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    Wednesday, March 17, 2021

    Dark Souls Just clicked for me what the channeler was doing in the undead church

    Dark Souls Just clicked for me what the channeler was doing in the undead church

    Just clicked for me what the channeler was doing in the undead church

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    He's got a bunch of barrels, and a bunch of weak hollow. He was going to stuff them into the barrels to take them to the Duke's Archives to become those crystal hollow that fill the halls there.

    We walk in to fight the Gargoyles before he can get them mobilized.

    I don't know if this will be a great revelation to everyone, but it dawned on me for the first time today after restarting this game for the 200th time.

    submitted by /u/Octopusapult
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    Just finished my first DSR playthrough

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    Oh my god. What a journey.

    I've always wanted to finish this game but the Black Knight in Undead Burg was like a brick wall for me. After 4-5 install and rage uninstalls I finally beat him and I felt that adrenaline rush everyone talks about when you finally beat that tough enemy.

    After that it was relatively easy, my greatest enemy being fall damage and the camera. Blighttown was more depressing than hard, except for that time I fell twice from the wheel and lost 40k souls and 6 humanities. Ouch.

    Alls good. Until I reached the Four Kings. Jesus H.Chrysler. The depth perception and their damn hugs were so annoying! After 3 tries I beat them and screamed like a barbarian. Felt so good. The rest of the bosses were okay, Manus included. Kalameet was a tough one, because I feared his calamity curse. Artorias kept me on my toes but thanks to his shield that I crafted from Sif's soul, his hits didnt hurt at all. Gwyn's a joke.

    Finally done and on my way to DS2. My controller doesnt work somehow but I'll make it work. Wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/Turin_Turambar_1571
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    Is it normal to have so much trouble with Undead Burg?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Every time I look at a walkthrough for Undead Burg, they say something along the lines of, "Here, this will happen, so you have to be careful. In turn, this will happen and you can use that to your advantage". But in my game, it's not like that.

    Is it something that I messed up just by being careless on my first attempt on it, or is there a way to fix it?

    submitted by /u/MasterKlaw
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    Any interest in handmade Ornstein busts?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 03:00 PM PDT


    So I 3D printed a bust of Ornstein a few years back. But recently I've been trying to get a stopmo fabrication portfolio together so I figured painting it would be a great piece!

    However I realize that there may be a market for selling them if I mold and cast a few, so I wanted to see if there would be any interest on this subreddit. I have yet to paint it, but I got some really nice bronze paint I plan to airbrush. And i will sand it to get a good surface texture beforehand.

    I consider myself pretty competent at modelling, I mainly do cars. Here's a model I've been working on recently (note only the rear wing has the final clearcoat/polish)

    So i just want to know if any of you'd be interested in buying since I'll have to make the mold before doing the final painting.

    Let me know, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Hog_eee
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    I just had the best Souls experience ever, maybe one of my best in gaming

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    I bought a PS5 a few days ago, I've been waiting for a few days off so that I could really take my time with the Demon's Souls remaster. I am a huge FromSoft fan so I'm very stoked

    First of all, I love it. I won't go into all that rn but here's what happened (my first time ever with DemS)

    Tonight, I finally made it to The Kings Tower, I'm about 20 hours into the game and I'm two days in. Just Demon's Souls all day for the last two days.

    I'm in Kings Tower, and I keep getting invaded. But, when they show up, I fall to my knees and do the "Please" animation and all, I mean ALL of the people who invaded me (5) stopped what they were doing and left.

    It was like this unspoken thing "It's clearly their first time doing this, go get it dude".

    Now, that's awesome, but here's what is even better.

    The last person I did the "please" thing to, guided me around the last level of the game. Every time I did something cool they or completed a challenging part of the level were there cheering me on, literally.

    I just died to the Blue Dragon fire on the steps, but they were with me all the way.

    So, Vanilla-White (their name), don't you dare go hollow.

    What a fantastic community of people this series has.

    submitted by /u/hatesjade
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    Ps4, need help with Sif

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    Can anyone help me with Sif the wolf? I lost all my humanity and souls and he always kill me when he has like 10% of his life bar. It's really frustrating


    submitted by /u/EzeLoLo
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    Coop DS1 Blightown PS4 gamer-_1222 pw 1234 sd location cave entrance leading to Blightown

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    Who's Your "I Got Gud" Boss?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    We all have that boss, that one boss where the game finally clicked and we were like, "Looks like I just Got Gud". So let's share some stories of our moments with the game where we finally knew what we were doing.

    Mine was the Gaping Dragon. It was the first boss that I managed to beat first try. Even with Solaire, I was beaming that the game was finally becoming understandable. Needless to say, Blighttown on PC without DS Fix knocked me back a peg or two afterwards, but I was still happy to have beaten a boss without dying numerous times.

    So, what's your story?

    submitted by /u/Rennick-senpai
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    My thoughts/rankings after my first playthrough

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    This game is great. It's so great that I made a whole list of rankings for the areas/bosses in the game right after I finished. Without further ado, here are my favorite, and least favorite areas and bosses (+ most difficult bosses)


    All 4 bosses here except for the Stray Demon appear multiple times, so I'll just make comments on the difficulty portions of those bosses. Hardest Bosses:

    1. Bed of Chaos- This boss is dumb. Random falling floors and forced platforming is the definition of artificial difficulty and game would be better without it. I died 10+ times

    2. Manus- This is good difficulty, the attacks are telegraphed with lots of variety. I like Gwyn, but Manus has such a feel to him he'd be an amazing final boss of the main game. I died 8 times

    3. Ornstein and Smough- It was right around here the game really clicked for me, but this boss is still difficult. Dual threats force you to monitor both at once and choose your moment to strike. I died 8 times.

    4. Artorias- This boss feels like Manus, but slightly less difficult. I died 4 times (I know the number is lower than the Stray Demon, but the actual attempts were harder. More on this boss later)

    5. Stray Demon- I think the difficulty of this boss came from when I attempted it, probably before when I should've. Lots of his attacks one shotted me, so it was rough. Also, this boss appears three times and fighting Stray Demon trivialized the fire demon boss in Demon Ruins. I died 6 times.

    Least Favorite Bosses:

    1. Bed of Chaos- This boss can kill itself. Next.

    2. Centipede Demon- While none of these bosses are nearly as bad as Bed of Chaos, this one just really annoyed me when I fought it. Forcing us to fight in a lava arena to GET the ring that would help sucks. I couldn't read his attack patterns and I wasn't exactly in a good mode following the Demon Ruins.

    3. Crossbreed Priscilla- Controversial pick here (it won't be the first), but this boss really annoyed me again. The invisibility thing ticked me off cause I could never really tell where she was even with the footprints, and if I missed she'd attack. Not difficult, but annoying.

    4. Capra Demon- The doggies suck. Being basically instakilled after walking through the fog gate was annoying. Capra Demon is pretty well documented, so not much more to say.

    5. Grave-Lord Nito- The skeletons here are annoying, and my divine weapon couldn't kill them fast enough. There are a lot of bosses in this game I'm kind of just meh on, and this is one of them. Skeltons push it towards the bottom of the meh pack though.

    Favorite Bosses:

    1. Artorias- AMAZING. This boss feels like an epic showdown, a true dual. This boss just feels truly amazing, with enough difficulty so that beating him is satisfying but never frustrating. I'm actually at a loss for words on how to describe this boss, but it's one of my favorite bosses of any game ever.

    2. Manus- Everything I said above applies, except it's a bit more difficult. Only not no.1 cause the walk to him sucks.

    3. Ornstein and Smough- Double trouble. I consider this boss to be the halfway point in the game, and before this only the Bell Gargoyles stood out to me. I don't know how they designed a boss fight with two unique bosses so well, but they did. The added choice of who to kill first is great, and the difficulty is fair and balanced.

    4. Bell Gargoyles- The Asylum Demon and Taurus Demon are fine, but this boss was the first true standout in the game. When the second gargoyle comes at you and murders you with fire it feels unfair, but when you kill him it feels so good. I co-op'd this boss a bunch after and it felt so good to help other beat him.

    5. Gwyn- While my pick is still for Manus as final boss, Gwyn is great. Finally being able to use parrying in a real boss fight felt so good, and riposting him till he died felt so satisfying.

    On a related note, I only liked 4 Kings and Kalameet after I beat them, but beating them really was satisfying. After beating 4 Kings I felt like I really had the flow of combat. Top three favorite bosses are my favorite by quite a bit, all three are some of my favorite bosses of all time. I hate Bed of Chaos, while my other 4 least favorite bosses were just annoying in some way.


    Worst Areas:

    1. Lost Izalith-Lava Fields are horrible. Incredibly lazy and rushed design, with bad enemies and the worst boss in the game.

    2. Demon Ruins- Again, basically just lazy. 3 bosses in one area, none of which are good, doesn't help.

    3. Depths- This area freaked me out at first, and I haven't really found anything redeeming about it.

    4. Painted World of Ariamis- Enemies feel all over the place, and I don't like the boss. A really weird spot in the game that feels all over the place

    5. Valley of the Drakes- Boring and small. Pure filler/connector.

    Best Areas: 1. Firelink Shrine/Undead Burg/Undead Parish- Lots of fun shortcuts and interconnected stuff. Gargoyles are a great boss and Firelink is a great home base.

    1. Duke's Archives- The prison bit is great, and the rotating staircases are fun. Lots of stuff to discover too.

    2. Sen's Fortress- Great area with many secrets and good difficulty level.

    3. Blightown- Many people hate it, and I did at first but once I could reliably navigate the swamp it felt fun. Big area with tons of stuff to discover and is the last area where you can one shot basically all enemies, which is satisfying.

    4. Anor Londo- Big and pretty, tons of fun lore and great boss. Nice PVP hotspot and coop hotspot. Would be higher if not for the silver achers.

    Wow. Thoughts on my rankings? I'm open to discussions.

    submitted by /u/NintendoFreak609
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    Gwyn is relentless...

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    I might as well go into this fight with 0 Estus cause there's no window to use any. If he had a charge up or something like Artorias the fight would be 1000% easier.

    I don't mind the challenge I'm just a little frustrated right now going into my 10th try without being able to get many hits in. Other than his infinite stamina he seems pretty easy hopefully I'll get his attack patterns down and come out on top one of these times. I can't go hollow!

    submitted by /u/TreyBombCity
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    This just happened with my friend and me.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 05:36 PM PDT

    Invader gave me Gywn's, Manus' and Artorias' souls plus a load of titianite...What should I do?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    I'm running a strength faith build, and have the demon's great axe with me. I plan on saving Gwyn's soul for the sunlight spear... I'm just not sure what to do with the other 2 souls. Any advice would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/Rmccnf
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    Exhilarating to play, boring to watch? Storytime

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    My girlfriend sat down on the couch with me while I was playing darksouls the other day. She was quiet for a while, just watching while I tromped up the narrow staircases in Sen's Fortress. I knew she was curious and was making an assessment of what Darksouls was all about. After all, I had been playing it most nights for a week or more, since its my first playthrough and I am admittedly obsessed. I had defeated a lot of the enemies in Sen's fortress already and I was just looking for loot at this point.

    Eager to infect her with my own love for the game, I started narrating to her what I was doing and where I was, what my weapons were, and what few bits of lore I could glean about this area. I was speculating on the fat man in the onion shaped armor when I realized she was just looking at me and not the screen. She was smiling slightly and looked a little confused, like she was trying to share my enthusiasm but the appeal was just not clicking for her.

    She said "Your dude is so SLOW." My guy is speed rolling at 25% equipment burden, so he is NOT slow, thank you very much ma'am. But she continued to watch, and even as I got to the boss fight at the top of the tower she seemed not-too-impressed with darksouls. I died a few times and she was blown away that I had to go all the way back to the bonfire and go travel back to where I was. And when I said "yeah but thats part of the fun" I think she had heard enough.

    She plays videogames, Destiny 2 is her current favorite, and loves breath of the wild which I think is a slow-burn that has some (loose) parallels to Darksouls. And she will wander around for hours in breath of the wild and not think twice.

    So it got me thinking- darksouls really is all about agency. Having the controller in your hands is what actually makes this game fun and not maddening. You need to actually feel the delay between pressing the right trigger and having your character lug his sword through a heavy blow sequence. Interplay between button input and action on screen is part of what makes darksouls so addicting, and it would be totally lost on someone just watching the screen. Darksouls is all about being a player, not an observer.

    Darksouls would make for a terrible movie (but I would watch it). But as a gaming experience, where you shake off the dust after a death, reflect on your mistakes, make minor improvements, and ultimately progress to victory, there is nothing like it.

    So we are staying together.

    submitted by /u/new2earth17
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    So I just finished DS 1 and I gotta say...

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 03:13 AM PDT


    I will be discussing the ending of Dark Souls so GTFO if you haven't beaten it yet! Beat the game for the first time last night and I knew what the ending entails as far as you have a choice to link the flame or not, and what happens with both choices. What I was NOT prepared for was just how brief the actual end of the game is. It ends so abruptly and the cinematics are both just very plain and uninteresting. I know From prefers to be ambiguous and leave things up for interpretation, but take the endings in Bloodborne for example: very ambiguous and brief but you at least get a sense of what happened as a result of your actions. I would have liked just a little bit more. Perhaps showing a aerial shot of Lodran (on a basic level not too detailed or anything crazy) and the dawning of the new age of fire or the age of dark. Just a glimpse is all I'm asking for! And I just want to know if anyone else felt this way..

    submitted by /u/cpttripps89
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    For everyone who talks shit about miracle builds

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    Havel was a miracle build

    submitted by /u/Orsntein_Smough
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    Bell Gargoyle Weapon?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    I'm not talking about the weapons you get from them, rather what weapon I should use. At the moment I mainly use the Zweihander +4 as well as Knight's shield +2, and I'm currently farming for Balder armor. Should I use a faster weapon or is Ol' Reliable gonna do the trick?

    submitted by /u/IronicWeea
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    Never went hollow

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    There were moments when I thought about it... Putting down the controller, popping out the disc, and letting all that time go to waste. But I kept at it, and I kept cycling through different approaches until Gwyn himself fell to my +15 Balder Sidesword. Whew! What an amazing experience! I'm so grateful to From for sharing this gem with the world. Never go hollow, my friends!

    submitted by /u/signsofastruggle
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    First run...

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    So Bloodborne was my first game made by From Software and man, played it to death. Literally. Loved the DLC, got up to NG+3. So anyway...with lockdown here in the UK, I got the Dark Souls remasters and just arrived at Anor Londo. I can deffo see why people praise the DS lore a lot more. Like, BB will forever hold a special place in my heart but this is just a masterpiece. P.S I had the best time going through Sen's Funhouse of Fun and a very special trip through a particular town. Enemies? No problem. They're getting aquatinted with my +8 Claymore. Fall damage/sliding is the real BS here haha. Still I can't get enough of these games. Even when I'm cursing/throwing a fit of rage. They're just perfect :')

    submitted by /u/AdEfficient2209
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    Thinking about buying the game.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm interested in buying dark souls on the Nintendo switch but I'm a bit hesitant about buying the game. I heard it's very hard and I'm not very good at games and I wasn't sure if it would be worth it or not. I'm pretty patient when it comes to games and I never give up when I die alot. Would it be worth it to buy the game on the switch?

    submitted by /u/c0ncridia
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    Starting Dark Souls I tonight

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    After beating demon souls and bloodborne, I have decided to try and beat all soulsborne games. Starting now with Dark souls 1-3, just was wondering if anyone had any tips for someone just starting out in the series? Very excited to join the community, loved the games and lore so far!!!

    submitted by /u/justin300k
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    Co-Op with me now. In New Londo. Need Large ember. OG steam DS/unmodded

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    Maddux1012000 on steam. White soapstone laid down

    submitted by /u/Maddux4163
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    My First Souls Game

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    I'm about to play the first Dark Souls, after a lengthy discussion with my sisters fiancé he has convinced me to buy Dark Souls Remastered for the Xbox One, does anyone in this lovely community have any tips or tricks as to what class to start? How to get through the game, I hear it's not the easiest thing to play.

    submitted by /u/Axtroxalit
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    I need help!

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    How much Endurance would I need to wear a full Smough and Havel's set?

    submitted by /u/___JAROZ___
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