Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post. |
- /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.
- I want to show my mom just how much people would be impressed with her accomplishment of beating Dark Souks 1, 2, 3, and Bloodborne (among MANY other action games). She is 67 years old and doesn’t think people would care.
- How Good is the Great Club?
- Tauros Demon
- Lordran isn't real! Become a Lordran Truther
- How Jolly Co-Operation is genuinely helping with my mental health.
- Finally beat Capra Demon
- Still Bad
- first playthrough baby here- do used items not regenerate after respawning?
- Blind gamer trying to beat Dark Souls Remastered
- What happened to Artorias’ arm? (Just wondering)
- Nito questions. 6th playthrough
- Xanthous King Jeremiah IS Salaman. Circumstantially confirmed.
- I Made Coolest Dark Clown Set
- Question bout the game
- Am I the only one who loves blighttown?
- Bosses
- Just Beat Artorias on NG+3
- Why is not Quelaag respawning?
- First time starting the Dark souls series with DS1 Remastered wish me luck guys!
- New player
- Am I meant to need a guide?
- I'm havimg a blast in the woods come join me on dsr ps4
- Can you summon before taurus demon in ds1 remastered?
/r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post. Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:09 PM PST Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away? Use today to schedule some trades! Helpful Information for New Users Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads. Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:29 PM PST I wrote this because of the r/gaming post of someone showing a picture of their mom holding DS1 saying they beat the game. Not many parents play games outside of mobile games, but i can say that for sure my mom is as much of a gamer as anyone else (even potentially hardcore gamer with how much she plays at times lol). So, tell her what you think please! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:26 AM PST I'm looking for a Strength Weapon that's faster than the Zweihander. How good is the Great Club? And how does it compare to the Zweihander? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:46 PM PST After 9 attempts i finally did it, i beat it, and on the 9th attempt i didnt take a hit as i finally figured out how to beat it, now to struggle through the whole game 😭 [link] [comments] |
Lordran isn't real! Become a Lordran Truther Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:51 PM PST I believe that all of Lordran -- except Anor Londo and it's adjoining areas as I'll discuss below -- is a complex illusion hiding the truth of the Kiln of the First Flame, in the same way that Filianore hid the truth of the Ringed City in Dark Souls 3. At the end of the game, placing all the Lord Souls in the Lord Vessel causes some sort of portal to open underneath Firelink Shrine. There are two strange things that happen when you enter. 1 - You descend a stairwell surrounded by white light and inhabited by the ghostly images of black knights. Are they really ghosts, or after images flashing by as you exit the illusion? 2 - You enter the Kiln of the First Flame, which, despite being below Lordran, has a wide open view of the sky above. This is either some Harvest Valley/Iron Keep level fuckery, or something is up. It's clear that you either transported somewhere outside of Lordran -- which I don't believe since I doubt Gwyn would keep the source of his power somewhere far away from him that he couldn't defend -- or you exited to the other side of the illusion to see Lordran as it actually is, deserted and covered in ash, like the rest of the world at the end of Dark Souls 3. Also, notice that the Kiln is surrounded by a giant curved wall, identical to the wall you can see from Firelink Shrine surrounding Lordran. Why do I think Anor Londo is the exception? Two reasons: 1 - After you defeat the Iron Golem, two winged demons fly you over the curved wall that surround both Lordran and the Kiln. 2 - Gwyndolin and Seath are still living in Anor Londo, so they or their servants are likely maintaining some sort of upkeep. Who is maintaining the illusion that Lordran still exists and isn't just a pile of ash? Why Frampt and Kaathe, of course. Gwyndolin maintains his illusion, and the two duplicitous serpents maintain their own, as per their agreement. Lordran isn't real! Stop believing the Way of the White lies, Sheeple! [link] [comments] |
How Jolly Co-Operation is genuinely helping with my mental health. Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:24 PM PST Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a bit of my story, and I'm hoping it's accepted here. Currently, I'm going through a tough situation. My mental health is down the drain; if there's anyway to describe how I feel, I'm practically hollow in real life. Since I can't feel any genuine happiness in the real world, I look to games, movies, and music for escapes. What helps the most though, is Dark Souls, specifically helping people out. Ever since I was a kid, I always had this kind and protective nature, always wanting to help and defend people whenever possible. It's something that'll never leave me. Anyway, whenever I first started playing Dark Souls, and found out about the co-operation system, it sealed the deal for me, as far as solely dedicating my time to the Dark Souls series goes. Whenever I get summoned, and I manage to help out the host, I just feel this rush of positivity and wholesomeness. I feel like I actually accomplished something, something I can be proud of. Whenever I get messages from the host, thanking me and even asking me to help them out more, I feel genuine happiness. Even if I die right before the host defeats the boss, and I don't get my sunlight medal/souls, I die happy knowing I helped the host reach victory, which is my ultimate goal. Even if I only get summoned once the whole night, the fact that I helped one person out, is enough to satisfy me. Sorry if this post seems emotionally dramatic or anything of the sort, I don't intend it to be so. I just wanted to share part of what makes me love this game, and the series in general. Thank you Miyazaki, Fromsoftware, and you, the community, for helping me out through a dark time in my life. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:33 PM PST For context I have tried and failed several times to play dark souls and since then I moved to bloodborne and absolutely loved it. I consciously avoided dark souls because I wanted to play them in order if I ever got around to playing them and since I was stuck at the Capra Demon due to the tight boss space it drove me crazy because I spent hours and just ended up get frustrated which lead to me quitting. I have now beaten the Capra Demon and have a ton of confidence to hopefully get me through the game although I know have no idea where to go. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:02 PM PST I have been replaying Dark Souls and you know what? TotG is still trash. TOMB OF THE GIANTS IS THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD! Giant skeleton dogs that hit like a machine gun, complete darkness, narrow walkways to fall off even while it is pitch black, a long run-up to the boss, annoying giant skeletons, that one part with the knight, archer, and 2 skeleton dogs, that annoying guy who pushes you, you take a lot of damage falling into the bosses arena, and to top of this annoying, pathetic excuse of an area, Nito, who is way to easy once the skeletons are taken care of, (but I suppose that's good because I want to warp back to Firelink as soon as possible). [link] [comments] |
first playthrough baby here- do used items not regenerate after respawning? Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:48 PM PST i'm currently trying to beat the taurus demon, and i saw in someone else's playthrough that they used gold pine resin to boost their damage. i tried this, but i died 3 times and now i dont have any gold pine resin left! i'm going to keep trying without it, but i thought that inventory gets restored after deaths? or is that just ester flasks? [link] [comments] |
Blind gamer trying to beat Dark Souls Remastered Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:08 PM PST Hey everyone! I'm not sure if this is the right place for asking about the kind of help I'm looking for but I saw that this is a huge community, so I figured there might be someone who can at least give some kind of advise. I've been legally blind since I was born but I have enough sight left to be able to play many video games quite well. My friend bought Dark Souls Remastered for me about a year ago because he knew I was interested in it and wanted to play it and offered to play it in co-op. I tried to play the game and in terms of combat I did relatively well, but the fact that you can fall off from anywhere did not help me. My problem with the game is its use of colors because it's too hard to distinguish things and I cannot see where I can go and where I cannot go. I'm interested in solutions to this issue if there's any available. In my opinion the best solution would be if there was maybe a texture pack or something that paints the ledges for example bright yellow making it well distinguishable while kinda giving an outline to the possible paths I can take. Please if you know anything that could help me with this issue let me know because I really like the game in general and I want to play it through it is just too annoying when I die because I didn't see the path well enough and not because of sucking in combat. Thank you for your help! [link] [comments] |
What happened to Artorias’ arm? (Just wondering) Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:34 PM PST Artorias' arm appears to be broken or dislocated. Bur why? [link] [comments] |
Nito questions. 6th playthrough Posted: 01 Dec 2020 01:32 AM PST This is my 6 play through and my main goal was to get to 7 in successfully beat everything in everyone. I fought every single boss every mini boss,, options or not. and talkes to every single NPC before I would complete each game. I've collected a freak rob of stuff. But nito is kind of powerful this playthrough. Whats a good strategy. His skeletons are assholes. At this point im thinking of manus catalyst. Pursuers, dark bead and some soul arrows, and mage him to death. My intelligence is at 35 so its doable. What would u guys say is a good tactic. I really don't wanna spam magic. But im all for the power within pyromancy.. [link] [comments] |
Xanthous King Jeremiah IS Salaman. Circumstantially confirmed. Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:17 PM PST AbstractOkay, so this has been bugging me for a while. I've had a feeling that Jeremiah and Salaman are one and the same, but had no solid proof - and felt unlikely to come across anything this late into the lifetime of the game. However, I reckon I've found the missing link. This may be a long post, but I'll try to keep it light, acknowledge any assumptions I'm making, and reference as much as I can force myself to. I've worked on this for a solid two hours now so cut me some slack. Scroll right down to 'The New Proof?' section for the big reveal. The SparkDuring a recent Switch playthrough I got curious about Xanthous King Jeremiah. A bit of googling led me to this image. The similarities seemed too great to be a coincidence. Underneath the Parasitic Wall Hugger is a corpse holding the Power Within Pyromancy -- "Pyromancy of Carmina [...] kept secret for eons"[1]. This last part in particular leads me to believe the corpse is Carmina. If we assume the Wall Hugger is indeed a parasite, and that it's essentially a larger form of King Jeremiah's head, it's reasonable to presume that the Wall Hugger was once attached to the body below. This however, only links Jeremiah and Carmina. Salaman Who?Salaman was a student of Quelana, in her own words:
The wording of this is interesting in two ways. First, the way she describes Salaman strikes me as wryly amused, if not a little disapproving. Personally I'm reminded of a parent talking about a child's misdemeanours. Pure speculation here but I have a feeling Salaman somehow learnt Chaos Pyromancies and used them to build a reputation as Salaman the Master Pyromancer.
Secondly, she says "In your world". This could just be a throwaway line, but I reckon it holds significance given that Jeremiah invades in the Painted World. Again though, any link here between Jeremiah and Salaman is purely speculative. The New Proof?Simple. Dark Souls 3 dialogue. Specifically, Cornyx's dialogue upon handing him the Izalith Pyromancy Tome.
Unless there is proof in-game of any NPC other than Jeremiah using Chaos pyromancies, this is enough to convince me unequivocally that they're the same person. I'm no perfect researcher, and would be open to hearing opinions. Pure SpeculationTo build a narrative from this, here is a possible version of events. Again, I'm open to it being picked apart. As far as I know it's faithful to various bits of lore that I'll happily reference in the comments if asked.
The man who became Salaman was an unremarkable pyromancer who was somehow taken on as a student by Quelana. She freely spoke of her sisters and their Chaos Pyromancies, but couldn't pass these on to Jeremiah as she had no knowledge of them -- having fled before Chaos birthed the first demons. The fledgling pyromancer, desperate to learn these pyromancies, eventually left Quelana in search of them. At some point he came across The Fair Lady, who taught him Chaos pyromancies -- perhaps at the cost of being implanted with a small parasite. Fleeing back to the Great Swamp with his new knowledge, he adopted a new identity: Salaman. He took on a brilliant student, Carmina, who pioneered their own techniques but, through either choice, accidental exposure or non-consensual exposure, picked up the parasite too. This would eventually become the Parasitic Wall Hugger.
Salaman, possibly for stealing from Quelaag and her sister, was banished to the Painted World. After a point, he realised the Parasite wouldn't stop growing. This resulted in him binding his head to curb its growth. He took on yet another new identity, as Xanthous King Jeremiah and uh, started invading because he's gotta show off his cool chaos pyromancies somehow. PrinceIzalit, and Why Jeremiah is Really in the Painted WorldIf you read the top two comments here it explains pretty well that the Wall Hugger is referred to as princeizalit in the original files, and that the Bed of Chaos fight originally had the Xanthous King as part of it. I believe that, due to time constraints, this was all scrapped and the Jeremiah model was chucked into the Painted World along with the other stuff they couldn't quite fit. It's worth noting that (as far as I know) Carmina was never actually gendered in descriptions, so could indeed be male -- and possibly Salaman's offspring. BUT THAT'S JUSTA THEORYLemme know what you think. Any questions, fire away. I swear, I tried to keep this succint. References:
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Posted: 01 Dec 2020 12:39 AM PST Things you need : TADAAAAAAAAAAAAA now you creepy dark clown, maybe sad to hear for Sorcerer but you need about 40 - 50 endurance (without havel ring) to make flippy ring work with all these items Final look : This is my first Thread sorry for bad quality and english. Thanks you for reading [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:15 PM PST If people could paint entire worlds, why wouldn't they paint a world with infinite resources, infinite fire stuff and have everyone move in to it. Who would care then about linking the fire? This might be stupid kinda for me to ask like a LOTR eagles sort of deal. [link] [comments] |
Am I the only one who loves blighttown? Posted: 30 Nov 2020 07:25 PM PST 2nd playthrough. Really enjoyed it both times. Alot of ppl don't seem to like it. I thought it was so epic coming down those risky wooden planks in to that filthy poisonous pit ha. The more I play this game I realize how much from soft are huge trolls. Some of the enemy and wall placements are horrendous. You know when you swing and hit your weapon off the wall or pillar. It seems so intentionally placed. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Dec 2020 04:05 AM PST |
Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:06 PM PST This is probably the most on edge I've been from a game in a while. Four Kings gave me a clench beyond belief but at least you can tank the hits and get it done quickly... Artorias took me thirteen minutes. Thirteen minutes of trading blows. Thirteen minutes of fighting someone leagues ahead of you. Thirteen minutes of pure adrenaline and focus. This here is better than anything else you will get. The knowledge that when buffed, he can kill me in one hit with some attacks, or in one stunlock combo with the other is a good way to make you learn that you are going up against one of the best of the best. This is dark souls at its peak. [link] [comments] |
Why is not Quelaag respawning? Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:43 AM PST I need her to farm piromanc +10, please don't tell me i made all the way back from ando london to Brighttown just to gain nothing [link] [comments] |
First time starting the Dark souls series with DS1 Remastered wish me luck guys! Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:40 AM PST |
Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:15 PM PST So, I've got about 4~ hours into the game split across 3 different characters. One started as a warrior, another a ranger, and finally, the character I'm playing now, my deprived. My ranger is the one I got farthest with, upgrading his long sword to +5 and getting all the way to the bell past the bell gargoyles before figuring I just wasn't jiving with his build. Anybody got some build suggestions for me to make my deprived interesting to play as? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 01 Dec 2020 02:39 AM PST So I've been playing DS Remastered for a little while now, I've just beaten the Hydra (although apparently this isn't a real boss, which is rude), and only got this far because I've been following a beginner's walkthrough of the game; I had to start using it because otherwise I never had any idea where to go next. The fundamental question I have here is this: Am I meant to need this? I can't find any in-game information as to the goals and routes to take to them, but I'm worried that my actual experience of the game is being lost because every three seconds I have to look away to watch the next section. I hope that the community can help me here <3 [link] [comments] |
I'm havimg a blast in the woods come join me on dsr ps4 Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:47 PM PST |
Can you summon before taurus demon in ds1 remastered? Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:54 PM PST Wanting to play with a friend. Both level 7 currently and I put my sign down at the undead berg for him. I've killed taurus and he hasn't, just want to help him through. [link] [comments] |
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