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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Dark Souls Female Artorias cosplay by YelizCosplay

    Dark Souls Female Artorias cosplay by YelizCosplay

    Female Artorias cosplay by YelizCosplay


    My 8 year old son has been playing Dark Souls. I'm quite proud actually.


    He made it to Anor Lando. He's a SL 35 with 0 upgrades on his weapons, 5 Estus flasks, and 0 humanity. He has killed all of the NPC's, lol.

    He is unable to co-op at all. He cant summon or be summoned.

    He's unable to beat Ornstein and Smough.

    This Easter weekend I'm going to sit down with him and guide him through from the beginning to the end. Showing him where to go and show him how to upgrade his weapons. Help him understand the NPC's and why he shouldn't kill them.

    He asks me everyday, when is the weekend? How many days until the weekend.

    He's so excited, and so am I.

    Praise the Sun!

    submitted by /u/crazyea
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    What happened to all the women? Are there female enemies?


    Disregarding all the NPCs and bosses, as far as I can tell before doing some research, the only female enemies are the Pisacas and the Butchers. EDIT: Forgot the two knights and the cleric in Darkroot Garden. You know, the Forest Hunters.

    What happened to all the women? Did they all die in New Londo? What about the non-humanoid enemies? Are there females there?

    Let's ignore all the obviously male enemies. Hollow warriors, soldiers, Baldur knights, Black knights, silver, etc, etc., etc. Let's get interesting here.

    You might be thinking "well, the Skeletons might be female!" Nope, I checked. The bone structure is different between men and women. There are two very easy ways to check this:

    1 - Pelvis shape. Men's pelvises are heart-shaped (the bottom bones point downward at an angle towards the middle), while women's are more circular and open (the bottom bones point straight down).

    2 - Forehead shape. Specifically, the eyebrow ridge is prominent in men, whereas it's smooth in women.

    There are more differences, but those two were enough. Yes, I also checked the giant skeletons, although for a while I had some trouble determining their sex as there were some artistic liberties taken while designing them (this is a fantasy game, no duh), but I'm certain they're male. What made it slightly unclear is how round the pelvis is, and it's lacking the bottom bones as well. However, the brow ridge is pronounced, and I checked other traits, namely the jaw. They have a very pronounced and square jaw, consistent with men. So there you go.

    Skeleton wheels are also male, as are the Skeleton Beasts (often referred to as "skeleton dogs" for whatever reason, despite the fact they're clearly humanoid/Giants), based on the same traits mentioned thus far.

    Rats? Well, I had to read up on them, too. How can you tell without the genitals? One thing we can use to determine their sex is through their behavior. In short, females are more active and rush to explore whenever possible than males are, who spend much more time relaxing and thus tend to be fatter. On the other hand, males are also much more territorial. Furthermore, rats are social creatures, so they tend to stay in groups. Based on some of that, we can conclude the rats are potentially all male. They're all just standing around not doing anything until you show up, at which point they gang up on you to defend their territory.

    Dogs? First, I had to determine their breed. There are only the two dog models, the undead dogs in the Burg share the same model as the fire-breathers in Blighttown. After some research, I determined their most likely breed is the Italian Greyhound. Why? Mainly due to their slender physique, long neck and muzzle, short tails, etc. The faces and paws are extremely grotesque, but it should be noted that in the real Medieval Times, the Greyhound was the most commonly domesticated breed. Meanwhile, the ones from Oolacile appear to be Dobermans. In regards to Greyhounds, I found this particular paragraph in an article specifically about their behavioral differences:

    In a dog pack, the females are the ones who are alpha dogs, determine pecking order within the pack, and compete to maintain and/or alter that order. The females are, as a result, more independent, stubborn, and territorial than their male counterparts. The females are much more intent upon exercising their dominance by participating in alpha behaviors. Female dogs will 'hump' other dogs as a sign of dominance. Female dogs will 'mark' territory, competing with other females - cocking one hind leg like a male. Most fights and spats will usually break out between 2 females vying for the alpha position.

    That last part doesn't quite match up to what happens in-game; they're usually in packs and work together to gang up on you. Of course, this is a videogame and it would be easy to dismiss this part altogether, but it doesn't have to be. In the same article, the expert explains that male/male pairs are content being together, and male/female pairs will also be fine, while the female will be the dominant one. So, by this logic, we can say that the dogs are either male or female, depending on where they are on the map. If it's a lone dog, it's a female. If they're in pairs, one is male and the other is female. That should make sense.

    As for the ones in Oolacile, assuming they're Dobermans, I still found similar traits. The most notable being that females are: less social with new animals and people, more suspicious of strangers, more serious/intense, more likely to get along with other dogs, and most notably, excel at protecting an individual. I mean, it's obvious Kalameet doesn't need protection, but the only dogs in Oolacile are all near him, so there's that.

    I'd still argue it's just a coincidence, though, I highly doubt the developers were thinking about any of these traits when they designed the dogs and where they placed them in the world and it really doesn't matter either way. But if you needed any evidence of their gender, there's your evidence.

    And on the topic of dogs: Sif. Let's get it out of the way, as this should be common knowledge; Sif is a name of Scandinavian origin. In Old Norse (sifjar) it means "bride," and from the Proto-Germanic (sibja) it means "blood relation, kin, relative, one's own." In Norse Mythology, Sif is the wife of Thor and is a fertility goddess. As far as Dark Souls is concerned lore-wise, Sif's gender is never defined in-game.

    There are outside sources that refer to Sif as a "he," including official strategy guides, but it should be noted these are always written by third parties and not the original developers, let alone with Hidetaka Miyazaki's supervision. Like 99% of the people who play these games, they assume it's a male, because it's a giant wolf without genitals, and unless there are blatant anatomical traits showing otherwise, that is also the assumption 99% of people looking at Sif will take and not delve any deeper. After all, it's just a videogame, right? (God, I hate that particular phrase so much.)

    People also like to use Ciaran as a counter-argument, as she has a male name, but this isn't proof of Sif's gender. The crux of the argument is that it can be boiled down to "Sif can't be female because of the name, because Ciaran is clearly female and her name is male." To be further broken down: "A can't be B, because X is Y." The counter-argument has got absolutely nothing to do with the subject.

    Rant aside, let's get back on topic: Sif's sex. Sif is a Grey Wolf. So how can we tell their sex apart? One major difference is that males are larger than females. Seeing as we never get to see any other wolf besides Sif in DS1, there's no basis for comparison.

    We could compare Sif to the wolves in DS3 as there's a clear size difference, but they're not the same breed. How do I know that? DS3's Greatwolf is not defined as a "Grey wolf," is the main clue. Furthermore, in reality, there are 40 subspecies of the grey wolf, and yes, I did go down this rabbit (wolf?) hole and I read all about them. Sif also a much more broad physique with fluffier fur, while the Greatwolf is more slim and unkempt. In terms of behavior and abilities, Gravetender Greatwolf is MUCH faster and more aggressive and has an ice breath. Sif is much more jumpy and acrobatic, attacks noticeably slower and less frequently, and will even try to back away from you.

    On the topic of aggression, I read a study with the following:

    "This study demonstrates that male and female wolves behave differently during aggressive interactions with opponents. Males — the larger sex — consistently exhibit more intense aggression than females, likely to protect mates and offspring against single rivals and other groups."

    Source: https://www.wolf.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/358-Sexually-dimorphic-aggression-indicates-male-gray-wolves....pdf

    So, how do we apply this info? Believe it or not, it does line up quite perfectly for DS3's wolves. Notice how the study states that males "exhibit more intense aggression, than females, like to protect mates and offspring against single rivals and other groups." This line alone couldn't fit the DS3 battle against the Champion's Gravetender & Greatwolf any better; the fight starts with 2 small wolves (both less aggressive than the Greatwolf) and the Champion Gravetender, and the Greatwolf shows up after you've damaged him enough. Within DS3, we can compare the wolves sizes, and thus can determine the smaller ones are female, and the large one is male, protecting his pack, which includes the Champion. But, ultimately, this has very little to do with Sif, as DS1 has no other wolves for comparison, and as I've established, the wolves in DS3 are not the same breed as Sif. However, even if they are supposed to be the same breed despite the blatant differences of appearance and abilities, Sif is nowhere near as aggressive, and, again, will in fact try backing away from you.

    Conclusion: they are not the same kind of wolf. Based on their behavior in battle, it's far more likely for the Gravetender Greatwolf to be male, than Sif does.

    Furthermore, the more I read to try to tangibly differentiate the exact breeds of Sif and Greatwolf, the... less sure I was it was even worth the trouble doing all this research in the first place. First I thought Sif could be a Red wolf and Greatwolf is a Himalayan wolf, then the opposite, then I thought to cross-check with Huskies and Wolfdogs -- and those two lead me down their own rabbit holes, so... unless there's a seasoned wolf expert on this board, I can't conclusively say what their breeds actually are. Moreover, I found this in the Wikipedia page about wolf dogs:

    "There are a range of experts who believe that they can tell the difference between a wolf, a dog, and a wolfdog, but they have been proven to be incorrect when providing their evidence before courts of law.[1]"

    So even an expert could be wrong. I give up. What's worse is that any search I make to try to find out how to tell male and female wolves apart, all it's ever talked about is their difference in size, and their pack and breeding behavior, neither of which helps with determining Sif's gender. Only the part about aggression that I found in ONE study was relevant, and even then, only by comparing to DS3's wolves, which I only did so in case anyone else tried to bring them up, despite the fact you obviously can't use them as evidence anyway, where Sif is concerned.

    So. After all this research, trying to determine the exact breed and species to determine the gender, I couldn't find a scientific answer, so we can only fall back on the information we can get from the GAME itself. The lore doesn't define Sif's gender, but the name... does. Logical conclusion: Sif is female.

    Let's move on cuz I'm tired of reading about wolves. Let's look at another animal in the game...

    Armored Tusk aka Fang Boar. It should be noted that the fangs are more than likely part of the helmet and not its real fangs, since they're so massive and curve upward, rather than inward towards the eyes (as they do with real boars.) There are three Armored Tusks in the game, all of which have the same size, but they're all covered in armor, so in trying to determine their breed and differences in gender without genitals proved... inconclusive. Once again I could only determine that the females are smaller than the males, so your guess is as good as mine. I tried to find out if there's a boar species with the same kind of tail, as it's really the only physical part that isn't armored apart from its snout and eyes, but all I can determine is "yep, it's a wild boar, alright." Sigh.

    Great Felines*?* Let's face it, they look nothing like real cats, big or small. They're so flat and wide and have nightmarishly large mouths. So who knows? Alvina is the only one we can possibly know is female since she's the only one who can talk.

    Frog-Rays? Again, same deal. They're completely made-up, even then I tried to find out the closest species of frog/toad that looked close. Then, the way to determine gender in frogs can be through their size (females are larger), but they're all the same size in the game. Another physical trait is the tympanum, a small round disc that covers the ears. On males of most frog species, the circumference of this small disc is larger than the eye of the frog -- none of this matters because Frog-Rays don't have tympanums. Plus, they have tails, which frogs don't have. This prompts the question: are they even frogs? Maybe they're more closely related to salamanders? Something to consider... Either way, it doesn't matter in regards to determining the gender.

    Chaos Bugs? Well, they look like spiders. Female spiders are always larger than males. But... the chaos bugs are all the same size. This again.

    Basilisks? Mythical creatures. However, we can determine their gender. Sort of. They all look the same in the game, so we have to turn to the origin of this creature to determine anything. From Wikipedia's page on the Cockatrice: "According to Alexander Neckam's De naturis rerum (ca 1180), the basilisk (basiliscus) was the product of an egg laid by a rooster) and incubated by a toad; a snake might be substituted in re-tellings."

    Interesting that the source claims the egg was laid by a rooster when rooster (or cock) is a term for an adult male bird, while a younger male may be called a cockerel. Huh?? Either way, if we take the root of the word Cockatrice, and know that it is synonymous with Basilisk, then it's safe to assume they're all males. But according to the lore... they can lay eggs, too. Right? ...I'm confused now.

    Mushrooms? Well. They're... mushrooms. Just like with Alvina, Elizabeth is the only one we can know for sure is female because she talks, and she looks exactly like the other large mushrooms, minus the limbs. However, I'd like to point out that they only appear in two locations. In Darkroot Garden, there are two. In the Great Hollow, there's only one. I'd say the two in Darkroot are a male and female couple, while the one in the Great Hollow is anyone's guess. Or maybe they're all genderless, right? They're just fungi, right?

    I'm not satisfied simply assuming anything, so first I had to determine what kind of mushroom they actually are: the Pleurotus eryngii, or king trumpet mushroom, or oyster mushroom. This didn't lead me anywhere, so I typed something into Google that I would have considered before: "mushroom gender." And the first result: Why This Fungus Has Over 20,000 Sexes made me question everything. So... is there a mushroom expert in the audience? And if so, do you happen to know a wolf expert?

    Ghosts? At first glance, I always assumed they're all female. Not true, though. The only females are just two, the ones that carry a baby, have red eyes, and shoot you with damn lighting, screech, and carry a baby. Incidentally, it's the baby the shoots lightning. Anyway, the other ghosts are male. You can tell the difference if you just take a closer look. Good luck finding out what gender the baby is, though...

    Crow Demons? I couldn't find anything about them. Literally, there's no lore that I could find besides the fact that they were worshippers of Velka. Their figures are sort of feminine, I guess, but there's nothing conclusive; no breasts, no human voice. DS2 does have one of these Crow Demons, Ornifex, and she is female, but a single member of the species does not indicate the gender of the whole lot, so who knows. All we can determine is that between Ornifex and Oswald, Velka's worshippers were definitely both men and women.

    Hydra? Female. The male form of hydra is hydros. Either way, it means "water snake." Got it? Good!

    Sanctuary Guardian? Male. There's a big hint in its lion mane, which only male lions have. Overall, it resembles the Manticore very closely, with the lion's body, scorpion tail, and wings.

    Okay, I think I'm done. What was the point of all this?

    Oh yeah, what do you think happened to all the females? Pisacas were all kidnapped maidens taken to Seath so he could experiment on them. The Butchers are female cannibals. There's no lore on the female ghosts that I could find, so all we can assume is that they were residents of New Londo and that's it. What happened to all the women? Why are there so few of them, even considering enemies?

    submitted by /u/Forgot7en
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    ������ �������������� ������.


    What is wrong with people? The world is sick.



    Round at a friends house just taking turns doing some PvP and this absolute shit bag has been abusive to my friend for weeks, all because he gets beat at PvP.

    My buddy tries being reasonable with him but the guy is just spitting venom the entire time.

    We were finding it funny how someone can be so mad about a video game, but it didn't sit well with me that this guy would find it funny if he was responsible for being the cause of someone taking their own life, so I wanted to shame the cunt here.

    There's absolutely no place in the world for toxic mother fuckers like you, Whispy Kinkers.

    submitted by /u/Orna5579
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    Does anybody else love this game but still not understand the story in the slightest?


    So I started playing DS when it first came out on the xbox360 in 2011, and I loved it. I think I got to new game +6 (I'll be honest I didn't beat DS2 because I lost interest..) but I beat DS3 again. And one thing I realized after jointing this sub is... I haven't paid any attention to the lore, for the most part. I still don't understand really what I'm doing, and why I'm doing it... but I love it none the less. Does anyone else really love these games but still haven't quite caught on to the lore yet?

    submitted by /u/mitchell_loll
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    Giant Dogs in the dark?!!


    This rant is about the huge skeleton dogs in the darkness of the tomb of thee giants. Like seriously? How f***ing strong are they?!! I was shit scared when one appeared in the dark and held my shield up. The thing DESTROYED my stamina and plunged on me and I was dead. I died to these guys and lost my souls so many times.

    submitted by /u/Srin_jan
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    Dark Souls ladder sound effect?


    Long shot I know, but does anyone know what the name of the Dark Souls ladder climbing sound is? It's a stock sound effect that you hear throughout other games sporadically but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

    submitted by /u/zarnack21
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    Red Titanite Slab


    I've been farming for it for about 2 hours now on different days just so I don't go too crazy and I was spending some time today before I log off my PlayStation to farm and I still haven't gotten one. 3 hours and no new slab, 10 humanity and serpent ring, I call all 4 of the tentacle guys and they still don't drop. Anyone got any ideas of how I can get one? It's the 3rd to last trophy I need for the platinum and I really want it. Dark souls Remastered on Ps4 in case anyone wants to bring numbers into this. I hope everyone has had a beautiful day today and that it stays that way and carries on to the next!

    submitted by /u/ciruccix
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    ������ �������������� ����������.


    What’s your favorite build in DS1?


    Currently, I'm working on killing the Four Lords in my first playthrough and have gotten pretty set in my Spellsword build (Fth/Dex build with Great Lightning Spear and Sunlight Blade). It's super fun, does tons of damage, and can be used for ranged battle a bit as well! The only downside is that my health is quite low, but they can't kill me if I kill them first!

    What are your favorite builds in this game? I'm curious to see what everyone's come up with (and possibly looking at trying some in future runs of the game!)

    submitted by /u/IronFalcon1997
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    Any way or mod to recover mistakes (in this case accidentally killing an npc)?


    First of all: I know I can just instead do it in NG+, and I made my game full screen so I can´t make this mistake again, but I´d still like to know.

    I just because I switched tabs and clicked on the dark souls window killed the Queelags sister npc after gifting her 30 humanity to rescue sunbro. I immediatly closed the game but it didn´t help.

    Is there any mod or something like that to delay the saving for a little bit? I don´t want to use it if I die or something like that, just to undo ridiculous mistakes like this one.

    Or of course if you know one, can you tell me a way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/MrScreeps
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    Question as a Possible New Player


    I've been somewhat interested in trying out Dark Souls as it ticks a couple of things that interest me. PvE, Fantasy, and gear and armor (from what I know, which isn't much). I've only really played Demon's Souls, after I beat the first boss I quit (mainly because it's on a Playstation 3, and I prefer gaming on my PC).

    Are the games worth getting? Or should I wait for a sale? I've really been itching for a sword and shield PvE game that will push me to my limits.

    Thanks ahead of time!

    submitted by /u/Athen-owo
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    What’s up with invasions and players screwing around with you ?


    I heard there's this feature where other souls players join your world and they grief/sabotage you ? So your saying that I could be in a middle of a boss battle and some dude could just randomly pop out of nowhere and sabotage me ? This is bs, dark souls is already hard enough and having someone harassing me throughout my play through would just make this game unfair, also I heard that you cannot turn off or disable this feature

    submitted by /u/Hadouken_Dazs
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    Hi! I recently made a Dark Souls video about the different Lingo and phrases commonly used in the series! Please check it out!


    Mods, sorry if this violates any rules. I couldn't find anything it would so I think it's ok My video

    submitted by /u/OrangeYosh1
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    A couple of moments that I recently captured


    So I did a thing


    In the spirit of April Fools' day, I thought about what the max possible equip load would be and came up with 4 Smough's Hammers + Symbol of Avarice + Havels. So I went ahead and put this together on a character, except something didn't quite add up. https://imgur.com/a/15sWVMw

    I guess that's why he's called the rock.

    submitted by /u/InuKami16
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    Is Titanite Catch Pole good weapon? (DS:R)


    I was fighting in Sen's fortress agaist one Titanite demon, killed it and got Titanite Catch Pole. This is my first ever Souls game I have played and I really don't know which things are good and which are not. I'm now at Anor Londo and haven't fought any bosses here yet. My weapon rn is raw gr+4, so is Titanite Catch Pole even usable weapon anymore?

    submitted by /u/Jimpenator
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    Dark Souls storytelling in a shmup?


    Dark Souls is lauded for the fact that it has a deep, well-written story, but it does not explicitly tell you it. You can go the full game without having an understanding of the story, leading to the response "Dark Souls has a plot?!"

    It is known how Dark Souls tells its story: through item descriptions, environmental design, atmosphere, and character questlines/dialogue

    Could this method of storytelling be applied to other games? Perhaps, a 2D bullet hell shmup?

    submitted by /u/SgtMoose151996
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    Hackers or Glitch Dark Souls Remastered on PC


    So as stated I play on pc. Not new to Dark Souls but new to PC playing as I finally finished building mine. So of course DS is gonna be the first thing I boot up. Anyways I'm having two problems.

    First, I never go hollow after I died. I'm just constantly in human form. Idk when it exactly happened but I know it didn't happen during the first encounter with seath. I read there was some glitch where the same thing will happen when you first meet him. But I've not been able to go hollow for much longer than that. Probably since the undead parish area. Some guy invaded me then just stared then left so maybe a hacker or maybe a dude who saw my low level gear and decided it wasn't worth it.

    The second problem I've encountered is with the undead asylum upon returning to it with the f2 wing to get the rusted ring. The door just before the door to access the ring is closed. I have all the undead asylum rings so I'm guessing this one is a glitch.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TheSmokeRookie
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    Holy shit just beat the anor londo titanite demon


    I just beat this motherfucker, it took me so many fucking tries. First playthrough, zweihander. I thought he would be easy and he would be pancaked like usual but no. He fucked me over and over, until this run. I hit him and then he hit me, I ran outside the room to heal and to reset, but then I noticed something, his fucking tail was poking through the wall, I managed to hit his tail from outside the room repeatedly and finally killed him. Definitely not proud of this, I definetely cheesed him. But this motherfucker was so fucking hard, I'm just glad I finally killed him.

    Question: Is it fine to not use magic or any miracles throughout my playthrough? Just sword and armor?

    submitted by /u/KiwiAura
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    Strange happenings with Manus...


    So I recently did my first run through of the dlc, and thought it was over after Manus was defeated... When I was checking out the area after for some humanity, I saw the boss fog still remained... Im stumped, I have the soul of Manus in my inventory, yet he lives on. Any ideas? Maybe Ill just take up residence in the colosseum, my arm kinda hurts....

    submitted by /u/Lawless-Walrus
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