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    Thursday, March 25, 2021

    Dark Souls Are “Giant” Knights (Sentinels)... ACTUAL giants?

    Dark Souls Are “Giant” Knights (Sentinels)... ACTUAL giants?

    Are “Giant” Knights (Sentinels)... ACTUAL giants?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 02:29 AM PDT

    I know it's kind've stated that they are, at least since they were GIANT armor, but I think there needs to be a serious discussion about how they are... absolutely tiny compared to the other giants in the game? I mean, sitting down Gough and the Giant Blacksmith look easily as tall as Giant knights, let alone standing.

    Then the game goes on in DSII and DSIII to introduce giants even BIGGER than Gough and the Giant Blacksmith.

    Like, I could maybe believe the Giant knights are BABY giants, but then they wouldn't be nearly so disciplined, which is even another point.

    Giant Knights don't really fight like other examples of giants. Giant Knights are way too rigid, even for trained soldiers. They fight more like some kind of golem than the Giants, who more resemble a child throwing a tantrum and trying to smack a bug.

    I don't know if there's anything in lore which absolutely confirms or denies that Sentinels are giants, but I have a seriously hard time believing they are

    submitted by /u/PonkingtonHeights
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    Just bought this figure. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Okay does anyone feel like the dragon in undead burg is the hardest enemy in the game?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    What I'm saying is I have died more to him the any other thing in the game, also it seems he has way too much health cuz I tried to kill him with endgame gear and all I was doing to him was like what you do to stray demon.

    submitted by /u/sencyplyz
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    So, I just beat the game for the first time

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    After beating and plat DS3 after +100 hours, I decided it would be stupid to not play the original DS

    It was hard to play at first, clunky controls, the camera getting stuck in almost every single pieces of landscape during boss fights, looking at you Capra Demon , some mecanics felt weird and the mid game fast travel system was a bit annoying. But damn, this game is good, the map design is really good, area are beautiful (Ashen Lake) and enjoyable (Anor Londo) even if some are...a bit annoying (Looking at you Blightown)

    I feel like not being able to warp everywhere is not really a bad thing when you can explore that much of the game, but I think a few more warpables bonfire would have been nice, the kindling is a good idea, it feel good to have 20 estus.

    That was quickly brutal, when I first become cursed because I was too lazy to go back to the bonfire I didn't expected to get half my life and wanted to quit the game, had to backtrack to firelink shrine bo buy a purging stone, had another bad surprise when I got infected by the weird eggs even if that was a lot easier to deal with, or when I went to the Catacombs after the Asylum

    Bosses were cool, some felt a lot harder than other without real reasons, Asylum Demon was pain because new controls and weird roll delay while Taurus Demon was a cakewalk, first try not hit without using the ladder, Capra Demon was a pain due do these dogs but easy if you dispose of them quickly, The 4 kings and O&S were a real pain, had to summon players for these ones, especially because 4 kings are faaaar away from a bonfire.

    Gwyn is a joke when you know how to parry, parried almost all of his attacks the first time, got cocky and then he wombo combo me to death, then I went back to retrieve my souls and try again and fell down on my way to the kiln, the real 2nd try was almost perfect, the damage while parrying is damn insane, lit up the flame and I just arrived at Firelink for the NG+. I guess I missed a lot of the feels by fighting Gwyn in DS3 before DS1 but heh, plin plin plon still give feels

    It felt weird playing DS1 after DS3, especially when I arrived at Anor Londo, seing the differences was surprising, but glad the>! illusionary amazing chest!< is still here in DS1, I recognize almost everything we saw in DS3 and I'm glad these stupid Silver Knight with a bow are almost blind in DS3.

    The lore building is impressive in this game, I knew a bit of lore from DS3 but now it feels deeper, especially the Izalith Witch part, Queelag and the Fair Lady part was heartbreaking, but then I remembered DS3 where I found Queelana and Fair Lady bodies, except I didn't knew it yet and where my only thought was "Damn, what a ugly spider"

    TL;DR : Loved this game, got my ass kicked, got better, still prefer DS3 for a number of reasons but everyone should play it once in their life

    submitted by /u/Greuzer
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    I feel really stupid about solaire

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    I was talking to my mom about solaire and explaing how he worships the sun and showed her the "praise the sun" stance. What she said afterward just hit me like a brick

    "Ah solaire, sun, I get it"

    Solaire is French for solar! I really feel stupid

    Edit: this is my most upvoted post on reddit! PRAISE THE SUN! [T]/

    submitted by /u/Same_Potential_8749
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    Do not force quit Dark Souls when dying without a back up save.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    Fun fact, if you force quit Dark Souls while dying, there is a chance that your character goes hay wire and gets bamboozled. I did this and I got reloaded into the Asylum at the very start but with the black nights and all that jazz. My stats are now all at zero (including stamina), and my health is at 100. And yes, it's Ng+. Do not be like me, just die.

    submitted by /u/InstantRice667
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    Anyone still playing ptde?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    Played through DS ptde 2 times the last 1-2 months, most of while in human form. Seen maybe 1 summon sign, been invaded 0 times. Is anyone still playing this version?

    submitted by /u/GrottMannnnn
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    I need some help here

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    How do i redo bosses? Y wanna have that cool hamer, the asylum demon hamer 😅 and bell gargoyle's ahelmet...

    submitted by /u/Illustrious_Rent9210
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    Another post led me down a little etymology/lore rabbithole about Solaire. Some thoughts...

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    This post from /u/Same_Potential_8749 got me thinking because I've always loved etymology.

    Etymology can get rather obtuse and complex and I'm not an expert, so this is just some fun thoughts. That's all. And maybe it's already been said long ago anyway.

    In some language roots, "sol" can also be "sole" and can mean solitary/alone/only.

    "aire" and "heir" can apparently mean the same thing in Middle English. (a person inheriting the legacy of their predecessor)

    Solaire ---> sole heir

    OR heir to the sun

    Gwyn is the Lord of sunlight and one of the major theories is that Solaire is Gwyn's firstborn... or "heir".

    EDIT: As I write this and dig around, apparently there are a couple posts from years ago with similar thoughts, but they're years old and I thought I'd refresh the discussion.

    submitted by /u/midwestcreative
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    Dark Souls stream

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 05:19 AM PDT

    Guys, I'm going to stream Dark Souls Remastered today and I'm a completely noob, never played the game. I think it will be fun (for other people) to watch. Do you guys have any recommendations?

    Keep safe :)

    submitted by /u/divalle2
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    Where can I buy Dark Souls 1?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 02:43 AM PDT

    Hello! In the past several days I've been watching a ton of videos about the game and been wanting to buy it, but on the Steam store there isn't the original version only the remaster. I have a decent laptop that can run several games, but I don't know if it can handle the Remastered version. I can't even buy the Prepare to Die edition of the game. Is there a way to buy the original or do I have to buy the Remaster? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/cheesecult
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    Got the platinum.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    Just secured my third fromsoft platinum. It's been a long journey for this one.

    Which should I do next? I've done sekiro, demon souls and just recently ds1

    submitted by /u/iamGoodestperson
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    The most important thing I’ve learned during my bow-only run

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    Shields. Fuckin. Suck.

    Basically, any enemy with a shield (from silver knights clear down to hollow soldiers), if an enemy has their shield raised they're BASICALLY invincible to you. It's made even WORSE if you go against shield enemies, because shield enemies have their shield raised, even when they're attacking. It makes things very not easy.

    submitted by /u/PonkingtonHeights
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    Should I do Grave Lord Nito or The Four Kings first?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    I've already got seath and the bed of chaos and I'm trying to divine a weapon for nito and I absolutely blew through the tomb of giants but i the four kings seem less endgame than nito. Who's going to die first?

    submitted by /u/Namrag03
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    I'm back asking for help

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Is it convinient to evolve normal weapons into raw weapons?

    submitted by /u/Secretnoctural
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    is offline fun?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 01:24 AM PDT

    I have just beaten demon's souls and started dark souls remastered today. I entered the game but for some reason it wouldn't let me go into online and I'm stuck in offline mode. Will the game still be as fun in offline mode? I am not much of an online player, I enjoyed plenty of offline games, like hollow knight (my favorite game). But I feel online might be more important in souls games. I haven't even played the game yet because I was trying to find a solution but couldn't. What should I do?

    btw if it matters, I'm playing on ps5

    Edit: someone on discord just told me it's better to play offline on the first play through, I'm going to start playing now

    submitted by /u/Goose-Lord
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    I just beat Dark Souls playing on a keyboard and touchpad!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    Not much to explain, I lost my mouse, so I've been using my laptop's touchpad without really thinking much about it. Decided to play the game for the first time, and went for it on the touchpad itself (I beat Getting Over It with a touchpad so I figured how hard could this be.)

    At the same time, playing dark souls in 2021, you kinda go in with an expectation to die A LOT (which made the game very fun imo, because there's no expectations and no cost to failure so everything just becomes a big plus.)

    And surprisingly, it wasn't as hard as I expected. I beat the game in 101 hours and felt overpowered as fuck by the end. I don't wanna lie through omission so I'll admit that I soul farmed, but I feel like it hardly made much difference. Every point in strength at 30+ gave me like 2 extra damage even on my B scaling 500 damage weapon.

    The biggest use of the soul farming for me was that I wasn't constantly stressed about the souls I was carrying around and might lose anytime (some people might like that, but I hate worrying about stupid shit like falling off a cliff and losing the reward for finishing a boss it took you hours to finally beat).

    Anyways, a summary of my game for those who might wish to compare and relish the nostalgia of their own first playthroughs. I haven't had anyone to discuss the game with so forgive the long post-

    1. Started as a thief (don't know if lucky or unlucky to have the master key in first try). Starting gift of the health ring.
    2. Asylum demon one of the hardest bosses of the game for me. Guess why? :)

    Took me embarrassingly long to figure out that I literally wasn't supposed to fight him yet. Did 2 bars of his health just as a personal challenge, then did the tutorial and then beat him.

    3) Undead burg was okayish difficult since I was learning how to handle it with the touchpad and how to dodge around. Still equipped with dagger.

    The run from bonfire to taurus demon annoying af. The boss itself didn't feel that hard, but I hadn't learnt how to block with shield yet so I was dying a lot.

    Took a lot of tries, but in the end I was close to beating him and then the game took that satisfaction away from me as he jumped to his death :(

    4) The bell gargoyles were the hardest bosses in the game for me. Prolly because I was using a regular Battleaxe and did a really small amount of damage to it's health. I remember raging so freaking hard on this boss, and I'm generally a very calm person.

    If you remember these guys being easy, go back and try the fight with a weak weapon. Holy shit fighting 2 enemies at once was annoying af. After countless tries, I went to sleep feeling hardstuck. Woke up next day, switched to the claymore, and 2nd try, I beat em. Damn do I remember that feeling.

    5) Next was Capra. Honestly hated the run from undead burg to the fog gate way more than the boss itself. It was so fucking annoying to run for 30 seconds straight and then when you're almost there, the dogs just swarm you to death. And if you manage to make it through with half health, then more dogs inside to fuck you up instantly.

    Killing 6 thieves and 5 dogs on the way took really long just for capra to kill you in a few seconds, so I wasn't gonna do that for long. Finally switched to the gate through the female undead merchant and felt soooo much better. I think it took ~3 tries after that, but in the end, the claymore did the job and RIP Capra Demon.

    6) Explored the depths a bit, got cursed and said fuck you to going to that place again. Had master key so I was confused what the point of the depths was anyways, so I decided to go straight to everybody's favorite place.

    Jokes aside, even though it looked terrible, I actually didn't find Blight Town all that bad. Prolly coz I'd learnt to use a shield around this time which made the game suddenly very easy. Beat Quelaag in 3rd try. Very easy boss once you decide to stick to her side.

    Exploring around, I found CD, and did the usual shtick- trigger him, freak out, try to run away and then easy kill him by accident.

    7) Sen's fortress- one of the best areas in the game imo. But it seriously needs to have a bonfire. So many times of just reaching near the very top and then accidentally falling to some stupid shit.

    Found the lightning spear and immediately felt OP af. Iron Golem killed first try (i'd summoned solaire tho).

    8) Anor londo- Holy shit it was gorgeous. The chandelier fight was annoying af. Plus the silver knights were sometimes frustrating.

    3-4 tries of not knowing how to fight O&S. Found a crystal halberd in my inventory and felt insanely OP. Summoned solaire and beat O&S on that try very easily. The run to them through the silver knights was also cancer tho.

    Also Lautrec the guilty felt pretty hard actually because of his lackeys. In the end, I tricked them all in coming close together in a staircase and firebombed them to death.

    9) Earlier in the game while exploring darkroot, I'd found the grass crest shield. Never changed my shield after that <3. Went great alongside my fast rolls.

    Sif was annoying as he could stagger kill you instantly. But after I figured to jump between his legs it was EZ gg. I think i beat him 3rd or 4th try.

    Moonlight butterfly 1st try obviously. What was even the point of that boss?

    Hydra 2nd try. Super easy and stupid.

    10) Went back to depths because I disliked the new places. Gaping dragon 1st try. Such lost potential, it looks the most badass out of any other boss. But so incredibly easy.

    11) Back to the asylum- What a great idea for a level design. I'd seen dunkey's video on DS1, so i knew you could climb the FS building. Went back and found stray demon. Actually found him a bit hard. I think I killed him 3rd try. Good boss, easy once you learn his patterns.

    12) The painted world of Ariamis- Beautiful place but absolute cancer at some points. The harpies ganging up in small areas and the fucking bonewheels. God that was annoying.

    I killed everyone's favourite waifu because she triggered me by saying "this is a peaceful place" (and not at all because I wanted her loot, and that was not the reason it took me 6 times the tries on this boss compared to other bosses :)

    13) Demon ruins- Really good level design. I felt like I died and went to hell. Killed Firesage 2nd try and Centipede in 1st try. Prolly because of the Black Knight Greatsword I'd found around this time. OP af.

    Bed of Chaos was frustrating mainly because the run to it is so long and when inside, you have no idea what to do while it kills you in 2-3 hits. Eventually I saw the small path underneath in the middle and figured out what to do. But the boss idea was still fun I guess. And for once the swarms in a place were not that annoying.

    I hate that I couldn't do anything about Solaire. Genuinely one of my favourite NPCs. Rest in peace and Praise the sun.

    14) New anor londo Ruins- I hated using the transient curses because I hate stressing about time limits. So i just ran through it all :) Bit Frustrating at first, but a super easy route once I figured it out. Never killed any ghosts the whole game I think. Beat 4 Kings first try.

    15) The catacombs were alright-ish. Even though I could one shot the skeletons, their riposte and swarming makes them one of the hardest enemy types for me. Joke boss, died in 2 hits.

    And also met one of my favourite characters of the game here- the honest, reliable, honorable, Trusty Patches. As soon as I finished with him and checked out his wares at firelink shrine, I 1 shotted him with my greatsword with very great pleasure.

    16) The tomb of the giants- I can't even imagine what it would've been like if didn't have the sunlight maggot from demon ruins. Darker than fucking Blighttown. And to top it all off, they combine the worst enemy types of the game to give you the absolute cancer of the skeleton dogs. God was I glad when that shit was over. Nito looked really hard when I first went in but actually killed him EZ in my 2nd try.

    17) The duke's archives- Kinda bland place honestly. The prison tower looked huge and cool though. And I'd found a Black Knight Greataxe, so there was no challenge left in any enemy in the game by now. I was just aching to find a boss.

    In my 1st attempt at Seath (I guess technically the 2nd), I didn't realize that he was healing and thought he just had HUGE health and that if I damage his tail enough a big part of his health goes down or something. 3rd try I untargetted him and finally saw the crystal in the corner and then immediately proceeded to kill him super easy.

    The invisible paths were the most interesting part of this area I'd say.

    16) Gwyn- After so long I'd found a challenge. In the start, he'd hurt me bad when healing, so I thought you weren't supposed to heal this fight, only dodge. But it wasn't frustrating, because it felt FAIR af.

    Loved this boss, loved everything about it. The run to the fog gate, the atmosphere of the kiln and the arena, the fairness of the boss, the feeling of endgame, and ESPECIALLY the music. Eventually after around 8-9 tries I think, I figured out that I could heal immediately after he did an attack. Beat him 2nd try after that. Absolutely brilliant ending.

    Only after I'd been sent into NG+ did I realize that I couldn't go back and try the DLC, so RIP that. But yeah, I can totally see why this game is considered one of the best games of all time. It feels so way ahead of its time. 10/10 game- huge and juicy and I'm definitely not saying that because of the amazing chest I found ahead of O&S.

    submitted by /u/overboi
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    Logan's set

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    I'm trying to get Logan's set but when I went to rescue him in Duke's archives he wasn't there. I remembered I didn't rescue him in Sen's fortress.

    So I go rescue him and load back in Duke's archives but he wasn't in the cell. I went to the secret library where he usually stands after being rescued but still wasn't here. I defeat Seath but he still wasn't there.

    Then I found him in Firelink shrine but he doesn't want to talk to me because I got 8 intelligence.

    Did I f*cked up ?

    Edit : solved

    submitted by /u/Ok_Breath_6101
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    It took me 8 years, but I finally beat Dark Souls

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    Today, I finally beat Dark Souls for the first time. I first played on my PS3 in college in 2013 but I couldn't get past Ornstein and Smough. I tried by myself, with Solaire, and with online summons, but I could never beat them. Once I ran out of humanity, I was broken and my character went hollow. I tried again on my PS4 in 2015 after beating DS2. Filled with confidence and experience, I flew through most of my early journey and returned again to Anor Londo. By some miracle, I defeated the duo on my second try without help. I was so excited I took a selfie with my TV showcasing the Soul of Ornstein and posted it on Instagram. However, with my vengeance fulfilled, I felt purposeless continuing the game. I did what I came to do and so I just kind of put the game down and never came back to it.

    But today on my PS5, after some weeks of struggle, I have made it to the end. O&S again put up quite a fight and I found new struggles - most notably in Seethe, Kalameet, and Manus - all along my road to Gwyn. Now I find myself back at Firelink Shrine excited to do it all over again. It only took me 8 years and 3 different generations of console to make it all the way through a single time. I'm hoping this second go will be a little quicker.

    (Special shoutout to Epic Name Bro. His Let's Play helped me comprehend the lore as I found my own way through Lordran)

    submitted by /u/B180Brendan
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    Shame me for accidentally killing Anastacia :((

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    After I killed Quelaag and came back to Firelink I was so sad to see Anastacia was gone. I don't know why... I think it's because Firelink always felt safe and her getting murdered there felt so wrong. I looked up online that I could resurrect her and made my way out to Anor Londo to continue the main story, but also to save my friend's soul. I got all the way to the cathedral just before Ornstein and Smough and made my way into that treacherous murderer's world and killed him quite easily. I got the two items, and I assumed I only needed the plaque to bring her back. The when I died at the hands of the boss in the next room and respawned next to the other fire keeper I thought she could help resurrect Anastacia, but a simple misclick from me ended up using her soul to power up the estus flask! I feel awful knowing her death is on my accidental hands and that I have no way to resurrect her... :(

    submitted by /u/celestialdragonlord
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    Would you pay for DLC that adds new movesets to existing bosses?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    If From Soft were to add more moves to existing bosses, maybe making these available in NG+ or something, would you buy that kind of DLC?

    I'm doing soul level 1 default sword against Nameless King and I really love the King of the Storm fight now, I just wish that he had more moves in this phase, because the fire breath is easily exploitable. I feel like Nameless should be swinging his spear mid way through that move to cover your approach. Also I feel like the Storm Drake needs hit boxes on it's face, because it seems hard to believe the drake wouldn't be attacking you at the same time that Nameless is swinging his big spear at you.

    I would totally pay for a mini DLC that adds new moves to Nameless fight, I think this is my most favorite fight and it's amazing to watch too.


    submitted by /u/lllllllllll123458135
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    I’ve done it, I’ve platinumed all soulsbourne/Sekiro (besides Demon’s Souls)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    After countless hours my journey full of sweat and tears is over, I'll be honest I'm a little lost now these games have gotten me through so much the past 2 years. Through graduating High-school to becoming a senior manager at my work. It's a rewarding experience!! Thanks to the community for their help in all the difficult and what seemed like impossible at the time areas

    submitted by /u/Chance-Ad3421
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    invader zomjo are you here?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    i need a favor

    submitted by /u/Manvic
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    Bow-Only Run, killed ONS in 4 tries.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    Ornstein and Smough are actually a LOT easier to deal with when you have a bow. It's basically just a game of cat and mouse, keep them in front of you (locking onto enemies is pretty much required to maintain any mobility with a bow, so fight those DS instincts that say don't lock on to oversized targets!), and you essentially are able to avoid all their attacks and sneak in cheeky shots as long as you combine rolls and running backwards. No sprint required

    submitted by /u/PonkingtonHeights
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    Freeing big hat logan

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    How do I free bhl without a master key in ds1?

    submitted by /u/Chik_nug69
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