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    Dark Souls 2 Weekly General Discussion Thread (May 21, 2021)

    Dark Souls 2 Weekly General Discussion Thread (May 21, 2021)

    Weekly General Discussion Thread (May 21, 2021)

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the weekly general discussion thread! This thread is for the community to discuss whatever is on their mind (whether it is Dark Souls 2 related or not).

    Have a question that you've been meaning to ask but haven't gotten around to making a post yet? Something on your mind you want to discuss? Playing a game that you think others would like? Comment away! All we ask is that you are respectful of each other, and have fun!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    "grandpa, what did you do during the pandemic." "Well, sonny....I dont like to throw around the term "hero," but....."

    Posted: 21 May 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    [Platinum] 55 Hours of pleasure and pain. Great work FromSoft

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    "Sadness ahead"

    Posted: 21 May 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    I have been playing DS2 for a while now, and in overall, I did manage to rack up about 250 hours of playtime (minimum). I have created multiple builds, so I never actually got too far, as I was enjoying low level areas with new themed characters such as Obama, the miracle build healer.

    What I did do eventually, is tried to progress with my main character. I managed to work my way to Drangleic Castle. I had a full Fume set. Flamberge. Tons of effigies. It was glorious. Then it happened.

    My console broke. In order to fix it, I had to wipe the hard drive of all my progress. I heard 99% of the time that helps. It didn't. I lost everything, for nothing.

    I have lost my humanity, started withering away, as a mindless hollow. I eventually fixed my console myself, and then I returned. It truly was gone.

    However, this is not a story of a hollow. It is the story of the cursed one. The one who lost everything. Memories, family, previous life all lost. It is a clean slate.

    This is why I will make my way to the land of Drangleic. I will make my way across the land. Overcome many hardships. I will overcome the curse, or die trying. Over and over again. There will be nothing that can stand in my way.

    This is the story of a cursed one, who will not go hollow. So you shouldn't either.

    Don't give up, skeleton, and don't you dare to go hollow

    submitted by /u/InfamousGhost07
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    Running in the 90s

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    My thoughts on the Dark Souls 2 bosses (Plus death counts so I can brag)

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I watched videos of Dark Souls 2 years ago before actually playing it, so if what I'm saying does not sound like something a newbie would say, that is why.

    Also disclaimer: I fought the Pursuer and the Belfry gargoyles way later than I should have and will not be giving my thoughts on them as I probably mad the fights like twice as easy.

    Dragonrider- 0 deaths - I did it the lame way and tricked him into falling off, but I really like the boss arena and the atmosphere of the would-be fight.

    Last Giant - 0 deaths - He just kinda stomped around and dragged his hands on the ground, so there really isn't much to say

    Flexile Sentry - 1 death - Really neat fight, I loved the rising water levels and I loved how this boss moved.

    Ruin sentinels- 5 deaths - I loved this fight, I don't know what it is about me and ganks featuring generic enemies, but I love them. The music was also really good.

    Lost Sinner- 3 or 4 deaths - Kinda janky, but the Lost Sinner was a genuinely scary boss for me, with lightning fast speed and hard hitting attacks.

    Old Dragonslayer - 1 deaths - I had always wanted to fight little Ornstein one on one and now my wish has been granted, and it's pretty fun!

    Skeleton Lords - 0 deaths - Once again, I love generic enemy ganks as bosses, I have no idea why. These guys were a bit too fragile and unthreatening though, which is a shame, but it sure is fun to smack some skeletons.

    Covetous Demon - 0 deaths - I like this guy's design, but he is a relaxing moment for Earthen peak. He was extremely non-threatening, even in the DLC, where he was upgraded.

    Mytha - 0 deaths - Honestly I was just so happy to finally be done with Earthen peak that I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening, the fight was fun though.

    Executioner's chariot - 1 death - I love the run to the lever, but not so much the actual fight against the boss, I had to clean up a lot of skeletons before I even tried to kill the boss, which lead to running around a ton.

    Smelter Demon - 3 deaths - Really fun boss, I love how it decides to buff itself the moment it realizes that you won't be dying immediately. I love how it moves and I love the arena, simple s it is,

    Old Iron King - 0 deaths -He was very sluggish and non-threatening, though he almost knocked me into lava once. Any time I got hit I could easily find time to heal and then go back to baiting a slow attack so I could wail on him for 30 seconds.

    Royal Rat Vanguard - 0 deaths - It's a bunch of rats, and I've fought harder bunches of rats. I still like it though, I'm pretty sure you can slap a boss health bar on anything and I'll be all over it.

    The Rotten - 0 deaths - I don't have much to say. It was really slow and surprisingly fragile, I thought it would have more health.

    Scorpioness Najka - 0 deaths - This fight was kinda boring to be honest, I don't really remember the fight.

    Royal Rat Authority - 3 deaths - I hate this fight. Aside from the fact that you have to kill the rats either really quickly or die from toxic, the boss himself is annoying as shit. It just charges at you for forever, and I could never get a hit on it.

    Prowling Magus and Congregation - 0 deaths - I was looking forward to this fight my entire time playing it and I was surprised that they didn't die as quickly as I thought. I mean the Magus died from a single backstab and all but the clerics were kinda tanky, and since I was trying to kill those first the fight dragged on a bit.

    The Duke's dear Freja - 0 deaths - Kinda boring, had way too much health for how simple the fight was.

    Twin Dragonriders - 1 death - My armor was broken and instead of unequipping it I went in and got my ass kicked somehow. Second attempt I got the first Dragonrider to break the platform the second one was on and killed it way too quickly (Seriously that guy would have died to a sneeze), then all that was left was a basic Dragonrider, I think I would have preferred the challenge.

    Looking Glass Knight - 0 deaths - This guy was so slow that it would probably have been better to not have worn armor as he could never land a hit. I was messing around in this fight trying to riposte his summon and all but I was really disappointed as I was really looking forward to this fight.

    Demon of Song - 0 deaths - Aside from looking absolutely hideous, all I can remember about this guy was how easy it was to bait his attacks and get an opening, which is shame because I was also really looking forward to this guy.

    Velstadt - 0 deaths - This guy was terrifying, though he became a little easier in phase 2 because he kept spamming his hex blast attack which leaves him very open to attack.

    Guardian Dragon - 0 deaths - I forgot this boss existed, and I fought him two days ago, honestly I found the wyvern fights in the Dragon Aerie to be much more fun.

    Ancient Dragon - 0 deaths - This boss was extremely repetitive: Attack his hind leg, wait for him to fly up, run towards the tail, wait for him to land, repeat. His enormous health bar doesn't help one bit, I don't remember how long it took to beat him.

    Giant Lord - 0 deaths - He was basically the Last Giant fight but slightly harder, there isn't much else to say.

    Throne Watcher and Throne defender - 0 deaths - The only reason I didn't die was because I had like a million life gems and wanted to save my estus for Nashandra and Aldia. These two were one of the hardest bosses in the game for me, but it was an amazing fight.

    Nashandra - 0 deaths - I having a hard time believing that this was the original final boss of the game, that must have been very disappointing for a lot of people. I genuinely can't remember one threatening thing about this fight

    Aldia - 0 deaths - Another easy fight but given that Aldia isn't really a fighter, I can forgive that. He adds a bit of challenge to the final boss though which I love.

    Darklurker - 3 deaths - by far the hardest fight in the game for me, mainly because my dark resistance was garbage, but also because these guys put near constant pressure on you. Doing the quest to fight this guy is definitely worth it.

    Fume Knight - 4 deaths - I loved this fight, I can't even explain why I just do. I prefer phase 1 of his fight as phase 2 is a bit simple.

    Sir Alonne - 3 deaths - This guy kicked my ass until I realized you can avoid his charge move by walking away. I've seen how crappy some of his hitboxes are but I never had such problem.

    Blue Smelter Demon - 3 deaths - Who would have thought that such a big metal monster would fight so trickily? Not me. Thee only real problem I have with this fight is that his flames can block your vision a little too much, and makes it hard to see what's really going on.

    Elana - 0 deaths - At first the fight is kinda boring but once she summons Velstadt it becomes one of my favorite fights in the game. I loved it!

    Sihn - 0 deaths - This guy never stopped flying, like ever. it took me forever just to kill the damn thing.

    Gank Squad - 1 death - I really liked these guys, they force you to play cat and mouse (Unless you're a badass) with them and slowly whittle them down until one is dead, and then it becomes an entirely different fight.

    Aava - 0 deaths - I did not like this fight, the attacks were janky, the aggression was weird, and seeing any kind of tiger fills me with dread to to the next spot on this list.

    Lud & Zallen - 6 deaths - Fuck this fight, seriously, I hate it. This fight combined with Frigid outskirts are literal hell. I'm never coming back here. I summoned NPCs for this fight, and I never do that, I just wanted to beat these two and be done with it. This game was amazing all the way through until this area and this fight. I will never fight these two again, and I don't feel bad about it.

    Burnt Ivory King - 0 deaths - I kinda wish I didn't get the final Loyce knight because having a knight fight the king with you makes the fight a little easy and a little too short, it was a really good fight though,

    Anyway that's my Dark Souls 2 experience, at least with the bosses, I'm gonna go, I need a nap.

    submitted by /u/Statue-of-a-Deer
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    21 lore theories/speculations

    Posted: 21 May 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    1: The "common origin" of Alken and Venn is the kingdom of Heide.

    2: the boundaries of these kingdoms are related to the distribution of Skeptic spices (for Venn) and Simpleton spices (for Alken)

    3: Bradley of the Old Guard comes from Heide (he's from the old old guard)

    1. The Flexile Sentry is a descendant of the snake people from DS1

    2. The Blue tearstone ring in Belfry Luna represents the Queen of Venn mourning the Old Iron King after he fell in lava.

    3. The Kingdom of Alken was the first of many kingdoms in the area to persecute Sorcerers. This is why many Sorceries had to be preserved in the Undead Crypt.

    4. Mytha learned sorcery to imitate the Queen of Venn and get her husband to love her.

    5. The Undead Crypt sent Grave Wardens to kill Mytha for using their tenants as slave labor. Unfortunately, by the time they got to her she was pumped with enough dragon juice to survive the beheading, and the grave wardens were enslaved themselves.

    6. Jester Thomas works for Elana, which is why he helps you beat Mytha (who is bathing in Sinh's poison) but fights you when you enter the Dragon Sanctum.

    10.Armorer Dennis and Fencer Sharron are working together. They attack you together in Iron Keep, then split up to intercept you late game.

    1. The Curse Jars found throughout the game are area denial weapons similar to land mines.

    2. The Lion Clan warriors are Ornstein worshippers, just as the Crow people are Velka worshippers.

    3. The "Duke Tseldora" encountered in-game is an imposter, and the real Duke became one with his pet spider, which is why she has two faces.

    14: Desert Pyromancers, Amana shrine maidens, and Sanctum priestesses all drop dragon charms, suggesting all three groups share a common origin. The ones dropped by Drakekeepers are copies produced by Aldia.

    15: The Leydia witches drop both skeptic and simpleton spice, indicating their true magical abilities are less than advertised.

    1. The Leydia witches were the ones renting out undead to Mytha.

    17: Agdayne's blue skin is not a natural Fenito trait, it's the result of centuries of exposure to the Dark.

    18: Devotee Scarlett was one of the clerics who attacked the Undead Crypt. She can redeem herself by helping you take out Mytha.

    18: The guardian dragons in the aerie drop red quartz rings, hinting at their artificial nature.

    19: The "giants" are sentient golems made of Archstone or Dragon Bone.

    20: Bashful Ray is a spy, which is why he's always looking at things through binoculars and you can find him everywhere.

    1. The Ivory king had to throw himself into chaos because the Lost Sinner stole the old witch soul that had been keeping it satiated.
    submitted by /u/Njorlpinipini
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    So which defense buffs stack?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    If I want to maximize my dark defense, what all stacks together? Whatever armor set has highest dark resists, Dark Quartz Ring, plus Great Magic Barrier, plus what else? Dark troches stack with GMB or no? Anything else?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Historical-Author-49
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    Soooo.. the Black Knight Greataxe.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    I'll be direct, I want to use this weapon so much.. but I know there are better choices of weapons. The thing is, I still want to use it, even with the sweet spot and the SLOOW moveset. I want to know what do you guys think, even with better options, is the BKGA at least viable?

    Thank you for the answers :)

    submitted by /u/PolluxBtw_
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    I beat DS3 & am about to beat DSR. I absolutely can’t wait to play this.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    Don't know why I waited so long to play these but I'm glad I am.
    Anyway, I just wanted to share this.
    Wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/Slowspines
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    Shrine of Amana reminds me of Ash Lake

    Posted: 21 May 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    Ash Lake was my favorite area in DS1. This gigantic area at the bottom of the world, older than the world, and lost to time. The radiant sunlight shining through the colossal roots of the arch tree where light can barely penetrate. The music which lends a surreal atmosphere.

    submitted by /u/MoonlitBadlands
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    Weird controller question on PS4

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    I'm playing on PS4 downloaded the Scholar of the First.

    My controller isn't responding after I get past No Mans Warf. It's moves on its own and doesn't really respond. I have other controllers with the same problem. It's only this game though, I've restarted the system and switched controllers. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Bconz56
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    Shaded Ruins

    Posted: 21 May 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    Have you found the path to Shaded Ruins accidentally?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/omega_86
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    Zerar ds2 com um amigo (Br)

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Tenho 100 horas de jogo queria zerar com um companheiro

    submitted by /u/Gocalves697
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    Scholar of the First Sin Speedrun (Current Patch)

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    My lovely sibling is starting a Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin speedrun now on the current patch. The goal is sub two hours. Please, come support and enjoy!


    Speedrun Live Stream

    submitted by /u/saucedsorceress
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    I lost my 0 deaths run

    Posted: 20 May 2021 06:54 PM PDT

    I decided to play DS2 for the second time. I had zero deaths until lost Bastille. It made me so mad, I beat the lost sinner soon after with my sorceries.

    submitted by /u/helpmedad8960
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    Any help or advice against Elana the stupid Queen would be appreciated.

    Posted: 20 May 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    On PC, soul memory 11million, if anyone is up to help if I am still unable to defeat her.

    Have tried everything.

    Bring an NPC? She summons Velsdat.

    Use a Brightbug? Summons Velsdat.

    Go in alone? Summons skeletons and then teleports all over the arena spamming fire explosions, or appearing right next to me when I wack a boney boi.

    I had a pretty easy time with her in the first play through, but I am absolutely getting destroyed in NG+.

    I just want to fight the fun dragon.

    submitted by /u/Byzantine1350
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    Twin Pursuers in throne room

    Posted: 20 May 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    Getting the Ring of Blades +2 was the most difficult part of the game for me. Much worse than Darklurker or Ancient Dragon. Between their ridiculous wingspan and successive attacks roll catching me, I actually thought winning was impossible. Had to watch someone cosplaying as Neo beat them bare handed on YouTube to see otherwise. It was inspiring and depressing. I eventually did it, but now I'm wondering why they don't get votes for hardest boss. Does everyone else find it easy at that point, or do people skip the fight entirely?


    submitted by /u/pip4brains
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    Offline Sunlight Medal Farming

    Posted: 21 May 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    Going for platinum on vanilla ds2 and on version 1.00. Only real challenge I see is sunlight spear.... and oh boy. Any tips? No CoC infinite respawns on Version 1.00. My plan is to go to the 2nd bonfire in Harvest Valley and CSS those mounted overseers/bane diggers. Would CSS/SS on magic staff o' wisdom +5 (50 int) or GLS on Lightning Dragon Chime +5 (50 fth) or GRS on Dark Caitha's Chime +10? Or would melee be better? +10 magic MLGS (40 str 40 dex) or +5 lightning DGS or +5 dark SCH? All help is appreciated!

    Also another question, I plan on rushing 4x rotten in ng++ so I can get past SoW as fast as possible, so I tested powerstance +10 lightning rapiers vs +5 lightning chaos blades and CB's came out on top, but who would win? The aforementioned CB's , or powerstance lightning defender's GS's ? ALso, fastest Fragrant branch would be harvest valley right? (no fotfg one in vanilla) Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Fateddy_
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    Anyone have a good guts build?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    In honor of Kentaro Miura, I want to cosplay as guts especially since I just started reading the manga. I know the best weapon is probably the crypt blacksword, but what is the best armor choice, rings, etc.?

    submitted by /u/SchnazzButNot
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    How many times can you reinforce a weapon?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 12:05 AM PDT

    I am new to the DS2 and wanted to know how many times can I reinforce each weapon?

    submitted by /u/Harpreet1414
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    Why is mentioning cheaters' Steam profiles prohibited?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    Idk if this only applies to this subreddit but I've seen a couple of posts from people reporting that cheaters had crashed their gears or broken up their saves got deleted by the admin because they had hacker (or cheaters) Steam profile links. Why is this prohibited? I think cheaters profiles should be shared in the community so other people can be wary of getting their games crashed (especially in the BoB arena) thou.

    submitted by /u/strangerwhodontknow
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    I'm sorry

    Posted: 20 May 2021 02:47 PM PDT

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