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    Friday, March 26, 2021

    Dark Souls Pvp=whoever backstabs first

    Dark Souls Pvp=whoever backstabs first

    Pvp=whoever backstabs first

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    I just want a fight lmfao

    submitted by /u/lexisdone
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    I turned Dark Souls into a 90's sitcom intro

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    As the title says really, you can view the end result here, it's only a minute and a half long, hope you enjoy - contains some flashing imagery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-ledTAqxeg

    not sure what happened at the end, I think time got convoluted...

    submitted by /u/dedWest
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    So Havel The Rock was vibin in the dankweed forest.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:45 AM PDT

    He was just chillin and some alvina follower shows up in his world. When Havel looked at him he realized it wasnt a specific build as the guy was very much like a noob who was probably SL 40. But the guy didnt realize that havel was on SL 517 . Now Havel isnt a Cruel Man so he decided to spare the mortal being. But as annoying as they are the pest started attacking havel. A few swings later realizing he did nothing. Havel could see the gears turning in the invaders head as he went for a backstab taking a meagre 5 percent of health. After he realized how hopeless his situation was. The rock dropped him some souls of ornstein and after doing some emotes showed him what the rock was cooking. Twas a fun encounter. (Ptde if You're confused how someone so pitiful could encounter the mighty havel )

    submitted by /u/havaltherock
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    Dark Souls music, now in 16-bit!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    There may be some of you who remember a while back when I shared my medley of tunes from Dark Souls in 8-bit. Well, recently I've been having some fun with 16-bit sounds and decided to have my own "Return To Lordran" by remaking my medley using the soundfont from Super Castlevania IV:


    It's so cool how nicely these two fit together! Just wait 'til that beat drops in the Taurus Demon section!

    submitted by /u/niskala
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    A friend of mine is such a scaredy-cat that he dropped the game at Tomb of Giants.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 04:02 PM PDT

    A bit more context. Some time ago I was talking about the series with a friend and he admitted that he never beat any of the games. With Dark Souls specifically, he couldn't go through Tomb of the Giants. By now, I'm already aware of how easily scared he is of anything even remotely spooky, but I never really thought about it, so I was kind of surprised. It does make sense he wouldn't be able to beat the game because of that.

    Anyone else has similar stories?

    submitted by /u/Forgot7en
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    I think dark souls helped me understand my limitations as a human being.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    look I'm gonna be straight I'm a fucking idiot when it comes to video games. I'm very impatient with them and I just don't like very long winded games.

    One day I remembered "oh right, I own dark souls original" (since I cannot afford the remaster on xbox like a poor pleb)

    At first I had zero idea what to do, no clue what to do.

    And I immediately thought: "well this is it. I can't beat it."

    I then came back after nearly 3 years and booted up a guide.

    I killed the asylum demon, did a bunch of other things and made it to Blighttown after the normal newb shenanigans.

    I actually got through it first try as well!

    Killed SiF, the spider lady, and then...

    Holy shit.

    I fucking killed Ornstein and smough.


    On my third try. I literally sat my game down and cried because I legitimately believed I could never do it.

    And i fucking did it.

    I only have I believe 3 ish bosses before I beat the game I believe taking into account every boss I've beaten so far.

    I might need a guide to show me the path, but I've never been more happier to prove to myself without help (I turn the guides off when I enter the boss fight) I could actually fucking do it.

    So thanks dark souls. For beating the shit out of me and toughing me up.

    I didn't think I could do it, but I did.

    P.S. fuck the bed of chaos.

    submitted by /u/UndyingCandy
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    Share your "first try victory against an unknown boss" stories!

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    Ds1 was my first souls game, and honestly the best feel this game has provided me is when i finally managed to kill a boss first try, somehow everything clicked and i finally felt like "i got good", after a good 80 something hours of watching my character getting fucked by every monstrosity imaginable, i reached the end game, so i looked up how to get into the dlc before finishing, got to oolacile where my poor dude kept dying, as usual, until he didn't.

    After multiple tries against sanctuary guardian and then an army of golems and grass men, i found a freak with a trench coat somewhere in the woods who warned me about "knight artorias" being near, the same knight the mushroom granny mentioned earlier, naturally i expected to be brutally destroyed, had few estus but i didn't mind as i was used to spend some time dying to learn the bosses' movesets, long story short i played it safe until i learned some of it's attacks and then went full rolling-counter-attacking til he died, for some reason it worked, and i was elated, by that point i had adopted a shieldless, greatsword-only build (mostly pure strength), so it felt epic as fuck as it was like a greatsword duel, the trench coat dude congratulating me was the icing on the cake, too bad he decided to push me off a cliff some minutes later, but i kept going as i was still hyped, after some struggle i reached the abyss, realized a magic cat was luring me somewhere and i found a younger version of the sif wolf boss, who gave me artorias' shield for rescuing him, i had enough strength to use it and i felt like the game wanted me to use it so i equiped it, when i found manus i repeated the same strategy i used for artorias, and even though his black magic things almost killed me, repeteadly, the doggo and i were victorious, was it not for him ocasionally distracting manus nor my idea to use the shield, both would've died, Artorias was cool because it was the first ever boss i downed first encounter, but the manus was just epic, the build up to it, finding the perfectly miss-able shield, figuring i could summon someone during the fight while i was being beaten up, the summon turning out to be the wolf i rescued earlier, holy shit what an amazing experience, i'm sure i wouldn't be as fond of this if i didn't get it first try as it kind of "kept the momentum", i also try spoiling stuff as little as possible so the feeling of going into the unknown was also great, i only wish i had recorded it!.

    On a sidenote, Kalameet killed me like 20 times 😂

    submitted by /u/Onion_Powerful
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    Can You Go Through the Tomb of the Giants Without a Light Source?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    I want to know if you can beat Tomb of the Giants without a light source. I'm planning on replaying Dark Souls and going through Tomb of the Giants without any light.

    submitted by /u/Dochan63
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    Oolacile and DS2 have huge classic fairy tale vibes.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    Oolacile and DS2 in general always had a certain vibe that I think they share. The farmers in Oolacile feel like they would be from a cautionary tale where it's like "And so the King made men out of plants, who he then ordered to tend to the Royal Wood...yadayadayada" And the princess locked in the tower in DS2 was definitely intentionaly fairy tale esque. Anyone else feel me?

    submitted by /u/Maxthemostcoolestguy
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    I bought Dark Souls on switch the other day. This is my first time playing any souls game. I’ve heard it being referenced numerous times, but I never really watched any long game plays other than some clips and screen shots.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    5 hours into it, I'm just getting used to the battle system. Not sure if anyone agrees but I love this "stamina" thing. I feel like I'm dancing with enemies when I'm fighting them. Not sure how to explain but it's just fun to fight.

    Lol 😂 I love it so far.

    Btw, I don't want to sound like I suffer from Columbus syndrome lol, I just I don't know, got excited lol

    submitted by /u/whoiskjl
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    I beat soul level one

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    I finally beat the game on soul level one and must say the dark wood grain ring makes everything easier and all of the dlc bosses were a nightmare for this challenge

    submitted by /u/Plugshirt
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    Just found out you can spam heavy attacks to get let go quicker when grabbed by a mimic

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    I've played dark souls for years and had no idea about this until now, if you go up to a mimic and open it when it grabs you and stats eating you, if you spam heavy attack/shield attack (RT/LT on Xbox, L2/R2 on PS) the mimic will let go of you quicker. I've played this game for so long and always just assumed if you got grabbed by a mimic you were as good as dead, so this has really blown my mind.

    submitted by /u/putmeinaspliff
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    Does the shortcut stay open if you switch to another covenant?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    I unlocked the shortcut and killed the bug. Will it stay open if I switch to another covenant?

    submitted by /u/TheWhicher_Statement
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    1st timer to DS1. Finished the DLC. Liked it lots.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    First-time DS1 player here, I've been playing DS3 since around 2017 or so, and I got through most of DS2 before losing interest.

    I was doing a solo all bosses playthrough of DSR on the XBone, which is how I like playing a Souls game for the first time, and I figured out how to get to the DLC. My build is basically a Diet Tarkus (+5 Black Iron Set with a +15 Greatsword with 40 faith and miracles) and the areas were a ton of fun.

    Artorias was a tough cookie, but after around 10 tries I got him down. Felt good cuz he's hard, but not BS, nomsayin'? Manus was a mad lad to be sure. I made 15 attempts, got frustrated and then went to sleep. Couldn't dodge his magic for the life of me. I looked up how to dodge those and I learned about the Silver Pendant. Some practice with those caster enemies and 5 more tries was all it took to knock him down.

    The last boss on my list for the run besides Papa Gwyn was Kalameet. I heard a whole lot of talk about how tough he was and how he was among the hardest in the game. I got FaZe Gough to noscope Kalameet out of the sky, and I found his arena. Got clapped because I didn't know what to expect. The calamity debuff hurt like hell, so I basically assumed he would do it every time he wound up for an attack. And after 2 tries I killed Kalameet. Once I figured him out, he was actually super easy, I took him down with 5/10 flasks left.

    I always heard how ass-clinchingly hard he is for everyone I've talked to, and for him to go down in 2 tries seems kinda fishy to me. Was my build like a hard counter to him or something? (Greatsword PoiseBoi with Miracles) Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Conn0rized
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    4 Kings, Sl 1, shields only

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    So I just did an Sl 1, shield only run and Four Kings were the most interesting fight of the run. Here's the fight. Overall, the run was a lot of fun and way more offensively oriented than you would expect from the puny little Sl 1 shields since both Pierce shield and Bonewheel shield are unusable. I hope you enjoy

    submitted by /u/hanfhaxe
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    My official SL 150 Strenght Build

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    The new and improved strenght build! Now soul level 150! Good for pvp! (probabbly) Again thank you guys so much for the help on my two posts. If you are looking forward to using this build, may you tell us your experience? Thanks! Praise the sun.


    submitted by /u/Above_70_EquipLoad
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    Is Gywn a bad guy?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 05:55 PM PDT


    People always complain about Gwyn and act like he's the most horrible person in the world and the true villain of dark souls. But is he really? Yeah he's done a lot of questionable stuff but he could be thoroughly convinced that he's doing the right thing and follows a Utilitarian mind set. The first main one would be killing almost all the dragons but then you got to blame nito, mother izalith, and The humans too because they all participate in the war. The daughters of chose and a mother burn down the homes of the dragon, nito brought death into the world , and The ringed knights forge the weapons in the abyss with a Seal of fire around it and claim dragon heads as a shield and trophy. The second one would be the whole thing with the ringed city but again this could be a part of the utilitarian mindset. Gywn is famous for giving gifts of his own being to other very liberal. He gave a piece of his to his children, his special knight, a big chunk to seath (to the point where it counts as a entire lord soul) and to the four kings. So it it make sense why he would gather battlefield compatriots ,who fought against the dragons and probably some died, entire entire city along with his daughter. Was most of his motive to contain the dark soul? yes but it's also show gratitude to an extent because giving away your daughter is no easy thing especially Gwyn Who seem to be on good terms with his children. We can see that from The way Gwyndolyn respect him and The first born leave him behind his miracle as a goodbye gift. So in short Gywn main focus was to keep the dark soul and the dark away but he was not because he was his evil person Who just wants to destroy everything ,like kaathe makes it sound like. But He seems to more follow utilitarianism and he's just trying to do what he sees is best for his people and others. I mean they had a long time of prosperity before the flame started to fade so why not keep that. Does that mean he was perfect? no not at all but he's not a one dimensional villain you just got to see it from his point of view. At least that's my take on it what do you think?

    submitted by /u/Machaira1664
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    What the fuck is up with Nito? Why did he have the right of kindling and why is he content to simply sleep until the fading of the light?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    It is my opinion that Nito has more in common with the Pygmy and humans than he does with Gwyn and Izalith. But why did he have the right of kindling before pinwheel stole it. Did HE create the curse of the undead?

    submitted by /u/keepcalm-and-kermit
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    Quelaag = pain

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    I beat Quelaag. Now i am the ultimate gamer.

    submitted by /u/Squadoodle_
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    New Here

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:45 AM PDT

    Hi new here i am currently playing through the souls games and am loving them starting DS1 today any ideas on builds to try? Also love this reddit from what i have seen.


    submitted by /u/DemonPanda94
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    Lightning drakes in the Valley of Drakes

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I need your help. If lightning is the only weakness of dragons and their descendants, how is it possible that the little blue wyverns in the Valley attack with the same lightning?
    I've got a little theory, but then write me yours, if you want.
    But then there was Fire and with fire came disparity. Heat and cold, life and death, and of course, light and dark.
    That's the well known introduction of the game, it clearly says that with the Fire came disparity: everything that we know and its opposite, everything and all that isn't everything. Maybe...some dragons were more lucky than others, maybe they started to exist different from the other dragons: they're smaller, weaker, but they don't fear lightnings 'cause they can use them.They survived against Gwyn and flew in the bowels of the Earth, maybe to take shelter or maybe because they fear the sun (weak against fire)? Who knows. I don't think they're guardians of the gate to New Londo, because it's closed from the inside. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/kekko_19
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    Do you guys know any other games that can scratch the soulsborne itch?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:36 AM PDT

    (warning: several paragraphs of sousborne circlejerk ahead)

    As much as I love Miyazaki's games, they ruined enjoyment of the RPG genre for me. Nothing feels as rewarding or immersive anymore, and I feel like other games were written with children/teenagers in mind (I mean, they probably were?). For me soulsborne games are the only games that don't straight-up serve the (actual deep) lore to me, and that punish me until I git gud.

    This thought came up to me as I got nostalgic the other day and started replaying Skyrim for the first time since I was a teenager. I remembered that game very fondly, but having played it after playing soulsborne, it just doesn't do it for me at all. There's something about the environment and mechanics that I can't really put my finger on. On the other hand, I can play bloodborne on NG++++ and still enjoy it.

    I tried playing Nioh games, but I feel like they took the soulsborne mechanic without investing much effort into the world they built, it just felt very shallow.

    So, do you guys know any other games that can scratch the soulsborne itch?

    submitted by /u/venture_neophyte
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    Dark souls 1 area reviews

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    First off I wanna say this game was incredible, I'd say its my 2nd or 3rd favorite fromsoft game but I'm not sure which yet. I just wanna get all my thoughts about this games levels out there, ill probably make a post about all the bosses but right now im focusing on the levels.

    Undead Asylum: I really loved this area as a tutorial to the game, it doesn't even feel like a tutorial which I feel is evidence of amazing design. Overall this area is one of my favorite tutorials in video games and probably the best one fromsoft has made yet. But on repeat playthroughs it can be just a very boring speedbump on the way to firelink.

    Firelink shrine: This is undoubtedly my favorite fromsoft hubworld in terms of design and how it fits into the world around it. When I first discovered the bonfire was unlit i had a feeling of "oh shit", than I remembered the shortcut I unlocked to the undead parish. I really love how this game rewards players who explore and I know this isnt the only time ds1 rewards smart players but this stood out to me the most.

    Undead Burg: as the true introduction into dark souls it does a very good job setting the tone of the game. I love how many different approaches you can have to tackle this area and i really love how it shows the way shortcuts work in this game. My only issue is it pales in comparison to the later levels in the game.

    Undead Parish: I feel like this level is just a much better version of the burg, the enemies are much more varied and challenging and it also has some clever ambushes that can be avoided entirely in some cases if you explore. This level also has one of my favorite npcs in the series, and the shortcut to firelink genuinely blew my mind.

    Depths: Im not the biggest fan of this area but i don't particularly hate it. The basilisks and the cure effect are the only things I really don't like here, I feel like the curse effect is way to punishing for new players and having to backtrack all the way back to the first bell to get a purging stone was very annoying. I do love the way the sewers are designed though, it feels lile a maze and its very rewarding to finally find your way through.

    Blighttown: I actually really loved this area. The way the top half of blighttown was designed is so fun to get through, I also live how this area just makes you feel hopless. Exploring every nook and cranny was very rewarding because it gave you items to help you progress further and further down. I even liked the poison swamp at the bottom and how it subtlety guides you to the boss.

    Darkroot garden/Darkroot basin: When i first got to this area I was immediately intrigued and loved the vibe of the whole place. This area is also full of unique enemies which i really appreciated. Seeing the hydra for the first time was amazing and pretty scary. The "openness" of this area was really amazing to explore through, especially in the 2nd part of the garden.

    Sen's fortress: I loved everthing about this level, its so unique and refreshing by deciding to go with a more puzzle like approach instead of what all the levels had been to up until this point. The traps here all felt fair and when i died i didn't immediately blame the game. Thefeeling of ascending this trap filled fortress to reach the top was absolutely incredible.

    Anor Londo: Holy hell this is one of the best levels i have ever played in any videogame, wondering what was over those massive walls and then finally getting a full view of the golden city was breathtaking. Not to mention the incredible level design and enemies. I'm honestly at a loss for words for this level, its just so amazing.

    New Londo Ruins: This is basically two levels in one. The first filled with ghosts and flooded with water, and the second where the water is gone and you traverse the previously submerged lower half of the level. The first half of this level I found pretty annoying honestly, I didn't like how its pretty much just a straight line to the place that releases the water. The ghosts were also pretty annoying. The second half I like much more, the enemies are more unique and fun to fight, I really like how you have different angles to approch this level too.

    The Dukes Archives/Crystal Cave: The dukes archives was a really great area to explore, with the whole place haveing some top tier design. The first part of the area with the snake things was really cool and I loved how many different ways you can approach it, the library portion is a nice little puzzle, but the big open area with a bunch of trees was kind of lame, all it had was a bunch of golems and some random items. The crystal cave was honestly very annoying, I really don't think walking across invisible bridges was all that great.

    The Catacombs: This area was very annoying to go through and the run to the boss was pretty horrible. The skeletons are really spammy and annoying to deal with and those God damn wheels suck ass, I do think the overall design of this level was good but no shortcuts and incredibly annyoing enemies bring it down.

    Tomb of Giants: I fucking despise this area, annoying enemies that can one shot you that are also spammy asf and the gank you too while in total darkness is just way too much, the overall design is bad too, its basically just a straight line to nito.

    The Great Hollow: A pretty boring area honestly, its cool to walk around on the branches and the little mushrooms guys were cool, but besides that theres really nothing else to it.

    Ash Lake: Easliy the best looking area in the game, but the level itself is kinda lackluster. A hydra, some clam guys and a dragon is literally all there is to it.

    Demon Ruins: This level is just horrible, I can count every enemy type in this level on one hand. When I first saw that army of tarous and capra demons I was very disappointed in fromsoft. This level was clearly rushed to meet the deadline that they originally set instead of delaying it to make it an actual level.

    Lost Izalith: This level has every problem demon ruins has but worse. I just really hate this level.

    Painted World of Ariamis: A really cool level with some amazing design, the vibe of this place is just great as well as the feeling of being trapped here until you beat the boss was unique and amazing.

    Valley of the Drakes: Theres really nothing to say about this place, its just a long hallway that leads to some other areas, the enemies are pretty cool but that really doesn't change how boring this place is.

    Royal wood: This area is pretty much a better version of darkroot, it has a really cool design and some cool encounters with kalameet. The way the level loops back around is really amazing and it leads to one of my favorite shortcuts in the game. It also holds two of the best bosses in the series.

    Oolacile Township: This is my favorite dlc area by far. The designt of the buildings and the way they connect is extremely fun to explore. It also fits in with the rest if the game very well. The feeling of getting closer and closer to the abyss is so chilling and the areas around you reflect where you are, overall a really great level with some nice shortcut porn.

    Chasm of the Abyss: First walking in and seeing the humanity husks was very chilling and intriguing. The darkness really adds to the vibe of the area but besides that theres not much going on here.

    Kiln of the First Flame: Aesthetic wise this area is incredible and seeing the knights walk by the staircase at the beginning is very intriguing. The actual level is a bit underwhelming though, there are a bunch of black knights but thats it. The design if the level is very nice and slowly approaching the kiln is a great feeling and it fits this game very well.

    Overall the world design of dark souls is by far the best in the series. Its so interconnected and the shortcuts are so creative and refreshing, the way they implemented fast travel was perfect too. When it comes to world design dark souls only has 3 bad areas and even those areas have a case for being good in their own right. Anyway heres a ranking

    1. Anor Londo
    2. Sens fortress
    3. Oolacile township
    4. Firelink shrine
    5. Painted world of ariamis
    6. Royal Wood
    7. Undead parish
    8. Blighttown
    9. Darkroot garden/basin
    10. Dukes archives/Crystal cave
    11. Ash lake
    12. Kiln of the First flame
    13. Undead burg
    14. New londo ruins
    15. Chasm of the Abyss
    16. The great hollow
    17. Undead Asylum
    18. Depths
    19. Valley of the Drakes
    20. Catacombs
    21. Demon ruins
    22. Tomb of Giants
    23. Lost Izalith

    (The gap in quality between 18 and 19 is huge btw)

    Christ this was a long ass post.

    submitted by /u/Krunked_Chimera
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