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    Monday, May 24, 2021

    Dark Souls To all the players that are full of hate!

    Dark Souls To all the players that are full of hate!

    To all the players that are full of hate!

    Posted: 23 May 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Sorry i cant always play perfect nor can i carry always. Its incredible how many people pm me after PvP and even PvE just to insult me like im the lowest being on planet earth...

    My massage is: just enjoy this moment while playing this awesome game! I would never judge someone for playing different or dying over in over again, its actually the opposite im always happy to help you! And so should you!

    Just take it easy! No one will ever ask if you done a 0 death/hit run (maybe here tho..)... so be nice to the Sunbros that are willing to help you! And pls just swallow the PvP defeat, cuz it doesn't matter!

    And never forget to PRAISE THE SUN!

    submitted by /u/Healthy_Snacky
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    I don’t trust my laptop anymore

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    So I just killed sif and was walking up to undead parish when I accidentally touched my laptop trackpad (I play on controller) and aggroed Andre. I thought "no big deal I'll just go get forgiven by Oswald" so I walk up through the church when for some reason either my controller or laptop caused me to start spamming r1 and aggro Oswald. 12 hours of playtime wasted within a couple of minutes

    submitted by /u/Master-Baiter42069
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    Top 10 Favorite Weapons because i'm bored

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:37 AM PDT


    Top Tens don't really mean anything but i feel like ranking my favorite weapons in the game.

    1. Claymore
    2. Great Scythe
    3. Moonlight Greatsword
    4. Composite Bow
    5. Golem Axe
    6. Black Knight Greataxe
    7. Large Club
    8. Uchigatana
    9. Dragonslayer Greatbow
    10. Ricard's Rapier

    The following will be short explanations about my placements.

    1. It's easy to get, has high dmg and works on almost any type of build. Also, the moveset kicks ass. My favorite for PvP, too. Claymore is Baemore.
    2. Its unique moveset and overall great stats (dmg, requirements and weight) make this an easy 2nd place. Most unique playstyle out of all weapons in this game. If you know how to properly use this, you have my respect.
    3. I love the looks and i love that R2. In the overall series this is my all time favorite weapon.
    4. Basically the bow version of the Claymore. I mostly use Bows to bait enemies (or people) or to get rid of certain obstacles early. Powerful on a mage with Moonlight Arrows or as Chaos/Fire Bow with Fire Arrows.
    5. It's just so much fun knocking enemies over in PvE with the projectile. Or pancake them to the floor with the 2h R2. Unfortunately not so great in PvP but the fun factor makes up for it. Great for a Str/Int build. Looks really cool with Manus Catalyst in left hand.
    6. Out of all the Black Knight weapons, this one's my personal favorite. While it's not easy to get early on it makes up for that with massive dmg and badass looks. Pro Tip: Backup your save before fighting the BK in the catacombs. If he doesn't drop it on death, reload and repeat until he does.
    7. My favorite moveset out of the Strength weapons. I prefer this over the Great Club any time just due to the poison. Great fun in PvP. A backstab with Rotten Pine Resin is an instant poison proc in most occasions.
    8. If people ask for easy mode in Dark Souls, just link them to this weapon's wiki page. Hits fast, has bleed, works on every build and is easies to get than even the Claymore. Also feels very stylish.
    9. I like to refer to this as the "noob tester" in PvP. Wind it up, keep standing there with Lock-On and wait for them to circle you. Release when they try to hit you. You'd be surprised how often this works. Also, 360s with this look ridicilous.
    10. It was either this or Balder Side Sword. I went for this because of the unique kick. Best weapon with buffs Had a lot of fun with this invading with Rotten Pine Resin in The Dephts.

    That's it. Leave your personal favorites. I'd like to read them.

    submitted by /u/Frisolino
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    How tall is Gwynevere compared to tall vampire lady?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    For science reasons of course.

    submitted by /u/xite
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    What if Solaire getting possessed by the sunline maggot was a good thing?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    My sister started playing Dark souls and I told about how you could kill the sunlight maggot to save Solaire (who she loves) and eventually we had a full on discussion about the morality of that decision.

    If we kill the maggot Solaire lives. But he's still going to be depressed that he can't find his personal sunlight. Meaning he'll lose faith and eventually go hollow. Cursed to wander the world forever as a mindless monster.

    On the otherhand, if he finds the maggot for one brief moment he would feel a level of happiness and satisfaction that he had found his sunlight. Granted the thing facehuggers him and turns him into a mindless monster as well but at least in that one moment he would have been happy.

    So which ending for our dear Sun boy was the good one? What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Kami7754
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    my blood gets pumpin and my heartbeat increases exponentially when I pvp

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    it's a high like no other. no other video game has ever produced such a feeling.

    this game in general used to do it but my heart rate after a pvp battle gets crazy high. I love it

    submitted by /u/CrestfallenDarkSign
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    Wish me luck everybody, I just bought dark souls remastered digitally and am trying it for the first time!

    Posted: 23 May 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Can saving Solaire be canon or not? Did you save him? Give your reasons.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    I think everyone love Solaire but did you save him from madness and summon him at last fight? Why so? Is considered canon that he gets mad for the "parasite???

    submitted by /u/Sirlight85
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    PVP would be better with no backstab

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:04 PM PDT

    I'm sure this has been discussed before (scrolling just now, couldn't see any recent incidences). But, yeah, that's my opinion. I think PVP would be a lot more fun without it. It just seems to make much of PVP too predictable, and it always has everyone engaging in this cynical "gaming the game rather than playing the game" that sucks the joy out of the competition (especially where the "dead angle" backstab glitch b.s. is concerned). I was just wondering what other people think. Agree? Disagree?

    submitted by /u/MountainGoatSkeleton
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    What is the significance of Crystallisation?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    As we know many sorceries use the power of the soul to fortify weaponry or even conjure ballistic missiles or illusory weaponry. And the strongest further reinforce the magic by crystallisation.

    Why can souls crystallise? What exactly is the crystal that grants Seath a fleeting immortality and how does it do it?

    What really interests me is how Basilisks crystallise the soul within us, which bursts out of us as we die from Curse. The black crystals bursting from us would seem to imply that the basilisks crystallised our humanity.

    So then why can the basilisk crystallise the soul? What significance does crystallisation have to immortality and why is it not more common?

    Sorcery really interests me, I wish I knew more about how it worked.

    submitted by /u/Toffee1497
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    Shoutout to the player phantoms I’m running into still playing on the original release.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:11 AM PDT

    Was definitely not expecting to see (non-NPC) white soapstone signs on the floor replaying this game in 2021.

    Also was not expecting to get invaded by Cat Covenant scum on a level 30 character walking around the forest. Touché.

    If you guys are still playing the original release and you're on your first play though, gimme a shout and I'll engage in some jolly co-operation with you. Praise the Sun!

    submitted by /u/Terraphice
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    The door at the bottom of the tower leading to Taurus Demon

    Posted: 23 May 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    So I just finished fighting Capra Demon and was amazing to find the shortcut right beside opening the door to the depths. When I made my way back out I was looking around the areas I've been through and this seems to be the only locked door I don't have a key for.

    So far I've beat Taurus, bell gargoyles and Capra, stopped right before the door into depths. Is this door something I should have access to or does it become relevant later on?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/No_Blacksmith_1609
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    Pretty easy glitch

    Posted: 23 May 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    Sorry if you may have read or know this already I never saw it posted. But I learned like a week ago while i was playing dark souls remastered on ps5 that if you die just open another app as soon as you die. I did this for boss fight mad it easy bc you spawn right iron of the door and all your health items you used are back in your inventory

    submitted by /u/arune-
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    On Dark Souls Remastered for PC, where is the most activity for each level?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    Online/PVP Activity I mean,

    Specifically levels 100-125, but also below and above that?

    And is battle of stoicism even alive at all? Is there any activity?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Fearless-Physics
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    Help with Black Dragon Kalameet

    Posted: 23 May 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    I have been trying for 2 whole days now, i can't even manage to cut his tail, I'm a full magic caster (Sorcery, Pyromancy and Miracle) all of his attacks 1 shots me, and i have not seen a single summon sign, I'm losing my mind.

    submitted by /u/LuseanEncri
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    Does this mean I'm banned?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:08 AM PDT

    Every time I log into the game, I get a message saying: "Restrictions on your account. Data fraud has been detected on your account, and no improvement has been seen. A game play with unauthorised data is a violation of the online service user policy (Article 10: Prohibited Acts)."

    Am I banned? Is there any way to get it fixed? Haven't played this game for a while.

    submitted by /u/tishafeed
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    First playthrough here: Is there anyway to un-levelup a certain ability?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    I leveled up resistance a bit before realising its useless so can i get my souls back in anyway or just level up a different ability?

    submitted by /u/Prestigious_Wolf_178
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    Name your 3 favorite weapons in Dark Souls!

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    Here's mine: Claymore, Quelaags Fury Sword, Gold Tracer

    submitted by /u/PthumerianPrince
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    Jolly Cooperation /r/ darksouls

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    Thinking about starting a new ds:r or ds2. Anyone up for some coop throughout? Build on my part is undecided so even that is up for discussion since I've only ever played 1 time through 1 game. I'm on ps4, only system I own sadly lol.

    submitted by /u/Prudentpossibilities
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    If you had the ability to erase one enemy from the whole game, which one would it be and why?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    For me 100% the crystal archers in dukes archives. Worse than umbrella archers, basilisks and everything else. Especially when they hit their random headshots the damage is just so annoying. They constantly put pressure on you and when they get buffed by the channelers your just straight up dead

    submitted by /u/Nemisis_HD
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    Can rare weapons be dropped

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    I want platinum of ds1 on ps3 and my friend who has platinum wants to drop me all rare weapons so can he drip rare weapons or I am just cursed to get them alone?

    submitted by /u/bless_kukreja_20
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    Item Discovery Question

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:20 AM PDT

    This might sound like a rather silly or dumb question but when farming for certain drops from enemies does how you kill them, (Melee, Sorcery, Miracle, Pyromancy), have anything to do with the probability of a drop. I have Max Item Discovery as far as I know and I was curious. I'm fairly new to the game as well.

    submitted by /u/Humble-Violinist-590
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    Was it a mistake to go the catacombs first thing in the game?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    The game doesn't tell you where to go so I just decided to go up and to the left. The skeletons don't stay dead until you kill the fire sorcerers so I just skipped them and kill them. Took like a hundred tries. Finally I make it to the tomb area, but it's literally impossible to progress past the wheel skeletons?

    What's the point of this game if you have to rely on a guide to tell you where to go?

    submitted by /u/Ancom96
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    The Hydra

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    Does the Hydra in Darkroot scare anyone else no matter how much I kill it it scares me not the version in the hallow because that one comes on land and dies

    submitted by /u/Tetsu_Riken
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