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    Dark Souls 2 I kinda feel bad

    Dark Souls 2 I kinda feel bad

    I kinda feel bad

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    I wanted to thank you for this amazing community and these masterpieces my only sin was not being able to play demon’s souls and I hope I can.

    Posted: 17 May 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    (Spoiler) First NPC invader- what the fuck

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    Jesus Christ i never felt so newb in/trolled by a videogame. Picked the game up for the first time after plat in DSR. Made my way through the Giants Forest, beat a big tree there and trying to explore the area. Coming to a small valley, 0 estus and too greedy to use gems since the way back was still easy.

    Then a message pops up. "Dark spirit Armorer Dennis invaded your world". I didnt use an effigy for quite some time but remember reading that you can also be invaded while "hollow". Fine, onto my first pvp fight in ds2 then i say to myself. Heard good stuff about ds2 PvP afterall so im eager to test the waters.

    Armorer Dennis comes round the corner, stops and... emotes? Thinking "Hey, an honorable one maybe" i emote to bow and getting ready for the fight. After a bit of juking and rolling on a very small platform i took about 50% dmg and notice my swings dmg is very lackluster in comparison. Instant DSR twinktown flashbacks where people invade with +9/+10 armor in undead burg at SL10. Getting a bit mad but keeping on the fight. Then Dennis pulls out his sorc staff and starts pumping a sorcery on me that looks like crystal soul arrow from DSR.

    Playing sorc myself i m thinking "ok thats it. A freaking armor/spells twinker for my first invasion in this game im just gonna do what i do with DSR twinkers: deny them the fight. So i instantly stop fighting. Spamming emotes/point-downs at this guy while he goes on and kills me. I even see him do some cheery emote while my body gets turned to dust.

    Tilt-bar rises, but after all its a very quick getting back to the valley. Killing some stuff there until i find it - a bonfire - just 15yards away from where i died to Dennis... when standing at the bonfire "Dark spirit Armorer Dennis invaded your world" appears and i go lose my mind. How is this possible? Isnt there a 15min lockout after i died to an invader like DSR? I just died, so i am unembered/hollow! That twink Idiot again? Whatever, putting away weapons so he kills me fast. He emotes again... (point forward i think) i dont care and stand there until he attacks and kills me.

    Take 3. I arrived at the bonfire again, not knowing you could light it even while fighting (so unlike DSR). Armorer Dennis invades again. "This cannot be. Thats hillarious/stupid" im thinking. It would actually be SO stupid by FROMSOFT to allow this that i start to realize something is off. Quickly light bonfire. Dennis comes round the corner, doing the exact same movement pattern (stopping, point forward, "getting ready to battle") and it FINALLY clicks for me....

    Dennis is a freaking Bot... I regathered my mind and kick him off the cliff. Got trolled by a NPC :)

    Seriously tho WTF this invader seemed so organic and full of life it just amazes me how the devs play your mind and always find new ways to drive you mad - Love it! :)

    submitted by /u/moe_jiller
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    Why are all the bosses so easy?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    I'm on my first playthrough of this game and I'm having a much easier time with the bosses than I normally would on a first playthrough through a souls game. I would think that it was beginner's luck but a lot of the bosses movesets seem really simple, which is a shame because I really like the mechanics of the bosses, they're some of my favorites in the series.

    Dragonrider - 0 deaths - I tricked him into falling off the platform in the first five seconds so I didn't really get to experience the real boss.

    Last Giant - 0 deaths - He almost actually killed me, which is odd because most of his moves were stomping around and dragging his hands on the ground.

    Flexile Sentry - 1 death - I really like this dude (dudes?), they were pretty scary and unpredictable. They were really slow to recover though.

    Ruin Sentinels - 5 deaths - I also really liked these guys, maybe I didn't really know how to deal with these guys and still don't, they kicked my ass for some reason.

    Lost Sinner - 4 deaths - Janky as hell, her hitboxes were weird as shit. Hitboxes aside, she was a fairly scary boss, and was surprisingly tanky, I thought she'd be a bit more fragile.

    Skeleton Lords - 0 deaths - Loved this fight, but the skeleton enemies were a little fragile, I would have liked this fight a lot more if everything had a bit more health.

    Covetous Demon - 0 deaths - Covetous Demon

    Mytha, the Baneful Queen - 0 deaths - Almost dies a few times, but she was pretty sluggish and/or easy to dodge in most of her moves, so it was easy to heal.

    Executioner's chariot - 1 death - After I died the first time, I just rolled past the chariot's spikes each time it came around and just booked it to the lever. Which meant that I had to deal with every skeleton I had left alive as well as the skeleton horse, which dragged the fight on a bit. Speaking of the horse, it had way more health than I thought it would.

    Smelter Demon - 3 deaths - I absolutely loved this fight, the way he buffs himself throughout the fight was wicked, but I hated the run to his fight.

    Old Iron King - 0 deaths - This guy was slow as hell, and gave large openings to heal, I even used healing spells often instead of estus. He almost knocked me into a hole once, but that was the closest to death I got.

    Royal Rat Vanguard - 0 deaths - It was literally just rats, like what? Didn't say it wasn't fun though.

    The Rotten - 0 deaths - Very slow, and not as tanky as I thought he'd be, I played very cautiously when I fought this guy because I thought the fire would do as much damage as the lava in the iron keep.

    Scorpioness Najka - 0 deaths - I honestly don't remember this fight too well, I was fucking around a lot trying to bait her tail attack so I could get on her back but I don't remember anything else except I think she cast a sorcery or two.

    Royal Rat Authority - 3 deaths - I hate this fight, who thought that flippin' super poison was a good idea for a boss fight? The big rat (Who doesn't even look like a rat) just charged me the entire fight, and I could barely get a hit on this thing. I hate this thing so much.

    Prowling Magus and Congregation - 0 deaths - I don't remember this fight too well either but I do remember that the cleric guys were surprisingly bulky, and that I one-shot Prowling Magus when I backstabbed him.

    The Duke's dear Freja - 0 deaths - This fight kinda dragged on and on, and became pretty repetitive.

    Twin Dragonriders - 1 death - The only reason why I died was because my armor had broken and I was too stupid to change it or take it off. the bow Dragonrider died way to fast, his armor was stormtrooper quality, and after the one unique thing about this fight died it was just another fight with a Dragonrider.

    Looking Glass Knight - 0 deaths - This dude was the slowest knight I have ever seen, he looked fricking rad though. I remember fucking around a lot to try to parry one of his summons while he just threw slow projectiles. Props to him for having his shield actually block attacks when not actively shielding.

    Demon of Song - 0 deaths - This guy did like two attacks, both of which left him very open to attacks, it became a game of baiting his attack, moving backwards, and then charging in to beat on his ugly mug.

    Anyway, that's my progress, as well as my thought son the bosses, I'm kinda disappointed but I hope I was just overleveled, like I was when I fought Pursuer (Who I didn't include on the list as a result), because I was really looking forward to a lot of these bosses and they were a little too easy. Am I just getting beginner's luck or does everyone else feel the same. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Statue-of-a-Deer
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    I need help in sotfs

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    Right I'm stuck in undead purgatory on the Executioners Chariot I kinda new but I have beaten ds1 a lot but anyway can I summon any one to help I'm using a 10+ rapier it's just not good at hitting the skeleton guys someone help in any way like summon or tips thanks !

    submitted by /u/CrashDarkSoulsGuy
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    The Pursuer

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:00 PM PDT

    I killed him in the raised platform from Forest of Fallen Giants, but i niether encountered him as a boss after the Soldier door nor in The Lost Bastille, near the chest from the entrance. I hope i'll continue fighting him since he drops good items, but i'm not sure if he will apear again

    submitted by /u/Cpt_Scorpion
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    Thoughts on stats? Currently running this with a 10 falchion and 10 Espada Ropera. I still haven’t finished the game yet. Should I infuse the weapons if so with what?? Thanks!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    How actually different are the normal and the Sotfs version?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    I own the scholar of the first sin version but i have seen some people saying that the normal version is better so i have to ask, the only difference i know exist are the placements of objects and enemies, the dlcs included and if i'm not wrong there is an extra boss in sotfs, but taking into account that you can simply buy the dlcs then there is no difference in that, and the extra boss is apparently bad so what makes the normal or the sotfs better than the other?

    submitted by /u/SuperCachibache
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    Barbed club

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    I was going to use barbed club in my pve run cause it looks cool. I got it into my hands but now I'm wondering if it's even usable. Is this thing viable for ds2 pve and possibly ng+?

    submitted by /u/Dip-shet
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    What do you think of Dark souls 3?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    So the reason I'm asking this question is because from what I've seen on YouTube some Ds2 people don't like Ds3 and say it's overrated.

    So I'm sorry if this is an asshole thing to say but from what I've seen people who like Ds2 hate Ds3 because a lot of other people like it more.

    Now I'm not saying everyone has to like Ds3 but from what I've seen some people will say Ds3 is shit just to make Ds2 look better, on YouTube at least.

    submitted by /u/Physical_Internet453
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    Does DS2: SotFS automatically adjust difficulty if you're having a hard time?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:48 PM PDT

    Hey all, going through my very first Scholar of the First Sin run after beating 3 and DSR dozens of times (the roll mechanic got fuckin shat all over, why FromSoft why). Anywho, I noticed that after getting my butt kicked in No Man's Wharf, I left and screwed around at Heidi's and came back after a few level ups. What I noticed was this: usually when you enter, there are 2 hollows, 2 Varangians (one dangling off the dock) and a third Varangian shooting arrows at you. Except... When I returned, there was literally no one there except the dangling Var. I figured it was a glitch, so I used a bonfire and came back. Still no one. Then I teleported away and back. Still no one.

    It's very unlike Dark Souls to take it easy on ya, so I'm assuming it's either 1. A glitch, 2. Something to do with lighting the torches, or 3. I'm just goddamn crazy. Does anyone have any idea why this would happen? It's no issue, I'm just curious.

    Edit: Varangian, Jesus Christ that spelling though

    submitted by /u/VivaBlasphemia
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    What is this shrine you can teleport to after the rotten boss fight?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    Pls be not to spoil because it's my first playthrough :3

    submitted by /u/_hi_im_vegan_
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    Lost in Drangelic castle. Help!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    I'm at the bonfire after the twin dragon riders and I seem to be stuck in some sort of loop-de-loop. There is a lever that I can't interact with, a room with soldier statues and a monster statue with a bowl. I have no idea what to do.

    submitted by /u/CadeLaFrance
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    What's a good DS2 mod?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a fun mod to play with, the only thing I've done are item and enemy randomizers. I see "Augur of Darkness" is a popular one in Nexus, is that the best one out there?

    submitted by /u/GifanZiWoodElf
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    How rare is a physical copy of SOTFS on the ps4?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    I only found one sealed copy, and they're asking like 70 dollars (rough conversion). No luck finding used ones either, is it just here in Brazil that is hard to find? I can easily find the original PS3/360 version.

    submitted by /u/FlyingPotatoSaucer
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    Hexer Build Help

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to build a Hexer. My stats so far are: 23 Vigor, 18 Endurance, 16 Strength and Dextery, 25 Attunement, 25 Int and Faith. I'm planning to reach 25 Vigor, 20 Endurance and 30 Int and Faith. Are these good stats? Also, interesting weapon to use? For now i'm building a Roaring Halberd and a Dark Infused Silverblack Spear, along with a Dark Infused Sunset Staff. Lastly, best rings for this build? I'm triyng to acquire +2 Souther Ritual Band and +2 Clear Bluestone Ring.
    Thanks for your attention.

    submitted by /u/shanian2
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    Need help.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Hello new to dark souls 2 so. Need help with my favorite words from the game YOU DIE. I keep Dying my health bar is lower than my name. Need effigy . but my biggest problem is the Demon and the lava mansion the fist after the bridge. Hate that thing i seen people killing that demon in second but I try YOU DIE. Cant pass. Need Your help thank you.

    submitted by /u/Weary-Investigator10
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    Which do you prefer?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    Any mods that make co-op more bearable?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    It's been a long time since I've played DS2, and I was wondering if there was any improvement in the multiplayer area.

    Soul memory sucks, not being able to downscale to a friends level sucks and the god ring is ok at best. I was hoping there might be a mod that sidelines all this to make connecting with friends easier. I'd rather not get banned for modding the game but if that's what it takes I'll do it.

    submitted by /u/AnEnemyStando
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    Old Iron King

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Does anyone have any advice about beating the Old Iron King with just a bow? I'm trying to do a bow only run, and I keep getting knocked into lava during the fight

    submitted by /u/Opposite-Trash7395
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    This is a pretty stupid question

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    So I've beat ds1 and ds3 and I just started ds2 and I've noticed something. I think the rolling might be different but I think this could be chalked up to me needing to be better at the game.

    submitted by /u/ABusOfKidz
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    I’m Stuck?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    I don't know where to go from now I'm at Drangleic Castle and I've been stuck here for past 2 hours, I jumped into the whole with the bonfire and dude in the wheelchair and it's a dead end. The dude is gone after I travelled elsewhere and I don't have the "Seal of the king" where do I go now?

    submitted by /u/Quzzzyrk
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    My very own castle

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:24 AM PDT

    Now that I have defeated the Fume Knight and Smelter Demon, and retrieved the crown of the Old Iron King, I now have an entire castle to lord over. And it's well earned after the hell of Fume, Smelter, the Iron Passage, that cursed pit with the invader and that healer, the giants, etc.

    Brume Tower belongs to the Bearer of the Curse.

    And the entire castle may still be trying to kill me, but it's chill because I get to remind them who the real apex predator is.

    Ps- there's this long sword and suit of armor on a pedestal that is now glowing red. I can't pick it up for some reason. I get some kind of examine nothing happened message.

    submitted by /u/MoonlitBadlands
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    Help for a Black Knight build

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    Hi, so i'm new to this game and i have just beaten the original game using a Black Knight build which was:

    The two-handed greatsword and the tarkus set with gold-hemmed black hood..

    I wanted to try something similar with ds2 and after looking at the armor sets these are in my plans so far:

    The two-handed greatsword (again) The imported hood The royal swordman gloves

    Now I'm stuck with what to do next. I want heavy armor and leggings that are black but I don't know what to go with.either it takes a very long to get to them or just don't look that fitting for my build. Also should I consider hexes? They'll fit my build but it seems they take souls to cast which i don't like the idea of. And last question, which rings should I use? I have both the giant and the stone ring in my mind but I don't know what else.

    submitted by /u/CrowTheMenace
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