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    Saturday, March 27, 2021

    Dark Souls Choosing Mage as a beginner?

    Dark Souls Choosing Mage as a beginner?

    Choosing Mage as a beginner?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    I plan on buying Dark souls sometime this week. I've read that playing as a knight is recommended if you're a beginner. I've only played about an hour of this game at a friends house so I'm a beginner.

    I was planning on starting my first playthrough as a knight but I'm also interested in the magic system in this game. Would playing as a knight be a much better decision for me or could playing as a mage be a good option as well?

    submitted by /u/JimmySteve3
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    Does anybody else hate the jump mechanic?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    So I just started a new run of DSR after I got to ng+7 in DS3. I had just died to the dark knight in the Dark Root Gardens with about 8k souls on me. Before I went and got my souls I decided like an idiot to get the Ring of Sacrifice from Firelink. Well when I went to make the jump instead of pressing B to jump I in my infinite wisdom pressed the left stick like you would in DS3 loosing 3 humanity and all of my souls.

    I'm just gonna go cry in the corner now

    submitted by /u/BrokenImmersion
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    Havel OP, please nerf

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    As usual, please no spoilers

    Starting again from the Firelink Shrine's bonfire.

    Thought about having another go at New Londo. Another. And another. And another. Fuck it, I said. This area is too much for now.

    So I remember I briefly entered Darkroot Basin at some point. Therefore, why not go there ? So I did.

    I missed the Crystal Lizard in the first place. Thought it's an item. Killed the Black Knight onward. I noticed a cave right next to his location. Then I started thinking. The bushes and frogs above dropped a lot of poison resists. Could this lead to Blighttown ?

    I told myself no, I want to see what is in the other part of Darkroot Basin first. So I pinpoint this cave in my mind to come back later.

    Went to the other side of Darkroot Basin. Noticed the crystal/ice mobs. Pretty easy these ones. My curiosity triggered once I saw that in the distance. Is that a hydra ? A dragon ? Siting on a lake ? I could not get close to it. Mostly because of its range water attacks.

    Onto the tower nearby. Luckily I had the key. I enter. The tower kills me. Instantly. How ? I didn't see a thing. Back to the bonfire. Back to the tower. I try to peak in the room before entering. Then I saw him. HIM. FUCKING HAVEL. This is why I've been one shot. This guy hits like a truck in DS3 as well. I tried having another go at him. I die.

    Back to the tower once again. I skip Havel for now. I go upstairs. It lead me to Taurus Demon area. Havel tailed me even to this location. Then I went on to the locked door next to Solaire intial spot. I unlock it. I go downstairs.

    Some fast dogs and assassins there. With caution I take them all down. Met and freed Griggs. Nice guy overall. Said he had a very important task. We shall see soon enough I guess.

    Fast forward. Capra Demon. Heard bad things about the dogs in this fight. I have high STR. Dogs were one shot. He took like 10-15 shots. Got him 1st try. Still, what the hell is with arenas in this game, man ? I'm going to become claustrophobic for real.

    Going upstairs. Met Undead Female Merchant. Isn't she a little bit too happy to be an Undead maybe ? I bought some poison resistance. Mostly because I felt very close to Blighttown somehow.

    Back to the Shrine. Noticed Griggs. Chit chatted a bit. Mentioned something about a girl and some clerics. I was confused.

    Went to Crestfallen Warrior. Mentioned the same girl and clerics. What the hell is with you people ?

    Wen to Petrus. Then it hit. I saw them. Spoke to all of them. Nothing noticeable so far, tbh.

    We're set. Currently nowhere to go. So I remembered the cave next to the BK in Dark Basin. Went there. Expecting Blighttown. No, a bonfire. Going on to Valley of Drakes. Dissapointed. Trying to kill the first one. He is pretty tough. Managed to eventually.

    Sticking to the left side. Met that abomination of a dragon corpse, whatever was that. Looted some Astora items and shit.

    Going on. Some guys with cubs. A message I read mentioned to go for backstabs. So I did. Lock off. Easy strategy.

    Then it hit me. Blighttown. It was late and I got no Estus left. But still, I wanted to give it a try. Died eventually, pretty early I could say. Guess the reason ? Fucking poison.

    I shall have another go from here tomorrow maybe.

    Don't you dare go hollow!

    Praise the sun!

    submitted by /u/miTzuliK
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    I just beat dark souls 1.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    The emotions I'm feeling right now are intense as hell.

    And I didn't get the final hit in.

    Solaire did. You earned it, buddy.

    Praise the sun, and may you find peace in your world.

    I'm glad I got to engage with jolly cooperation with you.

    submitted by /u/UndyingCandy
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    Was havel even tough?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    I killed him in chainmail, isn't he a dragon slayer?

    submitted by /u/Ok_Grand8313
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    Just beat O&S solo for the first time

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 10:41 PM PDT

    Holy shit.

    I've played through DS1 a number of times. I never once beat O&S by myself though; I'd try ten or twelve times and then give up and summon help.

    I'm playing through NG+ on a sorcerer, and decided to YOLO it and try them. Died without landing a hit. Said fuck it, I can do better than that. Beat them on my second try...for the very first time with no assistance.

    I've been watching Squillakilla a lot lately and that really helped me understand the fight. Not gonna lie, 12 casts of Soul Spear at 50 INT with Logan's also helped a lot lol. But I'm feeling pretty fuckin' accomplished right now.

    Now to do it on a melee build...lol

    submitted by /u/QuentynStark
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    My Favorite Boss. Art by me.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    Just got the 100% for this goddamn masterpiece. Arty was a highlight of every playthrough and I hope you enjoy. https://imgur.com/gallery/JLxPTWG

    submitted by /u/Moa-Burger
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    So im gonna get this game soon and i have a few questions.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    So will mods disable achievements because i looked at a comparison video about the original vs the remaster and the remaster looks a lot worse. Like armor doesnt have a shine and there seems to be a crapton of bloom.

    Relating to the previous question are there mods to bring back shiny armor and maybe to make textures look better or something? I see dark souls has a nexus page but i havent dove too into it

    Also third question: is the game better on mouse and keyboard or controller?

    submitted by /u/TheWallOfFlesh217
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    The masterpiece is over

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 06:57 PM PDT

    I've done it. My first playthrough of a souls game and dark souls 1. I am sad strangley. I kind of didn't want it to end. But all good things must come to an end. (Plus there's still like 2 more lmao)

    submitted by /u/lexisdone
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    PSA: The Surge is the best souls-like alternative I've played. It's set in a sci-fi future so it's a nice change of scenery too.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    I was sceptical at first but I had a blast playing it. Still waiting to check out the sequel.

    submitted by /u/MercyIncarnate111
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    So, I need help

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:07 AM PDT

    I have the remaster and killed the golem that gives the broken pendant....it just didnt drop, I killed it at the very brink of the railing and maybe it clipped through the floor, I quit out and reloaded but the item isnt there, help?

    submitted by /u/BassBoostedNuttSlap
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    Original DS1 on last gen - is it active?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    this is the only way i can play DS1 with a friend so i'm planning on buying it on ps3. is online still active? and is the 360 version any more active?

    submitted by /u/Xamado
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    Does anyone else ever wish they could just help a newbie through the game to relive that first playthrough experience?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    Sometimes I do fantasize about just having a chill time with someone new to the game and watching them play through it or helping them through co-op.

    I did it once with a friend and there's just something satisfying about being a mentor in DS1 to someone willing to learn and who's excited about it. It's like you're playing for the first time through them, and it's also a good bonding activity. I'm not talking about helping some guy on discord beat a boss, I mean having a chill time playing through the game 1-on-1.

    Makes me wish there was some sort of Dark Souls-centric dating/friendship app, cause there are only so many friends you have that are willing to play Dark Souls with you, y'know.

    Am I the only one who feels this way?

    submitted by /u/-BathroomTile-
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    Dark Hand + Frampt?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    Hello, I am here with an inquiry. Is it possible to get the Dark Hand without joining the covenant? Or perhaps a way to obtain the Dark Hand without losing access to Frampt?

    submitted by /u/IronicWeea
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    This has never happened to me, whats the explanation?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    I cant post a picture but Im on my way to kill the gargoyles on NG+, (a new character ive done three play throughs on another character file) and standing in front of the shortcut to firelink shrine is an invader, big giant guy like the one that guards the fire keeper soul in the same room. hes got a great sword and theres a white and black summoning? sign on the ground. Gravelord servant? This has never happened to me before

    I did just kill an invader. IM in the forest hunter covenant

    submitted by /u/neilmagz
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    Dark souls 4 should be entirely in the abyss in the age of dark, change my mind

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    Dark souls 4 should be entirely in the abyss in the age of dark, change my mind

    submitted by /u/aeonion
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    I just beat o&so for the first time

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    Its a bittersweet victory. I found that they aren't what others say. All guides and boss ranking i found say things like "they are quite fair bosses" and they are for the most part... when they decide to be. Right plays a big part in this fight which can make it at times a little unfair, a actual example is when I get knocked down by smough then ornstein shoots lightning that hits me when I get up. Other than that they are good. The bad thing is that I missed dinner and now my mums mad at me.

    submitted by /u/Full_Grapefruit_2896
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    Lucky when I didn't need it

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:37 PM PDT

    So I made a character called arson to go and get the "Bond of a Pyromancer" achievement and every time I try to get the boar helmet for a build I can't get it, but on this run where I didn't need it for my build I GOT ONE FROM EVERY FUCKING BOAR IN THE GAME WITH NO ITEMS INCREASING MY ITEM DISCOVERY! The boar in undead parish gave me one, both of the boars in the dukes archives dropped one, litteraly every boar dropped one the one of few times I do a build without it

    submitted by /u/CrazyGaming067
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    My Strenght-pyromancy build (FINAL VERSION)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    I'm serious now. This is the final version. No more adjustments. I put all my effort into this build. I mean ALL. I really hope you guys like it, praise the sun! And again, if you are gonna try this build tell us your experience. Thanks. Man making a build is hard. Also note that the weapon used in this build is very slow so it's not suitable for pvp. Also pretend the PVP flair says PVE. Thanks.

    My strenght-pyromancy build

    submitted by /u/Above_70_EquipLoad
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    The origin of the Blightpus

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 11:29 PM PDT

    It's assumed by most players that the Blightpus that the Fair Lady consumes to protect the denizens of Blighttown is a result of all the runoff and detritus from the Depths sinking further still and pooling in the swamp. This is the most likely origin but is it not possible that it could also be from Ash Lake? Nito unleashed diseases and decay upon the Dragons' flesh once their scales were destroyed, but could what was left of Nito's killing blow have crept up through the Great Hollow and out into Blighttown over the centuries?

    submitted by /u/Chrisnolliedelves
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    Manus Damage inconsistency?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    So I have been spending some time on Manus trying to learn his moves sets and study him up. I noticed something, his damage is not consistent. For example, I have been hit by his straight long slam and noticed that sometimes it will take half health and others it will outright kill me. Another example is his roar and 5 attack combo. Sometimes I get juggled until deaths and others I will barely dodge out and get hit by one swing that K.O.s me in one hit.

    I've paid attention to my placement, where he hits me, etc. I have not noticed anything special that triggers these events and I cannot seem to find any reason why there is such a massive inconsistency in Manu's damage input.

    Has anyone else noticed this? Perhaps I am missing something? Like he does more damage based on (X reason). I'm curious because I also found that Artorias's hit boxes are a little screwy as well.

    submitted by /u/jdarneson
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    stange INVASOR NPC Oolacile

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    I was in Oolacile, near the bonfire, and I notice a bloodstain with a green color. By touching it, I summoned an invader in heavy armor (perhaps catarin) and a boar helmet (perhaps), great sword and with no magic. He was not red-colorized but white or something like that, like an ally but i dont remember this detail so good. I thought I was online and met a cheater but, after he oneshotted me, i checked and, surprise, I was not.

    I didnt found nothing searching online about who tf was that guy and so I m here to summon the power of Reddit.

    Who tf was that guy? tk

    submitted by /u/PeterTNC
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