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    Wednesday, May 19, 2021

    Dark Souls When I gave you that flame, I gave you a part of myself. Please take good care of it.

    Dark Souls When I gave you that flame, I gave you a part of myself. Please take good care of it.

    When I gave you that flame, I gave you a part of myself. Please take good care of it.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    TW/PMDDdepression TW/self-harm and kind of out of context spoilers

    One day I wrote a huge self-loathing rant during my first-ever playthrough of Dark Souls (and of any SoulsBorne game), after dying for the 20th time and not being able to go through the two gargoyles at that twisted parish roof. It was a ridiculous melodramatic paragraph, now deleted. I don't remember what was written, just the feelings. I was sensitive on a bad PMS (PMDD basically), I cried and felt miserable, useless, and unhinged. I hadn't felt this while playing a game since idk a really annoying Crash Bandicoot level that got me on a bad day.

    Yall I felt worthless, and I opened this exact page here to share my misery, deleted all of it, and thought 'no this isn't Tumblr', then decided no one would read it. I mean, who cares when so many people play it with no complaints and say it's EASY, I thought. I kept my misery to myself. And tbh that moment was not the raged quitting type at all, it was full-on sad desperate quitting, I just cried and wanted to throw myself against a spiked wall, literally.

    Now, here I am 2 months later, and I just finished this fucking game.

    Following a journey of exciting shouting whenever I defeated a boss or a very strong enemy, after hitting armchairs and cursing in euphoria and joy after defeating another one, ANOTHER ONE, getting more and more fascinated, confident, excited, and happy, actually enjoying the challenges!!!! FINALLY!!! I fucking DID IT YOOOOO, and with zero summons!!! FUUUUU


    YALL, I took perseverance for granted. I'm listening to the end credits rn and sobbing lmaoooo I couldn't even celebrate lord Gwyn. This feels so staggering, breathtaking, bittersweet, insane, and a little sad. I have to write this while it happens. Whiplash will keep me up all night. The end credits song is so so beautiful and couldn't be a better sonic description for these feelings.

    Now end of credits, and I am missing it already. How can I go back? I have to go back, I didn't do everything, I got places to be and things to do....What did I do and what does it mean? It doesn't matter, I just have to go back.................... Ok... I'm still dressed in my beloved Havel armor, I'm still me, and I just did? I did. I got back?




    Ok, this is calm and collected me. So this was my experience, and some things I wrote while playing it, while beating it, and now while posting it.

    This is my favorite game and one of the best things that happened to me during this hell of a blight we're living.

    Yall this was NOT easy, but now that I got it, that I did it, I get why some people say it's NOT the "dark souls of dark souls of dark souls of games" as others claim it is, which is kinda annoying tbh. It took me patience, it took knowing you'll have a difficult time, you'll lose and you'll win, knowing when to be confident and when not to. Just get into it. If you die 100 times in a row, that's okay and that's normal. You'll figure out eventually that probably you just need to grind more, improve a weapon, or smth, intuitiveness is so well used in this game. I found going in blind is the best teacher sometimes. Take it in, explore, fall off cliffs with 120,000 souls and 20 soft humanities on you, die again before recovering them, lose everything, and feel okay during it. Enjoy it. If I could erase the game from my memory to experience it for the first time again, I easily would, as I see many players say they would too. Speak to everyone and everything. Create theories, wonder, and wander. I think all of that is what got me through it.

    Watch walkthroughs when you need them!! Following guides is okay and so is summoning. Shoutout to YT user/fightincowboy713 whose videos saved me in helpless times.

    Watching speedruns are for laughing and contests, don't take them as guides neither watch them until you've finished. OR IDK do it, I don't care. Do whatever tf you want.

    I'm not anyone. But Lordran did make me feel like someone.

    If you read this far, thank you. I'm currently playing NG+ with my super pyro lady bc I finished before doing the DLCs lol.

    Be safe, friend.

    submitted by /u/peaksells
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    What is your personal ol’ reliable?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    People post a lot asking about what weapon is your favorite and I definitely like seeing what everyone prefers whether it be for functionality or sheer aesthetics.

    But I want to pose a different question: what's the weapon you turn to when your favorite isn't cutting it?

    The non-flashy, dependable weapon that you know will be useful in a variety of situations.

    I'm sure I'm not alone in saying for me, it is the trusty, plain-old long sword.

    submitted by /u/DeuceMandago
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    Which primordial serpent do you agree with more and why ?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    I honestly agree with Kaathe because of the cool-ass covenant and ending

    submitted by /u/CrazyGamer875
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    Finally beat Dark Souls 1!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    For years I avoided the Souls games. I tend to avoid hard games. I'm the kind of guy who would want an easy mode included.

    But in January, i wanted something different to play and started Demon's Soul's. I thought I'd play it for 10 minutes and stop but the more i played the more i got hooked. Eventually i beat the game but i still felt some casual shame as i beat the game by exploiting a quick quit option so i could spawn at the boss even if i died (no bonfires drove me nuts). But even so i felt i learned about the appeal of the souls games, the learning curve, the trial and error and the rush of emotions and highs and lows.

    In April I decided to bite the bullet and started Dark Souls Remastered. I'm proud to say that after a month of playing i completed the game without cheating and I feel amazing.

    I feel like completing the game felt like such a long and epic journey.

    The bosses i struggled most with was 4 Kings and gwynn.

    Because i suck at parrying it took me forever to finally beat Gwynn, but my god i felt so happy when i did.

    Now I'm on a break but maybe Bloodborne in the future.

    submitted by /u/nomafiaplease
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    Thinking about doing a challenge run, but I've never done one before... Any suggestions?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    The first ones I thought about were the classical SL1 run or a Broken Straight Sword only run (but allowing buffs, like resins). What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Souls_Lover
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    We killed Tarkus by summoning him.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    When you get summoned into someone else's world, upon success, the person being summoned resumes where they left off.

    My theory is that while traversing the precarious ceiling rafters, he is summoned in by either you or whomever it is that summons him, and upon returning he loses his footing and falls to his death.

    and for the folks who say they don't summon him, it doesn't matter; someone does, and the act of returning from the summon is what kills him.

    ...That's all I have.

    submitted by /u/BlackIronSaturn
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    I finally defeated Kalameet for the first time!!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:28 PM PDT

    Hardest boss in the game so far. After like 15 or even more tries i finally managed to beat him in my very first run. I'm kind of a noob at this game

    submitted by /u/lexyp29
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    Please tell me i’m the not the only one

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    The beams you have to run across in Anor Londo took me 30+ tries. Fighting Sif? A few tries. Fighting Queelag? Third try. But those damn beams you have to run across almost made me quit the game.

    submitted by /u/Wanderingsoul_05
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    A survey for a school project

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Hello, everyone. I am working on a school project about Dark Souls and specifically how the difficulty and rewards of the game influence motivation and how that can be applied outside games.

    If you would fill out this survey, that would be greatly appreciated in advance.

    Thanks in advance!


    submitted by /u/JacobiWanKenobii
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    Getting my younger brother into Dark Souls

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    My younger brother (8 yo) has been watching me play Dark Souls for a few months and has recently expressed interest in playing it. I set him up with the game, and he made it through the Asylum fairly easily. He even managed to beat the Asylum Demon without getting hit on his first try.

    Besides telling him where the Zweihander was (because he really wanted to use it) and where Undead Burg was, I didn't give him much direction on what to do. He got to the 1st Undead Burg bonfire after around 20 minutes total of playing. Overall, I'm very impressed.

    submitted by /u/RelativisticHydro
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    One small complaint about Dark Souls

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:22 AM PDT

    Hey guys. Been really enjoying the game these last few months, enough to go for the platinum. But there's one thing that kills me: it's embarrassing when they try to speak Shakespearean English.

    Instead of hiring a proofreader who knows the basics, they just sprinkle in random pronouns, random endings on verbs, almost never getting it right.

    For example, Priscilla's "What seeketh thee?" should be "What seekest thou?" and so this character who should appear noble ends up appearing silly. The only character who consistently gets it right, and actually does appear noble, is Elizabeth — so I assume that actress was correcting things on the fly.

    (The badness works for the Giant Blacksmith, though. Makes sense that he would Tarzan it up. If only that were intentional.)

    submitted by /u/ValueBaby
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    I Need Help from y'all for a project I'm doing about Dark Souls.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:00 PM PDT

    I'm doing a project for my Econ final about the economics of dark souls PvP Matchmaking. Basically I'm going to relate the relationship between hosts and invaders during PvP as the relationship between buyers and sellers in a market. It actually can be explained relatively simply using basic econ concepts where you consider time to be the "price" of an invasion. If it takes too long to find an invasion (buying) then you might instead use the dried finger etc. and "sell" by hosting.

    However the heart of all quality research is the actual research, and for that I need your help. Basically I want to collect a set of data on matchmaking time dependent on location, time, level, and type of invasion. All you would need to do is do some PvP---preferably SL100 Oolacile or SL50 Anor Londo because that's the closest example to an actual functioning market when there's a large amount of hosts and invaders---and record the amount of time it takes between using the red eye orb and invading or the time it takes between entering the area where you can be invaded and being invaded. When I'm done I'll synthesize all the data into a full length paper and then share it with you guys in a follow up post. If you're interesting in helping just comment down below.

    submitted by /u/Stuffssss
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    TIFU by wasting my first Firekeeper Soul

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    I just bought Dark Souls remastered after having played Dark Souls 3 for about 2 years. Basically, I have no idea what I'm doing anymore.

    So I found this Firekeeper Soul in the first castle right after the red dragon on the bridge and I held on to it for a while because I didn't know that it was important. So here I am in Anor Londo with a desperate need to level up (turns out I was fine) so I used all the souls in my inventory to do so. That includes the FKS... so basically I now am at the Crystal Caves trying to duke it out with Seath with no + on my Estus... ;-;

    TL ; DR: I used my one and only Firekeeper Soul to level up once and now I am suffering the consequences.

    submitted by /u/End_24
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    Souls on Nintendo Switch

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:58 PM PDT

    Is significantly harder lol. Anybody else play on it? The invincibility frames are a little different but the hardest thing about it is the tiny buttons. Shits tuff

    submitted by /u/sagmatic
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    Should i buy dark souls?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    so not much to add i've just finished bloodborne and it slaps but i'm wondering if i should playdark souls. if so where should i start? edit:Shit i don't know why i said i finished bloodborne i'm just in mergos loft so just wanted to clear that up edit 2: after everyone overwhelmingly positively i've decided to buy ds remastered not sure what i expected posting this on a Ds subreddit :p

    submitted by /u/Abs_Rad
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    Four Kings

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    I quit at Four Kings.

    I don't mind dying to them, or the fact that the fight is a simple tank fight, or even that I have to wear heavy armour to even survive.

    But wtf is with the incredibly dangerous enemies on the way there? I usually never reach the boss fight because of those black-armoured guys with their fast attacks. I've watched shortcut guides, and the general theme seems to be "dodge past them and pray that their tracking attack doesn't get you."

    If it does hit me, then I am screwed, since there is no way to heal before dropping down to the kings.


    Seriously... help?

    submitted by /u/Radicaledward123456
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    Question about estus flasks

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:38 PM PDT

    Hello, ive recently been playing dark souls remastered. Its my first souls game not count bloodborne and i dont really know how the estus flasks work. Sometimes when i rest at a bonfire i have 5, other times i have 10. I have no idea why it changes or how. Can anyone help me and explain whats going on?

    submitted by /u/jpott879
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    Does using Pine Resin make boss fights feel way less fun to anyone?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    I just killed the Bell Gargoyles (second try, I'm proud) and that victory is in large part thanks to Golden Pine Resin basically doubling my damage against them but I feel like by the end I don't really feel satisfied with my victory. Being methodical and focused is like a part of Dark Souls but the limited time on the resin made me kinda rush through the fight hack and slashing instead of taking my time and learning their moves.

    Anyone else feel like resin made boss fights feel less engaging and more spammy? And if I'm missing an element of the gameplay here please tell me, as it is right now I feel like my victory was kinda cheap.

    submitted by /u/VividPossession
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    Sif and Artorias (I noticed a thing)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    I was doing some things and I Noticed while editing, Sif Kinda fought like Artorias. It was a bit too Similar I Think. From their Spin attack, to their Rushing attack, and their aerial Attacks. It kinda looked like I was fighting Artorias again. Am I crazy???

    submitted by /u/ThePandaCx
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    Does Anyone play on nintendo switch?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    I first played Dark Souls Remastered a few months ago and fell in love with the game. There were many difficult parts that I had to retry to exhaustion. During those times I would have liked to get help but I never found signs to summon anyone.

    If anyone needs help feel free to text me or reply to this post. I will be happy to assist.

    submitted by /u/Tysan2211
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    Deathless run, until Gwyn…

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    So I tried the route of picking up the Gravelord sword then immediately fighting Pinwheel. It worked amazingly well. You can 2-hand the sword with very limited levelling up. I stuck with leather armour to keep fast rolling.

    You end up with a huge number of souls early on thanks to Pinwheel. Since the GL sword only upgrades with demon titanite there's no need to collect embers or farm titanite. You can use the sword to beat all the titanite demons pre-Anor Londo and gather that sweet, sweet demon titanite.

    Gargoyles and Queelag are trivial.

    I won't say O&S are easy but if you're not greedy and you know their attacks it's very do-able even with a partially upgraded Gl sword.

    Next stop Sif. Pick up stone armour on the way.

    Sif vs any high stability shield is easy. Or you can time the attacks. But I'm lazy and not very skilled at timing.

    Next up. Four Kings. Using stone armour negates most of their physical and magic attacks. Just stand there and wave your sword around. You can use power within for extra dps but honestly it's not necessary on regular New Game.

    Seath is easy if you just focus on his outer limbs. If you move when he moves, the attacks are always out of range.

    Bed of Chaos. Firebomb cheese natch.

    Nito. Our good friend stone armour comes to the rescue. Coupled with Wolf Ring you won't fall down when Nito does his aoe attack. And the gank skellys can't do enough damage to slow you down.

    Then Gwyn. I practiced my parries on silver knights to make sure I had the timing down, but the damage output from the GL sword is just a bit too low for Gwyn. I should have switched to a Black Knight weapon but I wants to see it though with the same weapon. My mistake. Big G is never 100% predictable and I mistimed his fast attack and he followed up with enough savagery that I couldn't recover.

    Oh well. I finally got him using the gravelord sword just to see it through. Approx 5 hours from start to finish and huge fun. I recommend it, just don't underestimate Mr Plin Plin Plon…

    submitted by /u/superplint
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    Some unclear lore points (spoilers)

    Posted: 19 May 2021 12:34 AM PDT

    Forgive my ignorance but some points are just so vague for me

    Who is manus ?

    What happened in new Londo?

    Did Gwen start the undead curse ?

    What's humanity in the game ?

    submitted by /u/Plastic_band_bro
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    What is your favorite play style?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    So what way do you play the game to have the most fun?

    For instance I am currently playing a level 145 caracter who only uses magic attacks.

    Originally I started as a sourcerer but when I got 60 intellect, I wanted to cover my weakness against enemy's with magic resistance.

    So unlike a sane person who would put points into strenght or dex I got faith to 45 to use pyromancies and miracles.

    Honestly it's really fun having a giant arsenal of spells to use, ofcourse I'm bassicly a goner if I run out fp but it is really fun.

    So how do you like to play?

    submitted by /u/wobsbobs
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    Can't get my souls after iron golem grab attack.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:10 PM PDT

    Iron golem threw me down a crack and now my souls are at the bottom. He was standing on the 3-4 stairs that go off the backside of his central platform, and he got the grab attack on me and slammed me down at the little notch on the side of the stairs. My souls are now sitting at the backside of the pile of boulders the giant is dropping down the hole. I don't see a way to get to that spot.

    submitted by /u/GOB8484
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