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    Tuesday, December 8, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:07 PM PST

    Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away?

    Use today to schedule some trades!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Obligatory "I just finished the game" post

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:33 AM PST

    41/41 bosses. 300-something deaths.

    Favorite boss: Alonne. Most hated boss: Gank Squad.

    The one I had most trouble with: the Pursuer. I was new to the game and mechanics were too different from DS1. After fully hollowing out on him I decided that I'll do him hitless and only then move on. And I eventually did. Him, the ogre in Things Betwixt and general Cardinal Tower area account for 100+ deaths out of 300-something.

    After that, Blue Smelter probably took the most concentration and reflexes. The rest required more patience rather than strategy or wit.

    Easiest one: Ancient Dragon or Jabba, I think. But I confess I looked up how to deal with the dragon because he looked so intimidating. Sinh proved to be much more dangerous opponent in the end.

    Favorite area: Brume tower.

    Least favorite area: fucking Frigid Outskirts.

    Weapons of choice: Flame Sword first half, Zweihander second half, Dragonrider Halberd for the last 6 bosses (Ancient Dragon, Vendrick, Darklurker and the final gauntlet.)

    Favorite ring: Chloranthy

    Favorite NPC summon: Lucatiel.

    Favorite trader: Gavlan. Thanks for all the souls.

    Went for an equal dex-str build, but after getting both to 30 I was just leveling whatever stats were left to 20.

    Genocided the Iron Keep and the runs towards Blue Smelter and Alonne. Also those manikins directly above the bonfire in Earthen Peak.

    I have about 112 hours clocked in, which is almost twice that of DS1. And honestly I liked this game a bit more than DS1, especially the second half. Second half in DS1 felt like a mandatory chore, I even facetanked Nito and 4K because I was so eager to just end the game that I didn't even bother to learn the proper way to fight them. Just plop, plop, plop, chug, plop, plop, plop.

    DS2 on the other hand, left me with the thirst for more after Vendrick. I was looking for more stuff to do, not anxious for it to be finally over.

    submitted by /u/Momoneko
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    Hot take

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Dark souls 2 is a very good game and has the best dlc in the series (only being overshadowed by the ringed city) the main reason it's disliked is because it punishes you HARD for trying to run through enemies without planning ahead.

    submitted by /u/Weevil_weasel
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    I beat the game in 4.55 hours, i'm getting faster everyday

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:33 AM PST

    i wanna get sub 4 hours

    submitted by /u/TrollGoat_Hs
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    Just started a new character, traded my petrified something with the crows.... titanite slab.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Thank you Dark Souls

    submitted by /u/tenamonth
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    I've just earned my very own DS2 platinum trophy! It's been a hell of a ride, undoubtedly the most challenging Souls for me - even though not always in a satisfactory way.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:25 AM PST

    u/Eloyxillo's Dark Souls 2 platinum https://imgur.com/a/NLN1gte

    Now that I've finished all achievements I must say that I still didn't enjoy enemy placement in almost every area including both the first and second DLC, too many of them. I hate to be running away from enemies by level 230.

    However, I've learnt to love this game for what it is instead of comparing it to the rest of the games. By doing so, I managed to finally click with the game and even enjoy it. It's been a great journey. I may even come back to it, something I always thought I wouldn't say!

    submitted by /u/Eloyxillo
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    Any point to going to NG+?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:03 PM PST

    Hey all. I'm making a SL150 build for PvP with my friend. I'm wondering if there's any purpose to go to NG+ or should I just Bonfire ascetic everything I need?

    submitted by /u/KBDog67
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    Sanctum DLC Ghost Help

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:31 AM PST

    I just started the dlc in my first ever run of ds2 sotfs and holy shit are these ghosts in the sanctum temple area (idk the name yet) the most annoying fucks ever. I know breaking their bodies solidifies them and makes them tolerable but there's so many just standing around, is there a switch somewhere or a mass tomb that'll transform them all or do I have to just keep baiting them one at a time and taking an hour letting the flame of a claymore handle them for me? Is there an easier way to handle them in ghost form? I learned the hard way that the only reason I was able to do damage was because my claymore was fire

    submitted by /u/Shlumppp
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    Is this game still popular?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:01 PM PST

    I'm a PS4 user wanting to re-download DS2 for PvP, and I want to know if it's still a popular game?
    If so, what's the best SM for PvP?

    submitted by /u/XxSoulReaper99xX
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    My Journey in Beating Dark Souls 2 SOTFS

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:30 AM PST

    Spoilers Ahead! I talk pretty liberally about all the content in the game.

    To contextualize: I have played every Soulsborne game besides Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 2. The first in the series that I beat was Bloodborne in late 2017, but the first game I TRIED was DS2 in early 2016. I was completely turned off by the mechanics of the game, and couldn't grasp the multiple systems that were present (it doesn't help that I was using a mouse-and-keyboard, and didn't have a console at the time). After Bloodborne, I went into Dark Souls 1 with the remaster, then Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro on PC in 2019. I finally decided to come back to Dark Souls 2 in the summer of this year, motivated mostly by the upcoming release of the Demon's Souls remake.

    Now, I've finally beaten the game and can safely say that despite its flaws, was an extremely enjoyable experience. It's probably the worst of the series that I've played and its a testament to the quality of the series that I still consider this one of the best games I've played this year. Over the past 4 months playing DS2, I decided to catalogue all my deaths to the 40 bosses that I faced over the course of 47 hours (I did not fight the 3 phantoms in CotSK, since I hate ganks).

    Before I begin listing the bosses and my attempts, I want to preface my knowledge when entering this game. Firstly, I had seen multiple speed runs of the game over the past four years, specifically Any% and All Bosses. While my memory of the runs are vague, I did remember some of the tricks which helped me throughout my run (i.e. I knew to look out for the ogres that burst through the wall in Aldia's Keep). Secondly, I used a guide for four specific instances: what ADP was, how to access Darklurker, how to obtain the DLC. and why Vendrick took no damage. (I also looked up a list of all the bosses in order to check off which I had encountered, but I never looked up any strategies or weaknesses).

    My starting class was a Knight with a life ring. My final level was 192. I leveled 50 STR and DEX, got 30 ADP, then spent the rest of my levels on VGR, END, and VIT. I also put in points into faith towards the end to try some miracles, which ended up being a waste of time. I used the longsword for the first half of the game, before switching to the Key to the Embedded and eventually the Greatsword. I also had a standard bow as a second weapon. I had the Blossom Kite Shield on my back once I realized this was the Grass Crest equivalent, but spent the entire game two-handing my weapons.

    I'll quickly list all the bosses that I died to 2 or less times, before getting into the more interesting encounters:

    Executioner's Chariot, Looking Glass Knight, Skeleton Lords, Flexile Sentry, Royal Rat Vanguard, Scorpioness Najka, Duke's Dear Freja, Mytha, The Rotten, Old Dragonslayer, Covetous Demon, Prowling Magus, Old Iron King, Guardian Dragon, Demon of Song, Twin Dragonriders, Giant Lord, Nashandra, Aldia, Blue Smelter Demon, Aava: 0 Times.

    The Last Giant, Lost Sinner, Belfry Gargoyles, Ruin Sentinels, Velstadt, Darklurker: 1 Time.

    The Pursuer, Ancient Dragon, Elana, Sir Alonne, The King's Pets: 2 Times.

    Smelter Demon, Throne Watcher + Defender, Sinh: 3 Times.

    The following bosses posed the most difficulty for me, either due to me being bad or the boss being shitty. Speaking of shitty:

    Royal Rat Authority: 4 Times. The toxic from the rats killed me enough to convince me to invest in a bow and a consistent stock of arrows, and even then I still died a 4th time before finally facing the big one alone for the win. This sits with Bed of Chaos and the Emerald Weapon from Final Fantasy 7 as one of my least favorite bosses in gaming.

    Dragonrider: 4 Times. It might be surprising that this boss killed me so often despite the fact that 2 of them at the same time was trivial to me, but this was the first boss I fought in the game. I didn't realize you could raise platforms to prevent falling, and I was too spiteful to explore different areas, so I stuck with this boss until I finally beat him. I only later discovered the ability to cheese him by causing him to fall.

    Vendrick: 7 Times. I died to this boss 7 times without ever going below half-health. I finally threw in the towel, looked it up online, and saw that his defenses were extremely high without the 5 giant souls. So I went out and got the Ashen Mist Heart, retrieved the souls and beat Vendrick on my first try. Definitely an interesting concept at a puzzle boss, and the fact that he was optional made it more tolerable.

    Burnt Ivory King, Fume Knight: 8 Times. These were my favorite bosses in the game besides Sinh and Sir Alonne. Most of my early deaths to Fume Knight came from learning attack patterns and dodge timing. The slow sweep consistently messed my up, but I eventually found the best times and when to dodge versus when to strafe. Burnt Ivory King was more troublesome due to the fact that I didn't realize the importance of the Loyce Knights until a few attempts in and decided to explore more of the level to find the missing soldiers. There were also some attacks that were difficult to time since I'm very trigger-happy with my dodge button. Eventually, I took his crown as well.

    Unlocking Darklurker: 17 Times. Fuck everything about this. The process to unlock this boss is ludicrously hard. Darklurker is a fun fight, but the process of fighting the phantoms and lighting the torches without dying was extremely frustrating. I admire the effort put into this boss and his secrecy, and I never want to do it again.

    When looking at this list and my deaths, I would like to state a few things to keep in mind. Firstly: my prior experience obviously helped a lot with regards to beating a majority of these bosses. The first time I faced Father Gascoine in Bloodborne, I died 20+ times and spent multiple hours farming for blood vials before finally beating him. During my 2nd souls game, I beat O&S in 5 attempts. Secondly: while my deaths to the bosses may seem low, my deaths to the AREAS was extremely high. Demon of Song was beaten in my first attempt, but I died to the Shrine of Amana 13 times before finally reaching the boss. This game's level design can often make me feel strained (I mean this in a good way) and often times my greed and impatience will lead to mistakes that cost me. The game did have its fair share of bullshit though.

    Overall, my experience with Dark Souls 2 was extremely positive. Out of the 3 Dark Souls games, this one has my favorite areas, and overall I would say that this is a more consistent game than the other two. It never hits the highs of The Painted World (DS1) or The Grand Archives (DS3), but it never hits the lows of Demon Ruins or Profaned Capital. It unfortunately sits on this weird line of mediocrity in comparison to the other two games, and doesn't hold a candle to Bloodborne for me, but it entertained and challenged me from beginning to end, which is something I can't say for Dark Souls or Sekiro.

    If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I love this series and enjoy engaging in discussion about them, and I'm that I can finally say I've beaten all three Dark Souls games. Please let me know what you think about my experience. Tell me if I'm complete garbage for even dying, or laugh at me for being too unlucky to buy a PS5.

    submitted by /u/THE-MOUDA
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    Ideal attributes for my knight build

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Hello all, first time playing through Dark Souls 2 its only my second Souls game after Dark Souls Remastered. I'm currently level 84 and progressing through the game fine. But I'm not entirely certain about my attributes. For context I'm only playing PvE and basically I'm just a melee player who whacks enemies to death with a big ass sword while I tank with heavy armor and shield. My current stats are vgr 26, end 22, vit 22, atn 4, str 22, dex 12, adp 20, int 3, fth 6. Am I feeding my stats right for what I'm trying to do? I'm aware I can respec if needed. If this could be optimized better I'm open to advice.

    submitted by /u/Victarion99
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    Is greatsword enough?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:18 PM PST

    I have had the greatsword for a while and just beat the old iron king and am wondering if i should consider upgrading to a better weapon or stick with what i have my sword is a plus 10 greatsword btw)

    submitted by /u/RustyNuggetRies
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    How do I summon other players?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:11 PM PST

    I've been trying to summon help from other players on a boss I've been stuck on. I tried the regular and small soapstone multiple times, but I only seem to ever be summoned to help other people. How do I get help myself? I'm sorry if I sound totally ignorant. I beat Dark Souls 3 recently and decided to try this one next and so far I'm loving it but I'm stumped lol.

    submitted by /u/Scrotey_McGrotey
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    Dark souls 2 remaster?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:47 AM PST

    What would you guys think about a dark souls 2 remake in the fashion of the new demon souls? I think dark souls 2 is great in some ways. Mostly the ivory tower, crown of old iron king dlc and the beutiful environments in those 2 dlcs aswell as majula and a few other areas. I do however think that there are alot of problems in this game which i do think this guy do a good job on adressing although he can sound a bit informal and rude sometimes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR3hbaKTVBs&t=2355s. What would you guys think about a remaster which try to improve and fix the graphics and aesthetics of dark souls 2 in a demons souls ps5 spirit aswell as trying to adress these issues that hold the game back? It would still not have everything like a logical map and some of the bosses will still be pretty lackluster but it would give us a definitive and more polished version of this game that we all love. A version of what it could have been if the circumstances had been different. I dont mind if it would be different if i feel like it would become better, cough cough hitboxes and rolls. (I know sotfs is a remaster but it launched a few years ago and still have plenty of the problems remained.)

    If you got in charge of a remaster, how would you improve dark souls 2?

    submitted by /u/Kootole99
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    DS2 Reaction

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:54 AM PST

    I am relatively new to the souls games. In the last year I have beaten DS3, DSR, Bloodborne, and just completed one of the endings to DS2 this morning. I must say, I have really really loved DS2! All my friends who play these games and got me into them said negative things; seriously, none of them liked this game. But I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience with it.

    I am now trying to go back and platinum the games. I have platinumed DSR and only like about four or five achievements from doing so with DS2. Then I'll return to DS3 and Bloodborne. Wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/Hunter5108
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    Tips for new players

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:00 AM PST

    So Ive decided to create a post to answer your questions about the game, so if you dont understand a mechanic or even some lore ask me and Ill ask as best as I can (please dont dm me with this because your question can help others)

    submitted by /u/Acer-that-one-DS-guy
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    (PS4) (sotfs) (sm800,000) (god of blood) can someone give me the heide knight helmet I’ll mule or just ask

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:45 AM PST

    I know there's a subreddit for this but it's hella dry so I'll just ask on here. The helmet is the last piece of the armor set I need and I've been trying for 5 hours and nothing so yeah...

    submitted by /u/Unknown_Meliodas
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    How much am I missing out if I decide to do a standard strength build instead of a cleric knight/paladin build for my mace & greatshield character?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:28 AM PST

    Just for PvE. I've heard paladin builds are super fun, but I don't really like buffing my weapon all the time, and have never ran low on healing. So I don't know if I have any need for miracles, heretic that I am.

    However I love the mace + shield "Holy Knight" aesthetic, I think it'll be a welcome change from the 2-hand ultra weapon strength builds I usually do in the other games, as well as my current squishy rapier build I'm doing for my first character.

    So what is so good about paladin builds? I keep hearing that it's many people's favorite build. Can I just go strength instead? Or is there some crazy lightning scaling or offensive miracle I'm missing out on?

    submitted by /u/tenamonth
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    Just beaten the bank squad on sotfs

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 09:52 AM PST

    So proud of myself today, back when I originally completed DS2 on pc the gank squad in the first dlc took me way too many attempts. Today in my first run through scholar I beat them on my first go with my hexer.

    I did summon the 2 phantoms at the start of the level but was fully expecting to take hours on this.

    Next stop the Fume knight (gulp)

    submitted by /u/jennidc
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    Hex build

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 09:43 AM PST

    What would a good endgame/ ng+ hex build look like?

    submitted by /u/MankDemes9
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    Did they nerf Ancient Dragon in SOTFS?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:04 AM PST

    I used to play this game a lot back in 2014/15 with the original version of DS2 on the PS3, and I have very vivid memories of him being capable of totally insta-killing you with his attacks, even at high Vigor (like 40-50). Fairly recently, I started a play through of SOTFS edition for the XBox One and got to the boss, and decided to try and beat it again for shits and giggles.

    Very quickly in the fight, I noticed that his damage (both fire and physical) seemed significantly less than I remember, taking only ~50% of my max health (49 Vigor, light armor, 216 Fire defense) per hit. To say at the least, I was fairly surprised, and the fight this time around was much easier than what I came in expecting.

    Am I just remembering this boss wrong, or was his damage output actually reduced in this version of the game?

    submitted by /u/Epicwin200015
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    Frozen Eleum Loyce betraying lance enemy

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:01 AM PST

    What's the name of that enemy you encounter just before coming across the covetous demon? Holy fuck was that guy annoying. I could harldy land any hits and he kept running after me throughout the whole area.

    submitted by /u/Jorym99
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    Jolly cooperation

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:25 AM PST

    Ps3 SM 5m summ me for jolly cooperation today! 👍🌄

    submitted by /u/Sbubbolo
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    When is the best time to do the dlc?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:05 AM PST

    Im doing my first playthrough of dark souls 2 I'm currently at drangleic castle. When is the best time to do the dlc?

    submitted by /u/KamiUn
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