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    Monday, June 21, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 I drew the Flexile Sentry. Never realized they are lizard-like in appearance! :D

    Dark Souls 2 I drew the Flexile Sentry. Never realized they are lizard-like in appearance! :D

    I drew the Flexile Sentry. Never realized they are lizard-like in appearance! :D

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:21 AM PDT

    Demon of Song illustration i did a few years ago; one of my favorite souls boss designs! Ink on paper IG: @dungeoncritter

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    I made ''No man's Wharf'' Map

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    I made ''No man's Wharf'' Map

    Hello guys, i try to make No Man's Wharf location that place i always find most mysterious and cool chapter gameplay , hope you like :)

    No Man's Wharf

    submitted by /u/Soul_dd
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    Dark Souls 2 Bosses in Hollow Knight Day 5: Ruin Sentinels (credit to u/lub270d for the art)

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    Drew a map of the entirety of the Forest of Fallen Giants fortress. This is my favorite area in the game and I've always been so infatuated with seeing it in its former glory before the giant war.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:03 PM PDT

    So I just finished up Dark Souls 2 and all DLCs ... aside from one boss.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Guess which boss? It involves a blizzard and it literally hurts my eyes. I've got the last cat to 20% on my second try, but I won't be running another 5-10 minutes through this area. I literally got a headache just from doing it twice.

    I call it a success anyways. The boss I needed the most tries was Fume Knight with around ten. Had a blast and will probably reroll to hexer in NG+. Wanted to see how cheesy it really is!

    submitted by /u/Jaba01
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    After playing almost everything I think this is the worst from software game.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    I would like to preface this by stating I have not beaten demons souls (new or old) so I don't hold much of an opinion on it. But I have beaten ds1-3, bloodborne, and sekiro.

    I came in with the idea that I was going to play the "worst one" as I have heard from others and I kept my expectations very low. I expected nothing and was still disappointed, I ran through almost all of the game not dying due to my constant life gem supply, and all of the bosses were kind of boring in my opinion (with the exception of nashandra because I like her design and her use of curse) my total death count was 66 and a solid 30 of them were me jumping off a ledge with the cat ring to see how far I can jump. I never farmed once because I just kept stomping through everyone. All of the primal bosses I beat in 1-2 tries because I could just get my hp back.

    Overall this is the worst from soft game I've played and will not touch it again. Sorry if I have offended you in some way, just thought I should unload my thoughts somewhere.

    submitted by /u/Yo_angelo_
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    The dark is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be perilous.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    Lore theory: the secret identity of the Looking Glass Knight

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    Hey, so here's a theory about the Looking Glass Knight's identity. Obviously this is complete speculation, but fun to think about.

    First, let's recap what we know for sure about the LGK:

    • they are described as a monstrosity ("Those who wish to serve the king as loyal warriors must take the King's Passage and face the Looking Glass Knight. Those who fail the test are sacrificed by the merciless specular monstrosity.").

    • they are said to hold forever true to the King's command, meaning that they have been standing right there in the ruined castle ever since Vendrick fled at the apex of the war against the Giants.

    • their shield has special powers and is associated with the idea of parallel worlds: "The Looking Glass at the castle is said to have been passage to another world.". They are able to summon spirits from other worlds.

    • they use lightning based attacks.

    So, we have no idea who is behind the mask. Even the official guide if we count it as canon only tells us that they are "King Vendrick's lieutenant, charged with testing the prowess of those who seek to serve in Drangleic's order of royal knights.", and call them enigmatic.

    I'd also like to adress the themes of its design - they are otherworldy and strange-looking. The armor and weapons they wield have a common themes of thorns, which can be seen as a symbol of hardship and maybe martyrdom.. The armor also has wings on its back, which could be reminiscent of angels.

    Note that the mirror the Looking Glass Knight uses as his shield is the same as the mirrors we find in Aldia's Keep, and they have the same effect: they are able to summon spirits from what seems to be another world.

    Now let's talk about someone else, Sir Syan. He was known as the kingdom's most loyal knight, and was the one to lead the fight against the Giants when they attacked Drangleic. Which is also when he met his end. But he must have been important to Vendrick, who decided to make armors identical to his and give it to some of his knights - and they all turned mad soon after for some reason. We can also note that Vendrick commissioned a shield for Sir Syan, but he died before it was finished. This and the fact about his armor leads me to think he was very important in Vendrick's eyes.

    We meet most of these so called Syan Knights inside Drangleic Castle, before meeting the Looking Glass Knight. They are wearing a copy of his armor set, using the Tower Shield (whose description was swapped with the Greatshield of Glory dropped by Drakekeepers for some reason) and either the Black Knight Sword (which has the wrong model compared to Dks1/3, which could mean this was supposed to be the Syan Greatsword) or the Syan Halberd (which hurrah, has the right description and model).

    So, here comes the speculation. What if the Looking Glass Knight was actually a reincarnation, or a version of Sir Syan from another world? We know Aldia researched the mirrors, and conducted rituals and experiments for his brother Vendrick (the mastodon soldiers are proof of that).

    It's possible that after seeing his most loyal and favourite knight get slaughtered on the battlefield, Vendrick asked Aldia for help to try and bring him back. Which he somehow did, creating a "monstrosity" that was still as loyal as the original Sir Syan.

    Two other things that make me think of this connection are, first, the lightning attacks shared between the Syan Knights and the Looking Glass Knight - they both can raise their weapons to channel lightning. And secondly, the strange looking statue in front of the King's Passage - which looks like the Syan Set with a cross in front of it and might be a memorial to Sir Syan.

    Anyways, feel free to share your thoughts on the matter - and who you think the LGK could be.

    TLDR: The Looking Glass Knight is Sir Syan reincarnated as a Frankenstein monster of some kind.

    submitted by /u/LavosYT
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    This game is just the Majora’s Mask of the Souls games

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    Better graphics, a plot largely unrelated to the overall story of the universe, a new core gameplay mechanic that has mixed reception, and a little bit of a darker tone. Next time someone shits on the game just tell them it's a Majoras Mask type sequel.

    submitted by /u/Such_Performance229
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    A Downside to Playing DSII Offline

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    In an effort to not be annoyingly invaded every 5 minutes I'm playing DSII offline. Obviously when you do this you miss sometimes valuable tips from other players and yesterday that came back to bite me. I was in Earthen Peak with those poison pools and the Queen Mytha Boss. I knew there must be a way to drain the pools of poison so I searched and searched for some type of lever or mechanism to do so. I couldn't find anything so rather than die to poison attempting to fight the boss, I eventually broke down and looked at a guide. Seems that if I had been online I would have seen the "use torch" tip and would have known to burn the windmill and drain the poison.

    I'm curious to know how you all figured this out. Was it a walkthrough or did you guys find the solution yourselves?

    submitted by /u/DJS1N1ST3R
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    Early weapon suggestions for a pure Strength build?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:49 AM PDT


    I wanted to replay Dark Souls 2 and really focus on a pure strength build, last time I kind of did and used a Blacksmith Hammer for most of the game, but is there another weapon I can get pretty early in the game that only scales with strength? Preferably a weapon I can make a suicide run for rather than have to beat a high level boss early on...

    In DS1 I really liked the Great Club, and in DS3 the Great Club and Great Mace if that helps

    submitted by /u/SaidTheEmu
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    How do you guys like this game?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    Literally how?

    submitted by /u/__Hatchet__
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    How the f do I beat this dragon in the warf.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    I beat the dragon rider and agroed the little knight guys which clearly was a mistake I didn't know about but now I just get hanged up on. The dragon is one thing but I can't get him one on one

    submitted by /u/DrSillyBitchez
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    Favorite NPC and why

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Tell me your favorite NPC of ds2 and why

    submitted by /u/Mv3tt
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    Should I get DS2 Scholar of the First Sin?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Its on sale on steam for $9.99 right now, and heard that it was the worst of the three. was wondering if it was worth it with the sale.

    edit: I have played ds1, 3, bloodborne, and nioh, so im no newbie to the soulsbourne genre

    edit 2: I got it, thanks to all of your input.

    submitted by /u/Prowl25
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    Starting gear, Swordsman Edition (Update 1)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Figured I'd log my progress here and possibly get others involved as well.

    Trying a challenge run where you are not allowed to change the starting armour or weapons for whatever class you pick.
    You ARE allowed to change your quick items, rings, arrows, and spells. Upgrade and infuse your starting weapons and armour to your hearts content, you just can't change them.

    Anyways, after dropping into Things Betwixt and inheriting the Swordsman class I went onto Majula as per usual.

    Grabbed the flask and the well shard and headed off to the Forest of Fallen Giants. Everything went fairly smooth considering the game expects you to be using starting gear by this point. Barely got through the arena area blocked by a fog wall but after that, getting to the cardinal Tower bonfire was fairly easy.

    I've never had any luck with the firebomb skip so I had to go the long way around but everything was still business as usual. Got the shard up by the pursuer. Proceeded to get killed by the pursuer. Left Cale and Pate behind for now, but I'll be coming back for them later. Unlocked the shortcut and went down to the Last* Giant.

    Had to shake off a bit of the rust as I died 2 times to the big guy. Those stomps and my stubbornness to not use an effigy despite clearly needing it aren't helping me any. But I got through that and I got enough Dexterity to power stance my swords.

    Went on to Heide's Tower of flame. I haven't fought the dragon rider legitimately in actual years so I thought it would be fun to give him a real challenge for once. Went and dispatched the old knights guarding the levers and raised the arena. Dragonrider time.

    Again, it being years since I've seen anything but the boss throwing himself into the ocean below wasn't helping me any as I died to him fairly quickly in the first encounter. I was definitely getting back into the groove of things when I went into the boss room for try number 2 and left without getting hit once.

    I used the heide knights aggro from killing the rider to let myself slip in and get the chest with the ring of binding and I went to get myself some much needed levels in Vigor.

    Next update will be after I kill The Pursuer and the Old Dragonslayer.

    submitted by /u/O-s-l-o
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    the messages that brings us all togheter

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    Estoc infusion.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    I need some help with what I should infuse my Estoc with. I prefer the Estoc because of its length and move set, this time around I'm going for a INT build at 50 int and 18 str 18 dex for MLGS when I want to use that. However I'm wanting to use the Estoc as well, would magic or enchanted be best or is there a better alternative. I'm also open to other rapiers if there is just simply a better one to use with this build. (Not really interested in ice rapier)

    submitted by /u/AtlantaSam
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    SOTFS earthen peak NPC summons

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Can't find the NPC summon I'm used to (jester fella) and I'm not too confident taking this boss alone, but my SL is too high to find any players. Where are the NPC summons in SOTFS?

    submitted by /u/TKay1117
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    Cut/unfinished secret tunnel also has a broken bridge leading to the circular building!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    What is the best dex weapon? (Best as in damage)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    I'm struggling to find a good dex weapon to run other than the rapier. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/RiskyWhy
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    I need help...

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    Soo, in order i finished DarkSouls 3, Sekiro and DarkSouls 1, then i decided to try DarkSouls 2, not even an hour in and something feels off, i don't know, it's fast but the attacking and the estus healing is slow, rolling is completely off, world desing feel strange and different in a bad way, the enemyes started disappearing (bug or feature? idk), it just feels wrong...
    Can someone help me understand the problem?

    submitted by /u/Sharkeraid
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