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    Monday, May 24, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 Not the sharpest tool in the shed, this one

    Dark Souls 2 Not the sharpest tool in the shed, this one

    Not the sharpest tool in the shed, this one

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    I have never seen this pose before

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:56 PM PDT

    my ugly rework of royal swordsman armor tell me if you like it or if it sucks

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Some amateur-tier fan art I made back during DKS2's release, back when I was hyped for it.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    Kicking myself I didn't play DS2 sooner

    Posted: 24 May 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    DS2 was the last Dark souls for me (Im waiting to get a PS5 in a year or two to play Demons Souls for platinum) and I've got to say I'm kicking myself I didn't play it sooner.

    I don't think its the best Dark Souls game, I think from a playability and combat standpoint Bloodborne is still the best.....but Ds2 certainly isn't the worst and from a standpoint of trying new things and tweaking the formula its lightyears ahead of its brothers.

    There's clearly a lot of things ds2 did better than ds1 like not having the pretentions of non linearity, life gems, more bosses, more varied environments, straightforward level design, having some new enemies and encounters once you hit NG+, etc....but there's also a lot that you can see that better later games in the series borrowed from this game like having your merchants be in the central hub and needing to travel back to the central hub to level up, thus making a connection with the player as a safe place they will become very familiar with. We would later see this in both BB and DS3 and to a lesser extent Sekiro.

    But the biggest reason I'm kicking myself for buying into the hype of Ds2 being bad and didn't play it until the very end of my souls journey.....is that the subreddit and community is incredible.

    I'm not going to name names but some of the other souls reddits are awful. Just people tearing each other down and over sensitive mod bots blocking things left and right.

    This is my favorite subreddit and I cant believe I could have been here a year earlier.

    submitted by /u/t3h_LoU
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    Certified Dark Souls 2 Moment

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    My boy thicker than a bowl of oatmeal

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Should I get Dark Souls 2?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    This may be a common question, but I need your opinion. I've played Bloodborne, Sekiro, DS1 and 3, and loved them all. I've heard DS2 was a disappointment, so I dont know if you would recommend it.

    And if I get it, should I buy the Scholar of the first sin edition or just the base Game? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/jancasellass
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    Finally managed to do this, it's easier than I thought

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    need some boss help...

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    stuck on pursuer, currently have scimitar +2, falconer armor+1, royale soldier helm, wanderer manchettes +1. I'm only level 23 so I'm looking for somewhere to farm, the only rings I have are a life ring and a stone ring. Are any of the rings the cat sells worth it?

    submitted by /u/WraithCaliber
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    Appreciating Sinh

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    I have been working on a SL1 run for DS2 and recently hit a point where I just have the final boss rush for the story and then the DLCs. I haven't looked up anything on SL1 strats, thinking it would be more fun to do the runs based on my own memory and knowledge of the game. It's how I did a recent SL1 run for DS1, and I wanted to keep it going.

    That said, I know the roughest part of the run is ahead, mainly with the DLCs, and I decided to take a break. I noticed I hadn't done a full casual playthrough on PC yet, so I knocked one out as "research" for the SL1 run, refamilairizing myself with the content as I spent hours searching for the Strength Ring in Brume Tower on SL1.

    I remembered the DLC fondly of DS2, but my memories didn't quite cut it. All three offerings are pure gems, bringing new and creative (sometimes evil) fun to the game. I was absolutely gushing over them, being able to replay them without the franticness of a challenge run. This was amplified by the fact I think I'd only played each DLC once prior, where I have done the DS1 and DS3 DLC multiple times.

    And this is where we get to the point of my post. I could go on for hours about level design and items and locales (special mention for some of my favorite weapons being the Bone Fist, Bewitched Alonne Sword, and Yorgh's Spear), but the one subject that sticks out most to me of the DS2 DLC is Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon.

    I thoroughly enjoyed all of the DLC content for the DS games, but one thing I never quite understood was the hype for Kalameet and Midir. They've got great lore and Kalameet gives us a great cutscene when the blind giant literally "no scopes" him, but the actual boss battles were a little lackluster.

    Personally, both Kalameet and Midir never struck me as terribly difficult or interesting boss fights. They both feature obvious telegraphs with most moves easy to dodge or avoid, substantial pauses giving you easy opportunities to heal, and don't take advantage of their arenas, as you always have time to close distance if they run from you in an attack. If you've been leveling up adequately by the time you get to them, you should be able to take a few hits for the odd mistake or for getting too greedy, assuming you just haven't forgone health and armor, making their damage output not terribly concerning. These dragons are rough on challenge runs and when you learn them, but offer very little difficulty, at least in my experience, on replay.

    But Sinh... Sinh does not have these issues. Multiple attacks present with the same or similar telegraphs. He only has a few moves that give you free healing options. He will run from you repeatedly and make you chase him down the arena before engaging competently in close combat between claws, bites, and spins that can actually link into one another. Beating Sinh on replay was just as rewarding as the first time I did it and sets itself apart as one of the better boss fights in the series to me.

    So yeah, just wanted to praise DS2 for a bit. The DLCs are top notch and have risen above The Ringed City for me upon revisiting, and Sinh will always be the best dragon for me.

    submitted by /u/Jack_Empty
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    So I just completed a SL1 run - some reflections on the game and mechanics

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    Warning - post is longer than the usual.

    My history with DS2 has been pretty brief so far - I have completed it only once before about a year ago. Played as a hexer and had a blast. Found that most of the criticism was unwarranted and considered it an excellent game on par with both 1 & 3. Did my SL1 on DS3 couple of months ago and after a while got an itch to complete SL1 on previous installments as well.

    Having now completed the SL1 I must admit my view of the game has somewhat shifted. First - the difficulty was brutal, especially the DLCs. For me personally it was harder than DS3, but this comes with a caveat. On DS3 I have numerous playthoughs with different builds including a NG+7 and I know the game and bosses like the back of my hand. Here the SL1 was my second run ever. I guess if I had similar extensive knowledge of this one, then it would have been much less of a struggle.

    Some thoughts on the mechanics:

    This game is SLOW. Before reinstalling DS2 I had completed Nioh 2, so you can imagine my struggle and frustration. For some reason the devs thought it would be a good idea to make Estus use animation 68 frames long i.e. 2.3 seconds. Above 95 AGI you can cut it to 63 frames and above 100 AGI (impossible to attain on SL1) to 58 frames. The gems are a bit faster and you can move a bit during the animation - so I guess they thought that would offset the slow Estus use.

    The other baffling mechanic are the fog gates. They have a similar feature whereby you are locked in animation when entering (seems to be around 1.5 seconds or so) and if you get hit, you get cancelled out. Invincibility frames kick in at the end of the animation, when your character starts to move inside the fog. It was also interesting to see, that the devs put fog gates also in-between some areas, not only in front of boss fights. The only reason I can think of is, that they didn't want to encourage speedrunning and wanted players to "clear content" i.e kill trash. Thing is - during some boss death runs it is virtually impossible to CONSISTENTLY skip the trash and enter the fog gate again. Both Smelters, Alonne, Chariot - what I ended up doing is just spending an hour or so despawning the entire death run area to have a free run for the boss. Would LOVE to read devs' reasoning behind this "feature".

    There appears to be no item use queue. Or there is, but it is tightly tuned. For example if you roll and press Estus button during the roll, then the action is not queued and after the roll animation finishes you end up standing holding your dick. After initial frustration I grasped the mechanic and learned to time my Estus use towards the end of rolling animation, whereby my character would drink Estus immediately after the roll.

    The final thing, which annoyed me to no end were the long windups - the whole game seems to be built around "long windup - fast attack - roll catch" mechanic. This applies to both trash and bosses. Usually after a game completion (especially after a challenge run) one should be able to say they have mastered the game. I cannot admit to that - it was very hard for me to get into a flow state, when fighting bosses. I struggled to find rhythm most of the times.

    Some final thoughts on bosses (will list only the ones I rate either 9 or 10 in difficulty):

    9 Darklurker. Surprisingly difficult, simply couldn't get down the split phase. It didn't help, the devs thought it would be a good idea to gate the boss behind Effigies.

    9 Sinh - another surprise. Took me a long time to adjust to the flying flame attacks he does.

    9 Fume Knight - would be a 10, but I used the strat, where I keep him locked in phase 1, where he doesn't buff his sword. Very good fight, with excellent lore to boot - one of my favs in the entire series! Pure awesomeness.

    9 Alonne - same thing. Excellent fight, cool boss - another of my favs!

    10 Throne Defender and Watcher - was very surprised how difficult this fight turned out to be. On a normal playthrough this duo was a mere afterthought - on SL1 it was tough as nails. It didn't help the Watcher hitboxes are broken, especially the lunging stab she does.

    10 Elana - this fight was the one I dreaded because I suck at gank fights. During first session I was not able to consistently get her down to the last 1/3 health, which usually means it's time to put down the game and come back next day. I thought fuck it and buffed up with literally everything I had starting with stamina regen and Brightbugs and just went to town. Got her down, but it was a lucky kill, nothing more.

    10 Ivory King - another one I dreaded. The boss himself is quite easy, but that gauntlet before him is a nightmare. After struggling for a while I switched to Great Club and just pancaked those fuckers.

    10 Blueberry. They re-skinned the red one, slightly tweaked the AI, cramped him into a similar small arena, added even worse hitboxes, designed even worse death run and called it a day. That's pretty much all that could be said about this one.

    10 Lud and Zallen - God, where do I even start. Better I won't.

    Rated the game as 9/10 for my normal run, SL1 gets 6/10.

    submitted by /u/grumpysnowflake
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    A new streaming suggestion (Max level before first boss)

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    There's an amusing series on YouTube. How long to get to max level in the tutorial area. The answer in DS2 is that you can't without leaving the tutorial area (to join Champions) but that if you accept that, somewhere around 54 years if I recall correctly.

    So I got to thinking. What if instead the "challenge" was to get to max level before the first boss.

    Now it won't take a lot of time to murder Mauglin, make the run to Melentia (for the covetous Silver Serpent Ring and Traveling Merchant Hat), pick up Great Soul Arrow and make a +4 Sorcerer Staff (the last two steps save only seconds per run, but are worth it considering how many runs you'll have to make).

    Then it's back to the first bonfire in the Forest to farm the Hippo (and the two Hollow Infantry -- not killing them adds time to the run).

    The best round trip time I've ever recorded is 50 seconds. The run is worth 1639 souls and there's around a 1/6 chance that the Hippo will drop a Soul of a Proud Knight. Makes the run worth around 1972 souls on average. (And no, the drop rate for SPK does not drop off over time)

    If you start as a Sorcerer you need 407,399,151 souls. And you can get just under 142K per hour (plus the setup time I mentioned).

    I'm sure it would make whoever does this the next big Twitch streamer.

    submitted by /u/rnj1a
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    Whats the point of weightclasses?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    If your iframes are based on your agility and weightclass only affects rolldistance why doesnt everyone just use ultraheavy armor? As long as you dont go over 100% there dont seem to be many downsides. Rolldistance is shorter, but in the end thats something that really doesnt make that much of a difference

    submitted by /u/Nemisis_HD
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    Thank You Dark Souls 2

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    Dual wielding

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    Which weapons are good for dual wielding as a beginner and also can be used with power stance?

    submitted by /u/Harpreet1414
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    [SOTFS] 3 Million Soul Memory Active Coop Locations?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    I'm part of the Heirs of the Sun Covenant and have been trying to get summoned for the last few hours. What locations are good for summoning when at 3 Million Soul Memory?

    Please and Thank you.

    submitted by /u/YissnakkJr
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    Wait, you could drain the poison pool in the baneful queen fight?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    i went there without knowing that and of course i died because i wasnt prepared, after that i used the poison ring and the tattered cloth set and wasted almost all my divine blessings but i defeated the boss on the second try. I feel dumb

    submitted by /u/Vene-Yair
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    Where am I the most like to get summoned for boss with around 4.5 mil soul memory?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    I will be very thankful for any answers.

    submitted by /u/CountMelon
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    Bearer of the Curse hanging out with The Hunter LOL. (I've been obsessed with soulsborne games lately even my playthrough of skyrim is being affected)

    Posted: 24 May 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    question about modding ds2

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:44 AM PDT


    i wanted to install ds2 mods but i have a question how do i restore everything back to normal if i wanted to back to the normal game ?

    sorry for the noob question

    submitted by /u/crossyssd
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    Low level co-op at saltsfort

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    My sign is at the first bonfire of sinners rise, i play on ps3, i have the platinum, down for trolling or just jollying

    submitted by /u/kulok1
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