• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    Dark Souls Return to Yharnam has officially begun!

    Dark Souls Return to Yharnam has officially begun!

    Return to Yharnam has officially begun!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:38 PM PDT


    You know it, I know it, and so do the beasts that are slowly encroaching upon you...it is nearly that time of the year. Return to Yharnam has begun on Bloodborne's 6th anniversary, running from March 24th to April 7th! To account for CoVID's continuous impact across multiple regions, the event is extended once more for all us Hunters who want to spend just a little more time in the beautiful and very peaceful world of Central Yharnam.

    Fellow players from both the Bloodborne Reddit and Discord community, as well as other Soulsborne communities shall be joining in on the Hunt. Please take note of the points mentioned below:

    • To get the most out of this event, create a brand new character and play through the game while summoning as many random co-operators and invaders as possible.
    • Assure that your matchmaking region is set to Worldwide.
    • Try to defeat at least two enemies in each area before progressing to the next one!
    • Leave a note in the Hunter's Dream next to the bath messengers with the words "You're in the know, right?" and upvote any messages like these that you find.
    • Finally, and importantly of all, have fun!

    To commemorate the greatest game of all time, the Bloodborne Discord will also be hosting a Nitro giveaway! Five lucky winners receive one month of Nitro classic. You can join us over at https://discord.gg/bloodborne as the giveaway will begin shortly. Our Weapon Design Contest is also still going on, so hop on by and check out the contestants or create one yourself!

    As always, happy hunting and see you on the streets of Yharnam!

    submitted by /u/Aveldaheilt
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    To the person who invaded me in Anor Londo and hid behind Solaire the whole time... Shame on you...

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    I hope something mildly inconvenient happens to you today. That is all.

    submitted by /u/aging_kid
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    I was humbled by Dark Souls

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    My wife started playing DS1 Remastered and got stuck before the Gargoyles. I jumped in to help steer her through - made it up to the roof. Felt pretty good getting through so quickly on a first go - showed her how to use her shield better, how to counter.

    Then proceeded to get killed about 20 times in a row on the gargoyles. Did some reading and saw how far we had to go to complete the game (we move in a couple of weeks). Decided to shelf it for a while. I respect you all for playing and loving these games - I was quickly humbled on the goddamn start line. The most punishingly merciless game I've ever played.

    submitted by /u/c1278
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    First 3 hours in DSR. Here is my really really fresh experience

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    First of all, please do not give any spoilers. I really wish to have my playthrough as blind as possible, I think this brings out the best experience

    Kept my word: https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/mblhk1/i_am_starting_dsr_right_now_just_waiting_for

    The intro was nice, got a brief feeling about Nito, Witch of Izalith, Gwyn and Seath. Tbh I can't wait to encounter them all. Seems like Seath was an asshole, but maybe he had good reasoning ? Idk, gonna find out soon enough I guess

    First encounter vs. Asylum Demon. Having a garbage sword since I started as a warrior. Doing pretty much no damage at all. I think I got a 3rd of his health, then the fight started to get really tedious and lost my concentration. Then, at the 3rd or 4th try, I saw it: the f*cking door. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, but man, I laughed so hard

    Then I reached the peak and the crow took me to Lordran (looking at it from the sky, it gave me AOT vibes tbh). Heard about the bells, joined the Way of the White, and successfully obtained Zweihander. The last one was somehow difficult to accomplish, I guess that area was meant for later in the game, but I guess I did it

    Off to Undead Burg. Pretty chilling area. The merchant over there he he he-ed me a lot, and seemed upset I didn't give him any of my souls, but I purchased the inventory box in the end. Thought it's gonna be useful, idk, I'll see

    I managed to trick the Black Knight guarding the Blue Tearstone Ring, in the first instance, so that I successfully achieved the ring itself, but he kept following and eventually killed me. Dude hits like a truck. I tried going for backstabs since I noticed it worked really well on the other enemies in this area, but this one didn't give me any chances to see his back

    Once the BK killed me, I remembered I didn't rest at the fire in the Undead Burg, but only activated it. So here I am, back at the bonfire in the Firelink Shrine

    This is where it got late and I decided to close the game. Gonna have another round maybe tonight!

    I'll keep you posted.

    Praise the sun!

    submitted by /u/miTzuliK
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    I think it's time for Mods to allow posting Image and Videos in this subreddit like r/darksouls2 and r/darksouls3 [META]

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    And before anyone tries to argue this with: bUt tHiS WiLl aLlOw lOw eFfOrT PoStS AnD MeMeS WhIcH WiLl rUiN ThIs cOmMuNiTy

    Mods can easily make a rule that low effort posts are prohibited (memes) and redirect them to r/shittydarksouls.

    r/darksouls2 and r/darksouls3 have become much better to browse and talk about meanwhile this subreddit is the only one which is starting to become boring.


    And yes i know you can still post images and videos via text posts but it's just not the same thing plus a lot of people just skip those posts.

    submitted by /u/ManusTheVantablack
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    Nothing compares to souls series - Problem

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:09 AM PDT

    I think I've become souls addicted lol the problem is that I can't play anything that is mainstream anymore. I got a ps5 and played the demons souls remake and got addicted. Then downloaded bloodborne for free and got even more addicted, I just completed it now.

    I'm thinking of playing Dark Souls 2 & 3 on ps5, as well as the Nioh series and Sekiro. But what to play afterwards? 'Mainstream' games just don't do it for me. I'm addicted to the rush of soloing bosses and the rush that comes after I defeat it...

    Never in my life I thought about posting this lol

    submitted by /u/CURLYMAN1993
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    Failing attempts at a deathless run

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:07 AM PDT

    Over the past few weeks ive been trying to beat ds1 remastered without dying.(aside from the mandatory seath one) Today I got the farthest yet and choked on Gwyn. :( I feel so broken by this run but because I have started trying it I feel empty without having completed it successfully yet.

    TLDR: I need to git good but im going hollow in real life trying to beat this game without dying.

    submitted by /u/P4tback
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    Am I Heartless ?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    I feel strange. I feel like people are judging me because I didn't feel sad when I had to kill Sif. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but she isn't real so to me it wasn't a big deal...

    submitted by /u/Ok_Nefariousness8169
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    Sunlight Shield, Pixel Fanart

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    I just did a pixel art of the Sunlight shield.

    Hope you like it :)


    submitted by /u/DelireMan7
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    Anyone else think spears feel a little awkward in these games?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    Not saying there aren't good ones. Silver Knight Spear and Partizan come to mind. And of course the range can be helpful in PvP. But, I mostly mean for PvE, generally how the moveset works.

    Range alone doesn't seem like that great of an advantage to have in Dark Souls, because of how often enemies will just hyperarmor through your attacks, or you dodge theirs and end up close to them anyway. Besides that, they feel sort of sluggish with their pokes. Like I'd imagine a spearman would be able to thrust much faster than a swordsman could do a wide swing. But instead you do these sluggish, lumbering pokes. The best weapons seem to be the ones that hit the hardest or ones that have fast attacks with quick recovery, and most spears fall in this awkward middle where they don't do either of those things very well.

    Halberds too, to some extent. Ideally they'd be the heavy hitter weapons that can also thrust, but this is a fantasy game so that slot (heavy weapons) is taken up by oversized greatswords and greathammers. So halberds end up being the weird quirky weapons that have range and can kinda slash, but to hit enemies at a distance and keep them at a distance, you'd rather go for an UGS.

    Now I'm not complaining or whining. I know these aren't supposed to be like medieval simulation games where weapon behave exactly as they should irl. Neither do I know any way to make spears feel better without making them OP, or drastically changing how enemy poise works. I just unfortunately don't find them satisfying to use and that's fine but it's a bummer. I was just wondering if anyone else finds them unwieldy or if this is just a weird nitpick of mine.

    submitted by /u/tenamonth
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    Is the pvp "dead"? (SL 125)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    I have played over 50 hours, and in that time i've gotten into 3 invasions. I can't find any myself. So i was wondering is there a specific place to pvp, that i don't know about? Like for an example right after pontiff in DS3. I know DS1 pvp is mostly backstabbing and dark bead, but i just wanna use my meta level character...

    submitted by /u/JustBePositiveO_o
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    A super casual gamer's experience: Part 1. Undeadburg and Firelink Shrine.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    I'm probably one of the most casual gamers out there, I'm a teacher by profession so I can only play on my free time and when I do, I just choose the easy difficulty. But just last week I completed Darksouls remastered and I would like to share a summary of my adventures lol:

    1.Died quite a lot of times against the Asylum Demon (Never fought a boss in the tutorial section before, lol). Wasn't very happy when i beat him because i searched online to try and see if i was supposed to fight him there but i caught a glimpse of a guy hitting his butt and that gave me a clue of what to do.

    2. I decided never to search google again. So i got lost in the cemetery and got raped by skeletons. I actually thought, "oh sh*t this is why Darksouls is hard, I just have to git gud". Managed to run past them and get into the entrance of the Catacombs, when i killed the skeleton there and it reassembled itself I just went "f*ck that sh*t" and ran away.

    3. When i accidentally found Undeadburg i was like "bruh".

    4. Even as a casual I still have some decent gamer experience, I knew I didn't have the skills to kill the Black knight so I lured him into that place where the 3 hollows hang, climbed up the stairs to the rooftop and just started throwing firebombs at him (I accidentally collected a lot of them). Tried to abuse Havel's AI as well but that dude is freaking smart.

    5. After killing the Black knight, it dropped The black knight sword. I was around level 20 at this time with 15 points on strength, 11 on dex, and quite an amount of points put on resistance, so dammiiit.

    6. When I was finally able to use the Black knight sword, it was then that i realized that items > stats. Using the sword made the game a lot easier ( killed the Taurus demon with 6 hits) it was like a drug.

    7. I heard about the Bell Gargoyles before, Darksouls has been around for a long time after all. But i never knew that there are actually two of those unholy idiots out there. I died probably more than 15 times but eventually beat them when i realized you didnt really have to keep them in camera lock.

    To be continued.. Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/Blubberman2000
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    What makes Dark Souls so good in your opinion? Better than DS3?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    I just recently stumbled upon DS3 (after having played Bloodborne), and having completed that (and loving it) I went straight for Dark Souls, who everyone seems to love... and I was somewhat disappointed. Graphics, sound and music is so much better in DS3 (not a surprise I quess, giving the platform it was developed for), that I can't help feeling a little bit of a let down. I have played until Capra Demon, and just can't shake the feeling of playing a very old game. Is the love for DS1 simply because you never forget your first true love? Isn't DS3 a better game? Should I continue, to be won over later in the game? Or is it just me that "does not get it"?

    submitted by /u/New_Word_1673
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    Four kings

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:51 PM PDT

    This boss like many gave me a lot of trouble before. Today I played a dex build lvl 60 with a +15 Estoc. I got to him rolled and two handed the estoc with cloranthy ring and grass shield. I hit him 2 times 230dmg each rolled and repeated. I mowed each king down within seconds and waited for the next to approach.

    I've beat the boss in the past before with mage or strength chars but today I was able to beat him first try. Man idk just wanted to brag and it felt so good to kick this guys ass first try after so many years of trying. I love this game.

    submitted by /u/e2-woah
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    I love DSR and all but some of my favorite Dark Souls memories involve my friends and I battling how janky the original game was

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:15 PM PDT

    I was just doing a bit of reminiscing and I started to think about how much of a struggle the original game was. Stupid things like screaming at each other over voice chat (passwords weren't a thing back then) provided way more comedy then they probably should have. Even things like the summoned party not being able to drink estus became an unintentional source of comedy. I vividly remember Nito lifting up my friend and slowly sucking the life out of him while I frantically chugged away in the background. I know the quality of life updates are great and all but I'd like to think that there's a lot of us with fond memories that just wouldn't be possible in the newer, more optimized game. Anyone else have any stories like that?

    submitted by /u/LavitzOfBasil
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    Are you kidding me?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:44 PM PDT

    Just got rekt in The Duke's Archives (by someone with a * after their name) and I was hiding at a bonfire with the Ring of Fog the entire time. Lost a bunch of souls and humanity because I couldn't get back to that spot due to the invader moving the staircases. I obviously didn't want to be invaded or fight, as I'm trying to complete the game for the first time. Damned if this doesn't make me want to play offline.

    In b4: gitgud.

    submitted by /u/DontCare010101
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    I got invaded and given ALOT of items, what does this mean?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    Close to where the first black night is, I got invaded and gifted a lot of items here's the list of those things include, 99 sunlight medals, 99 souvenir of reprisals, 99 elizabeth mushrooms, 99 bloodred moss clumps, 99 purple moss clumps, 99 blooming purple moss clumps, 99 purging stones, 99 egg vermifuge, 99 divine blessings, 99 black firebombs, 99 charcoal pine resin, gold pine resin, and rotten pine resin, 99 transient curses, 99 homeward bones, 99 prism stones, 99 humanities and twin humanities, 5 fire keeper souls, 99 of EVERY upgrade material, 999 fire arrows, 999 lightning bolts, +10 light armor, mask of the mother, a TON of rings, havel's, steel prot, red tear, bellowing dragoncrest, leo, wolf, hornet, dark wood grain, covetous gold serpent, fog ring, ring of favor. This was on Xbox, and I was told that I was given a 'Starter Kit' ... sure ... What is this person? do I have the threat of being banned? why give me all this? I'm confused.

    submitted by /u/halocn
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    Places to invade at sl 270

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    Where can I invade at sl 270? I can't seem to find anyone.

    submitted by /u/Its-CJ
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    Alright seriously how the fuck do you fight the hydra.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    I literally can't not get hit against this shit, it seems to be impossible to predict where the heads will land, and it also seems impossible to time dodges right to completely dodge the attack.

    I've tried everything I can think of, including abusing terrain but the heads just straight up go through the rocks to hit me.

    Not looking for cheese.

    Finally got it to 1 head and it landed with no ground underneath it and I fell, fun.

    submitted by /u/Insertblamehere
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    Is SL25 and regular weapon +5 good for organic summons on Gargoyles/Queelag?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    I put my sign down in front of Gargoyle with this brand new char and been waiting a while and nothing, matchmaking is on global, no password

    submitted by /u/rbrito94
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    Would anyone want this

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    I started playing the dark souls games 2 months ago my plan is to play through each game once and then go back and do a platinum run on all of them so far I have finished demons souls and dark souls 1. My question to you is would you be interested in hearing updates about my progress as I beat games and platinum them. I would love to share my progress with someone who cares about hearing it and was wondering if it is something anyone here would enjoy hearing.

    submitted by /u/lowpoly16
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    So what if Artorias was some sort of human?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:36 PM PDT

    Well phisicaly ofc he isn't, human's aren't 3-4 meters tall. But what if Artorias, when he became a knight of Gwyn was pumped full of humanity, thus allowing him to be a tad more resistent to dark/occult? Since we know the god race is not very resistent to those elements. Or maybe that's what happened when he made a covenent with the abbys. My theory is based on how his soul was purple. It could be from manus but i find this theory way more fun, Artorias being a lab rat of Gwyn and all

    submitted by /u/Uiiiijkgg
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    What is behind one of the unopenable doors in Lower Undead Burg?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    Vague question I know, but I'm guessing more experienced players will know what I'm referring to. It drops 500 souls in NG+. I just randomly hit the door on the off chance that something would happen and an enemy died behind it. Anyone know what this is?

    submitted by /u/TemplehofSteve
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    I've finished Dark souls 1 and Dark souls 3, now I feel...

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    I feel hollow. Not a single victort made me go like "Yeah I've won!" I just felt more hollow like I was doing something bad but still pushing through. I ended first game and I was feeling hollow, third game and still feeling hollow as heck. Did anyone had the same feeling on their first playthroughs?

    submitted by /u/Szalyn
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    If you were forced to level up only ONE stat throughout an entire run, which would it be?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    inb4 resistance har har very funny so clever and original

    Also, explain your choice. Obviously it's going to depend on the build you make.

    For example, as a pyromancer, the only stat you could possibly want to level up is Vitality, right? I sort of did this as an experiment. I did an SL1 run, and upon starting NG+, I very nearly maxed out Vitality with all of the leftover souls I still had in my inventory, and after that, started investing the rest of the souls I got from enemies/bosses into Endurance to start wearing better armor (I stuck with the black sorcerer outfit. It was basically a Neo cosplay.)

    submitted by /u/Forgot7en
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