• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 20, 2021

    Dark Souls The Author of Berserk, Kentaro Miura has passed away.

    Dark Souls The Author of Berserk, Kentaro Miura has passed away.

    The Author of Berserk, Kentaro Miura has passed away.

    Posted: 19 May 2021 10:59 PM PDT


    I'm sad as fuck guys. Berserk had a somewhat large influence on dark souls, so I thought there should be a post here for Miura. I feel like Miyazaki will say something about his passing soon.

    submitted by /u/DillNyeTheHighGuy
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    Me and my wife recently got pregnant, and decided on a certain name

    Posted: 19 May 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    Long story short, me and my wife got pregnant a couple months ago. It is our first child, and recently we found out it's a girl. We had a few girl names we liked, like Stevie, Blair, and a few others I don't remember at this point. But there was one name in particular we both liked, for separate reasons.


    She liked it purely because it's a more unique name in today's world (I personally have not met a single Gwendolin in my life) and it has a nice ring to it combined with our last name. But as for me, it's a bit different.

    I love Dark Souls, one of my all time favorite games. Played the whole first game in a month and was totally engrossed in it's world. Even my wife knows I love it, she would always check in on me to see if I had beaten whichever boss I was on. But she didn't know about Gwyndolin in the game. So when she suggested Gwendolin, I immediately was like yup. That is our daughters name. I had one stipulation though, that it had to be spelled with a "Y".

    So Gwyndolin it is!

    And I know what you're all thinking, "Isn't Gwyndolin a male though?". Yes, I am fully aware. But he was raised as a daughter so it kind of works. Makes for a funny story I suppose.

    Edit: No, I am not pregnant myself. I can see the confusion in the way I worded that.

    submitted by /u/veilofmayass
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    Good bye Kentaro Miura

    Posted: 20 May 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    The man was a legendary author and inspired Miyazaki to create dark souls. Sadly he passed away but we will remember him and his legendary contribution to the field of entertainment

    submitted by /u/Defiant_Ad6190
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    I did it!

    Posted: 20 May 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    I did it! I beat Ornstein and Smough. I died 18 times but I loved every second of it. The most challenging boss so far.

    submitted by /u/Pugfelix
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    I made this dark souls inspired knight helmet out of cardboard

    Posted: 19 May 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    R/darksouls doesn't allow photos so ima send a link https://youtu.be/vAZoERSfxIU

    submitted by /u/Noah_Stricklin
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    Fun Way to play Dark Souls with Friends

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    My friends and I all love dark souls and we end up in discord calls playing the game all separately. We came up with a "race" so we can all play together.

    What I did was make a google spreadsheet listing all of the bosses, then we all agreed on point values for each boss based on their difficulty. So whenever you kill a boss you gets those points. The player with the most points after beating the game wins. The twist is, if you killed the boss on the first attempt, you get a x2 score (the bosses score multiplied by 2). If you haven't died from the last boss you killed and successfully kill the boss without dying, that's x3. If you kill the boss before any of the people you are competing against, you get 10 additional points after the multiplier has been added (Of course in DS1 we don't count the mandatory death as a death on the sheet). We usually don't play with summons but if we do, each time you summon for a boss, that's -10 points after you beat the boss.

    We've done these races multiple times across dark souls 1, 2, and 3. For DS2 we did a team race. 2 players per team, one player summons the other and that is the game that the sheet is based on. You must summon the other player when entering a new area and you go through the area together and fight the boss. Keeping your summon alive to kill the boss results in a x4.

    There's many ways to modify the rules and these races are loads of fun. I wanted to share it with you guys if you want to try something new with friends who also play souls games.

    submitted by /u/Darkshna
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    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Hey all. I know I dont post or comment much. But I wanna say thank you to you all. The little tips and advice I read on these posts and comments has helped me to beat dark souls remastered and any dark souls for the first time. Ill make sure to pay it forward by helping out others when I can. So thank you for all your help

    submitted by /u/Weeb-lord-gamer-god
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    I dont know if this belongs here but I just wanted to say it for all the bersekr fans who didn't hear the news.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    Dark sousl was heavily inspired by the manga berserk. And for all the berserk fans on the sub who didn't hear it yet. Kentaro Miura, the author, passed away on May 6th and his death was publicly announced today. Rest in peace kentaro Miura, you absolute legend of a man mangaka and artist.

    submitted by /u/rangogogo
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    Posted: 19 May 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    Spoilers obviously

    So I would never have considered myself a gamer I've played, the first bioshock, some oblivion, undertale, west of loathing, and Hollow knight with 250 hours in it and 110% which was what made me pick up dark souls in the first place (I've never played any shooters like cod). Dark souls was basically my first hardcore Videogame. I picked it up once for an hour didn't even get to the undead burg bonfire and gave up. Now that might have been because I thought estus wasn't replenish-able and wasn't healing but I thought, I guess they all meant it when they said it was hard.

    Fast forward 3 months and I try it again, I got to Taurus demon, and when I tell you that undead burg bonfire was where I was stuck the longest in the entire game I mean it. But eventually it clicked and I started dodge rolling and used my shield. My build was basically strength and fast rolling. I didn't give up my battle axe 10+ until after O and S which was amazing btw, took me 7 tries and was the best feeling of beating a boss in the whole game. I eventually went back to asylum and got myself a BKS which I finished the game with.

    The DLC bosses have to be my favourite though. My favourite bosses to fight have to be

    1) Manus, 10 tries 2) O and S, 7 tries 3) Atorias, 8 tries 4) Gaping dragon, lost count 5) Kalameet, 2 tries

    And I didn't use a shield for any of those five

    I would say the hardest bosses were Manus, O and S, then Atorias

    I felt bad when I gave up after 5 tries of trying to roll to avoid gywn and put on havels set and parried the hell out of him because it went against how I played the whole game but it only took me two more tries to beat him after that.

    I feel really proud of myself because it's one of my first real Videogames and I did it with no summons at all, and I had so much fun overcoming every hurdle.

    I can't wait to start NG+ and the next games!

    submitted by /u/Ag745837
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    Spoiler (kinda but just in case people truly want to play blind). Just killed my first Vagrant. Yay!!

    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    Hi there! Just wanted to say that as I was trying to save waifu Reah in tomb of the giants, I thought that the skull lanter was unnecessary. I was wrong. Turns out that there is a cliff and i fell to my death after I killed the two cleric hollows. Worried about my humanity, I ran as fast as I could and grabbed them. But then I noticed some weird crawling sound and as I turned around, i saw some red phantom crab-blob monster ready to ambush me! Luckily I had my grant with me to Ohko it and I won some extra humanity! It was a scary, yet pleasant experience. After the whole ideal, I looked up what the heck I fought and can't wait to find more of those cuties!

    submitted by /u/PhantomKnight27
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    Who likes the murakumo?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    For my first time attempting this game I've been using scythe and katanas. Yes all the katanas. Shoud I have been using the big boy the whole time? Also int user I'm up to crystal spells

    submitted by /u/ThisOldDog20
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    Who's your favorite NPC?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    I feel like half of the answers are going to be Solaire or siegmeyer, which is totally fine, they're both amazing characters, love them to death. But personally for me, it's gotta be Gough. "Woodcarving is a nuanced art." He just conveys a genuine adoration for his trade, as well as just being the most friendly NPC in the game in my opinion. Not to mention boss as hell. Ahem... Kalameet?

    submitted by /u/DecisionConscious198
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    What now....?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    I have recently completed every single modern From Soft acheivment list, being DS1-3 Sekiro, Bloodborne, and Demon's. I have also done a punch only run of Demons and all Darks, and whip runs of all Darks. What do I do now, retire champion, or do I just fall deeper into this insanity.

    submitted by /u/Strikeaeagle
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    What can I do in this situation?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    Here are maybe spoiler alerts in case you want to play completely blind your first run. But I have a question related to how I progress in this game in some areas. (First time playing this game.)

    I just beat Quelaag, and now I'm at Seth's Fortress. My problem is, aside from the fact that I can't find the way to the top... (Don't help me with this one, I'm trying to get there by myself, cause I got through depths and Blighttown with a help of a guide and I honestly felt bad about it. Because my friends told me that Blighttown is a huge part of the first Dark Souls 1 experience, and I kinda breezed through it, didn't even fight the mobs, and definitely didn't explore nearly 50% of it cause I wanted to get to the bonfire in the swamp as quickly as possible.). the problem is that I can get 10 times in a row to the room where the boulder is launched, and after those tries, I die at the first two guards from the fortress 10 times in a row, and after that, I reach the boulder room another 5 times in a row and after that, I get killed by the snake from the first bridge 3 times... You get the point. Why am I so inconsistent? And how can I solve the problem? Do I need just to git gud? Cause the snakes are super slow and I don't understand how I can fight one for like 3 minutes without being hit just to practice my rolls, and sometimes I get killed instantly by the same guy.

    submitted by /u/Miserable-Fly-5751
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    I'm having issues with dark souls remastered when trying to play in 32:9, any help would be appreciated.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 01:44 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm trying to play the game at 5120x1440 which it supports out of the box, but I'm having an issue where there is a black portion of the screen on the right side.

    When I'm actually in the game the game world displays over than portion of the screen like normal, but the hud and any menus that are supposed to appear there are invisible anywhere that contacts where that black portion of the screen was.

    I've been searching and can't find any solutions for this so I thought I'd post here on the off chance someone here has had the same issue and figured out a fix.

    submitted by /u/IronTarkus91
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    How common is hacking in Dark Souls still?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    I picked the game up for the first time four days ago and I haven't really run into too many invaders (granted I was hollow for most of it since that mechanic was completely new to me). I started my second play-through today and was invaded by some imbecile in Blighttown who insta-killed me through a wall, broke all of my gear and gave me the cursed debuff... I really want to play the game more, especially in human form but that encounter has almost ruined my whole online experience (spending 6k on repairs and curse removal is rly annoying in the early game). Do you guys run into hackers often? Does reporting them through Steam actually do something?

    submitted by /u/Mooncil
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    I can't defeat Manus

    Posted: 19 May 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    I need help. I can't chain a combo on him since he moves like a schizophrenic while also hitting hard. With Kalameet, at least, i had some telegraphy to predict. This dude is hard as fuck.

    submitted by /u/The_R3venant
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    Iron Golem has be nerfed in Remastered?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    As this is my first Playthrough in Dark Souls I came up to fight Iron Golem in Sen's Fortress and I thought it will be difficult to defeat him.

    But as I encountered him I defeated him in first try and also used only 1 estus flask.

    He was the easiest boss I have encountered through my Playthrough.

    submitted by /u/nj_mods
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    What's a legit way of getting a max soul stack in this game?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 03:28 AM PDT

    For build testintg purposes, I'd like to experiment and have some kind of a "sandbox character", but how can I do that without using bannable cheats (and, for online play, without actually cheating)?

    submitted by /u/Fearless-Physics
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    Got the platinum!

    Posted: 19 May 2021 05:37 PM PDT

    I finished Dark Souls 2 about 2 months ago, really figured I would never finish Dark Souls Remastered just because I remembered my first play through being so rough. Managed to do a casual play through a couple weeks ago and said "what the hell, what's two more?" Ended up running through the second two to grab the rest of the boss souls/spells. Now I've got 2 out of 3 souls games done!

    submitted by /u/Purge_of_Virtue
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    I accidentally cheesed Nito

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    So I was fighting Nito.Nito grabbed me and clipped into a wall.After he clipped he stopped attacking and one of his legs was exposed.Then I just finished him off using straight sword hilt because why not.Did this ever happen to you?

    submitted by /u/Lemonade103
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    Ideas for a Berserk run

    Posted: 20 May 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    I would like to pay homage via a Dark Souls run themed around Guts and Berserk since I know it was a huge influence for many things in Dark Souls, but my DS knowledge of items, gear and such is very limited.

    What Dark Souls game would you recommend for this, what items should I aim for, limitations and such would you impose to make it a Guts challenge/run, any suggestion would be appreciated as others could also attempt the run

    PS: It's been a really tough morning due to other factors, it might take me a bit to reply back, sorry

    submitted by /u/yisey
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    There's no comparison

    Posted: 19 May 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    I watched gameplays of Kalameet, but dude, playing it by yourself its fucking scary. Even the ost makes it more epic.

    submitted by /u/The_R3venant
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