Dark Souls Weekly General Discussion Thread (January 29, 2021) |
- Weekly General Discussion Thread (January 29, 2021)
- My cake day dwindles but I just beat the bell gargoyles and I'm hype
- (Spoiler, I guess?) Dark souls might be my favourite game, and I feel numb as hell
- How I Created the Hardest Boss in the Game, then Made it the Easiest: An Ash Lake Tale.
- My Mushroom People fanart
- Who can't agree DS1 DLC is perfect?
- Ornstein drinking cold estus
- How hard is it really?
- Iron Golem vs Iron Tarkus ultimate showdown
- Orange soap signs
- How did you find dark souls
- I got a question: should i risk going in the dlc for the first time in my main character which is in ng+2 or create a new character to explore the dlc to know where is each thing in the location and how does the bosses work?
- Listening to music while playing?
- PVP is terrible :(
- The Server is pretty cool.
- Dragon Hunters film has some mad Dark Souls vibes to it
- Taurus Demon Took the Easy Way Out
- Four Kings. Tips/Help Appreciated.
- What’s changed?
- blue golem not dropping broken pendant (Remastered)
- Does anyone else not have any desire for NG+?
- Just Beat Capra Demon for the First Time
- Fuck Manus
- Needing some Humanity!��
Weekly General Discussion Thread (January 29, 2021) Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:00 AM PST Welcome to the weekly general discussion thread! This thread is for the community to discuss whatever is on their mind (whether it is Dark Souls 1 related or not). Have a question that you've been meaning to ask but haven't gotten around to making a post yet? Something on your mind you want to discuss? Playing a game that you think others would like? Comment away! All we ask is that you are respectful of each other, and have fun! [link] [comments] |
My cake day dwindles but I just beat the bell gargoyles and I'm hype Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:55 PM PST Just what the title says, I summoned solaire and taurec to help me but I still feel pretty accomplished! Not in my combat skills necessarily but more so in my exploratory skills! [link] [comments] |
I BEAT THE FOUR KINGS YEEHAWWW Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:58 PM PST that's it, i dont have much else to say, im just happy. the first time i fell into that abyss i shat my pants, that complete overwhelming darkness is fucking scary, it gives me an existential feeling. also, was it my imagination or did i just fight FIVE kings instead of four???? anyways, im happy i didnt give up, it really felt like i wasnt gonna get past that, like its so weird to see how far ive come. i wonder what awaits for me now..... IM EXCITEDDDD [link] [comments] |
(Spoiler, I guess?) Dark souls might be my favourite game, and I feel numb as hell Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:12 PM PST So, I'm in the depths. I've been here for what seems like hours. I've been trying to navigate my way around it one way or another, hoping to find some way to get out. I've fallen headfirst into the nest full of those basilisks. I've gotten eaten by those creeping assholes. I've accidentally started a fight with the npc that resides here. And to top it all off, I had only 2 estus left when I came up to the boss door. I was considering turning back around. I had 10k souls on me, and that could have done me quite well once I got back. I should have went back, but I didn't want to go through this long trek all over again. I figured I may as well go as far as I can, and if things got too rough and dirty, and I ran out of estus, I could either use a homeward bone or my RoS to return back. I stepped into the boss arena, and there he was... The gaping dragon. I've never felt such fear playing a video game before in my life. It towered above me and all I had to fight him with was the +5 uchigatana I was using for cosplay purposes. I went up to him, and dear god, the damage I was dealing was shit. It was like trying to beat him to death with a twig I found off the ground. I used the general tactic for fighting enemies with tails, and attacked its tail. It was at this time that I heard a little pewing noise. A cheeky little pisser was up on the rafters shooting at me with a nerf gun. I saw him as I was wandering around these dark sewers and thought "Oh fuck. Guess I'm not going that way". How could I have known that it would come back to bite me in the ass? Eventually, I cut off his tail, and got myself a nifty little weapon (which I can't use because I'm levelling dex. I know. I suck). The dragon hadn't attacked me yet, so I thought maybe it was possible. Maybe I can beat this guy. Then he attacked, and soon enough I had used up both of my estus flasks. This should have been my signal to end. There should be no way I could win this. But then I moved my hotbar across and saw my humanity. Dark souls 1 may not have many options when it comes to healing, but dear god was I thankful that Humanity was one of them. It took around 9 humanities in order to do it, but eventually, I did it. I had beaten the gaping dragon. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty happy with myself. I have played the dark souls games a lot in the past, and definitely recently, but for my first time fighting this boss I think I did pretty well. Now all that's left to do is find where I put this key in, and give that pisser in the rafters a good speaking to... Edit: I fucking forgot to mention! That pisser in the rafters boosted him! He fucking buffed him up as the fight started! [link] [comments] |
How I Created the Hardest Boss in the Game, then Made it the Easiest: An Ash Lake Tale. Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:45 PM PST So I never been to Ash Lake, so I decided I would start my first new game plus and find the place. I fought through the game pretty easily to get down through blighttown to the Great Hollow. Now, up until this point, having 20 vitality was working fine for me, so I ventured down the Great Hollow until I got to the section just before the shroomboys, and a Frogboy got me with his curse. No biggie. Only, I hadn't re-retrieved the lord vessel and I wasn't about to fight my way all the way back up to the merchant in undead burg just to remove the curse, so I confidently fight back down through until I arrive at the majestic Ash Lake. Beautiful. Haunting. Music slaps. Oh shit, a hydra. No biggie. I waltz up to that sucker and immediately get 1-shotted due to my low health. And I can't see shit and I realize I played myself, basically turned myself into a 1-hit kill vs a hydra, completely out of arrows, and extremely far from undead burg. Try and try again I did, each time making it a little farther, but inevitably making a mistake. 30 tries and 3 hours or so later, more than any other boss I faced in the game. I had a decision to make: do I walk all the way back to undead burg and come all the way back? Or do I have something that can help. First thing I did is put on a shield I had that had like 70 stability. I remember thinking this was definitely not gonna do anything useful, but it's the last strategy I got. I NEVER USE SHIELDS in these games, it's just not my playstyle, and I thought every playstyle was viable so I didnt miss it. Hydra roars and launches toward me. I throw up my measly shield waiting for my doom. IT DOES ZERO DAMAGE! Only a third of my stamina. I kill that bastard that very try. Ya'll shield users on easy mode my guys. EDIT: shield users, it's totally cool to use a shield. I don't mean to offend the apparently passionate crowd of tankers and blockers lol. You do you. This story is so you can laugh at me. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:36 PM PST https://imgur.com/gallery/BkUvezB First time trying digital art. I usually draw with ink/pens. Hope you guys like. I recently played and beat Darks Souls for the first time and I loved this game so much. [link] [comments] |
Who can't agree DS1 DLC is perfect? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:02 AM PST The DS1 DLC is amazing the only annoying thing is the humanity hit boxes, stone guardians and scarecrows. The only boss i didn't like was Sanctuary Guardian because he was hard to hit as a strength class but Artorais was AMAZING. Wonderful moveset, by far the best game music, its sad but it says a lot about Artorias. Manus is cool because you can see him from chasm but summoning Sif is terrible you summon him during the fight who thought of that. But overall good fight. Kalameet is easy because all you have to do is stay under him. The tail cut for the obsidian greatsword is kinda hard but i found a flawless strat. How can anyone disagree that the DLC is all around perfect. Don't for get the carvings. HELLOOO, HELP MEE, VERY GOOOD... [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:44 PM PST yet another self portrait cw alcohol { https://imgur.com/a/05wFWyY } [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:03 PM PST I've been hearing about these games for awhile but just because they're unreasonably hard, is this true? Or is it just hype? Please explain thanks in advance gaymers. [link] [comments] |
Iron Golem vs Iron Tarkus ultimate showdown Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:02 AM PST Hey guys! I thought it would be funny to commentate over the Iron Golem vs Iron Tarkus fight. For some of you who don't know and don't mind spoilers, Iron Tarkus is an NPC which you can spawn and he can single-handedly kill the Iron Golem for you if he feels like it. It's always fun to see what happens and I hope you enjoy it like I did! https://www.twitch.tv/xjendi/clip/ConfidentVastBarracudaTinyFace [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:43 AM PST Please don't put them directly in front of objectives, it's pretty annoying. Yes, I know the lever is "here!" I just tried to pull it. Instead I got your message pop-up and 5 scimitars through my spine. 😩 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:58 PM PST is it was an age long past. the year 2016 I was 7 and trying to sleep but my brother who was 13 was screaming at a game and I was hiding. Under the covers sh**ing bricks because of him shouting. later I asked him what game he was playing and he responded with two words "dark souls". And thus the chosen 7 year old ascended the steps to the heaven of from software. Cut to 2020 and at the ripe age of 11. I'm looking like a hobo off the streets due to lockdown. so I looked deeper into the dark souls fandom. I saw the fandom at a surface level and I delved deeper and well here I am. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:39 PM PST |
Listening to music while playing? Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:19 AM PST Of course I'm sure you didn't listen to music in your first playthrough, that would be an unforgivable sin. But what about now that you've beaten the game a thousand times? What kind of music do you listen to while playing? I'm sincerely curious, feel free to leave your playlist if you do or tell me why if you don't! :) (I sometimes listen to a Berserk playlist or random David Bowie music, and I LOVE listening Radiohead's Paranoid Android while on my way to the fight with Gwyn and King Crimson's In the Court of the Crimson King while fighting!) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:13 PM PST I'm playing a few characters through Dark Souls, and am really loving the atmosphere and level design. I've put it down a few times, but have come back and am trying out different characters. I've beat DS3 a few times, and one thing I also look forward to is doing a little pvp with whatever build I'm currently running through. PVP in ds3 is not great, but it's a serviceable experience that can be a lot of fun. Most of the PVP I've done in DS1 has been pretty terrible. The netcode seems even worse than DS3 (not surprised), apparently you can chain-backstabs with no cooldown in between, and most of my fights have been with evil twinks or absolute noobs - meaning they're over pretty quickly. Everytime I start a new character I get a lil sad when I think about PVPing with them, because it just doesn't feel like the experience is worth it. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:35 PM PST Any love for the server? I feel like a primordial shaman wielding it. Aztec priest at a mass sacrifice kind of shit. Or like a druid chieftan. [link] [comments] |
Dragon Hunters film has some mad Dark Souls vibes to it Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:54 AM PST Mostly it comes from visiuals since probably same castle assets are being used. Give it a watch, it is a surprisingly good film [link] [comments] |
Taurus Demon Took the Easy Way Out Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:47 AM PST I was doing a playthrough on my switch and Taurus Demon didn't fancy a long fight this time round... Video [link] [comments] |
Four Kings. Tips/Help Appreciated. Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:47 AM PST Helloooo, Can any kind souls (excuse the pun) share some tips/help on maximising DPS to get these guys done ASAP? I'm rocking around 30 in both STR & DEX, have +4 Silver Knight Sword or +10 Halberd. Base NG. Damage wasn't too bad but I almost always ended up having 2 Kings at once. Any help/tips would be great. Cheers. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:31 AM PST Why the fuck is sneaking up on an enemy for a backstab so goddamn impossible? I beat this game on the 360 back in 2016 (currently replaying on PS4). Ive earned platinum on Nioh. I've very recently earned the platinum on Bloodborne. I'm quite comfortable with the "soulsborne" formula. I just want to sneak up and cut a motherfucker, but even piss ant enemies turn around before I get close enough. What am I missing? Thank you for your time. [link] [comments] |
blue golem not dropping broken pendant (Remastered) Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:25 PM PST I have rescued the dusk lady from the golden golem, im at the blue golem at the elevator, i killed it many times and it wont drop the broken pendant. None of the solution i saw worked for me. i have remastered version which should have the DLC so i dont know whats the problem, the dusk sign is gone now so i cant talk to her. I check my items and it not there, any ideas or suggestions? Edit: oh, uhhhh. For some reason the portal was there and there was a corpse... the guide to the dlc says you needed a broken pendant tho? i dont remember ever getting it or opening this portal but it just randomly appeared when i checked... [link] [comments] |
Does anyone else not have any desire for NG+? Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:35 AM PST I personally would much rather start a new game, new character, new build. I tried NG+ once and I found it boring, there was some struggle but there was no real advancement. I get a lot more enjoyment in starting again with nothing than I do starting again with everything. Does anyone else feel this way? No hate to those who enjoy NG+. [link] [comments] |
Just Beat Capra Demon for the First Time Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:23 AM PST So as title says I just beat the Capra Demon and it gave me probably the biggest adrenaline rush I've ever had. Aside from the first couple seconds with the dogs which feels like you need to dodge perfectly or get camera screwed it was a really fun boss fight. The only real issue with the boss itself is the potential for bad camera angles messing you up when you aren't careful. All in all, while I wouldn't want to fight him again anytime soon, still a pretty balanced challenge. Kind of a weird mechanics question, but did I just experience a minor glitch, or do Capra's swords have a reach long enough to hit you when you're up on the stair platform if he's standing directly under you as this happened a few times? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:46 PM PST -Oh yeah this boss run blows ass, it takes 5 minutes and you dodge humanity ghosts -Flurry fucking blows ass -Jump/stomp blows ass -Tons of HP -If you dont nail the pendant timing you're fucked with the spells Fuck Manus. I almost want to go run and kill Gwyn just to be fucking done [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Jan 2021 03:08 AM PST I bought Dark Souls 1: Remastered for a friend to introduce him. I'm only leveling my character with him so I don't have a good humanity farming spot yet. If anyone has any to drop I'd appreciate it! I farmed for a few hours at the wyvern bonfire but it's not that great considering he's learning [link] [comments] |
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