• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 21, 2021

    Dark Souls Return to Yharnam will begin on March 24th, Bloodborne's 6th Anniversary!

    Dark Souls Return to Yharnam will begin on March 24th, Bloodborne's 6th Anniversary!

    Return to Yharnam will begin on March 24th, Bloodborne's 6th Anniversary!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:00 PM PST

    Return to Yharnam - March 24th through April 7th

    • Create a new character and play through the game
    • Engage in as much co-op as possible
    • Try to defeat at least two other players in PvP in each area before moving on
    • Don't forget to go to Options > Network and set your connection to 'Worldwide'
    • Leave a message that says "You're in the know, right?" by as many lamps as possible. Rate as many of these messages you can find as 'Fine'


    To commemorate the sixth anniversary of the game, we will be giving away one month of Nitro Classic to five lucky hunters. Be sure to join the Bloodborne Discord Server to participate!

    Art Contest

    In addition, we are hosting a weapon design art contest. For more information, refer to the #announcements channel on the discord!

    Happy hunting!

    submitted by /u/SammieAgnes
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    OnS hell for a year.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    I was stuck on OnS for a solid year. One Hundred tries. And now I'm done. I'm crying. It's a combination of pain and happiness. I screamed. And here's my bro, finishing him in his 4th try. Am I really so trash? Guess so. But hey, immense satisfaction achieved.

    submitted by /u/Gaaru2099
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    The end of the greatest game series of all time.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    It all started December of 2019 when my dad and I started to play dark souls remastered. The game was a blast and my dad and I bonded on something we loved. We would play and summon each other for boss fights that were too hard. Then we played ds2 and we just finished ds3. I just want to thank the community and developers that made a great game and gave me great memories of finally beating a boss after hours of dying I will keep for the rest of my life. I hope that I will be able to share this game with my kids one day.

    submitted by /u/SkirtNinja
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    Lost Izalith Dragon Ass

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:53 AM PDT

    Was there ever a reason given for why Lost Izalith is crammed full with 900 dragon asses.

    submitted by /u/ChitoEatingACheeto
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    Probably my Favorite Tidbit of Lore you Might Not Know! (Spoilers, obviously!)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 02:29 AM PDT

    I think that we can all agree that on your first run through ANY Soulsborne game, you probably miss a whole lot of lore, and then start picking more of it up, so to speak, in subsequent playthrough. Be they NG+ or new characters altogether!

    From things hidden in weapon/armor/equipment/magic descriptions, to the destroyed statues of Gwyn's Firstborn, and their hefty resemblance to the Nameless King (though, I do so wish it could be Solaire since there's a theory about that too!), there's a ton of stuff that probably slips through the cracks for most players.

    But I think my favorite tidbit that a lot of players know, and a lot of new players don't, is that Solaire is actually just that badass.

    A lot of newer players probably wouldn't kill Solaire if they had a choice not to (and typically they do, I don't recall any point In the story which forces you to go through the lost izalith shortcut), and if you are a newer player reading this my advice is DO NOT kill Solaire, like ever. He's tough as fuck, if you're new to the game and not on NG+/++ at least, because the best item he carries for anyone not trying to cosplay is a talisman you should use with Sunlight Spear. Anyway...

    My favorite tidbit is that in the description of his items (and this isn't an exact quote) it's stated that "many think solaire's weapons and armor must be enchanted because of his prowess in battle, but it turns out that he's actually just that good."

    It's canon that Solaire is just a normal guy who's extremely badass.

    This is something you'd probably just assume, honestly, because again most people would probably miss most of the lore about enchanted items and shit their first few runs (I sure did!), but I just find it cool that there are a lot of heroes in the game like Black Iron Tarkus or Havel where it's like "yeah, these guys have extremely amazing armor, or weapons which are enchanted and ultra powerful, or they have a dragon tooth club with insanely overpowered tracking(not salty)..." etc, but for Solaire it's "yeah, Solaire is actually just an absolute fucking unit on the battlefield, there's NOTHING whatsoever that's special about him in any way except for the fact that he can kick more ass than you can"

    submitted by /u/PonkingtonHeights
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    Imagine Lordran before the undead curse.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    I always wondered how Lordran was before the undead curse. The burg and church filled with people and npcs. People coming to the church to pray to Gwyn(?) The settlement would have people living in their homes, with the depth being used as warehouse and such. I guess blighttown would still be dangerous. New Londo would be basking in its glory days. The Dark Root forest would be a mysterious place. And of course, Anor Londo would be the palace of gods, where the chosen few who have the ability to brave Sen's Fortress are granted an audience with the gods.

    submitted by /u/KnightOfWindchimes
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    Just finished DS1 for the first time (Switch)

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    Amazing experience 10/10. Well at least until I went through and did the DLC + Gwyn. By then I was laughably overpowered and just slammed through every single enemy with my +5 Black Knight Greatsword + Havel set.

    Felt like I missed out on some amazing fights, especially considering how much people had hyped up Artorias, Kalameet, Manus, and Gwyn. Perhaps I'll have to do a non-strength build because it feels like those bosses would be a lot more fun to fight that way.

    O&S was the only hard roadblock, but the gargoyles as well as the Capra Demon kept me stuck for quite a while.

    In any case: awesome world design, awesome level design, and just a blast to play through.

    Also the portability of the Switch made it so easy to pick up and play at literally any time.

    Having morning coffee? Dark Souls!

    Watching Netflix in the couch? Dark Souls!

    Zoom lecture? Dark Souls!

    (Okay that last one I couldn't do too often but still)

    Moving onto Dark Souls 2 now.

    submitted by /u/Nordurljosid
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    Beat the four kings after 37 tries

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    I've never been so happy to beat a boss

    submitted by /u/chemy22
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    My Bow “Only” Run

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    I didn't start this as a bow only run, it actually was going to be a straight sword only run (I've never really done any "special" runs, so I was starting with something simple, since the straight sword is a pretty decent all-rounder in the souls games), but I grabbed a bow and arrows because I'm a pleb and I needed the Kite Drake to kindly fuck off.

    Anyway, after that I decided to mess around using the bow in combat, and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, so I painfully dealt with Havel, ran to Dank Root Garden for the classic Weed Crest, etc., and now I'm a Bow Only Playthrough after having only progressed so far as to have rung the first bell.

    Any tips on where to go from here? I was thinking it would be a decent idea to try and get the Pharis Blackbow, since that's probably the most powerful bow I can get this early in the game as long as I'm willing to grind 20,000 souls for the seal of Artorias.

    submitted by /u/PonkingtonHeights
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    Lost Izalith is just sad

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    I know it was said a million times, but Lost Izalith and Demon Ruins are awful… it starts with a boss that was semi-hard for me, as I was expecting something else, but after a two tries it turns out as roll and attack kinda boss. Then it's basically just running through area with enemies that seems like they were placed in last minute, reaching bonfires every step. I'm always forgetting that demon boss, as he was a copy of the dude from undead asylum. Then centipede.. that was the worst fight of the game, I'm going without any walkthrough or anything, so after standing for a minute waiting for him to get closer, I decided to go left to see if something change, so after short fight he grabbed me and… disappeared. He didn't die, so I had to reload the game. The second time the same thing happened, but this time he died. Awesome fight. Then dino butts and other useless enemies along the way(alien guys were my favourite), and there comes Bed of Chaos.. the only boss that I was able to stay in one place wondering where to go next. I jumped to the holes in the floor like 10 times there, and after beating him I was just disappointed… I'm committed to go further and finishing this game, but it was just sad

    submitted by /u/Czuponga
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    I just got plantium in DS1

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    What a fcking ride. Ive been working on it for 3 months. I only needed Artorias' shield. This game is so perfect. Its a shame that I have nothing to do with it anymore. Ive gotten everything. Every armour. Every weapon. Every spell. Everything. Its a shame. I cant play it no more. And I feel sad. This is my 3rd plantium for the soul series(the two ones being Sekiro and Demon Souls Remake). Now ill head to Lothric. Where it will be the biggest pain in the ass. Thank you dear Sunbros for helping me. Dont forget to engange in Jolly Cooperation and most importantly....PRAISE.THE.SUN🌞\[T]/

    submitted by /u/EldenPain2022
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    What dark souls to get (XBOX ONE)

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    played ds3 and I want to play more dark souls games but I don't know if I should get dark souls remastered or 2 and also if they will turn my Xbox one into a nuclear hazard if I play them

    submitted by /u/dudeyoyoman123
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    I accidentally hit Oswald of Carim (the priest that absolves sins) any fix?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    I was going to buy something from him and I accidentally hit him. as far as I know he is the main (or only) way to stop agro on NPC's. I know you can get to NG+ and that resets relations with NPC's but i'm not too close and this is my first playthrough (of any soulsborne game in fact) of the game so I'm not in the business to just rush to NG+. Are their any fixes for this situation? I'm open to considering glitches if their are any.

    submitted by /u/-Rocket1-
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    Souls series deserved it's tittle as One Of The Best Games of All Time. It really did.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    The series started out of nothing, from a scratch. No godlike game engine, no godlike graphics, it just was too good and well made piece of art that it's hard to think that it's actually a game, but ironically, it reminds you that games are to be gamed, not cinematics.

    "the sheer happiness you get after the trial-and-error pays off and you overcome the challenge is absolutely impossible to replicate."*

    Just praising the series.

    submitted by /u/False_Warm
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    Still finding cool shit

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:09 PM PDT

    I swear it never stops...lol....just found out that the way I've always taken into Blight town is actually the back way in. And here I thought going through the Depths was backwards.

    Not really important, but now, even ten years after release I'm still finding out cool shit.

    submitted by /u/C9177
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    Which Dark Souls or Souls-like would be best for someone who isn't that dexterous to learn the genre?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    I'm not all that great at games that require twitchy responses or fast changes, but I want to try to "git gud" and learn. So I'm wondering what path to take through this genre to build up those skills.

    submitted by /u/Up2Eleven
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    Awesome question

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    In my first play through of dark souls 1 I missed a bunch of stuff, I didn't even know how to do the DLC. Does anyone know of a video that reveals a lot of the hidden stuff in the game?

    submitted by /u/papa_broccoli345
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    what is humanity?!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    i came from dark souls 3 to play the first game and i been confused, so a few questions:

    1-are holding humanity and using it different?

    2-what's the point of having human form?

    ty so much

    submitted by /u/kia0071
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    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    Would someone help me with the weapons for my plat ? Any kind of this weapons would be awesome.


    submitted by /u/ahad_m
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    Challenge run idea, beating two games of Dark Souls at once

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    Learn how to one hand a controller ring each hand, and try and beat the game twice simultaneously using two different screens.

    submitted by /u/TheHeroicOnion
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    Dark Souls RP

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 10:41 PM PDT

    I just had this idea but imagine SoulsBorne RP... people could create their own lores tied or not with the games' lores It would be awesome I feel

    submitted by /u/Erik96354
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    Dark Souls Games Knowledge Quiz

    Posted: 20 Mar 2021 04:31 PM PDT

    Hello, I would like to share with you the quiz I've made. It features 20 questions from all three of the Dark Souls Games. I belive I managed to make it a challenge even for the biggest fans. I would love if you could check it out and give me feedback about it. You can find it here - http://www.quiz-corner.com/dark-souls-knowledge-quiz/

    submitted by /u/BriefEast
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