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    Wednesday, May 12, 2021

    Dark Souls Dark Souls has meant so much to me, but now it makes me sad every time I play.

    Dark Souls Dark Souls has meant so much to me, but now it makes me sad every time I play.

    Dark Souls has meant so much to me, but now it makes me sad every time I play.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 12:29 AM PDT

    Just sharing my story about dark souls. Sorry for the length. It's been a long 9 years.

    So I began playing Dark Souls my freshman year of High School. I started with DS1 and have been a loyal fan since. 9 years later, I've put in thousands of hours, and I could tell you every bit of lore, every shiny's location, and the name of every weapon, sorcery, miracle, and pyromancy.

    I remember the first time I had ever heard of it was at my friend's house. His character was in Black Knight armor, with a fully upgraded Black Knight halberd. He was showing me how difficult the game was, so he went to the dreaded Silver Knights archers on the ledge in Anor Londo. I was hooked, and bought myself a PS3 just to play it. I played it for hours on end.

    Soon after, I preordered DS2, and again, I played for hours. Fast forward a year, and I ended up in the hospital because of suicide. After I got out, Dark Souls was what got me through. It allowed me a place to escape when the world was just too heavy. But it also allowed me a place to feel good about myself. Because who doesn't feel good when they best Ornstein and Smough or Lord Gwyn?! The game gave me space to unwind, but also the time to think through my own problems (all that time farming souls).

    DS3 came out just as I was about to graduate high school. I was so excited for it! By that time, my parents had bought me an Xbox One, so I played it on there first. I beat it not long after I got it, staying up long nights because I couldn't stop playing. My brother joined the Dark Souls club by then, so we often played DS3 together. I distinctly remember a mound maker invading when me and my brother were at the Kiln of the First Flame Being that I didn't feel like fighting him, and I didn't want to enter the fog gates with either of us not at full health, I jumped off the ledge. We laughed so hard.

    In my second year of college, I developed a deep friendship with a guy from a campus ministry (it's not uncommon to have campus ministries in the Bible Belt). He was also a Dark Souls fan. He played on PS4 though, and when Black Friday rolled around, I bought a PS4 to play with him and some other friends. We spent all of our winter break beating DS3 over and over again.

    But then another wave of severe depression hit. I wouldn't figure out til months later that the ministry had everything to do with this episode because of their unwillingness to affirm the lgbtq community (being gay in Bible Belt = no fun). When I came out to this friend, our friendship deteriorated albeit slowly. That made it so much worse. We had built a strong friendship, and then it was just gone. I would have no more jolly cooperation with him. My Dark Souls buddy was gone.

    Dark Souls means so much to me because it has been a part of my life through good and bad times. It might sound weird, but Lordran, Drangleic, and Lothric have been my second home through years of depression. Dark Souls has helped me build friendship with my brother and the guy from the ministry.

    But when I had that fallout, Dark Souls became a sad place for me. It took me a year after to even pick up the game again. I missed the release of DS Remastered just because it was too sad for me. So this second episode of depression just ripped the life out of dark souls for me.

    Now, even though I still play all of them regularly, it doesn't come without all of those memories I made. And I just feel sad. The world of Dark Souls just feels emptier each time I play through.

    I'm sorry for this long rant, but I just want to release all of this sadness I have now. I'd like to make new memories with Dark Souls, but I don't have anyone at all who plays it. I feel like PS4 servers are dead because I hardly have any more pvp happen. So I don't even have the ability, as far as I know, to make online friends.

    That's all really. I'm not expecting this to go anywhere. But it's nice to rant to strangers some times.

    submitted by /u/UrGayness14
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    After 99hours, I finally beat DSR on NG and NG+. Here are some of my final thoughts

    Posted: 11 May 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Wow! Just wow! I've played countless of games but this game was definitely a journey I wish I could forget about and do it again. The world building (Imagine my face when I went up the ladders in blightown only to find myself back in Old Londo Ruins and Firelink Shrine), the shattered lore through item's description, the brutality of the gameplay when you start the game till you get the hang of it, the interactions with the NPC (I managed to save Solaire on my first run by accident, I didn't even know he dies until I finished my first run and went to dig some lore here), everything about this game just felt like magic for me.

    I struggled a lot on my first few hours, took me so many runs to just beat the Taurus Demon and when I finally did, oh boy, was my heart racing like I'm running for my life!

    I went on a dexterity build on the first run and a mix of dexterity/faith on my NG+.

    ** Difficulty boss ranking**

    Four Kings, Manus, Kalameet and O&S were imo the most brutal fights in the whole game. Four Kings just throws everything you learn (learn when to dodge and hit at the right time, etc.) and makes it a dps race. I struggled a lot with him on NG+, especially that I refuse to use the Havel-poise strategy on my playthrough as it feels boring to me. I managed to kill him with a +15 claymore and high resistance magic set (logan hat, beatrice set). Fuck O&S, that fight feels so unfair the first time you beat one of the two. (Oh ! you just beat Ornstein, here, let me absorb his remaining power, heal myself along the way and get more powerful - Smough, probably). I lost counts on how many tries it took on NG+, but finally got the Leo ring and the Ornstein Set (probably my proudest achievement in this game). Manus and Kalameet were hard because they one-hitted me a lot of times which leaves no room to error. I unfortunately failed to cut Kalameet's tail, surviving that fight is hard enough and his movement are so fast that I only managed to hit the tail once on more than 15 tries.

    The 3 lords honestly felt like a joke : I don't think I need to mention Bed of Chaos (did the hit and save & quit strategy on NG+), Nito took me 2 tries on NG and only 1 on NG+ (the most annoying aspect of that fight is the skeleton that keeps coming back unless you use a divine weapon. Nito is slow af though). Gwyn is definitely the most dangerous but his fights is very alike the Artorias fight but somehow, I went in to test the water and killed him on first try. Dodge, shield, parry, hit. Rinse & repeat. As for Seath, I just kept focusing on cutting his tail and somehow ended up taking 70% of his health by hitting the nearest part of the tail near the body. Tbh, I feel like they're easier because it's related to the lore : Bed of Chaos is just a failed experience, Seath completely lost his sanity and Gwyn is just a shell of his former self.

    Overall, DSR became one of top 3 games and I hope I'll be able to play DS2 and DS3 one day (I only own a switch for now)

    And remember, "Be safe, and don't you dare go hollow"

    submitted by /u/Nur-alayl
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    Why am I still fat rolling?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    I'm like 20/84 on my weight an if I go even slightly heavier I start fat rolling. I already have the ring of favor and protection btw.. I don't mean like the super bad fat roll but it's like the slight fat roll if you know what I mean. I just have a hard time believing that this is right cause at this rate I don't see how I'm ever gonna be able to wear any decent armor unless I level my endurance up to like 50+ or something and it's already up to 30 so idk this just doesn't seem right to me..

    submitted by /u/FizzerVC
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    First time playing Dark Souls.

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:38 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I just got Dark Souls Remastered and ready to play it. As the title says, it will be my first time playing it. Wish me luck and let's see what this game has to show.

    submitted by /u/LightSiphon
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    After 98 deaths I have finally beaten the Bell Gargoyles!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:32 PM PDT


    This is a happy ending to my previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/n5bsy7/soo_im_in_quite_a_pickle/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    In short, I was doing a fog gate, item and enemy randomizer and met Kalameet and Manus instead of Bell Gargoyles. I didn't have the pendant. I also didn't have the rite of kindling. The fight was optional (the fog gates could be accessed from different areas), but I did it anyway.

    submitted by /u/Saatik
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    Do you prefer to see the failures of a Let’s Player?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:29 AM PDT

    As some of you know, I'm doing a series on on to beat Dark Souls for the first time as a new player. Of course, I am not a new player myself; I have hundreds of hours in the Prepare to Die edition, and a considerable amount of time watching others play.

    Occasionally, I make this game look easy (relatively speaking).

    So, when I run into something I legitimately struggle with, I leave the various attempts in the video for the audience to see, because I want them to understand that failure and persistence are key parts of the game. (I cut out the run back, though; that stuff is mind-numbingly boring.)

    Should I leave my failures in the videos? Or, should I cut straight to the eventual success? (Remember, I'm trying to teach first players, not Any% NoHitters. 😄)

    submitted by /u/InsomniacTheater
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    The Philosophy of Dark Souls, Research Paper

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    Hi, for school I had to write a research paper and I decided to do it on Dark Souls and now that I'm finished, I decided to share it with you guys to enjoy! I'm not the greatest at writing but I hope I got my points across well enough and you can understand it!

    "Dark Souls is like any great piece of art, anyone can see at a glance how polished it is, however with time, engagement, and effort, it yields itself as a remarkably complex work" -Hawkshaw

    On surface level Dark Souls is an easy to understand, story light game made more for gameplay than story, but as one goes deeper into the items and areas, and even looks at interviews and articles, you can see this game has much more to offer than most games. But if you delve deeper then you can find that there is a philosophy to this game, one that binds every area, every item and every battle, all linked.

    Many think that there is a less is more philosophy to Dark Souls, but as so many have proven, this is false, and there is more to Dark Souls than meets the eye. On your first playthrough you probably won't notice most of the depth of Dark Souls, even if you try; You can't find all of the secrets of this game in one playthrough, though you will feel that there is something bigger to this game than just the gameplay. Even some people will miss the story entirely. Just looking at the items you can see there are no holes, and everything fits together as a well written story. This would work better as a lot disguised as little(Hawkshaw).

    Some examples of this are the non player characters Seigmeyer, Solaire, and Big Hat Logan. Each one has a story, or small things, that are hard to find or not revealed until after part of their story. Starting with Siegmeyer, the first part of his story is pretty easy to follow going through the game, but once you get to the later game and Lost Izalith, it's very easy to lose him. Even if you can find him, he goes missing once again to Ash Lake, which in itself most people will miss. You also have to travel through the Duke's Archives for his daughter who is in an easy to miss place. Next, with Big Hat Logan, you need to get a rock to hit a certain wall, and you need to get a key you get later, before releasing him, then you need to travel to the Duke's Archives, kill Seath the Scaleless, and buy all of his spells, before going back to the room where you first encounter Seath. Lastly, Solaire's story, you can make it through the game as normal and have his story finish, but if you join the Daughters of Chaos Covenant, and rank up enough times then you can unlock a door that saves Solaire's life, so he can continue on and help you in the final boss fight(Dark Souls).

    Dark Souls itself was also created with the same care and detail as its story. The creator, Hidetaka Miyazaki and the rest of the team would not stop until they had perfected what they were working on. Every movement and attack from both the player and enemies all feel random, yet they also feel that that specific speed and attack was made just for that enemy. Miyazaki also perfected the way that it feels when you make a mistake, because each time you miss a swing, or roll the wrong way, it feels like you as a person got hit, rather than your character. The same goes for victory, every time you beat a hard boss you feel as though it was your sword and you who just did that rather than someone playing a game. Each area only has a limited variety of enemies in it making it easier to learn, but in turn making the start of the next area harder as you learn those enemies. Those who adventure beyond the main path will find new enemies in most areas that require them to work harder to stay alive, but these areas also usually reward the player with greater items (Hawkshaw).

    Sometime people will say that Dark Souls doesn't teach the player, but this is wrong, as the other players, the developers, and even the NPCs in the game will teach you what you need and should do, such as the messages the developers leave when you first start the game telling you all of the controls, or Solaire telling you about the multiplayer mechanics. You can go any direction you want when you first get to Firelink Shrine, they may not be the correct way to go, but they reward your exploration with either learning where you should go, or with late game places. The game wants you to go to the Undead Burg, but it doesn't say you can explore New Londo or the Catacombs, if you do and you make it through then you can unlock great things such as the Rite of Kindling and Vamos in the Catacombs (Podgorski).

    The most common theme people will point out in Dark Souls is that of humanity, as it plays a large part in the game. As you go through you can find and get small sprites called humanity that when used and then at a bonfire you reverse the humanity, you become human, as opposed to hollow. Though there is much more to this than that, as hollowing is bad, and it happens when one loses one's purpose or self. It can be seen as a metaphor for depression. But as long as you stay determined and never give up then you won't go hollow. Though you cannot go hollow in game, you can in real life if you don't think of the good and only focus on the bad then you can become depressed and lose yourself. Dark Souls shows this as you go with Siegmeyer and the Crestfallen Warrior as when you have saved Seigmeyer too many times he has no purpose and has nowhere else to go and goes hollow leaving his Daughter to fight him, and when you ring the Bells of Awakening and talk to Frampt to see what you must do next, then his purpose is lost and he goes hollow (Dark Souls).

    Finally I will talk about how Dark Souls rewards you through determination. When you first start the enemies aren't too hard, the Asylum Demon doesn't hit too hard and doesn't have a lot of health, but as you go farther the next boss, the Taurus Demon is a great challenge to some, and a little further is the Bell Gargoyles, the biggest challenge you've faced yet. Again you get to the Capra Demon, a challenge and then harder than that to some, is the Gaping Dragon. This is seen again later in the game when you get to Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough, the infamous duo, known for stopping players with their challenge. None of these battles end with a climactic death of the boss, but rather a climactic feeling for you the player knowing that though they are hard, you are better than them. Knight Artorias, Manus and Black Dragon Kalameet all show this to us again, after countless attempts, when you finally beat them, you know it was you who beat them and you carried on through the challenge and bested them. None of these fights give you an epic ending, but rather them just turning to dust, but it's the feeling that you are victorious and how you learned to counter and dodge each attack, their attack patterns, and the perfect time to attack or heal after them.(Dark Souls). The end of the game shows this again when you beat Lord Gwyn and you can either link the flame or let it fade, both have a very short unrewarding feel to them(Hawkshaw).

    Through all of this you know this wasn't just a story, or a game, but a journey and an experience, and you knew that each death wasn't a death, but a chance to do better and to learn from your mistakes. You knew that this journey was one that rewarded exploration and determination, when you connected with Solaire, and when you trusted your greatsword to the ends of the earth, even when it felt impossible and when a dragon or a fallen knight kept killing you over and over you know. This is Dark Souls.

    "'Insanity is repeating the exact same actions, expecting a different outcome.' Seems you won't go hollow after all bro. Praise It" - /u/omega_86

    Hawkshaw. The Philosophy of Dark Souls. 24 Dec. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uko_saxEfEk.

    Podgorski, Daniel. A Thorough Existentialist Philosophical Analysis of FromSoftware's Original Dark Souls. 24 Apr. 2019, www.thegemsbok.com/art-reviews-and-articles/dark-souls-from-software-existentialism-philosophy/

    Miyazaki, Hidetaka. "Dark Souls." Fromsoftware, Bandai Namco, 22 Sept. 2011, www.bandainamcoent.com/games/ds-remastered.

    Otsuka, Kadoman. Dark Souls Design Works Interview. www.darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Dark+Souls+1+-+Design+Works+Interview.

    /u/omega_86 https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/m27ws5/i_just_beat_kalameet_without_the_help_of_gough/

    submitted by /u/Professor_Branch
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    Knocking the giant

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:44 PM PDT

    Ok so I was doing a strength run for the first time and I assumed I'd be able to make the giant fall easy with a zwihander but to my surprise no he got unstaggered and fought like normal after the stagger so what exactly causes him to fall I assumed it was dmg dealt but is it like number of hits or something?

    submitted by /u/Buttertoto2002
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    you are vet and you wanna fun build? you've come to the right place!

    Posted: 12 May 2021 12:09 AM PDT

    its easy but fun build named 'i can't hear you over my 2640 poision resistance'


    vit 12

    att 8

    end 37

    str 14

    dex 14

    res 99

    int 9

    fth 9


    dual wield gargoyle tail axe


    gold hemmed set


    poisionbite ring

    rusted iron ring

    submitted by /u/1C_3C_R34_M
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    School Project Followup: What Makes Dark Souls So Special?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, Thank you all for helping me with my project the other day – over 1400 responses! I wanted to share quick findings you may find interesting! Dark Souls isn't just entertainment but life-changing, and I hope you enjoy these findings as much as I have.

    • Dark Souls and Dark Souls III are the most loved; Dark Souls II lags behind
    • 89% of people love Dark Souls because of its combat, 86.1% because of world-building; 86.1% because of bosses; 75.2% because of map design; 72.1% because of playstyle customization!
    • Top reason people love Dark Souls? Deep Lore --- the story unfolds beautifully through exploration
    • Second reason people love Dark Souls? The interconnectedness of the world
    • Features most users wish Dark Souls would add: more coop options, better online play, more weapons and DLCs

    Interesting Responses
    • Praise the Sun!
    • Don't you dare go hollow
    • Git gud
    • Gwynevere's Giant Badonkers
    • Dogs in all three games can go to hell
    • One time I got invaded by a guy cosplaying as Shrek and he threw dung pies at me for 20 minutes until I got distracted and fell off a cliff. 10/10.

    Moving responses
    • The main thing is the lessons the game teaches you: patience, adaptability, endurance, confidence in a way.
    • Dark souls kept me from killing myself
    • I like to see that a Soul can take me out of my shell and force me to improve quickly. It gives me confidence on other unrelated skills in real life. I realised I CAN do things.
    • The idea that the only way to truly fail is to give up completely has become one of my core beliefs, mainly because of the way dark souls handled the nuance of that idea.
    • Playing through the series with my 13 year old son was extremely rewarding. We still talk about the games from time to time and regularly use them as a measuring stick.

    If you all are interesting in seeing more information about these findings (again, not completely curated), please check out the PDF here

    submitted by /u/BigBaller528
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    My Brother just bought me DS3!!! It’s shipping now but this is my first dark souls game so what should I expect

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    I've heard and seen the age old meme that Dark Souls is the hardest game ever but what should I expect going into it as this is my first dark souls game.

    submitted by /u/SnooCrickets9390
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    Should I get DS2 or DS3 first?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    I recently beat Dark Souls and I'm interested in checking out their other souls games. I'm probably not going to check out Sekiro, Bloodborne, or Demon Souls, for more context.

    I've heard that DS3 is agreed upon to be better and more like DS, but it does feel a bit wrong to me to play games in a series out of order. Plus the 60 dollars vs. 40 dollars sways DS2 in favor a bit.

    Just wondering y'all's opinion on the matter.

    submitted by /u/DarkFury765
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    What should I use my slab on?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    I just beat stray demon cuz he got stuck somewhere so I just used arrows what should I do with it?

    submitted by /u/Memermanmeme
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    Played DS1 and DS3, should I play DS2 and/Bloodborne? Read more below

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    First, a bit of background on what I like/don't like in games. I played DS1 and then DS3.

    I liked DS1 but a lot of the areas and enemies frustrated me as they felt like they were put in the game because they could be and not because they were fun. For example, areas like the Crystal Caves and Tomb of the Giant and Demon Ruins were just entirely devoid of fun. The design of a lot of things in the game just really felt bad. I really did like the world design, and it's something I missed in DS3, as well as many of the bosses. Overall though, the jank of a lot of areas, enemies, and some mechanics really lowered my enjoyment of the game. Luckily it was carried by the best world design/interconnectivity of any game I've ever played so it was still fun.

    On the other hand, I loved DS3 so much. The entire game felt like it was just fun, there were no segments that I really dreaded (I didn't love Irithyll dungeon but I still enjoyed it) on my second play though. The combat is fluid, the leveling balanced (though I kinda missed how good endurance was even though the change made more sense and made it much less busted) the difficulty fair, the world is pretty and sensical, although disappointingly linear. Still I really liked it.

    I'm interested in potentially checking it other games in the series but from what I've heard about DS2, I think it's probably not for me. I have very little patience for jank such as the 8 directions for walking, the terrible lock on, the nonsensical world design (I saw a clip where someone went through a tower that seemed to have a roof, then took a minute long elevator and ended up in some huge area that seemed to be out of nowhere), the terrible hit detection, laughable enemy ai, extreme punishment for death (something I do a lot like seriously I managed to get 99 hollowing from just 2 sigils before even entering Farron keep or Cathedral of the Deep so I'm scared that I'll basically get screwed because I die no less than 50 times per area usually) sometimes sadistic boss design, etc. I haven't heard nearly as much about Bloodborne but it seems cool. Do you think I should play DS2 because of the value it brings to the greater Dark Souls experience, or do you think I would have a hard time getting past the game's flaws? How about Bloodborne? Also I know a lot of people have a lot of nostalgia for DS2 but I do not and if the game is clunky and punishing, especially for mistakes that aren't really my fault, then I will not enjoy it.

    I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to read this whole thing and let me know what they think!

    submitted by /u/UnholyPancake
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    Orstien and smough

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    How the heck do I beat these guys. Only boss I been stuck on

    submitted by /u/Sensitive_Lion_9214
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    My friend just bought DS1

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, a friend of mine who never played any dark souls just told me he bought DS1 so we can play together, I introduced him to Bloodborne back when it was given on Ps Plus, he started playing coop with another friend of mine who dont understand very well of the game, neither lore, quests or boss killing. I started to help him, and as we played together I was explaining the lore to him and the quests. He really enjoyed the experience and even bought the dlc, problem is I got the impression he didn't had a really "Dark souls difficulty" because I was there helping him with the brainsuckers, kos, Ludwig, the frenzy lady and many others foes and areas. He really didn't got a F you and that's it. And after all, that's the beauty of the game isn't it? Die and die until you learn the enemies weaknesses and master the game. Now, what do you guys feel I should do? Go Coop the whole game and give him a more easier game but explain the lore and the game mechanics itself? Help him in some more difficult bosses? Or just give some tips and tell where should he go?

    submitted by /u/Raphael_scm7
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    Lord's Blade Ciaran question

    Posted: 12 May 2021 03:17 AM PDT

    I just realized I spoke to her twice now. I'm pretty sure the first time when she asked me to give her Artorias soul I didn't respond and just walked away. Does that count towards anything? Because I don't want to walk away now and come back later and find her gone. I know I've done this before to other NPCs and instead of answering them I've walked away and came back later and they were still there. I don't know about her. Should I just kill her? Or should I just give her Artorias soul?

    submitted by /u/Worldly-Attention-79
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    Tier List of Bosses

    Posted: 12 May 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    All Soulsborne Bosses + Sekiro. I didn't play Demon's souls Because i don't have a ps3 or a ps5. There is a spelling mistake in the title please don't comment on that. A bit Contreversial and took me some time to make. I don't know if you can only put DS1 Stuff on this subreddit but i chose this subreddit beacause it has the most members out of all the "Soulsborne (and Sekiro)" games. If you question a placement of a boss just ask and share your own opinion. This list is based on gameplay/combat and not lore. I will make a seperate list for that. Here is the tier list: https://tiermaker.com/list/dark-souls-3/soulsborne-bosses-12035/1348910

    submitted by /u/Rivierkaas
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    So what was Ornstein's life like before he became a knight

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    Im currently new to the souls series i just have a question what was Ornstein and the knights life before they became knights

    submitted by /u/bonzerlizard353
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    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    After playing all of the souls games I feel I have decent knowledge on the games but starting in ds3 I was confused about how spells work and was surprised when you could equip more than one copy to have more casts of the same spell.

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/humas42069666
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    is it bad if i killed ingward?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    i ran at him thinking he was an enemy and he got hostile so i kinda had to kill him, hopefully he wasnt really good for anything although i was trying to make firelink more lively.

    submitted by /u/HenryRCrowell
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    another coop player tired of twinks and other invaders

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    i'm playing with my boyfriend. his first time through the game and i've had a tough time getting him into it, but we've picked up the pace and we get to sen's fortress. 3 times, some chester cosplaying asshole with a lightning avelyn comes and kills us. how did he even get the gear at that point! we soldier on, and luckily make it past iron golem (lightning spears ftw). we get to anor londo, and it's... eh. some ninja flipping dude just named "no" in full havel dark beads us on the rafters in the painting room. twice. he makes it past the archers. i catch up on my game, get invaded by some dude. looks legit, i try to get rid of him. he aggroes some silver knights to distract me, i die, and he points down. what did i do, you're the asshole here. he also gets invaded by some black flame spamming bitch in the meantime. he summons me. we meet the same guy. power within black flames us. why. i'm just trying to help someone i love discover some i care deeply about. if you're gonna invade people, don't do it like that. or at least leave a gift ! if i invade, i literally never aggro mobs and i'll wait until my host is done with them to initiate the fight and usually drop them goodies. i cant blame anyone ever for disconnecting though, because some people are just pure griefers who want to execute first time players because they have nothing better to do. still looking for ways to set up a vpn or something, so we can play just the two of us. hopefully it stops happening post anor londo since it's a pvp hotspot, but i cant imagine what might happen once we reach oolacile.a

    submitted by /u/AscendantComic
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    Screwed up my strength/faith build

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm halfway with a strength/faith build and I went to the tomb of Bianca immediately after placing the lord vessel to kill Leroy and get his weapon. I used force to knock him off the edge not knowing I wouldn't be able to claim his humanity and souls and lost the weapon. What's my next best option?

    submitted by /u/BigtrumBeletrix
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