry in?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    I was fighting silver knights and could parry almost every attack without practice but suck in DS3

    submitted by /u/ISuckCheese42
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    How tf.... do you even say smough

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    At first I was saying smog. Now I'm thinking smoe. It could be smof or smoef. Maybe even smowf. Lol wtf.

    It is ornsteeeeen right not ornst-eye-n I'm glad this is never brought up in conversation in my life.

    submitted by /u/Disco451revival
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    I’m a little pissed at myself...

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    I made it to the painted world in NG+, I was looking for the contraption to get to the boss, I had explored 100% of all the area then found the entrance in the well and went looking back down in that dreaded area, I was thinking of putting on a sunlight maggot to see better in the dark to see if I missed anything but died to a wheel skeleton and looked up where to find the switch...

    So why am I pissed? Where I died to that skeleton... if I had just gone to get my souls before looking up the answer... I would've seen the switch to the contraption. My souls were right next to it. I didn't need to look up the solution. Not only that, but the switch was the same secret that Ashes of Ariandel had. Had I been thinking of the similarities of the painted world I already knew, I could've figured this out too. I knew it had to do something with the statue too.

    I am disappointed in my impatience

    submitted by /u/MaleficTekX
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    Great Club where have you been all of my life

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Decided to do a no armour run for the first time. Then decided to use the Great Club (with Eagle Shield) since I never used it before and I kinda wanted to go to ooga booga route to fit with the lack of armour.

    This shit is so overpowered.

    I had it at +5 and with Gold Pine Resin it took like 5 hits total to beat both Gargoyles. I got to Ornstein and Smough in a few hours and had it at +15. I thought they would be my huge wall of this run...nope. Ornstein down in 4 hits, Super Smough gets stunned up, I only got hit twice the whole fight.

    I thought Artorias would be the end of me, but this fucking club still destroys his health bar.

    Wish I knew of this absolute gem of a weapon before, it's such a fun run. I think I might try this build again without a shield though, since I found myself barely using it during the run. Only real challenge was Four Kings, mostly because I usually Havel tank them so I wasn't used to dodging their attacks. I also ended up with a fifth king appearing lol

    Tl;Dr (and translation for STR bros): ooga booga big strong club good do lot damage

    submitted by /u/SaidTheEmu
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    What's the most fun part of making your favorite build?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    I don't exactly have a favorite one yet but I like the current Caestus build I'm making. It SUCKS making a Caestus build sometimes but that just makes the moments where you see good results more satisfying

    submitted by /u/Easiestcc
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    My first ever post here, just to say i beat the game, but still looking for more.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    Has the title said, i just finish the game, and this is my first post on this sub redit. I have been here for about 5 months if i am not mistaken. It was my first ever souls expirence.i tryed to make a blind playthrou, only looking some stuff when i hit a wall( never a boss, just times i didnt know where to go next, like in anor londo). My build was a strenght build, with havel set, havel ring,ring o favor, a knight shield and the zweihander +15. But i dont feel that i enjoyd the game at its full potencial. So, my idea of fully enjoyng this game, its to have a build that can use every sorcery,miracle, weapon and pyromance. And for that i need to invest on my stats. Like 50 at least on endurance( i want to have the havel set without having to use the havel ring and still mid-rol, fast rol was ideal) , 50 faith, 50 of intelegence and 50 of strenght. Iam now starting my first game plus, and i noteced that is very slow the process of adquiring souls when one level costs me 60000 souls.... Any tips for a spot on first ng + for farming quicky? I dont like the ideia of farming, my ideal cenario was to adquire those souls, just playng throu the game, but i allready reached anor londo and i only up leved like 7 maybe 10 levels . Just charing my expirence and asking a tip or two for farming. I could look ot up on the internet, but i prefered to interact for the first time with this comunity. If you have any tips for buils and weapons to use it will much apreciated. I want to try as much of diferents typs of builds that is possible. Sorry for the long post, and thank you for reading untill the very end.

    submitted by /u/Coletuner
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    Is the Dark Hand a viable PVE weapon all the way through the game?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    It looks so cool but can't be upgraded.

    submitted by /u/60RhswoJ
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    Wanted to talk to someone about my experience so far, so why not here

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    DS3 player btw. So Undead Asylum, cool intro with nice lore. Nothing much here tbh, some easy to kill hollows. Asylum Demon did teach me how different the combat feels to ds3, but the fight was over quickly so it didn't matter.

    Undead Burg. Ok, fog gate right at the start, weird, nothing happens when I traverse through it (why is it there out of curiosity?), hollows were placed pretty well, actually had to bring out the gankers 1 on 1 and backstab the firebomb throwers rather than run past easily in ds3. Found the BK, died for the first time in the game there, because I'm dumb I never found him again. Spent too long fighting the hollows I reached the Taurus Demon with 0 estus, lmao. Died to him once, suspicious that he was so tanky.

    Met him again with 0 estus, tried using my black firebombs and he was dead in seconds. It's laughable how easily he goes down with those lol. Met Solaire and got the white soapstone, first playthrough offline so it didn't matter too much. Sigh Hellkite Drake...

    This guy was hella annoying. I found the corner where he couldn't reach you and saw the bonfire ahead, but didn't know how to run past, I had about 20ish vitality maybe and I got instantly two shot. Turns out I found he just randomly watches you run past sometimes so I got lucky and I just ran through to the bonfire. 'Undead Parish'

    So I got the Claymore and continued forward into the boar area. Turns out the boar deaggroes really easily so I sort of cheesed him to death. But man this area that leads to the Undead Church was a doozy, I died countless times ngl. I got two titanite shards in the process but without a blacksmith. Got the elevator down to Firelink, man that was a relief, kindled bonfire for 10 estus as well as a manageable run to the Gargoyles. I've found Andre/Titanite Demon/Darkroot Garden as well but i'll talk about it after I beat the gargoyles and explore more of it. That's about it

    submitted by /u/okdude23232
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    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    I can't tell you how happy I am right now! Like I've been trying for SO SO long that I can happily cry. When I was fighting Super Smough, my heart was racing and I could actually feel it beating. God damn the adrenaline rush.

    Also, I saw the 'Amazing Chest', got the Lordvessel and now it's time to head for New Londo. Wish me luck.

    submitted by /u/TheSkyGamezz
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    Does any one want to PvP

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    I recently unlocked the battle of stoicism and was wondering if anyone wanted to join (PS4) (Remastered)

    submitted by /u/Turbocoder046
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    Little Lore Details: Artorias

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Warning: Sadness Ahead

    Okay, by now we know a lot about this guy,

    ----has a the wolf

    ----broke his arm

    ----can still fight you just as well

    You know, the basics. But looking back at it, I noticed a few things. Starting with number one.

    --------------- He Chose To Fight The Abyss Himself

    Reason I believe this: Okay so, we know Gwyn was kind of a generous guy right? Gough's Armor? Earned as a gift. Ciaran's Mask? Earned as a gift. We know Gwyn gives gifts to people who earn it. What did Artorias do? Made a covenant with the beasts of the Abyss, so that he could fight the creatures there. We know this from the description of the Silver Pendant which says,

    " One of the ancient treasures of Anor Londo. Presented to Artorias for facing the Abyss. Deflects The Dark Of The Abyss, especially in it's magic forms. "

    It was presented to him to aid him specifically in his fight against the Abyss.

    And now for my own input.

    If you listen to his unused dialogue, you can hear the rage in his voice when he says the word Dark. He hated the Abyss so much, he wanted to go and fight it himself, not even being told by Gwyn to do so, how ever much Gwyn himself feared and hated the Dark.

    ----------------- Also In The Unused Dialogue: He Was Hallucinating Sif

    Towards the end, he appears to be hallucinating Sif along with likely the people he feels he failed to save.

    " Ah Sif, there you are. All of you, forgive me, for I have availed you nothing. "

    Keep in mind, we may save Sif in the past, but fight Sif in the future. Sif is not dead by this point in the timeline.

    Artorias feels immense guilt, not only because he failed. But because he thinks the one thing he sacrificed himself the protect is gone, making his sacrifice for nothing.

    While I was playing Dark Souls 3, I read the item description for the Ring Of Sacrifice.

    " A sacrifice is only ever worth as much as the lives it saves. "

    That hit me hard.

    I don't know about you, but damn.

    ------------------- Gough: " One's Demise Is Always One's Own Making. "

    Another thing about Artorias choosing to fight the Abyss. I know he was talking about Oolacile and Manus, but I can't help but feel that, to some degree, he was also talking about Artorias.

    -------------------- Other Small Details

    At his grave, where you find Ciaran, we can see that she has taken the tastle from his helmet and laid it on the make-shift grave, along with flowers of course.


    I hope you have learned something new, and I hope this makes playing the game just a little more impactful for you all.

    Please feel free to correct me on anything I might have gotten wrong. Of course, some of this is my own speculation, and feel free to make your own conclusions.

    submitted by /u/regokeh253
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    Most Boring Dark Souls (1,2,3) Bosses - According to you, how many bosses are boring (not thrilling to fight)?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    I would pick Moonlight Butterfly, Pinwheel and Gwyndolin, what about you?

    Here's a video on the matter at hand:


    submitted by /u/MAGISTER-ORGANI
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    A noob needs help, I (kind of) rage quitted my last playthrough and need some advice

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 02:07 AM PDT

    I got so used to dark souls 2 that it really bothered me that I couldn't travel between bonfires right from the beginning of the game, and the fact that damaged weapons (not broken) didn't repair themselves when rested In a bonfire

    I was just after the bridge with the dragon and I had killed this armored boar after the gate

    Those hollow soldiers we more tanky than the ones before the boss in the bridge and it was making it difficult to kill them quickly

    And my weapon was getting damaged but I couldn't fast travel back to the fire link shrine and go speak to that blacksmith down in the ruins to fix my weapons, and I couldn't go back from the bridge because the dragon landed on the opposite side if I tried to leave

    And if I tried to go under the bridge I died from the rats either from their melee attacks or from their poison that Inflicted on me on just 2 hits

    So I want an advice for a new player

    What is a good class/build that's good for beginners?

    Any more tips and tricks in terms of weapon repairing and improving?

    TL;DR I want advice for a new player, if there's any beginner friendly class/builds and any more useful tips and tricks

    submitted by /u/SirRoderic
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