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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 Some say he's still swinging...

    Dark Souls 2 Some say he's still swinging...

    Some say he's still swinging...


    haha sanctum mace go brrrr


    I’ve never noticed before but Chloanne is stroking a foot. Idk what to do with this information.


    Dark Souls II Damage calculation explained!


    Hello guys, I'm Radai, a small Italian DS2 modder whose prime interest is to crack the game open to see how it works. This is my first technical post here, so any constructive criticism is well accepted :)

    I have spent the past few days trying to find out the damage calculation formula the game uses. Some of you might want to tell me -"Hey bud, you know that someone already did this right? Anis0l made a post about this a year ago"-to which I'd answer -"Yes, I do. Infact all of this would not have been possible without his work."

    But then, if he already did it, why did I do it again?

    The reason is simple: his model used values that are not present in game. For example, he refers to Motion Values, which exist, somewhat, but the values he provided are nowhere to be found, and I wanted something that uses actual values inside the code. Anis0l did a really amazing job, but I wanted to take this a step further and provide you guys with something that I believe is as close as to what the developers wrote in the code.

    I'm not skilled enough in programming, so reverse engineering the code to get the formula is out of the question :c

    I am not claiming that what I am providing you is exactly the formula coded in the game, but I think it's really really really close.

    Before we start, let me briefly explain to you what a Param is, since I will often refer to them in this post.

    A Param is essentially a set of data grouped up by their use (i.e. data on enemy stats, HP, souls dropped, resistances and so on, are grouped inside a Param, called EnemyParam). Each Param has a set of entries, the "members" of that Param, and each entry has a list of data. So, referring to EnemyParam, the entries are the list of enemies inside the game, each of them has a set of data (HP, Stamina, Souls etc.).

    The Params that I'm gonna refer to in this post are mainly:

    • DamageAdjustParam, which holds data on constants used for Damage calculation in various cases
    • EnemyCommonParam, which hosts data on damage type absorption multipliers (yeah dont ask me why that's not inside EnemyParam since it has data on Physical Defense)
    • EnemyParam, which I already explained
    • PlayerDamageParam, which hosts data on damage modifiers for Player moves
    • WeaponReinforceParam; which hosts data on reinforce values for each weapon in the game
    • WeaponStatsAffect; which hosts data on scaling values for weapons for each infusion.

    One last thing before we start, I want to address what the formula I am providing fails to predict:

    • Ranged damage; I have slightly tested bows and they seem to have some more multipliers involved. I didn't test them properly, ranged damage is a matter for another time.
    • Spell damage; hasn't been tested at all.
    • PvP Critical Damage; hasn't been tested too much, but it seems to behave weirdly.
    • PvP Elemental Damage; boy if I tried this… an actual pain to crack :c

    Ok, now that this is done, let's move on to the actual thing! Here's a Google Doc link with all the informations:


    Here's a Google Sheet link with the tests. If you want to use this as a calculator, make a copy of the file first.


    To get access to all the variables, I recommend you download Yapped:


    And finally, the link to Anis0l's post:


    EDIT 1: Added a brief explanation of what a Param is. Made the document more readable by condensing formulae.

    submitted by /u/LordRadai
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    I finally beat the Ivory King!


    I know that some people might not understand this but I believe this fight is the embodiment of Git Gud. The first fight in my soulsborne journey that I actually had to stop, think, error and trial throughout the fight and finally beat it after 20+ tries. It's actually an awesome fight, beat his knights. But not too fast otherwise the loyal knights will not have enough time to seal all the gates and then you end up fighting the boss with them spawning in as well and if the boss beats the loyal knights before they seal them, oooh you're in for a beatdown. After that the boss is relatively easy once you master the rolls to avoid his hits, which sounds much easier than done.

    I defeated him and screamed so loud my parents thought I was dying or something. Souls games are the best games I ever played simply for boss fights like this. You think about cheesing strategies and instead you remind yourself the golden rule: GIT GUD!

    submitted by /u/Turin_Turambar_1571
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    Playing through the series for the first time, Sir Alonne is my favorite boss so far in two of the games i've played yet so here is me fighting him.


    A new found appreaciation for Dark Souls II.


    When I first played DS2 back when it came out I really did not think much of it. I didn't understand a lot of it systems such as the importance of levelling up adaptability and I ultimately went for a build that I didn't connect with (Strength/Miracle build.) I also couldn't accept some of the changes, such as having less estus flasks and having to rely on lifegems more, especially early game.

    Nonetheless I finished the game and never had any desire to revisit it.

    Recently I have been replaying the DS trilogy. And now that I am back on DSII I am enjoying it soooo much more and I am now able to appreciate some of its great elements. I have gone for a Dex/Sorcery build this time around and I am having so much fun with it.

    Also, it easily has some of my favourite characters in the trilogy. Vendrick and Aldia being the highlights for me. I also feel like the story is really well presented here and its incredibly weighty and emotional. The scene where you see the hollowed king vendrick has to be one of my favourites in the entire soulsborne franchise. Walking in and expecting this mighty boss fight with someone as powerful as Gwyn, only to find this pathetic husk wondering back and forth aimlessly.

    I am just having so much more fun with it this time round. I know DS2 will always be the black sheep of the franchise, but I definitely respect it a lot more than I used to.

    submitted by /u/BetterTheDevil909
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    SPOILER! SL1 run, third attempt on this boss. Good RNG, I managed to half his health bar before he splitted


    Ahh yes The Rampart Hedgehog


    DS2 Map I found but lacks translation.


    I just got back into the game after 5 years away and I'm feeling the magic again.


    As the title says, I just got back into Souslborne after a long, long time. The last one I really dedicated myself to was Dark Souls 3, and I stopped playing back in 2017. And before DS3, I religiously played DS2 and then SoTFS when it came out. Getting into this game that is fairly unpopular compared to the others, I didn't expect to find any summons or coop buddies. I thought it'd be empty. But when I got to the forest of giants, I found this one guy named Sinner-something (I forgot his full username.) He took me through the entire level as if I was a noob who didn't know how to walk straight. Even though I had already beat the Pursuer before the boss fight and didn't necessarily need the help, it just felt so warming for there to still be people on this game in the early areas just trying to help low-level, new players. This is that jolly cooperation that Solaire would be proud of. I'm excited to keep going through this for good old times sake as the wait for Elden Ring hollows me.

    submitted by /u/HarleeWrites
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    My Dark Souls 2 experience


    Wall hacks, levitating soul items, surprise attacks, being invaded while just about to reach a boss. randomly falling off of the map... Wouldn't trade it for the world though. This has been my favorite souls game in the series so far.

    submitted by /u/jnelrod
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    i have all 5 giants souls, and i were everywhere and idk what i should do, last shit i kill is Ancient Dragon (i beat him once in my life and i done this in one try hehe) and idk whats now?????

    submitted by /u/1C_3C_R34_M
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    Access to drangleic castle


    I'm doing a plat run, and need the spells from ng++, but I don't really wanna do the whole thing again... so my question is, do I need to a soul memory of 3million or having 3 million souls at myself to open the gate?

    submitted by /u/VSauceDealer
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    Hidden path in huntsman copse?


    Hidden path in huntsman copse?

    I don't know if this message is troll or not. But it has a lot of votes so I'm curious.


    submitted by /u/Halseeeee
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    Why can't I invade anywhere?


    I've tried being in different covenants and not being in any. I've tried every area in base game and DLC. It just keeps saying "Cannot find world to invade" as soon as I use a cracked red eye orb. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Officer_Giggles
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    I think poise in ds2 pvp is a bit pointless


    I once had a Russian guy invaded me at the Iron Keep Bridge. He had 2 or 3 rank aura (Idk how to distinguish differences between 2 and 3 rank) and was wearing the highest poise armor pieces Minotaur Helm, turtle back, Havel's gauntlet and leggings. But I could stunlock him in one hit by 2H R1 attack of straight sword (probably sun sword with Stone Ring). On the other hand, I've seen many 3 rank guys at the arena with light armor sets, wielding straight sword or katana. And oh god, those guys deal insane damage and can still stunlock me (I was wearing maybe Throne Defender set) due to Flynn's Ring and Stone Ring. I don't see why the poise in this game is important because even the build with highest poise possible still gets stunlocked by 2H straight sword attack with Stone Ring. I think it's better for me to sacrifice poise and equip Flynn's Ring but I wonder what other people's opinions are.

    submitted by /u/strangerwhodontknow
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    Should I try a try a yellow shit beam


    So basically I want to try a strength/faith build but I'm not sure if using miracles would be worth it. Would it be more worth it to go Dex instead of Strength or maybe do a quality build? I don't just mean the lighting spells either, since thats more of a late game thing anyway.

    I did watch a video on pre nerf vs post nerf which the nerf things is kinda the reason I'm even asking this question to begin with, but the comparisons weren't really good because they used different buffs each time and they only had like 10 faith while using a stick covered in shit as their chime

    I'm not really trying to rely on just miracles the entire time, but I use spells a lot more than I should anyway just because they look cool. I don't really have a specific build in mind, just kinda making it as I go since thats usually the most fun way of playing the game.

    Also I was curious about the dlc, I was going through some like 5 year old comments and kept seeing ones that said miracles/faith builds don't do well in dlc. Is that true? Or is it just 1 dlc but not the others?

    Since this is the last souls game I need to get trophies for I wanted to try a different build, since I almost always go sorceries/hexes. Right now I'm probably either going to do a dex/pyro build or strength/faith build.

    submitted by /u/Ludarii
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    Any Rotunda Lockstones?


    The title kinda explains it. All my saves cannot go to Heides Tower because it gitches out and goes into a loading screen loop, so does anyone ha a Rotunda Lockstone I can use?

    submitted by /u/NotJugernaut
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    Here is a discord I made for dark souls 2, incase you all want or need some people to play with (PVP, Coop, lore, community, fanart)


    Community Opinion Requested: do Eleum Loyce knights count for a no summon run?


    So currently halfway through DS2, which means I'm basically halfway through my entire Dark Souls Trilogy No Summon Run.

    My second time playing through these amazing games, and I've wanted every boss to die by my own hand.

    No online help, no NPCs.

    (Hardest boss so far: Gwyn cos I can't parry).

    I'm wondering whether people would consider using the knights in Eleum Loyce for the Ivory King as a summon? The King (and his crew) is gonna destroy me for quite a time without them, but you are also kind of summoning them?

    Keen for thoughts - can I get off this on a technicality? Or should I just be prepared to cry and die?

    submitted by /u/shotgunogsy
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    What build would be good to replay the game with (Reposting due to being un-shadowbanned)


    As it stands I've played through the game and all DLCs (havent defeated Fume Knight or Old Ivory King though) and I feel like starting a second playthrough and was wondering what build people would reccomend. I played a dex build on my first playthrough, like I do in most souls games, so I want to try something different.

    At the moment I feel like either miracles or Hexes would be fun, but I don't know how viable both are.

    submitted by /u/Oreo365
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