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    Friday, February 26, 2021

    Dark Souls First Timer Just Wanting To Say...

    Dark Souls First Timer Just Wanting To Say...

    First Timer Just Wanting To Say...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:53 PM PST

    That this is the most brutal experience I've faced in gaming in recent memory and I LOVE it. I've never played a single Souls or Souls-like game and have watched less than 30 minutes collectively between all titles (just wanted to give you an idea of just how new to this I am).

    I'm currently sitting at 75 deaths, have rang both bells and just finished beating Quelaag (more like Baelaag amirite?). I made it through Blighttown in 2 tries which my chat says was impressive? I have beat the dumb Moth with no ranged weapons (who I found out was optional -_-) and have only felt like imploding one time so far... and that was against that that mother F'n Capra Demon in the tiny arena with the two dogs. That fight can delete itself permanently.

    I'm on my way to where the fat guy wearing armor with rolls built in is sitting because the gate just opened up behind him.

    Here goes nothing...

    Oh, and Praise the Sun! [T]/

    submitted by /u/jmeredith06
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    Watching bloodstains pop up by Ciaran is hilarious

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:08 AM PST

    So I finally got online working (kind of; can't actually co-op/invade, but everything else works), and I've been relaxing for a while at the Oolacile bonfire after defeating Artorias and bonking Ciaran to death. I'm eating my sandwich, enjoying life, and suddenly a bloodstain appears in front of me. Out of curiosity, I tap it and see someone else with a Great Bonk getting backstabbed. I laugh, eat more, and another stain shows up. It's the same person, and they get riposted to death this time, and I can tell it's Ciaran because of the Hornet Ring riposte animation.

    This goes on for a solid ten minutes. This person repeatedly dies to her, and I'm laughing myself sick while also feeling horrible for them, hahaha. To the brave soul* that keeps going for it, I genuinely hope you get her eventually. Cheers!

    Update: They've switched to a greatsword and it doesn't appear to be working out for them.

    Update 2: Someone else is tackling her now! Bloodstains are popping up like crazy, hahaha!

    Update 3: To the Ravelord who keeps putting down the invasion sign, I'm sorry. My internet sucks too much :(

    Update 4: It seems the Ravelord is grinding Eyes, since someone's dying to non-Hornet backstabs. Hope y'all are having fun! (Club person is still getting Ciaran'd to death)

    Update 5: Someone in Ciaran armour just kindled the bonfire next to me! Congratulations!

    submitted by /u/MarchesaofTrevelyan
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    Invader in Anor Lando on PC

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:09 PM PST

    I got invaded in Anor Lando when I could not, for the life of me, figure out where to go. I freaked out when I got invaded, thinking, "great! Something else to fuck me up!" When I found the location of the invader, they proceeded to point me in the correct direction and hung out with me until I died by stupid pink flying brain monsters. They then waved me goodbye as I died. Thank you kind invader! Made my night

    submitted by /u/brittanybear12693
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    Black Iron Tarkus :)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:22 AM PST

    Holy crap this combat system is amazing

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:17 AM PST

    Got this game recently after I was itching for a more difficult rpg combat experience. I heard a lot of great things about this game's combat system and ppl really weren't exaggerating. In no other game have I ever felt the weight of all my equipped items. For instance, I'm using a black knight greatsword as my main weapon (got lucky on a drop very early in the game) and I really feel like I'm wielding this big ass, heavy sword that's bigger than me. I also love how I can actually feel the swap b/w leather gear and metal armor.

    In no other game have I had to be so purposeful w/ all my actions. I have to really think about every button I press when I'm in combat, and that's so amazing to me. It can be challenging at times but it's very rewarding and immersive.

    I also love how the game naturally trains/teaches you to better by giving you challenges, rather than directly giving you tips. For instance, I said I fought that black knight in the very beginning and it definitely wasn't easy for me. I died a bunch of times but I was determined to beat him (I know he's optional but after dying to him I was determined to get my revenge and get a possible good weapon drop). At that point in the game, since it was very early, I had to backstab him 5-6 times for a kill and he could kill me in 2 swings (and every hit from him staggered me like crazy). The thing that kept getting me initially was the swing he does straight down from the air, as a shield wouldn't protect me from that since he's so much taller than the character model and he's swinging down at your head, which the shield doesn't protect.

    Also what made it extra challenging for me is I didn't know parrying was a thing I could do in this game at that point, so I was just going for a bunch backstabs. Well after dying several times I finally backstabbed him enough to beat him, and after going thru that experience I became much better at backstabbing + one-on-one combat against pure melee enemies in general. After going thru that experience w/ the black knight, when I got to the church near Andre and I had to fight a similar mini boss, I had to clutch it out since I had no estus left and it had been a while since I had my last bonfire, but I was able to get him. Had I not went thru that experience of fighting that black knight early on, I wouldn't have been able to beat that other knight-boss in the first try. And ultimately that's what I mean when I say that I love how this game naturally trains/teaches you to be better by simply giving you first-hand challenging combat experience, instead of holding your hand.

    Definitely gonna keep playing and hopefully I can git good eventually. But so far I absolutely love this game, and particularly the combat system!

    submitted by /u/land_dust778
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    Ornstein and Smough are a nightmare

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:36 PM PST

    They change tactics everytime I go in! I cannot seem to figure out the patterns because they change what they are doing every time. Not once have I noticed a repeat. I focus on Smough I die, I focus on Ornstein I die. I'm too far too run ALL the way back to burg and unlock Boss weapons. I cannot summon help for some reason.

    I am so worried that I progressed to fast and now I am stuck and cannot progress.

    submitted by /u/jdarneson
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    Anyone feel up to translating the runes in the flames of Ceaseless Discharge?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:39 PM PST

    It is clear the fire is made of runes if you zoom in:


    I want to believe they have deepest lore about the birth of demons but maybe it just says "Drink more Ovaltine."

    submitted by /u/DownshiftedRare
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    Demon firasage

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:46 AM PST

    Anyone can help me to beat this demon? Im level 73 playing on ps4 Id: SirEcecirillo

    submitted by /u/sirEcecirillo
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    Dark Souls Haiku

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 07:09 PM PST

    In the Age of Fire

    Until Fear and Pride refrain

    Man's Curse, Flames, remain.

    submitted by /u/Funmaster524
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    Priscilla's tail cut

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:20 PM PST

    So recently I've decided to go through Dark Souls 1 Remastered on the good old xbox one because I have nothing better to do. I've gotten to the painted world, did everything in it so far besides defeat Priscilla since she's quite the pain. The problem isn't the difficulty or anything, it's cutting her tail off for the dagger that's the hard part, for me at least because I am using a +5 lightning halberd which probably isn't the best weapon to cut her tail with, but it's the best I've got. I did also grind to SL 73 for some stats, but I'm not sure how wise that was. Point is, I could use some help in trying to cut her tail off. Thanks in advance if it manages to happen.

    Also, I'm not sure if this should've gone here or in some place like r/darksoulshelp And I didn't know what the flair should've been so I put "help"- never really made a post on reddit but hopefully I won't be so worried about making mistakes in the future.

    submitted by /u/Clear-Librarian-3939
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    Blighttown torches signal a ladder

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:58 PM PST

    A thing that would have saved me a lot of time: I realized after dying many many times in Blighttown that the torches are hung on the ladders. Makes navigation much easier!

    submitted by /u/jrgallag
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    Tips for first NG+9 run

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:54 PM PST

    So after been playing the saga for a while (at least each game twice) I decided this time I want to experience NG+ all the way to NG+9 (it is my understanding that this is the last NG+ where the game changes) NG+6 (thanks u/dwarfInTheFlask56)

    I already know the typical "NG+ checklist", but I was thinking if some of the veterans here have any tips about how to play through those NG+ cycles.

    submitted by /u/Menes009
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    Why do people link the fire?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:20 AM PST

    Its the bad ending you are reinforcing the power of these weak gods who hunger for power and rule over humans. Becoming the Dark Lord makes us the players stronger the humans will rise to power and the gods will cower behind their illusions we will no longer be ruled over by those tyrnats.

    submitted by /u/RIOTI117
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    I know people are probably sick of these posts by now

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:25 PM PST

    I beat dark souls 1 for the first time and it is one of my favourite games ever made

    I loved all the characters and this huge story that the game doesn't just tell you but that you have to figure out yourself I love the huge bosses and the weapons you can use to beat them I loved every second of it and I wish I could play it for the first time again

    Though now I'm done I feel a little bit empty as the other two games just don't feel the same to me and I'm unsure of what to do

    submitted by /u/boomer4883
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    Any way to backup/copy saves on DSR PS4?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:19 AM PST

    I've been working on a playthrough that would be much easier if I had a save to go back to incase I screw up.

    submitted by /u/tiki_bob
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    How hard are these games?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:13 PM PST

    Like i hear they are hard, but actually how hard are they for someone who doesn't play much video games?

    submitted by /u/Honeydew-Capital
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    Am I losing out on some of the experience by summoning phantoms for bosses?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:15 AM PST

    I've summoned a phantom companion for almost every boss fight where it was possible up to this point. it made the bell gargoyle and butterfly boss fights a joke as I barely had to do anything, but for boss fights afterwards the phantoms would actually die and I'd have to do a good chunk of the fight by myself.

    I know the bosses gain some extra health if you summon help but I fear that I'm losing out on some of the experience by doing this. For instance, I heard the bell gargoyle can be pretty tough for new players and I just felt kinda cheap being able to summoning Solaire and having him to most of the heavy lifting and beating the boss w/ no trouble. Should I avoid summoning phantoms to fully experience this game, or is it okay? When I did fight on my own, like w/ the Stray demon and Capra demon, it did feel a bit more rewarding than those fights w/ the phantom companions, but idk.

    submitted by /u/land_dust778
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    This helpful person that I summoned helped me find items for my build. Without the use of words.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:21 PM PST

    Very funny person, "Apple Shampoo". If you see this. You're lovely. Met and summoned them in Anor Lando, next to Solair.

    submitted by /u/OilyPeanutMan
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    Me quiero comprar dark souls 2

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:46 AM PST

    Dicen que es realmente malo, pero la verdad me llama mucho la atención. ¿Lo compro?

    submitted by /u/Xx_beyond_xX
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    Just beat Quelaag where do I go now?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:44 AM PST

    I've been looking at different websites and everything is saying stuff in a different order, or its not including all the main locations and I'm hella confused so I figured I'd ask here. I'm aware that Sen's fortress is open now but should I go there or should I go through the Demon Ruins or somewhere else?

    submitted by /u/MeBlu42
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    Does plunging attack counts as critical damage?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:58 PM PST

    Does the hornet ring work with that?

    submitted by /u/TK--666
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    First timer boss ranking (XXL)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:56 AM PST

    I just finished my first playthrough of dark souls yesterday and wanted to share my feelings about the game in the form of a boss ranking. For some background; this was my first time playing a souls game, I fought all the bosses, and I did reference a few walkthroughs to make sure I fought all the bosses and also because I didn't want to miss any big areas. I'm doing a boss ranking instead of just a discussion because I definitely found the bosses to be the most enjoyable part of the game and I think some of my feelings on the bosses might be unique and interesting. Also keep in mind these are just my opinions based primarily on how much I enjoyed fighting each boss, I'd love to hear your opinions. With that out of the way here we go!

    26) Moonlight Butterfly I really didn't like fighting this boss. I was playing with a melee build so it really felt like this was just twiddling my thumbs until the butterfly came down and hoping that I didn't run out of estus while it was flying. It's a shame because I really liked the aesthetics of darkroot garden but this was the boss I had the least fun fighting.

    25) Gwyndolin I found this boss incredibly frustrating. When I was fighting Gwyndolin I had turned Anor Londo dark and killed the fire keeper so every time I died I would respawn at the first bonfire and had to either run back to the Sen's fortress bonfire or run to the bonfire in the dukes archives. Also I died to Gwyndolin more than I care to admit, it took me ages to work out the dodging on his magic and it was incredibly frustrating when I would make it all the way up to him just to have him disappear without me getting a chance to hit him.

    24) Bed of Chaos I see you typing "why isn't this in last place" and the answer is probably just because I died fewer times to it than Gwyndolin and the butterfly. BoC is a bad puzzle boss because the puzzle is easy and beating it requires platforming which is undeniably the weakest part of dark souls. The run back is long although not difficult and I don't get why the sweeping attacks knock you backwards and not sideways.

    23) Stray Demon This isn't a terrible boss, it loses points for being a reskin but most of my frustrations are because I tried to fight it too early. The first time I went after this guy was before Sen's fortress and I just didn't have enough health, normally my fights with him ended because he would use his AOE attack that I swear filled 95% of the arena before I had a chance to heal from falling into his pit. When I came back for him later in the game I had the health to take a couple hits and it really helped.

    22) Capra Demon I liked fighting Capra Demon but I hated that arena. I thought as a boss it was great for the early game because it did enough damage that you didn't want to get hit but didn't have a ton of attacks and telegraphed them clearly so you knew when to dodge. The arena however was awful it really felt like I was fighting more to not get killed by dogs or stuck in a doorway than actually fighting the boss.

    21) Demon Firesage "Let's fight the same reskin again". I liked the firesage better than the stray Demon mostly because I didn't lose most of my health bar every time I entered the arena. It felt like the right difficulty for where it was in the game and probably would rank higher if I hadn't already fought the stray Demon.

    20) Nito Nito was a kind of weird boss with a terrible run up. It wasn't clear how to handle his skeleton minions and it felt disheartening to experiment because running in the dark through the tomb of giants was so frustrating. Honestly I think Nito would rank higher if there were a bonfire closer to him so it wouldn't feel as punishing to experiment with different tactics.

    19) Four Kings Kind of like Nito I'm not sure of I really figured out the four kings. I really struggled navigating New Londo (it was probably my least favorite area in the game) and I knew from reading walkthroughs that the kings were basically just a damage race so I equipped Havel's armor and spammed R1. I think I would have liked this boss better if I had gone in with less knowledge.

    18) Seath I really liked the dukes archives and thought the seath fight was interesting but not really what I was hoping for. Being instantly killed and then sent to jail was a neat way to introduce the boss, but when I actually got to fight him it felt more like fighting a kind of slow blob than fighting a dragon. Not a bad boss but in my head I was hoping for something more like kalameet.

    17) Manus I liked Manus but really struggled to read what attack he was going to do, I eventually ended up just tanking his attacks with Havel's armor and spanking R1. Another boss I think I would have liked better if I had taken the time to learn his attacks.

    16) Centipede Demon This is another boss I didn't learn super well but was still kind of fun. I liked the idea of having to get to a safe location to fight the boss while he's already fighting you but once I found a safe place to fight it was hard to read his attacks and I ended up just dodging randomly a lot and getting in a hit when the demon was close.

    15) Ceaseless discharge I knew about the cheese and wish I didn't. I don't dislike the idea of a boss that can either be a puzzle or fought head on, but the puzzle didn't feel like something you could figure out without researching and I never tried actually fighting the big CD because I pulled off the cheese first time.

    14) Iron Golem I liked fighting the iron golem but honestly it felt forgettable. It didn't feel like there were any super unique mechanics, the arena posed some challenge but was easy to handle after a couple attempts. Overall very average.

    13) Pinwheel Is pinwheel a good boss? No, probably not. I did enjoy the idea of pinwheel though. A boss that makes doppelgängers which you can take out to avoid taking damage but don't actually help you make progress on the main boss is a cool idea. I think if he had twice the health and a larger arena in a more likable area pinwheel wouldn't get so much hate.

    12) Gaping dragon I really enjoyed this fight. It felt like fighting a dragon that was no longer in its prime. The design is cool, the scale is cool, would score higher but I just like the other bosses more.

    11) Taurus Demon I beat this boss because he knocked me off the bridge and then jumped off after me. The "victory achieved" message showed up after the "you died". This guy gets points for breaking under peer pressure and jumping off a bridge because his friend did.

    10) Sanctuary guardian This guy was an excellent introduction to the fast paced bosses of the dlc. The Sanctuary guardian is relentless with high damage that can destroy you after a single mistake. The only thing I would change is giving it a slightly larger health pool because the fight felt really short.

    9) Gwyn I loved the music, I loved the area, and I beat Gwyn on my first attempt. I had practiced parrying a lot in Anor Londo against the silver knights and got pretty decent at it so when it came time to fight Gwyn I parried almost every attack and took him down quickly. I kind of wish he had more attacks that couldn't be parried so there would be more dodging involved but he was still a great boss.

    8) Bell Gargoyles These things were great, I loved the feeling of panic when the second health bar appears. It's also perfect that this fight is right after meeting Andre because he plants the idea of upgrading your weapon which really helps in the fight.

    7) crossbreed Priscilla I really liked this boss and thought it was a cool mechanic to be fighting a boss that was invisible but possible to track. Priscilla really rewarded being observant and patient which made for an enjoyable boss that made me feel clever for figuring out how to beat.

    6) Asylum Demon I feel like this was the perfect first boss for the game. When you first meet the Demon with nothing but a broken sword it's incredibly intimidating but the game teaches you to be observant and run through the open doorway. When you come back all geared up the boss teaches you about standing in places where attacks can't reach you and to watch for bosses telegraphing certain attacks. This boss teaches you the core mechanics of most other bosses and that makes it the perfect introduction.

    5) Ornstein and Smough These two were great. They had a perfect risk reward balance of taking your eyes off one to attack the other and I loved how killing one powered up the other resulting in a very different fight instead of an easier fight. They get a lot of praise and for good reason.

    4) Quelaag I really liked Quelaag because she just had cool and different mechanics. I liked that she would spit lava around the floor introducing an environmental hazard. I also like the variety of her attacks and how her spider half had more animalistic attacks while her human half had more human attacks. I also like that she clearly telegraphed her AOE attack but it was easy to miss the telegraph if you had tunnel vision while hitting her side.

    3) Sif Sif was just a fun (but also sad) boss to fight. Sif was fast and could easily feel chaotic. It was incredibly satisfying to learn Sif's attacks and turn what felt chaotic into a fight where I was in control and knew when to dodge, when to heal, and when to attack.

    2) Kalameet Take my feelings about Sif and multiply them by ten. Fast and chaotic at first but as I learned the fight it felt more and more like I had control. Add on that this felt like the dragon fight I had been waiting for and the fight was fantastic.

    1) Artorias This fight felt like what Gwyn could have been. Artorias was fast, competent, relentless, and a single mistake could cost you the entire battle. Learning his attacks felt imperative in the best possible way. I really enjoyed learning which attacks left him vulnerable, which attacks gave enough time to heal, and which attacks were best to just run away from. Also I thought his pocket sand was hilarious and I wasn't even upset that he hit me with it every time he used it.

    TL;DR: I really enjoyed most of the bosses in dark souls. My favorite bosses felt impossible at first but after learning their attacks were satisfying to take down. I liked bosses that had interesting mechanics, rewarded being observant, and required balancing risk and reward. Most of the bosses I didn't like were because of difficulty not related to the boss or a very punishing run back that discouraged experimentation.

    submitted by /u/TubaSullivan
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    Beat Gwyn, already halfway through my second playthrough haha. I want to play DS2, but I'm not sure whether or not to get the original, or Scholar of the First Sin.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:21 AM PST

    This game is phenomenal.

    DS1 scratched an itch I haven't had in a while. The minute after I bested Gwyn I restarted with a brand new character. Now (with the Master Key) I've already opened Sens but I'm doing all the Rhea prep right now. That being said, once I beat the game with my Dex/Faith build I'll want to move on to the next game.

    Which is preferable? Scholar? Or should I just get an original copy if I'm so/so on the DLC.

    submitted by /u/Cemith
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    Where’d everybody go?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:09 AM PST

    The game appears fairly active based on bloodstains and messages, but there's a shocking lack of online interaction. I went from Queelag to Iron Golem to O&S, ranging in SL from mid 20's to 37 after O&S, and I saw literally one summon sign back at Q's lair. No summons, no invasions, nothing. Human the entire time, of course. That's a pretty decent level range for those areas, no?

    It's not that I NEED non-NPC summons, but it's a good time. Just wondering if anyone else is finding DSR on the PS4 pretty empty. Again, all other online features indicate that it's lively. Ghosts everywhere, bells ringing constantly, etc.

    submitted by /u/RLDSXD
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