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    Thursday, May 13, 2021

    Dark Souls I FUCKING DID IT

    Dark Souls I FUCKING DID IT


    Posted: 12 May 2021 06:51 PM PDT

    I wanted to post a pic of me getting soul of S from the O And S fight but I can't lol, in like 7 or 8 tries I did it and I don't think I've ever been as hype or anxious in the last moments of a boss as this one, even in hollow knight. I was literally yelling at my axe "come on hit, hit!" As I swung the final blow hoping I connected before he did because I definitely would have died. I was also yelling at my stamina in the last couple swings. I'm just in shock rn lol. It didn't take that many attempts but it had my heart beating so fast and I'm literally shaking rn. I love this game.

    submitted by /u/Ag745837
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    The Painted World of Ariamis Progress Day 1: Painting a painting of a painting in a game is a lot harder than I thought...especially when the painting in the game is cloaked in shadow and you can barely see the details. Ah well. I’ll work on the path tomorrow.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Beginning to love this game

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    I'm a 37 year old male who really started a family 5 years ago. I've always been a gamer but as an adult mostly multiplayer online stuff. Once kids showed up, the online stuff stopped. Zelda rejuvenated my gaming life and I've been experimenting with other titles after literally finishing all the Zeldas.

    Dark souls 1 on the switch. I have been flirting with it for about a month. Thinking maybe I don't love the pace (too slow). I'm not a stranger to hard games. I love a challenge. But DS1 was too slow for me I thought. I was trying to get as far as I could. But I'd die and start over, not realizing I was missing the point.

    I finally realize that you are "supposed" to grind a bit. Banking your souls and leveling up is the point. Don't worry about death because you will die, it's just a matter of how many souls and if it is worth it to get them back.

    Once I embraced that, I stopped trying to be careful at all times. I stopped worrying about how this is one of the "most difficult games ever". And it has quickly become the only game I play and instead of dreading trying to see if this game is for me, this game has become what I think about at night. It is really cool.

    This game is awesome. That is all I really have to say. I've never played it before and I'm just starting and it is just starting to really click. I love it.


    submitted by /u/plucky_blink
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    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    Btw sekiro is hard af, the whole blocking stuff what the hell

    submitted by /u/mostrealestquestion
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    Fuck the Duke's Archives.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    Does anyone else hate this place with every fiber of their being?

    Crystal soldiers with their hard-to-react-to attacks.

    Crystal archers EVERYWHERE.

    And then there's the Channelers buffing them.

    This place is a nightmare.

    submitted by /u/Weeneem
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    First Dark Souls sketch

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    I've been getting back into basic sketching, and I thought I would try something from my favorite game trilogy, so here's a Dragon.


    submitted by /u/itstimetostop400
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    I did it boys ��

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    Dunno if i got lucky but i just beat O and S second try! found S to be surprisingly easy tbh, all he did was ground slam his hammer over and over

    submitted by /u/hazardous_twinky
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    Just started playing this game yesterday and I must say, the level design is fucking amazing!

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    (DS1) Can't upgrade my Black Knight Sword to +10????

    Posted: 13 May 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, Im on my my first NG+ and am trying to upgrade my black knight sword. I have researched everywhere and cant find a decent answer. I have 10+ twinkling Titanite, gave my large ember to Andre, have more that 10,000 souls and yet there is no option (in either fortify or modify) to increase it to 10+. Any help would be appreciated and feel free to ask questions.

    submitted by /u/BigBozza28
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    Are there any good dark souls youtubers to watch?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    Recently got into the series and I was wondering if there are any good content creators?

    submitted by /u/Either_Imagination_9
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    Pure Bow Build Comprehensive Guide for 2021

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Weakness: First Time Guide Writer/Reddit Poster

    I have been playing Dark Souls for a long, long time. I have nearly a thousand hours in total but this is my first time writing a guide. If you're looking for a new challenge, a new way to play our beloved game, this one might be for you. Thank you for your patience. Let's get into it.

    The Bowman: I made mistakes in building the character and I will include my mess ups and what I did to correct them, even though in the grand scheme the mistakes did not cost me as dearly as I suspected they would. You can use any class to make this build work, but my goal was to beat the game using only a bow and a bow only. That means every mob I kill: Bow. Every boss I slay: Bow. No exceptions no matter how annoying it might be. Some areas were easier than other builds, some were much harder.

    Pros: Sniping, Cheese difficult bosses ( Manus ), Good Avoidance,

    Cons: Fragile, requires timing and knowledge of boss attacks (you cant just tank and spank). Takes 'getting used to' so there is a learning curve


    Stats at completion of NG:

    • Class: Hunter-SL: 76
    • Starting Gift: Master's Key
    • Vitality: 24
    • Attunement: 9
    • Endurance: 14
    • Strength: 40 - This is a mistake. thank you u/EvelynBlood for the DR reminder. Bow's require 2h so 27 strength gives you that 1.5x modifier to get to 40. Going past 27 hits major diminishing returns
    • Dexterity: 42 - Past 40 was an error I forgot about diminishing returns. No harmful effects) Resistance: 11
    • Intelligence: 9
    • Faith: 9


    Equipment: There is room for variety here. Clothing choices were made for a mix of flavour and utility. The weapons however, are essential and the best way to get the most damage out of your character. I will list them first and then describe why after

    Weapons: Composite Bow +15 ( Essential ), Black Bow of Pharis +15 (Optional) Ammunition: Large Arrows ( When affordable, Standard Arrows work for awhile), Feather Arrows

    • Head: Snickering Top Hat+5 ( Doesnt need to be +5 for NG )
    • Chest: Chester's Long Coat+5 ( Doesnt need to be +5 for NG )
    • Gloves: Chester's Gloves+5 ( Doesnt need to be +5 for NG )
    • Legs: Chester's Trousers+5 ( Doesnt need to be +5 for NG )
    • Rings: Ring of Favour and Protection, Leo Ring ( Swappable for Hawk Ring which is better sometimes )
    • Shield: None

    Let's talk about the weapons first.

    Black Bow of Pharis:

    I did a lot of reading up on which bow's were best and which ammunition to use. I decided very early on that I wanted to rush for the Black Bow of Pharis as fast as possible. You can do this very early on by defeating the gargoyles and saving up your 20,000 souls for the Crest of Artorias and heading into Darkroot. This was a MISTAKE. Not only are the Forest Guardians time consuming for this build early on, I wasn't very impressed with the bow. It did minimally increased damage compared to the starting short bow, but the biggest drawback was the speed. It fired noticeably slower compared to the short bow. This is the crucial weakness of the weapon which ultimately lead to me replacing it. Very often, there is a short window after a dodge roll where you need to slip in an attack before dodging again. The Pharis bow ended up causing me to take a lot of hits that I did not need to with damage that was not above average. Even though I was unimpressed, I still used this bow for awhile and it did have it's uses and did enough damage while I was putting points into dexterity.

    Composite Bow:

    This is the real prize here. It scales with Dex and Strength at the C level so you'll want to level both stat's to 40. It hits harder than Pharis and the most important factor: It's fast. The Composite bow is classed as a short bow, so it gets short bow speed. Get this weapon. Take it up the normal upgrade path all the way to 15 and don't look back.

    Ammunition: Standard Arrows to start when you don't have a lot of souls, get large arrows in mass stock as soon as you're able to. Poison Arrows and Fire Arrows are cute and neat, but they just don't do enough damage. Even if you upgrade to the Fire Path ( I tried it on another character, it's suboptimal ) they always feel like they are 'almost good enough'. Standard and Large are all you need. Feather Arrows are great for the DLC and i'll get into that later on.

    Now we can talk about the other equipment.

    Chester's Set was a personal choice, I was using the starting hunter gear up to that point with zero problem. You can use anything that allows you to fast roll and has at least some decent armor/resistances for the times you do get hit.

    Ring of Favor and Protection is available so early on and provides exactly what we need. A little health and endurance to round us out. I just never found a replacement i'd want to wear all the time to take over for it.

    Hawk Ring/Leo Ring: They both seem underwhelming when you read the descriptions. Believe me they are not. There are going to be times when you want to kill something normally way out of range, hawk ring lets you do that. The leo ring just gives you extra damage if you time your shots right or, more often than not, when you get lucky while firing a normally and you hit the enemy during their attack. You'll need to kill Ornstein second to get the Leo ring, but with this build that is not at all a problem.

    Other Weapons I tried:

    Dragonslayer Bow: Does a ton of damage but it is not worth the cost. The ammunition is prohibitively expensive and the attack is just...too...slow. It also consume's a lot of stamina which as you can see, this build does not have a lot of. You can use it if you like and it will work. The composite bow will just flow and feel better in every regard, ESPECIALLY while upgraded for this build.

    Goughs Great Bow: Basically the same as Dragonslayer bow. Fun, hits hard, but all the same drawbacks I mentioned for Dragonslayer.



    Im not going to get into details of all of the route I took since the build can work with whatever you decide. Since we can get all of these weapons early enough on you can choose where and when you go with some exceptions. I will try to describe them in the order I remember doing them in. Just remember, when you're working your way to the bosses. There will be times to run past certain enemies, and times to take it really slow. Don't rush yourself. Learn these moments and your fun level will increase dramatically.

    Asylum Demon-Difficulty: Very Easy: Stay away, plink with arrows, dodge roll when he does his big attack. Circle behind him when you can/need. Very little danger here and a good boss to get a feel for the ranged attacks.

    Taurus Demon-Difficulty: Easy: If you use the plunging attack strategy this boss is a joke. With the bow only choice, you're required to do some actual work. Run between his legs for his jump attack, roll back from his horizontal attack, create distance and plink away. Rinse and repeat and this guy goes down no problem.

    Gargoyles-Difficulty: Very Easy: Reverse your hollowing at the Undead Parish Bonfire. Clear your way slowly up to them. Summon Solaire of Astora. Let him tank and you sit back and plink away. They die fast enough between Solaire and his sun-ness and your arrows. This should drop very smoothly for you. If it does not, just work on keeping your distance and firing. Remember you don't want to be upclose.

    Quelaag-Difficulty: Easy: Reverse your hollowing at the blighttown swamp bonfire, kill Mildred the Man Eater, Summon her before the boss. This fight is the same as gargoyles really. The only reason it's slightly harder is sometimes Mildred bugs or gets stuck and the boss does the leap attack towards you. Just make sure to roll away and keep your distance. For the most part Milly Girl will tank and you plink away till she dies. It wont take long.

    Ceaseless Discharge-Difficulty: Very Very Easy: Use the cheese strat. It works everytime and it's a free 20,000 Souls.

    Iron Golem-Difficulty: Easy: Summon Iron Tarkus. Run between his legs to the far end of the castle bridge. Let Tarkus tank and plink away. Before you know it he will be dead. Tarkus does a lot of damage.

    Ornstein and Smough-Difficulty: Medium: Why only medium? Because as a bow build you're not muscling things down with overpowering force. You're controlling the fight. You can slow it down to be on your terms. Obviously we're summoning Solaire here and he does some important work. His job is to tank Ornstein while you kite and kill Smough. Use the pillars to hide from his shovel attack. Dodge and shoot right after for everything else. Hopefully you get him dead before Solaire kills Ornstein. If you don't that's okay, you don't NEED the Leo ring. It's just a nice to have.

    Once one of the bosses is dead, Solaire is going to die soon after. This is okay. Just keep whichever boss is left on autolock. Keep backpedalling while trying to put a pillar between you and the boss. Keep plinking away. Peek out from a pillar and plink. Often times you can stay behind the broken pillars and shoot the boss while most ( NOT ALL) of their attacks cannot hit you. Just take this part nice and slow. Even if you die a time or two trying it, the attempt you kill them on should feel smooth and controlled.

    Gwyndolin-Difficulty: Easy: This boss doesnt change at all from any other build. It just take's a little longer because you're not going to get as many hits in. There may be a way to cheese her with sniping from a distance but I never tried it. Give it a shot! I'd love to hear your results.

    Great Wolf Sif-Difficulty: Easy-Medium: I hate killing Sif. I hate it even if I do the DLC first. It makes me sad to see this noble loyal wolf have to go down. But he does. This fight can be done two ways. Fight him as a melee, stay in close and dodge roll his attacks and plink away. He will die easy enough. The other way, is to roll away from him and fire from ranged. Both work but I found for this boss, getting in close was much easier. RIP Sif.

    Sanctuary Guardian(DLC)-Difficulty: Medium: This guy can be annoying. But is very doable. You have to dodge everything he does. So take your time and learn the fight. Learn what attack animations he does, dodge and fire. Sometimes you may get two shots off but I found it was best to just take the one and be ready to dodge the next attack and repeat.

    Artorias(DLC) Difficulty: Very Hard: This guy is a truck. Plain and simple. Everything he does hurts a lot. His attacks can be hard to anticipate and he can change 'combo's' depending on your range/position to him. Good times to attack him are right after you dodge his large jump attack, right after you dodge his massive overhand attack, during his channelled ability and after you dodge his power lunge/stab attack. There are other time's you can sneak in a hit but I found these to be the most reliable way to get in damage while not taking any in return. Do not get greedy and try to sneak in extra attacks. You're going to die. You're going to die learning this fight anyway, but don't get greedy even if he's low. This guy can wombo us to zero out of nowhere. The last thing you want is for him to be one hit away from dead and you try to force it and eat a triple jump into death. This will probably be the hardest experience you encounter in the build. Patience and practice or being really good ( I am not ) will be the best tactic to beating him.

    Manus: Difficulty: Very Very Easy: I only say this because I used the cheese strat. There are plenty of videos on how to do this so I wont get into it but using the cheese strat he is just free souls. Without the cheese strat this boss is significantly more difficult than Artorias. Just use the cheese. It's one of our benefits.

    Nito The Gravelord-Difficulty: Medium to Hard: Nito is a unique fight in that there will be adds during it. Adds we arent really suited to dealing with quickly. The best strategy I found was keeping Nito on auto lock and shooting him whenever I could while trying to keep both myself and the skeletons in front of him. Not exactly in melee range, but not out in africa either. The idea is to dodge roll as much of the skeleton have Nito's own attacks destroy the Skeletons which gives us a window for free attacks. As you rotate between being closer to him and farther away you'll find your own sweet spot to land extra attacks. The reason I said medium to hard is it depends on which attacks you get from the Gravelord. If you die, don't stress just run it back and try again.

    Seath the Scaleless-Difficulty: Easy: One of the things that makes Seath so easy is that for some reason, he feels the NEED for you to be perfectly in front of him, or behind him to attack. So as long as you auto lock on, stand a few yards inside of lock on range and constantly rotate he will keep rotating with you. Fire off a shot when you're towards his mini tail, by the time he gets himself squared up with you, your shot will hit and you'll be moving again. Seath will start rotating trying to lock on to you and you can get another shot off while rinse and repeating this method. The fight is very simple and shouldn't give you much trouble with this strategy.

    The Four Kings-Difficulty: Hard: The reason this fight is hard is that we just don't have the DPS of other builds. We also don't have the tank capabilities of other builds. So standing up tight and damaging him down is out. We will get swamped by extra kings and be out of Estus flasks long before the First King is dead. INSTEAD keep him at range. When he does his stab or overhand attack, just dodge roll backward and fire immediately after. You might even get in two or three hits if he is too far away. When he does his big purple moon looking attack, make sure you're topped off and just keep shooting him till you get hit. It isnt worth dodging, it wont kill you and his follow up attack will miss since you're 'recovering' animation is happening. If he does the attack with the many many little purple moons, definitely dodge that. Just keep rolling back, and hitting him after and eventually he will die. You are going to get more than one king during this fight. Maybe even two or three extra kings at the same time. Just keep moving back and slowly rotating to one side and only one king should engage you at a time. It will take some time to get used to this but once you do it will start to feel more controlled. Non engaged Kings tend to just float around in the background if you arent close to them. So try and keep it that way and stay the heck away.

    Demon FireSage-Difficulty Medium: We want to stay at ranged, but he does attacks that have ranged. You'll have to dodge his powerful overhand smash, his horizontal slash and his ranged aoe attack. Constantly. Each one hurts a lot so learn the animations and slip in an attack right after. It's a nuisance for this normally very easy fight to cause problems, but it can. This fight I wanted to use a shield so badly but refused out of stubbornness. It took me about 7 attempts before I was able to really figure out my own sweet zone.

    Centipede Demon- Difficulty: Easy

    You can auto lock onto the Centipede from the door you entered with if you get up next to the lava. Dodge roll his 'punch' and slip in an attack. Rinse and repeat till he jumps at you and then you're just dodge rolling his spin and jump attacks and slipping in one or two shots after. Also summoning Solaire here helps but is not a requirement.

    Great Lord Gwyn-Difficulty Very Easy to Very Hard: This boss is very very simple if you summon Solaire. You keep your distance, let Solaire tank, keep Gwyn auto locked and fire fire fire fire your arrows till he dies. It wont take long. If you do not summon Solaire this boss can be a nightmare. He attacks fast, doesnt let you create space and changes his combo's alot. I summoned Solaire so I recommend you do that.



    Is this build viable: Yes

    Is this build good: Yes

    Does this build 'outperform' typical melee/spell caster builds: No

    Is this build good for PVP: No

    The build takes time to get used to. It is a different way of fighting. You will be tempted to grab another weapon or a shield and power through an area or boss that's giving you trouble. DONT. The sense of reward and accomplishment you get from completing this if you havent done an archer before will be IMMENSE. Once you get used to how the build works, it really becomes fun and very controlled.

    If anyone ends up reading this, and thought it was helpful and decent I would be interested in writing up other builds I have done including some very unique ways to tackle the game. I hope you try this one and have fun. Remember, the bonfire is just up ahead.

    submitted by /u/DreadBlade0001
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    What's your favorite Dark Souls game and your reasoning? Also for which platform?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    The title

    submitted by /u/AntiBullshyt
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    Is there a way to make the twin vesta controllers work on dark souls1?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:24 AM PDT

    Ther are pretty old controllers is there a way to make them run on dark souls?

    Note: x360ce doesn't work

    submitted by /u/IcePsychological3950
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    Mon Pontius, whoever you are, I love you

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    Gorgeous View Ahead

    Finally, after hours, i beat O&S, thank you person, mon pontius, whoever you are, youre amazing

    submitted by /u/--TreeTreeTree--
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    New player questions about the beginning of the game

    Posted: 13 May 2021 02:09 AM PDT

    So im (very) new to the game and I have a few questions on my mind, I would appreciate all answers.

    1- I really enjoy playing the thief class and run around backstabbing skeletons with my small iron piece of death, spraying the ground with the blood of my already dead enemies but when -and it happens quite often- I just cant get the backstab I end up dying most od the time. So should I wait a few levels and upgrades to my blade till I realize my khajit dreams?

    2- The shooting the tail of the dragon cheese(?) thingy, is that something I should be doing or should I familiarize myself with non-op-at-my-stage weapons first?

    3- Is there an actual order of things like areas I should be strictly following or what?

    4- I reverse hollow whenever I have humanity in stock and onetime I ran out of humanity, not able to summon the sunny knight boi for the gargoyles and stuck. Should I not reverse hollow this often and if yes, when should I?

    5- Final question, should I be grabbing the rings like the one from the dragon fang boi early into the game by spamming backstabs or should I wait for the "fight him head on" levels?

    Note: I know there are guides but very few of them are for actual beginners and the ones for beginners are walkthrough videos that take literal hours. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/xamilboi
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    Getting past the Anor Londo archers my first try!!!

    Posted: 12 May 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    I have never felt more proud in my entire life. First play through, not really a gamer, brother bought me a switch and this game seemed fun. It is!!!!

    I'm playing as a sorcerer because I <3 magic. I knew this part was gonna be unfun from its reputation. I tried to make it as easy as possible and used hidden body to run up to the archer on the right, which kept the left archer from attacking me. Then I used homing soul mass to one shot that fucker and moved on to the bonfire! I feel like I dodged a major headache.

    Anyways, 10/10 great game very fun!

    submitted by /u/iamalsoafish
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    I just beat O and S.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    And I don't fucking know how.

    I made a post yesterday asking how I can beat them and thanks to everyone who replied. I just spent the last 4 hours grinding up souls to upgrade my weapons and look at that, I cut their health like butter. But the fight felt like I was taking on two gods at the same time.

    It was just awesome when I finally killed both of them.

    But I wanna know now, how difficult is the rest of the game? I knew this fight was gonna be hard from what I heard about it, but how does the rest of the game fare?

    submitted by /u/Either_Imagination_9
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    It never occurred to me that I was living the dark souls lore

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:24 AM PDT

    I realize that every action and every decision I make in this game comes with a great cost and extreme consequences. There are no do-overs, no take-backs. There is only accepting what you've decided and moving onward with the future path you've chosen to take. This is a lesson I've been struggling with learning for myself recently.

    submitted by /u/Wanderingsoul_05
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    Sorcery, Pyromancy, or Faith (PVE) (DSR)

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    This if for Dark Souls Remastered I'm just curious what you prefer for PVE? Which is most strongest? Any reason why you feel that way?

    submitted by /u/Remarkable-Pie-568
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    The Destroyer of Blighttown (SL17 Invasions)

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    As a follow-up to my last post, are there any moments in the game that made you go "Wow. The developers for this game are assholes"?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    Here are some of mine:

    1. Putting 6 giant skeletons in front of the large divine ember.

    2. Putting no bonfires in New Londo.

    3. Making drakes super annoying to fight and making it the only enemy you can farm dragon scales from.

    4. The Duke's Archives. Just the Duke's Archives.

    5. The Capra Demon and Bed of Chaos boss arenas.

    6. Putting the Chaos ember in lava behind 7 Taurus Demons.

    7. Dogs.

    8. Sen's Fortress.

    Disclaimer: I don't actually think the developers are assholes. I just couldn't think of a better way to put it. But since I can't change the title, looks we're stuck with it.

    submitted by /u/Weeneem
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    artorias fixes his back animation

    Posted: 12 May 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    To whomever is invading in front of O+S... you’re the worst...

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    I only have so many humanities... you're killin me smalls... literally. Me and sun bro just wanna go fight the Chad bros...

    Edit: I tried farming humanities off the silver knights but after like an hour of running around anor londo I hadn't got anything, but I did earn enough souls to get my black knight gs up to +5 and added a few more ticks to my strength. Didn't get the ornstein soul, but I did kill those bastards...

    submitted by /u/WrinklyScroteSack
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