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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:09 PM PST

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Dark Souls 2 is the best game in the series by virtue of Majula alone

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 05:41 AM PST

    Still such a beautiful, melancholy, dreamy location. Perfect combination of visuals and music. Best hub and my favorite location in any video game ever probably!

    submitted by /u/Virltommy
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    I tried invading another player for the first time..

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:22 AM PST

    As soon as I was summoned I accidentally took a backstep and fell off a cliff. Hope the dude I invaded had a good laugh because I sure did lmaoo

    submitted by /u/ProfessionalWingman
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    "Best Dark Souls Game" Relativity

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:01 AM PST

    I think we should avoid using the terms like "Best Dark Souls Game". Instead try and use terms like "My favorite dark souls game".

    Best is so relative

    DS2 is my favorite Dark souls for a lot of reasons.

    FFS my alarm tone to wake up every day is the Majula Theme.


    I believe DS3 had better boss battles. And DS1 had better characters, plus beating O&S is on the highlight real of my life.

    Different people look for different experiences in video games, so there is no best. (Especially with Dark Souls, they are all so good).

    submitted by /u/Grim-Lavamancer
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    [SOTFS] I can't beat the game. Wrong build?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:00 AM PST

    This is my first run.

    I'm at the end of the game, just missing the final boss and the DLCs. I started with "Crown of the Old Iron King", but I can't beat the Fume Knight, not even by summoning the two characters (I don't play online, but offline, so I can only get help from them).

    This is my build.


    • SL: 153
    • Vigor: 17
    • Endurance: 19
    • Vitality: 24
    • Attunement: 16
    • Strength: 30
    • Dexterity: 30
    • Adaptability: 10
    • Intelligence: 31
    • Faith: 31

    Hand stuff:

    Rings I always wear:

    Rings that I don't always wear:

    The armor:

    I don't like the armor, so I didn't upgrade it. I only use it because I believe it offers me a good defense, and with the ring and the rest of the equipment already mentioned I reach the percentage of carried weight of 69.3. I still haven't found an armor that I'd like my character to wear just for aesthetics.

    As for Sorceries, Miracles, Pyromancies etc. I don't use any stationary, and I hardly ever use them against bosses, but I usually use them against normal enemies.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/CometPearl
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    Feels nice knowing how this community is still very much alive

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:52 AM PST

    Let me just take a moment to appreciate all of the new players' posts "Just finished the game, my opinion on it is...". Just feels nice knowing that this community is so very alive

    submitted by /u/KnightLaks
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    Velstad on Ng+4 tips

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:25 PM PST

    I'm on new game plus four and I'm getting slaughtered by velstad, if someone has any tips for him tell me please.

    submitted by /u/CautiousStruggle9
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    My opinion on the game so far

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:57 AM PST

    I don't know why this game gets so much hate from a lot of people, well I have already played every souls borne game (including sekiro and demon's) and I can say that this is also top level game . It's only shortcoming that I have noticed so far is the melee combat ,which is mechanically much inferior to dark souls although playing as a mage is so much more satisfying . Also the traversal is screwed because of directional inconsistency in the input scheme. But all things considered it's still a great game and I am having a blast playing it, I'm so far around 10 hours in and have defeated 5 bosses (I know I like to take my time ) .

    submitted by /u/abhinay33
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    Could use some assistance finding players

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:10 AM PST

    Hello, I was just wondering if there was any website that shows a live feed of were the most players are at a time in Ds2 sotfs for xbox1?

    submitted by /u/NoScopingNarwal
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    Undead Crypt Enemies Best Enemies

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:38 AM PST

    These guys about ruin the Undead Crypt for me. I go in a room and some hollow rings a bell and five of these damn guys spawn. Numbers wouldn't be much of an issue if this wasn't DSII. Might be because I was at low poise, but their Soul Spear staggered me to death. Literally. One casted a soul spear, it hit me, staggered my into the same soul spear, which hit me again, staggering me into itself for a third time, which resulted in a death I couldn't prevent. Amazing design.

    submitted by /u/beesegerchurro
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    SL154 SM 3mil needs help with Blue Smelter (xbox one)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:12 PM PST

    Can anyone help me out? I am able to get summoned for the fight, I've beat him a few times for others. However, I never see anyone out down their sign for me to summon. I've done everything else in this DLC and would just like to get this done and move on.

    submitted by /u/GucciSalad
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    My Take on this Flawed Game

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Before I really get into it, I wish to clarify a couple of things:

    1. I am not trying to belittle those who love this game, or even say it is a bad game. I would still rather play DS2 than most other games out there.
    2. My pedigree is thus: I have achieved Platinum for Dark Souls: Remastered, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. Further, I can best all bosses/shards ins DS3 with a heavy weapon and no glitches in just under 3 hours. My record in Sekiro is 2 hours 5 minutes for all weapons/beads. These are both NG times.
    3. I am not the biggest fan of PvP in these games, and I recognize that PvP might be DS2's greatest strength (and reason for its persistent and thriving community) over all of the other titles I have mentioned, so I will ignore this in my statements and talk about what I do know instead.

    Dark Souls 2 is driving me crazy. Every time I have just about had it something I love appears, and every time something truly praiseworthy happens the game suddenly (pardon the expression) shits the bed.

    Let me start by saying I am not even done with the game. I am, however, comfortable talking about this because the only challenging fights I haven't seen yet are Guardian Dragon and this Darklurker I have heard so much about. I suppose there might be one last difficult DLC boss I am missing (having cleared 8/9 of them), if Sir Alonne is up to snuff, but I am trying to avoid too many spoilers while also trying not to miss any other truly stupid things/mechanics.

    Why don't we try discussing something I don't think is defendable as superior to the other soulsekiroborne titles: Dodging and Adaptability. In these titles, precision is important. I cannot honestly say whether is the hitbox of my character or the enemy weapons/moves/abilities that have failed here, but if literally not being in the attack cannot guarantee my safety, it removes the "difficult but fair" player agency that is so key to the franchise. A hard to dodge attack is one thing. A dodged attack magically still hitting the player is frustrating and makes the whole game feel like you are playing remotely fighting enemies on a server somewhere and lagging behind what is actually happening.

    Adaptability is an interesting idea that should have been scrapped early on with any proper testing/thought. Since my hitbox is unreliable at the best of times, I'm forced instead to rely on my dodge rolling to provide invincibility frames. I am also taking far more damage than I should due to the previously mentioned hitbox problems, and so need to drink more Estus or evade enough for life gems to work (or spam them assuming I have a moment, which I refuse to do). The thing is, both the I-frames and Estus being tied to Agility without this being EXPLICITLY AND CLEARLY DEFINED is a major, major issue. I should not have to do experimentation in the single-player aspects of a game for hours and hours on end, remaking characters and finding rare items to reroll stats to figure out that IFRAMES are tied to a STAT. Looking it up after the fact makes it easy to address, sure, but if I need to research it, then the game has failed to explain its own fundamentals. Top it off with the fact that having to invest in a stat that could otherwise go into hp/stam or what I need for my weapons and you are basically saying that players are going to be crippled for a time.

    Now, given my experience, yes, I am able to readily acquire a vast amount of souls by simply proceeding through the game, rarely if ever losing them permanently and getting so many after any boss that filling out stats hasn't really been that big of a deal to me... but that is ME, and I have played these challenging games enough to overcome some of this insanity. So much so, that I told myself and my friends, "I will look up little to nothing on this game until I have cleared all the DLC so that I feel I've given it a fair shot, because I hear all the hardest fights are there." This is why I fought a medusa ripoff in a pool of poison. This is why I dealt with Lud & Zallen, Smelter Demon (Blue), and the Fume Knight with 5 adaptability and a heavy weapon. I do NOT recommend it, ever.

    How about level design? I cannot overstate how much difficulty over quality was emphasized in DS2, but I don't think this is a secret. The fact that all 3 DLCs had a "Challenge Hallway" followed by some lazy "Nonsense Boss" is a pretty good start. But even the main game had the shortest level ever filled with a ridiculous amount of poison statues and invasions designed to prevent a quick run to the boss without investment in a rare item for an extra bonfire you didn't even know was there. This might be the worst example, but there are a lot of fantastic examples of failure in this, before you even discuss the poor, poor enemy placement and spam. The whole "Kill it too many times and it despawns" I've read about strikes me as a terrible way to prevent farming, and a sad, sad thing to rely upon when trying to reach a boss because of the time investment. Thankfully, I never struggled that much, even in the stupid DLC challenge areas. At least not enough to see enemies vanish from my path.

    Speaking of spam, without spending too much time on it... 41 bosses?! I've killed 31 of them. Of those (and I like to think I am in the minority given my experience with these games here) I truly enjoyed only 9 of them, and this included some I think many hated, including both Smelter Demon fights and the Lud and Zallen fight (I called them nonsense for the repeat skins/lazy gank design of Smelter Blue and the double pets, not because I didn't like the design). That leaves over 2 thirds of what I've seen as "average as best to atrocious" and I have 10 fights to go. Please.

    You know what else I love? When my weapon which was fully repaired breaks near the end of a boss fight. My "THE" Greatsword broke in my winning attempt against Lud and Zallen. How did I win? I'd literally bought a second one from Vengarl and maxed it too in case the first one broke after dealing with the breaking in the Sinh fight. I also have a fancy Dragon's Tooth because I love it, but it lacks the range I love.... but should I really need to have repair-powder be a priority item on my hotbar? Also, I had already double-swung the moment I saw "AT RISK" appear, and it broke next swing, so suddenly repair powder wasn't going to work anyways. Glad I learned how to menu quickly from my speedruns of DS3.

    There are a lot of other problems with this game. Tons, really. I could go on and on with increasingly minor gripes that the other games did better... so let me end with some truly positive things, being very serious.

    I have 10 more bosses to fight, and I'm hoping for some good ones. Fume Knight was incredible, even with my poor adaptability. I liked the ferocity of both Smelter Demons (I just wish it didn't take so much effort to reach them) and the Lost Sinner has some special intensity in the darkness (I hear you can light the room. I don't think I ever will).

    Art design is still superb in most places. Majula is easily my favorite hub area of all 5 games, and there were places in the world that were truly inspiring.

    I wish it were utilized/explained better, but DS2 took advantage of a lot of environmental changes. Some walls could explode like the Legend of Zelda. An elevator filled with coffins was unusable in its normal state but still blocked a path. The Crown of the Ivory King DLC was quite a thing to see with the changing weather and bosses that rewarded exploration above simple combat (finding a seeing eye and the knights took me back to the caster above the Gaping Dragon fight, but much more elaborate and thought out).

    I didn't really like the witches, but most characters feel like they are properly part of the world in a way that is not easily dismissed. Emotional and dealing with it.

    I found a coffin on a beach and got into it. Didn't even know what had happened until a little later, was immediately attacked by the Pursuer but didn't know its name at the time. When we figured out what happened to my character, a couple of my friends who happen to be part of the LGBTQ+ and decided this was canon for my character and named the Pursuer ourselves the "Transphobic Nemesis" for his obvious hate crime as he continued to try to kill us throughout the early game.

    Credit to the PvP community for keeping the online portions alive: No other game on this list has had so many bloodstains/messages for me to read. I will never be mad at an invader, and will always wave/bow and heal only if they do first, even as a PvP scrub.

    Those backstab animations though!

    Lastly, despite its failings, it still is Dark Souls combat, just a bit sloppier. This still puts it leagues above most other games for feel alone.

    Thanks to all who read this so far. I am genuinely interested to see counter-points, and if you're reading this last line and this is your favorite game of the five I've mentioned, I really want to know why! Thank you all. :)

    submitted by /u/lurieelcari
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    Set of Poison Caestus

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:07 PM PST

    Just had a summon beat the brakes off the pursuer and giant and forgot how much I love them!!! Anyone have a set they can make and drop? Would like to go the entire game with only those and I'll make whatever elemental one I get from the crows.

    Please let me know.

    Thanks again for any help.

    submitted by /u/kvirus11
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    Help with ancient dragon at Dragon Shrine DS2 SOTFS PS4

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:55 PM PST

    I'm getting roasted and roasted with this dragon... I get so close to destroying it and then some goofy shit happens when I die. Puhleeze help meeeeeeee 😅

    submitted by /u/Operator_bacon
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    [XB1] SOTFS: Anyone want to help me with iron keep?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone wanted to play through the iron keep with me. I have ~800k SM and 2 of the 4 great souls. If you're willing to help just let me know and I'll drop my gt. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Blue_Arachnid
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    Almost had a heart attack in Aldia's Keep

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:44 PM PST

    Found another one of the beacons behind the dragon skeleton you can light with a message saying "don't do it!"

    I of course did it without hesitation cause I'm an idiot and an NPC invaded. I kill him and I guess my big greatsword also hit the dragon skeleton head and it starts fucking moving. At this point I'm freaking out panic rolling and the roar it let's out scares the shit out of me.

    Think it mostly caught me off guard but still lol

    submitted by /u/Jacksbackbaby008
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    Ancient Dragon is much easier then Kalameet

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 08:49 AM PST

    I'm not here to brag, but it took me about 20 tries to beat kalameet, but only 2 to beat the ancient dragon. To show that I'm not bragging, it took me 20 plus tries to beat quelaag the first time. I had heard before that ancient dragon was extremely hard because of attacks that are nearly impossible to dodge, however, it was very easy to see when his attacks were coming. Though his downward fire-breathing was large, he almost always did it after his forward fire breath. It was almost like a dance. Dragon flies up into the air, you run away and then run back, dragon breathes fire forward. Attack during the fire breath, watch his wings, and if they start flapping run away. This was extremely simple.

    submitted by /u/lowzycat
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    Thanks for all the PvP fun in Aldia and the Aerie last night boys! (SOTFS PC)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:22 PM PST

    I am going to start snapping some photos of this stuff. Last night was a blast, burned through 30+ cracked eyes and had some bangers.

    Highlights are the mud wrestle that ended in fists in the acid pool and the Wizard Trio Gank Squad that were chameleoned like tables and triple geyser'd out (Sorry about that one, you guys deserved the win!). Kudos also to the insane Blue Police Officer (Trippinballs I think?) That kept coming to save these peeps, your parry game is on point.

    I have to start getting this shit on video.

    submitted by /u/NRDubZ
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    Stat Questions

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:27 AM PST

    Hi, I'm approaching the end of my first ds2 run doing a hexer build, and I'm just want some clarification on some stat things. I've made a few boss weapons just for fun that I'd like to try out but don't have the stats. I'm sitting at 30/30 faith and int, and was wondering if upping my str/dex a little bit would hurt my magic stats? Sorry if this is a silly question I just want to make sure. Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/horsechild87
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    Need help!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:08 AM PST

    So I'm stuck on the two faced spider boss (sorry for the lack of nomenclature here lol) and I'm stuck hard! I used up all my human effigies and basically will have to beat the boss hollowed until i want to grind for effigies.

    On one of these hollowed runs i was invaded by someone on my way to the boss, how does that work?

    I thought you compulsorily needed to be human to either summon someone or get invaded. Can i summon someone while hollowed? Because God knows i need that help lol

    submitted by /u/vishal-2698
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    Have you ever been Dark Souled?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:59 AM PST

    You just never know what will get you. Gravity, the Pve, a host, a phantom, a NPC.... https://youtu.be/jSs2xWMkR30

    submitted by /u/mikewill0811
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    Darklurker : need tips

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:19 AM PST

    As the title says, I was just wondering if there were any tips that people had to beating Darklurker. I'm struggling to get past the last 10-15% of health cause they keep spamming the fireballs that take off so much health and I was wondering what people did to beat them. Sorry if this is not the right place to ask, I just didn't know where else might have the know-how

    submitted by /u/Frexican21
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    I don't know where to go

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Alright so I'm confused on where I have to go next. So far I've beaten the old Dragonslayer, the other boss next to him, rat vanguard, the gank boss in the loss Bastille, the Persuer, The Last Giant, the Lost Sinner, The Rotton, and that guy with 2 torsos that fights you on both sides. There are a couple areas I could go but they're blocked by statues and I don't know where I'm supposed to go next. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/bonzoluv
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