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    Tuesday, May 11, 2021

    Dark Souls Dark Souls moment in underground parking

    Dark Souls Dark Souls moment in underground parking

    Dark Souls moment in underground parking

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    So before recently I had never used the underground parking at work because I live close by, right now I'm renovating my small apartment and have to cycle to work from this cheap hotel I found.

    Anyway, I knew there was a spot to park bicycles underground and got directions for it, I find it and leave my bike there, then backtracked quite a long way on foot out the way I came in, and up the ramp behind the office building.

    Later that day when I was leaving work someone told me of a shortcut that leads from inside the building down to the level with the bike parking, I take the route, find an elevator, I take it down and open a door right in front of the bike parking spot.

    Really felt like unlocking one of Miyazaki's shortcuts.

    Edit: and I did need my key card to open it, which basically was a starting gift when I got the job. Thanks to u/Atlas_Unknown for pointing this out.

    submitted by /u/arkencode
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    Defeated darksouls. Or did darksouls defeat me?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:32 AM PDT

    Just killed Gwyn. Didn't even try to control the tears, damn that background piano. I really drew the fight out just to listen more to it and give more respect to my man Gwyn. Straight up locked myself in the restroom and cried for 5 minutes. Something with this game has changed the way I see games now. Every minute was rewarding. Every piece of lore was deep, dark and depressing. I just linked the flame and hope that maybe this would give the future residents of Lordran a happy ending. Never have I ever cried playing a game, the one in which I came close to crying was when playing Witcher 3. The bosses I would remember forever : O&S, Quaelaag, My boi Sif, 4 kings, Knight Artorias, Manus, Kalameet and Gwyn. Seriously I think darksouls might spoil most of the games out there for me now. Love this community as well, thanks a lot for your help! <3

    submitted by /u/Abishek1997R
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    Finally did my first tattoo! Never thought it would be of Dark Souls but I'm happy I got here.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    A little context: I always wanted to make a tattoo with some meaning and importance, not just for the design, although of course the design was also important... Years and years goes by and I notice that even before actually playing Dark Souls every time I saw the bonfire I felt calmer somehow, like the way the flames moved and the colours, the way the character is sitting, it just made me think "it's a hard journey but everything is going to be ok, enjoy the peace while it lasts", and of course after playing the game the sensation only got bigger and I decided that this would be a good thing to always remember! Well, here's the tattoo:


    submitted by /u/luizjesus147
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    I finally beat Orenstien and Smough

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    HOLY SHIT after like 6 hours i finally beat them that was so fun and satisfying

    submitted by /u/BokoPek
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    Taurus Demon Difficult

    Posted: 11 May 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    I'm on my first playthrough on Dark Souls, and I'm playing the Remaster. Just to some context, I also beat Demon's Souls (Ps3) a few weeks ago.

    My question is: was Taurus Demon supposed to be hard or easy? I don't wanna brag, but even tho I saw that the bridge was cracked, I did my best to not cheese this fight and with only normal attacks, a lot of rolls and a few shield defenses, I easily defeated him.

    My question is: The Boss was this easy on the original too or they tried to make the remaster easier? Should I play the original? Is it the same thing but it was easy since I have some experience with Demon's Souls?

    Some info: I'm on Nintendo Switch and I think I was lvl 11 or 12 at the moment I defeated it.

    submitted by /u/Reckermatouvc
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    Searching for gamertag XXX Azpyre XXX

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:33 AM PDT

    Posted in LongLostGamers but was deleted for some reason. Used to play Dark Soul with him that's why I'm posting here. Couldn't hurt right?

    It was sometime between 2012 and 2015.

    Been looking for years. Still have him on my friends list he just doesn't get on. I assume he can't get on anymore or switched consoles. Was on xbox 360

    submitted by /u/Dyn_Lax
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    The after Dark Souls experiment

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    I finished this game 2-3 times, and still return to it because I love Lordran.

    But I would like to experiment other souls-like game, I gave a try to code veins... Really didn't like it (not even finish). And yeah, I have difficulties to play to DS3 because "something" is missing for me (I can't really explain).

    I looking to try other souls-like (on computeur, I haven't playstation), like Ashen, Shattered, but I'm scared that I can't feel the same feeling to playing Dark Souls 1.

    Have you any recommandation ? (or am I damned to play DSR until the end of my life lol)

    (Sorry if it can be OOC)

    submitted by /u/eWasMe
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    Strange bug teleports me, stops me from losing human form ever again.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:20 PM PDT

    So I quit out of the game without saving properly, and when I started my game again the next day my character was in the middle of undead burg, where this character had never been. (I bypassed it via valley of drakes using the master key.)

    Ever since then, I do not lose my human form on death. I found couple of posts from two years ago from one other person with similar problems, but no one knew what caused it. I've been able to find no other information on it.

    To be clear, I'm an offline player who doesn't use NPC summons so the only thing this changes is making kindling bonfires slightly easier. I don't care about fixing it in the slightest. That said, I am curious to see if I can find out why this may have happened.

    The character in question is a cleric start. The only thing remotely strange about them is that I retrieved the dragon head stone immediately after entering Lordran. I likely was in dragon head form when I quit out improperly.

    I'd really appreciate it if someone could offer insight on any of this.

    submitted by /u/Arkanforius
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    Can someone please help me beat Nito (PS4 Remastered)

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    I don't know if this is a normal thing to do, maybe not in which case I'm sure the mods will remove this post. But I need help with Nito. I need some summons or some advice. I don't know anyone who owns the PS4 version so this was the first thing that came to my mind. I'm sitting at the second bonfire in tomb of the giants if anyone is interested 🤷‍♀️

    submitted by /u/bokrugthewaterlizard
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    Do the undead and unkindeld sleep, eat and drink?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 02:45 AM PDT

    This probably sounds pretty dumb, but the thought crossed my mind and I wanted to know.

    I couldn't find anything online, so I want to know what do you think.

    Do you think the undead and unkindeld still need to eat or sleep?

    We atleast now there capable of doing so dince there arr various items that you drink or eat, and Siegmyer takes a nap after youve fought with him.

    submitted by /u/wobsbobs
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    I've finally beaten Artorias the abbyswalker!!!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:11 AM PDT

    F**king capra demon

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:58 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if the capra demon cheese still work. Iv been trying it for a while but never managed to hit him

    submitted by /u/arkman132
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    Dark Souls games on sale for PC, all of them

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    Bandai Namco games sale

    Dark souls 3 + DLC, Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls Remastered are all on sale for PC only

    submitted by /u/fiji_lIl
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    Was there ever a time the dark souls universe was normal?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    I mean i'm going through undead burg wacking zombies and dogs with a big stick and i'm just wondering was there ever a time someone could have a normal life here or is the daily routine just avoiding monsters and other vagrants:

    submitted by /u/StupidNecron
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    Dark Souls in a coconut shell or something idk

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    I'm currently doing my first SL1 run with jagged ghost blade and I love how I was 2 hits away from beating O&S on my first try, then proceeded to die and take a solid 2 hours of attempts to get to that point again and beat them. Dark souls ladies and gentlemen. Dark souls.

    submitted by /u/Felurian43
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    Simplest source to know the lore for the first game?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 02:24 AM PDT

    would you guys recommend me an article or video that explains the lore and the endings of darksouls 1 ,most videos i saw use lore from the other games which i did not play yet,for example what is our purpose in the game,where did the undead curse get from

    submitted by /u/Plastic_band_bro
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    The Piranesi Effect

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:20 PM PDT

    The first time I played through Dark Souls, I had a friend with me for most moments. The entire time I was playing, I was trying to describe to him the specific feeling the game world gave me, but I could never quite do it. It felt like it existed without me and I was a trespasser, and inconsequential to its existence. It felt like it had lasted long before me and would last long after me. It felt like it was utterly indifferent to my presence. (I never felt this anywhere more than entering the crystal caverns.) I tried to relate it to how in Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game", Ender beats a video game that's supposed to be unbeatable and the program continues to generate more and more just for him.

    Finally, thanks to Jacob Geller's "The Shape of Infinity", I understand exactly how to describe it.

    The world feels 'Piranesian', named after architect and artist Giovanni Battista Piranesi, who I would be surprised if Miyazaki and crew weren't inspired by. I mean, just look at "The Man on the Rack" and tell me that's not halfway down blighttown or halfway up Sen's fortress. What I was trying to tell my friend the whole time was that I was feeling the piranesi effect.

    I'm really happy to finally have a word for it, and hopefully you are too.

    submitted by /u/BigPawh
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    Starting a deprived playthrough

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:59 AM PDT

    Ok so i the rules are: 1. I have to play as deprived

    1. I am not allowed to level up

    2. I am not allowed to wear armor

    3. (I might change this one if it gets impossibly hard) i am not allowed to use any other weapons exept for the club but i am allowed to level it up or ascend it

    4. No glitches

    So those are pretty much the rules. I am going to try to defeat every boss and npc invasion, wish me luck.

    submitted by /u/pengu_222
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    Respect the bosses

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    So as I played dark souls first when I use to die I would say because "it's dark souls" but as went forward understood the lore behind everyone My perspective changed I fought orsient and smough about 30 to 40 times before I figured a pattern I confirmed it on YouTube level up my strength from 34 to 40 even tho it required more the 50 souls each time From the first to the last time I went in there to fight them i did not call them "DUMB BOSS OF DUMB GAME" . I TOLD MY SELF " I am going defeat DRAGON SLAYER" So imagine my surprise when I heard there is chance THEY MIGHT NOT EVEN BE THE REALL ORSIENT AND SMOUGH and may just be DARK SUN'S illusion All I could think was then HOW STRONG ARE THE REAL ONES I am now fight artorias before I fight gwin I fought him about 6 to 8 times And each time i go in to fight him I THINK " I will put him to rest for SIF AND FOR ALL BRAVARY HE HAS SHOWN He is at his weakest if i cant beat him here what kind chosen undead will be" wait from artorias i am kinda in the middle of my exams I WILL SET YOU FREE

    submitted by /u/killcrack101
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    4 kings help

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:20 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm currently in ng+ trying to fight 4 Kings again but my damage is absolute trash. Does anyone have any tips? I use zwei at +15 but that doesn't do much. I haven't played ds1 before my last playthrough since I've only been playing ds3, any tips?

    submitted by /u/Iamlegend2200
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    That moment in NG+2 when so many new realisations start to kick in.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:07 AM PDT

    So basically, I am starting to become a better and better ds1 player. I have it in switch, ds2 and ds3 are waiting in my steam library till i can finally build my gaming pc. Not what I wanna talk about though. So this chosen undead, going for a 3rd round to link the fire, just found out a quick way to deal with Nito. I wanted to do the siegmeyer questline and couldnt be bothered to go to the 4 kings right after obtaining the lordvessel, so now Nito was the final lord soul. And while i already used the greatsword of artorias +5 in the catacombs, I always relied on my trusty +15 uchigatana for nearly everything else. Btw, i only became able to use the greatsword in my 3rd run, as my strength was only high enough by then, whoops. And since I'm not good enough to read the attacks of those crawly skeleton bois in the tomb of the giants, I always just run like hell to just get past that area, have a nice glimpse of Ash Lake and from there run past the mini Pinwheels. Basically i am sprinting towards Nito, not giving a damn about all the other enemies. And here comes the part what i wanted to talk about. After the 50% fall damage drop and drinking some of that delicious +7 estus, Nito's skeleton welcoming committee is at my side. I always get killed by them, if not immediately, then once they resurrect. This time around i got killed because i forgot equipping the artorias greatsword, i replaced it with the pyro flame, did the run again while having it equipped. Now then, i thought the greatsword would be effective against the big guy himself, but first i had to rid myself of his little friends. But wow, the greatsword proved useful! The skeletons didnt resurrect anymore and i was astonished. I always relied on Nito using his AoE to kill them for me, get a few hits in, repeat the cycle. I can only say I never had an easier way to deal with Nito, as on his own he is pretty slow.

    Thank you From Soft to make experimenting worth your while, I love every second playing ds, even when I'm getting my ass whooped by Manus or other BS bosses (looking at you 4 kings, looking at you bed of chaos!)

    Anyway, just wanted to drop this here lol, fellow chosen undead, I hope this might help you if you got problems with Nito.

    Praise the Sun

    submitted by /u/guido_1555
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    Dark Souls moment (2) at work

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:56 AM PDT

    So recently I was working in the back building of a company and had to bring equipment to the outbuilding. There was even a door connecting the two buildings, but (we all know what's going to happen now) it couldn't be opened from this side (there was a key on the other side). So I had to walk around the building to open the door from the other side. Damn I felt like unlocking a shortcut in DS3 and finally seeing a well-known place again.


    Inspired by u/arkencode

    submitted by /u/DevilsWaifu666
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    Plot Hole?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    So I know a decent amount of DS lore, but I've always been confused by this and hope one of y'all might have an answer

    Why, if you are basically the chosen one who Gwyn NEEDS to rekindle the flame, do the creatures of Anor Londo, O and Smough, Seathless the Scales, Gwyn, etcetera, attack you? You are (given you don't side with Kaathe) on "their side"

    Is this addressed or have a logical explanation I've just never noticed or understood?

    submitted by /u/OuselFallsSherpa
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    Shoutout Executioner Lexi!

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Or at least I think that was her name, talking about PSN if anyone cares.

    So a little backstory:

    I had been working on S&O for a few days. Obviously getting my ass absolutely handed to me. I was trying to do it by myself but finally decided it was time to summon Solaire.

    I was running all the way from the first Anor Londo bonfire, cause estus and fuck sliver knights. Well I never actually summoned Solaire. Kept screw up and getting caught by the various sentinels on this route. Even almost made it all the way in human form, cleared out all the enemies patiently, got invaded and... yeah died.

    One more fucking try, go into human form, make the run, don't engage a single enemy, get to the fog gate with sentinels right on my ass and... use the wrong fucking summon sign. Nope not Solaire but someone fittingly named Executioner Lexi.

    Almost immediately she b-lines for Smough. I nearly shit myself as I don't want to deal with Super O. She just starts clapping his thick cheeks. I mean seriously it maybe took her 2 min. Realizing this woman is an absolute tank. I follow her lead and try to keep O distracted and chasing me. Smough's tubby ass goes down. O becomes even more frightening than he originally was and this valiant woman just heads straight for him like the juggernaut she is. I try to keep some distance, using heavy soul arrows to remove large chunks of his health and... well, we did it!!!

    The is the first time I have ever summoned another player and I couldn't be happier with the results. Dragonslayer Spear here I come!

    Thanks again Lexi!

    Edit: typos

    submitted by /u/DeuceMandago
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