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    Sunday, April 4, 2021

    Dark Souls Game finally clicked, was able to take down a miniboss without looking up a guide.

    Dark Souls Game finally clicked, was able to take down a miniboss without looking up a guide.

    Game finally clicked, was able to take down a miniboss without looking up a guide.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    EDIT: Thank you for the kind words everyone, you're all so supportive 😭

    Original Post:

    Sorry for the long post in advance!

    So I've always played games on Very Easy or Easy. I HATE redoing sections of a game over and over again, plus I liked just being able to button mash through enemies. But I decided to give Dark Souls a try.

    Got to the Asylum Demon, died right away, refunded the game. I was frustrated and annoyed. But I heard how the game really forces you to think about how you play, so it was bugging me that I quit so early.

    So I bought it again (a day before it went on sale on XBox 😭). Looked up a guide, beat the Asylum Demon after 3 tries! Awesome.

    Then I got to the Firelink Shrine and got my ass BEAT. I was getting destroyed every step of the way, but I wasn't annoyed that I had to do sections over and over again. I think it was because none of the deaths felt cheap. It was all very methodical. I started thinking about how to approach fights, what order to attack enemies etc.

    I got to the Undead Burg, I almost gave up again. It took me SIX hours to beat the Taurus Demon. By the end I knew exactly what to do to get to him unharmed: leave the bonfire, kill the skeleton on the stairs, kill the archer. Sprint across the bridge, watch for skeleton on my left etc. It felt almost like learning a speedrun.

    Now I'm at the Undead Parish and have cleared out the minibosses, beat Bell Gargoyles (with Solaire's help).

    But the moment I realized the game clicked for me was when I went downstairs and beat the Titanite Demon without a guide. I took my time, and I realized that when I backed away enough he shot lightning which gave me an opening to sprint in, get a hit, roll back out and shield.

    Yeah, it's not a main boss and I'm getting destroyed in the forest but just beating him on my own was a huge hurdle! I'm so much better than when I started. Lets hope I have the motivation to continue 😁

    submitted by /u/imAMess76
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    What the hell.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 01:25 AM PDT

    First i want to say that i am not native eng. speaker so please, excuse my mistakes.

    I don't even know where to start guys.

    What a GAME

    I've played hundrets of games through my life, thousands maybe... I've always loved rpgs and fantasy, and story deiven games ofc.

    My first souls game was BB, i finished it quiete easily and disn't really care about story, i just wanted to brag about finishing a souls game.

    Then i got my hand on DS3, played for a bit killed Abyss watchers...and maybe few more bosses, but i just stopped at some point, didn't want to play anymore, didn't care about the story (biggest mistake),bcs as most of ppl i was used to get storyline served on the plate.

    Then...after 2 years i decided, hey, there is a sale (DS remastrred 10€, ds2 same) so i am going to buy all souls games and try to finish them all.

    Started with Dark souls 1

    (Never really heard about it's story as my friends are bunch of pussies so i had to introduce me to the franchise myself)

    I approached this differently this time, i was reading every line from NPCs carefully, i have read every item desc., and then i was like "what the actual fuck", "what bells ?", "Where they are ?", "where the fuck is blighttown ?".

    Long story or short, i've started exploring. I've met famous Havel the Rock (i love his armor set btw). Killed him after few tries with backstabs.

    And then a entered The Darkroot basin. Got ass kicked by crystals, by hydra, by trees, by giants ,by moonlight butterfly(MB).

    After i killed MB (I tried to kill him an unhealthy amount of times btw) i continued my exploring, and realized i missed entrance to undead parish(basically a didnt see route left after stepping into Darkroot Garden.

    I somehow managed to kill scorpion demon on my first try, met Andre of Astora and Onion knight, and then entered carhedral, spent some time on gargoyles until I realized they are vulnerable to lightning...

    Then i rang the first bell, and maan, i felt like a fucking king ! At this point i realized how does the map works, how connected it is, how beutiful this level design is.

    I caught myself playing this game for hours, listening to the story, reading items, explorin every corner, and then a realized what "hollow" means. Hollows are us, players who gave up on their walkthrough, the ones that failed, and man...i thought i love the game before this realization, but this...this was where fromsoft got me, this was my breaking point. I am The Chosen undead, i have a purpose, it's me, they were talking to me, to player, not to my character...No game made me feel this geme in years, in YEARS!!!

    I swore to myself that i am going to finish every souls game from fromsoft, and then again, and again, i wanna try everything, i wanna try my limits, different builds.

    I really didnt trust myself to make it this far but, here i am, falling in love with this wonderful game every day, more and more.

    I killed four kings yesterday, i can feel Gwyns breath now. I cant wait to kill him and start ds2, even though it being the most hated souls game.

    I am sorry for long reading, idk if somebody cares enough to read this whole post, i dont even know if it makes sense but i needed to get it out of myself.

    Thank you fromsoftware❤️ And thanks to a great community that this game have.

    submitted by /u/T1aoBaluu
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    I found a new way to cut the Red Dragon's tail off

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:21 PM PDT


    Discovered by accident that my plunging attack hit the dragon somehow on the way down. So it got me thinking... what if I try to rush in and cut the tail when he gets back up on the building? I'm surprised this worked at all. Not a very good strategy since it relies on being able to cut the tail off in one hit, but I think it's interesting. Also you could potentially one-shot the dragon like this, I guess?

    submitted by /u/Forgot7en
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    I would rather walk a mile barefoot on a path of legos than fight Kalameet another time

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 12:09 AM PDT

    I've played through the base game lots of times but usually just do the Artorias fight in the DLC. This is my first time doing an all bosses run (which I brilliantly thought of doing in a NG+ cycle) and lord have mercy on my soul I am never doing this again. I can't even get one hit in before Kalameet hands me a free ticket back to the bonfire. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Cold_Wishbone_2669
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    New to the game? I got some tips.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    1. Loss is inevitable. Accept it.

    The first rule of Dark Souls is that you're going to die. You're going to lose all your souls and all your humanity eventually. It doesn't matter how good you are, how many hours you've played, or how strong you are. It's out of your control. The sooner you accept this, the less upset you'll be when it happens. Get used to it.

    Souls are temporary. Always. You will spend them to level up, you will spend them on items, equipment, and upgrades. Lost 100k souls? Who cares? The game's not going to run out of them. You can always farm them from enemies. You can feed pretty much anything to Frampt to get some souls back, too.

    Had 14 Humanity and fell off a cliff? Died on the way back to the bloodstain? Who cares? Rats drop humanity. Baby skeletons drop Humanity. Humanity sprites drop Humanity. Bosses drop Humanity too, and even some merchants will sell it to you.

    Even regular humanoid enemies will drop free Humanity for you, without the need to consume it, as long as the boss in the area is alive.

    Losing your resources does not mean you're fucked. You can get them back. Always.

    2. Take a breather and read EVERYTHING.

    It's a bad idea to play the game without knowing what you're doing. So take the time to read everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Read the item descriptions. Read the armor descriptions. Shields, weapons, sorceries, miracles, pyromancies, rings -- don't skip anything. The obvious reason might be so you understand the lore, but that's not the only reason. For one thing, if you're reading, you're not locked in combat. It's nice to sit back and chill for a while, even if it's just for a few seconds every so often. You might learn something new. Read the stats, you might realize a shield you didn't have equipped is better at absorbing magic damage. You might realize a piece of equipment you dismissed before, actually has some kind of positive effect that's beneficial to your play style.

    And take a look around, too. Admire the environment. Look at the finer details, you might find something you never noticed before.

    Hell, you could even read the tutorial messages again. You could even finally use Seek Guidance and find hidden messages developers left lying around.

    3. Upgrade your equipment. Know what kind of upgrade best suits your play style.

    It's not all about your soul level, you know. Talk to your local Blacksmith about upgrading your stuff! Upgrading a weapon improves nearly all of its stats, not just damage; it'll also block better. Upgrading shields improves damage absorption and Stability. Upgrading armor lets you tank more damage.

    But that's not all. There are various kinds of elemental upgrades. It would be wise for a Sorcerer to make their weapon Magic or Enchanted, so it scales damage with their Intelligence stat. If you use Miracles, then make it scale with Faith by making it Divine, or Occult. Chaos scale with Humanity. Raw reduces all scaling for the sake of normalizing the damage. The possibilities are not endless, and it's really simple to understand.

    4. Take the time to figure out the flow of combat for each enemy.

    Never heal in the heat of battle. Wait for an opportunity to heal, just like you would wait for an opening to attack. Learn from your mistakes. Most enemies are faster than you, even the lowly Hollows, Rats, and Dogs. Don't underestimate anything!

    Learn how to parry, and which enemies can be parried. There are some large enemies that you might've assumed are unparriable. But an enemy that's bigger than you doesn't mean they can't be parried; for example, the fat club-wielding in Blighttown can be parried and riposted. Berenike Knights can also be parried, just no riposte. Even the Armored Boar can be parried.

    Learn when and where it's best to block, parry, or roll, depending on the enemy and the situation. Keeping your shield up all the time is a bad idea, you might get overwhelmed or backstabbed. Don't forget you can backstab humanoid enemies too!

    And don't neglect your stamina meter! Always keep an eye on it. Running completely out of stamina is a good way to get punished for your mistakes. If you don't have stamina, you won't be able to do much of anything. You won't even be able to heal for a few seconds.

    Finally, you don't always need to lock-on. Being locked to a single enemy means you can't run or roll freely in any direction. Sometimes it's more beneficial to just rotate the camera manually to go around enemies more easily, especially if they're something considerably larger or slower than you. For example, staying behind the Asylum Demon (and its copies) is the best way to stay safe from its attacks, but you might find this tricky or even impossible to pull off if you rely on lock-on. But if you just run around freely, you'll do it much faster than by strafing. You should also consider the range of your weapon versus multiple enemies. Why bother to lock on if e.g. a single strike will hit 3-4 enemies at once regardless?

    5. Running away is a victory too.

    If you've ever been stuck in a spot because the enemies keep ganking you over and over, or you're just not in the mood, why even waste your time? Just run past them. You can even use the Alluring Skulls to distract them. Throw it on the ground or a wall, and they will attack the sparklies instead of you for a few seconds. Don't forget that the point is to come out alive. Not every single enemy in your way needs to be killed for you to win. This is doubly true if all you want to do is fight the boss.

    If you ended up in a particularly sticky situation you feel like you can't win, use a Homeward Bone, and you don't even need to have it equipped. Organize your inventory so it's the first item on the list. Even if you don't intend to rely on it, it's good to have it ready to go any time you need to go back to your last bonfire. But if you don't want to, or can't, then quit out. Quitting out and reloading resets all the enemies back to their spawn locations. You can't do that if you summoned or got invaded, but always keep that in mind in any other case.

    And if someone invades you but you don't feel like fighting them, or if you already know them and they've been griefing you for a while, go into the boss arena as quickly as you can and they'll be kicked out. Alternatively, just jump off a cliff. Why give them satisfaction?

    6. If in doubt, ask for help, or check a wiki. Or both!

    There's no shame in asking for help. This is why we're here. You can also look it up yourself, and ask for clarification if you're still unsure. It's unreasonable to expect everyone is capable of understanding these games on the first go -- in fact, I'd say it's downright impossible. Soulsborne games are notoriously obtuse and vague and confusing and frustrating, and all kinds of other adjectives. They sometimes even lie to you! Do you even know what the Pendant does? Do you know what Rubbish is for? Did you know you can actually talk to the Fair Lady? There's so much to learn about this game and not one person is ever going to learn everything on their own.

    Everyone with me? Any questions?

    submitted by /u/Forgot7en
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    Is ds2 actually worth trying?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    I've played demons souls, ds1, ds3 and bloodborne and the only one left is dark souls 2. I've heard it's not as good as the others but if I liked the others, is it at least worth trying?

    submitted by /u/daniel291205
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    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    guys what happend here? shit solaire why? Oh man that's so sad....
    So now talking serious,I am playing my first run ever and there was me exploring some new areas(because that fucking Artorias is so much hard and I want to upgrade my char) and in lost Izalith after I joined Daughter of Chaos covenant and get rank 2 I could open that door and when I went there.... Solaire is whit that freaking parasite or something on the head and talking that he is the sun he was looking and something like that but I couldn't kill Solaire,no I can't do this with one of the best npcs of the game history and here am I sharing with you my experience with that and I don't what should I do.... I already saw some videos of guys fighting the last boss with Solaire so I am a little bit confused. Should I kill him? I want to fight the last boss with one of few good guys in Lordran... Without spoilers what should I do? Kill or what?

    submitted by /u/BattierTub97
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    Ornstein and an Everlasting Dragon

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:09 PM PDT

    Finally broke through

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    I've posted before that I was stuck on the taurus demon (9 freaking hours), and I've put the game down for about a year. In that time, I went and beat Code Vein, so I learned how to dodge roll through hits and get up to the big scary thing and hit it with your sword. (Fun fact, CV light attack button is mapped to the DS estus flask button and that means I keep trying to drink my enemies to death.)

    I realized the other day that I was taking the long way through the undead burgh, so I reinstalled the game and tried again. I tried doing multiple plunge attacks and gold pine resin and fire bombs and all the tricks and failed, and decided to go back to basics and just fight the damn thing. It didn't have that much health. Two tries and done. Praise the sun! That was yesterday.

    Today, for good measure I killed the black knight, got the drake sword, wrecked the little piggie, dispatched the big knight guarding the fire keeper soul, finally got to andre, got summoned into someone else's game for the first time and got completely wrecked, dispensed with the bell gargoyles (with a little help from my boys), IMMEDIATELY FELL OFF THE TOWER AND DIED LOL, and rang the first bell.

    I feel like I finally got caught up in one afternoon.

    Anyway I wanted to tell someone because I'm pleased, and you folks are always good for a pat on the back. Thank you for being one of very few non-toxic reddit communities!

    submitted by /u/braindouche
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    3 days and man, many attempts later, Artorias is down!!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    I've been trying to take down Artorias on my first ever playthrough for three days now, and I finally did it! I've only got to finish up the DLC, kill the Four Kings and Seath, and then it's on to what I assume is the end of the game!

    submitted by /u/IronFalcon1997
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    How can I play Dark Souls I DLC?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    I bought Dark Souls remastered for PS4 like 2 years ago and I love the game but I can´t find how to play the DLC, it isn't on the PlayStation Store and I can't find it on PC neither

    submitted by /u/Pabloby12
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    I accidently went into the painted world of ariamis.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    I just want to let you know that I suffered for the last 3 hours without any fire weapon or poison resistance. That was the first time I really hated this game. I ran directly to Priscilla and escaped (after cheesing the undead dragon). I will come back with fire and flame. 😐

    submitted by /u/Marinu5
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    To the two undead that helped me with Ornstein and Smough just now

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    Thank you thank you THANK YOU

    Bless your kind souls

    submitted by /u/solisb
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    I found a dropped lloyds talisman in new londo ruins

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    It had the model of a dropped item, and it was right after the first 2 ghosts and a bit hidden behind a wall. I was not human so I couldn't have been invaded and it was also half way in the ground? How did this happen?

    submitted by /u/SkyCat16
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    Just Started a Whip Only Challenge in DSR

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    This is my first challenge run so it is going to be super fun. The first 3 videos of the challenge are out now.

    Challenge Run:


    submitted by /u/Jackyl_Attackyl_375
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    A literal bruh moment

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:25 PM PDT

    Probably the dirtiest invader ive ever encountered. This was in dukes archives and since that single crystal archer at the top of the bookshelf always sees me i always head into the room with the stairs leading outside.

    So i get invaded, head to the mentioned room and as this invader sees me, i quickly use sunlight blade but then he exits right out after seeing it, I dont chase after him because then the mob of Crystal fuckboys will all see me. As the buff wears off, the guy comes back and uses charcoal pine resin + power within with a greataxe, i let him buff so we can have a fair match and as I use replenishment, i KID you not this guy runs and slam attacks me before i finish casting and kills me before i can escape and spam emotes to top it off.

    I should probably go ahead and kill seath and head to oolacile as fast as possible for some actual fair pvp.

    submitted by /u/HearingAnnual6464
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    Just finished first play through

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    I just finished my first play through of the game, and loved it. It felt so awesome to hit the final riposte on Gwynn. However, I lit the bonfire, and then the game ended. I was so annoyed because I hadn't killed Priscilla or even visited the DLC area. Is there any way for me to get to them, without playing through the entire game again?

    submitted by /u/raven_hamilton
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    Anor londo rotating elevator

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    I'm back at anor londo and that elevator is down at the big hall entrance, don't know to to bring it back up.

    Is there a way around this? thanks.

    submitted by /u/Silent_Eagle01
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    Is the remaster worth buying if I just beat the 360 vanilla version?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    I picked up a copy of the original Dark Souls second hand for about 5 bucks and (almost) beat it for the first time on Xbox one last week, but I have since learned that there is no way to get the dlc on this console.

    I absolutely loved the main game and am really interested in the dlc content. Do you think it's worth the $40?

    submitted by /u/lrjackson06
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    I killed the hydra and those ice giants, then got destroyed by 3 giant cats, only to have a tree send me over a cliff. 15000 souls gone :(

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    Those cats have ridiculous health and they roll around like sonic the hedgehog. 3 on 1 is insane

    submitted by /u/MoonlitBadlands
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    I beat Dark Souls 3 a few years back and never played 1 or 2. I just bought 1 and 2 with the goal of beating them all + Bloodborne 100%

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    I was just going back through old games and saw DS3 and remembered how much I loved it. I started back up from where I was (NG+ a few) and realized wow I loved this game and now I absolutely suck and don't remember much!

    So now I'm starting at 1 remastered and I'm excited let's goooo!!!!

    submitted by /u/XeroKaaan
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    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    I recently got remastered and played again for the first time in 9 years. I think I had 5-6 play throughs back then.

    I got to the first Mimic and instantly went back to the first time I ever encountered one. God damn. The fear that I first got. One of the best video game moments of my life.

    Still makes me happy.

    submitted by /u/Nchap2
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    I played Dark Souls in French. Here’s what I learned...

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    Dark Souls is hard.

    Also the characters still speak in English. I was hoping Solaire would have a broad French accent. Zut alors!

    submitted by /u/superplint
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