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    Thursday, December 31, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 Just beat DS2 and it’s crazy underrated

    Dark Souls 2 Just beat DS2 and it’s crazy underrated

    Just beat DS2 and it’s crazy underrated

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 12:13 AM PST

    I know this isn't a new/unique opinion but I was expecting a 7/10 experience from all the negative things I heard about this game. I had a blast!

    Yeah, the lore/story isn't as good as the first of third one in the series and your character feels far too clunky in the beginning, but I'd still say it's an 8 or 9/10 for me. Only issue is that I may have levelled up too much as the final quarter of the game I was beating bosses by my third try at the most. Whereas in ds3 despite being crazy strong with my melee build it took me quite a while to finally beat Soul of Cinder.

    Anyways, I haven't touched the dlc yet but the main game was really solid and the hate for it is a bit over the top.

    submitted by /u/LarryPeru
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    On sale for 10 bucks on Steam

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:03 AM PST

    Steam(at least where I live) has DS2 on sale for $9.99 I believe until the 6th or 7th! Beat it on PS4 a handful of times but it'll be fun to experience it again!

    submitted by /u/SkettiSempai
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    Why the hell do most hosts not use the smelting irons around the fume knight boss room?!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 08:14 PM PST

    If it's for the extra challenge then why summon for help? Is it to save time and being to lazy to go collect them? In the time of the dozens of failed attempts they could have got them all already DAMNIT!!

    submitted by /u/Werewolf_Droid
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    An In-Depth Guide on Sunlight Medals

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:09 PM PST

    Sunlight Spear. A devastatingly powerful spell locked behind a mind-numbing grind. But not every method of farming for those precious golden medals is equal. This guide should help make your grind as quick and painless as possible.

    Notes on item discovery

    Since four out of the five ways to obtain Sunlight Medals depends on random item drops, it's probably best to talk about the mechanics behind it. Your item discovery chance is an invisible stat that checks against a random number every time you kill something. Items and effects that increase that stat stack additively. For instance, wearing either the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring or Symbol of Avarice will double your item discovery chance, but both together 'only' triple it rather than quadruple.

    Things which affect your item discovery are:

    • Bonfire Intensity - It's a little known mechanic of the game, but as difficulty increases so does your chance of getting an item to drop. At intensity 1 you have a base item discovery of 100. Every level above that up to 8 adds 50 to that value, maxing out at 450 (assuming I have the math right. I got this information second hand from a speedrunner who later deleted their comments.) Keep in mind that while this dramatically increases your chances of a drop from a kill, it also dramatically increases the difficulty of obtaining that kill.
    • Covetous Gold Serpent Ring - The base version adds 50 to your item discovery, +1 adds 75 and +2 adds 100.
    • Hats - The Prisoner's Hood raises item discovery by a very minor 10. The Travelling Merchant Hat is a little better, but still only adds 25. The Jester's Cap is the best available from the base game at +50. But the absolute best option is the Symbol of Avarice with 100.
    • Prisoner's Tatters - Since it only adds 15 to your item discovery stat, its effect is probably not very noticeable. But it's the only chest "armor" that has any effect on item discovery, so you might as well.
    • Watchdragon Parma - 50 item discovery. Note: this is only true in the Scholar of the First Sin edition. If you don't get this from a dragon in Heide, it does nothing.
    • Rusted Coin - Adds 100 item discovery for 5 minutes. Note that the effect can be blocked by wearing certain rings, notably the Chloranthy Ring. If you use it and don't see a visual effect, it's not working.

    After a while farming enemies they'll stop dropping weapons, shields or armor. Each enemy only drops one copy of each. This combined with dry streaks is probably why it seems like you get less drops the more times you kill something. From my own testing on the subject, the drop rate for Sunlight Medals is fairly consistent. The cold streaks are much more noticeable than the hot streaks, though, and it can get frustrating.

    With no item discovery gear at Bonfire Intensity 1, the drop rate for Medals is right around 1%, requiring on average 3000 kills to get Sunlight Spear. With all of the best item discovery gear and enough Rusted Coins you can cut that down to about 650 NG kills or about 375 NG+7 kills. The challenge then is making those kills as fast as possible.

    Jolly Cooperation

    This will most likely not be the most time-efficient way to get Sunlight Medals, but it should still be your first choice if you at all enjoy multiplayer. Why? Because it's actually gameplay instead of a chore. It's impossible to give any sort of estimate for how long it'll take to get 30 medals this way, because it all varies depending on your Soul Memory and whether the game is on sale or there's a Return to Drangleic event going on or whatever. Probably the most consistent hot spot is the Cardinal Tower of the Forest of Fallen Giants, if you get the Agape Ring before you get over 39,999 SM. On a busy enough weekend, you can be pretty much constantly summoned. How long it takes to get a medal each time depends on the host.

    Things Betwixt

    At Bonfire Intensity 2 or higher, there are 4 Falconers around the spawn point in Things Betwixt that can drop Sunlight Medals when killed. Since they're difficult to fight, the drop rate is low and it's a long distance from the nearest bonfire, this spot should only be considered as a last resort. Unfortunately for players of the original version of DS2, this may be the only practical option for you.

    The best method I've heard of for this area is a serious grind. To do it, join Company of Champions before starting New Game Plus and put on the Ring of Binding and any farming gear you want. As soon as the game starts, you'll be in the middle of the Falconers and ready to fight. Because this is NG+, you won't have any bonfires lit and that means your respawn point is right back in the middle of the action. So you just kill and die and kill again until you have 30 medals and can escape your purgatory.

    Because the effect ends with death, Rusted Coins are useless to this approach. The Falconers here carry falcons which are kind of a bitch to fight against, but at least they don't have shields like the ones elsewhere so they're some of the easiest enemies that drop Medals to take in a fair fight. It's still extremely demoralizing to have to die that much.

    Harvest Valley

    The Banediggers (big giants who throw huge Dark Orbs at you) here can drop Medals. I don't know what the drop rate is because they just suck to fight and I don't bother to farm them. Their high health, huge damage and tendency to stand in poison gas means it's usually a bad idea to fight them head on and especially bad to fight them with melee, not to mention what a pain it is to retrieve their drops. Spellcasters have it a lot easier. They can be pretty consistently double tapped by Soul Spears at base NG level, though every other spell casting school will probably need to triple tap. The good news is that they also drop Smooth & Silky Stones to trade to the crows.

    This is one of the places where players of the original edition actually have it better than Scholar players. For them, there's two Banediggers outside of poison gas with their backs to you right outside of the second bonfire. I don't have the original version to test how easy/fast this can go for myself, but I imagine it's not too bad. Scholar players, don't even bother. You have better options.

    Shaded Woods

    Down the left fork of the Shaded Woods are 5 Falconers in the Scholar version. I'm just going to tell you this up front: there's no good way to farm these assholes. The only practical way to approach these guys is from the front and these guys have shields which they'll always have raised and may even parry you with. (Brief side note. I spent a lot of time fighting these guys and the infamous broken running animation only happens when they try to run with a shield raised. Since before Scholar none of them had shields, I think it's just a case of the game not having an animation for them running with a shield.)

    Anyway, no matter how you approach this fight or how experienced you are, these guys just refuse to die easily. One trick I found that helps a lot is Soul Appease. Since Falconers are hollowed, it works on them and can't be blocked by their shields. It'll one-shot them at base NG with a good enough chime and even in NG+ with a Dragon Chime, but after that its slow casting speed makes it more of a liability than it's worth.

    Brightstone Cove Tseldora

    The Royal Army Campsite has 10 Falconers in it in the Scholar version, and some of them conveniently have their backs to you. It's possible to pile up a lot of medals here if you get an efficient enough route. I've actually got a few options.

    You can choose to just run in and fight them head on. It's not really the fastest method and you're going to spend the entire time in the crossfire of archers fighting guys who will block and parry everything you throw at them. And also pigs are there.

    If you run straight to the chest-high wall from the bonfire, you can cast a spell over the top of it at the guy in front of the flaming rock. Move over to your right and you can target the guy in the tent as well. Soul Spear and Great Lightning Spear can one-shot them at base NG and even at NG+7 you can consistently double tap them with Crystal Soul Spear. They're weakest to Magic, so other spell schools don't work quite as well at high difficulties and may not be able to quickly and easily take them out. If you're fast enough you could potentially repeat the cycle 3 or 4 times per minute, getting you about 30-40 kills per Rusted Coin. Set a 5 minute timer and only pick up drops once it runs out to maximize the effect.

    The last method involves Soul Appease again and requires a bit of setup. First you need to break the archer tower to your right when facing the camp and the cart blocking the gap in the wall closest to the bonfire. This will probably involve fighting everyone in the camp, just so you know. After you do that and rest at the bonfire, jog through that gap in the wall and over next to the guy staring at the flaming rock. As long as you don't sprint, you can get right next to him before he notices you. You may be able to sprint if you have the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring or Sanctum Knight Leggings, I haven't tested. What you want to do is get right up next to the tent next to that guy and cast Soul Appease. If all goes well, that one cast will kill the guy next to you, the guy in the tent, the guy patrolling in front of the tent and the archer that was on the tower you broke. The hitbox for Soul Appease is a bit finicky, so it may be as low as only two Falconers. Then you just run back to the bonfire and do it again. Once you get into the rhythm of things, you can repeat this about 4 times per minute or up to 80 kills per Rusted Coin. It's worth noting that this method does not work after NG+, even with the best chime and every possible damage boost.

    Theoretically, with the above two methods you could max out the covenant with less than an hour of grinding (not including setup and cleanup time). Make sure you have enough Rusted Coins to go the distance. 12 will last you an hour.

    submitted by /u/TheHittite
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    Throw at me your best flynn ring build.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:03 AM PST

    I always found big weapons to be stronger in this game. How do you make light builds viable?

    submitted by /u/stiore2
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    Some info about Ring of thorns +2

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Ladies and gents, after what feels like a eternity (50 hours) I've finished my ring of thorns +2 testing.
    Here is some info:

    - The host must be different, not the same host. This means no farming with a friend. This seems obvious, but no wiki states it, so I'll state it. What I don't know is if the game actually bothers getting steam ID and checking or if it's just the name.
    If someone has wiki access please edit this one as it will save some poor couple of fools quite some time, I can provide proof.

    - Red Saponite doesn't seem to work. DON'T TAKE MY WORD ON THIS ONE. I've been testing red saponite invasions with distinct hosts but some of them could be duplicated. I'll try to do a specific test to rule this out.

    I'll be further testing, but for now that is all. Happy new year!

    submitted by /u/Slav_knight
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    How do I get my platinum flair?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    Has anyone ever actually been summoned to help a host via the Guardian Seal or is that just an urban legend?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:31 AM PST

    I've given myself the challenge of leveling up in the Blue Sentinels the old-fashioned way and, while it's not too hard to find opponents in the arena or with a Cracked Blue Eye Orb, I've never once been summoned using the Guardian Seal and I wear it all the time.

    Has anyone ever been summoned with this ring? Any tips on getting summoned? I'm tired of grinding for orbs and tokens.

    Note 1: Please do not tell me this covenant is "dead." I've had plenty of success invading and using the arena. I simply want to know if this ring can be a viable way to get tokens and victories.

    Note 2: I'm on PS4.

    submitted by /u/dova_bear
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    My opinion of this game grew the longer I played it.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:53 PM PST

    I didn't come into this game blind. I had already watched the notorious Hbomberguy defense and the 10 hour Mauler rebuttal of that defense so I was pretty well versed in both the positive and negative opinions of the game. I had just finished Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 3 and all of their DLCs so I came in thinking "even if it's worse than either of those games, it's still a Dark Souls game and I know I'll love it!"

    And, well, let's just say that I was shocked to discover just how rough the beginning of this game is. Between the health loss whenever you die, the awful Iframes at low ADP levels, the heavy ganks in early levels like the Forest and Wharf, the spotty hit boxes, the gradual healing of the flask getting me killed when it wouldn't in 1 and 3 and the removal of Iframes when opening chests and going through fog gates, I found myself pretty exacerbated at just how bad of a first impression this game makes on the player.

    I actually uninstalled the game in frustration after finally getting an ultra great sword (my preferred weapon type) only to discover that the game forces you to manually aim UGSs even when locked on...


    After I got over this initial shock, I reinstalled the game and went back into it and, as I got further, I started to actually appreciate the differences and the game as a whole. I'll preface that with the statement that my biggest issue, the health loss on death, was remediated by the ring of binding in the tower of Flame and the constant ganks being mostly fixed by me leveling up my Greatsword to one shot the majority of enemies. But even still, I began to appreciate the lore and how they chose to go in a completely different direction with the story (as opposed to staying in the Anor Londo world from the other 2 games). The bosses were a bit too easy and there were a bit too many of them but I didn't mind that so much. It actually made me feel good killing a bunch of bosses on my first try haha.

    My appreciation for the game hit a fever pitch once I got into the DLCs! The complaints remained mostly the same (ganks, healing etc) but the DLCs vastly improved on just about everything and the areas are simply stunning! And the bosses are (mostly) incredible! There were duds, obviously. The frozen outskirts is probably the worst area in the entire souls series but the good far outweighs the bad. Brume Tower and Frozen Eleum Loyce may be two of the most intriguing and beautiful areas in the entire series.

    I'm really glad I reinstalled and worked my way through the full game. It would have been a huge loss to have missed out on this experience just because of a really bad opening act. And I just wanted to get that out on the internet. I don't want to compare it to the other games because that inevitably leads to controversy, but this game definitely fits as a Dark Souls game and I hope those who didn't give it a chance because of its reputation eventually come back to it.

    submitted by /u/habesjn
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    Lore theory for the old dragonslayer

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:46 PM PST

    I think that the old dragonslayer is a copy of Ornstein's armor that the Blue Sentinels control with dark magic as a test for people that want to join the covenant. After you beat him and you talk to the guy that let's you joins the covenant, he says that you have proved your strength and are worthy to join, and how could they do this test if they need a new guy every time.

    submitted by /u/the-pee_pee-poo_poo
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    Drangleic Castle NG+ (contains language)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    I was zipping along pretty good until I got here lol. The big fellas on the bridge leading up to the castle weren't too bad, but that red fucker can suck cocks in hell. He got me a few times. I finally swallowed my pride and cheesed him with poison arrows.

    I had been using a rapier up to this point with good results, but once inside the castle, my "poke till they drop" strategy wasn't working very well. The lightning fast assassin guys ganked me once, so I switched to a zweihander. The big fuckers up the stairs guarding the two chests got me too. I'm certain I died a few more times as well, but a day later it's a hazy nightmare. Ironically, the Bosses were a piece of cake. Anyway, the point is that I thought this area was a notch up in difficulty compared to what I had experienced before.

    I felt better as I was conquering Shrine of Amana with unanticipated ease until, like an asshole, I decided to tackle the Dragonrider (who was minding his own business). That mother fucker has a TON of hit points! After dying to him, I shot him with 1.7 million arrows until he succumbed (to boredom I think). Then I made it easily to within 100 yards of the final bonfire, and...wait for it...fell in the depths while completely unprovoked. I respawned at the bonfire, forgot how easy it is to get overwhelmed if you don't snipe the mages first, died again and lost my first significant amount of souls for the run.

    Good times...I wonder if this is an omen for the rest of NG+...

    submitted by /u/jurassicmark1
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    arena hackers or skill?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 12:53 PM PST

    I have been playing in the brotherhood of blood arena and people with weird names can't be hit or they do lots of damage

    names like 993, mufasio, young bbq, stinky rat, vander, and censored bad words are these player hackers?

    submitted by /u/helpmeskeleton
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    Fextralife best for following NPC quest lines?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:26 AM PST

    Going to start another DS2 play through and want to more or less follow all the NPC quests is using the fextralife best for where to find them etc? I wish I knew where they were and what to do but I just don't lol.

    submitted by /u/spacex88
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    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:20 AM PST

    I haven't used heavy armor in this game since one of my 1st runs ever and I kinda wonder. is it any good? I've been looking for a new way to play the game lately and a tank with a shield with one rule of never rolling sounds like fun! but idk if I should invest in armor or just stamina to block more.

    submitted by /u/lplaysouls
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    I must get this out of my heart

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Most of the people that critisize and abuse dark souls 2 didn't even played this game i can swear on that Most of the people that start ds2 stops playing in the beginning of the game even before no man's wharf İ admit the dark souls 2's begging part is a little bland even tho it has the best base(majula) design the forst areas are a little bland but what about dark souls 3 the game is literally boring until abyss watchers but always ds2 gets the critisizm Ds2 has one of the most beautiful places in the franchise I still can't forget the first time that i saw the drangleic castle under heavy raining. Those stairs that castle it was truly beautiful And also the game has very very cool bosses darklurker sir alonne fume knight ivory king these bosses are truly amazing by looks and game design Plus this game has the most rpg elements in the whole franchise also the way you can build your carracter is amazing you can combine most of the swords in the game to make a new move set you can combine magic pyro and faith builds which are by far the best in the franchise especially the sorcerer build is priceless the only game that you truly feel like a sorcerer unlike ds1 and ds3 I just can't stand that ds2 is being refferanced as a bad game in the whole souls community and internet im just mad now i needed to get this out of my heart

    submitted by /u/Palevac
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    For story purposes should I enter the throne of want or do the DLC first?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Im at what i know is the end of the base game. Is it like the bloodborne DLC where I am supposed to complete it before the credits roll and not after?

    submitted by /u/redditisfinebyme
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    Helping in PS4 DS2SOTFS

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 12:00 AM PST

    Hello everyone! Happy New year's Eve!

    As the title suggests I'm offering help to anyone on the matching soul memories:





    I have to add that there is a dedicated co-op subreddit called r/summonsign but since some people don't know about it I've decided to make my post on this sub.

    Leave a comment here and tell me what area you're struggling with and I will help you. :)

    submitted by /u/KrisErra
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    Is this game worth playing to understand DS3?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:47 AM PST

    After beating Demon Souls I felt a crave in playing more of the souls games. So I decided to start with DS1 and then move onto to DS3. I've heard lots of bad things about 2 so I'm not really in the mood to play a "bad souls game." However if being able to understand 3 means playing 2 then I'll go through it.

    submitted by /u/JimboIsLit
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    Rat King Covenant PVP

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Hey I am trying to do some fun PVP in the Doors of Pharros. I am part of the Rat Covenant and am wearing the Crest of the Rat Ring. I've been running around aimlessly trying to invade a world and do some PVP fighting, but nothing is showing up. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/takethecannoIi
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    What's your least favorite boss run?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 11:59 PM PST

    For me, it's Lud and Zallen. Those reindeer are worse than the tigers.

    submitted by /u/Mzuark
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    Did I summon a human or NPC sunbro? (Putting question as it seems more fitting than co op)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:29 AM PST

    So I'm playing SOTFS for the first time (beat DKSL2 hundreds of times before this, first time with SOTFS) and when I got to the undead ditch bonfire I saw a golden summon checked it and it was named "Sister Agatha" (I think it was Agatha, it was definitely sister something) and generally if I see a space in a name I assume an NPC (idk if you can put a space in your name, never tried plus every player summon I've seen so far has been one word) and I did a quick sweep of the area with the summon as I remember it being a bit annoying and hating the 2 shield knights (I only use NPC summons for this as I prefer using humans for bosses) but I just went back to the bonfire to nab the what I assumed was an NPC for a summon (after switching back to sunbro, I wanted some medals) but the sign was gone, and I was wondering if anyone's seen that sign and it is meant to vanish or something or if I just assumed a human was an NPC?

    submitted by /u/TheCabbageCaresser
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    Blue Dagger

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:42 AM PST

    Is this even worth using? Seems way too risky to use, but do people use this?

    submitted by /u/masterninja3402
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    I don't know why people hate on this game

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:13 AM PST

    This is literally the best dark souls game, why so much hate for this game?

    submitted by /u/Enigma_33456
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