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    Dark Souls My heart rate after Ornstein and Smough

    Dark Souls My heart rate after Ornstein and Smough

    My heart rate after Ornstein and Smough

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:08 AM PST

    Silver Knight drawing I did of one of my favorite armor sets.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:28 AM PST


    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:36 PM PST

    Everyone is saying 2021 is going to get better when in reality were about to go to New Game+

    submitted by /u/asolis13
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    I just beat it for my first time

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:48 PM PST

    I can't believe I beat it. It definitely is one of if not my favorite game of all time. It is definitely a masterpiece

    submitted by /u/Spidercop264
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    Happy New Year and let’s all hope for [Redacted Name] to be another great title in 2021!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:36 PM PST

    [Redacted Name] will hopefully come out in 2021, let's all pray to the souls gods

    submitted by /u/KrypticScythe29
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    Praise the sun for the new year, and don’t got hollow now

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 12:06 PM PST

    Dark souls got me through some tough times this year even if it is difficult as anything. Made me keep pushing through in game and through my troubles in real life, it's been a long year for everyone so let's continue to love dark souls and the lessons it's taught us Praise the sun! \ [T]/

    submitted by /u/IssaLlama-
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    Why do i feel so weak as a Sunbro?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:47 PM PST

    I have recently been playing as a Fth/Dex character and I feel like everything is so much harder to beat than it was last game. I have 3 usable miracles. I have lightning spear heal and I just found out that emit force deals damage. I have also been using a Balder Sword and a Silver Spear as weapons. I feel like I have been real having a hard time with bosses and even some of the "tougher" enemies. Currently I am sitting at level 70 with Vit-25 Att-16 End-22 Str-16 Dex-27 Res-11 Int-8 and Fth-27.

    I am at the Painted World currently about to fight Priscilla. Don't worry about spoilers I have beaten it already.

    Any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong? Or just how to be better?

    submitted by /u/Automaticantt
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    Do any Souls-like game surpass any Soulsborne/Sekiro games?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:54 AM PST

    I was wondering if in your opinion there are any souls-like games that are actually better than our beloved From Software games.

    In my opinion there aren't any and the game that comes the closest to matching their quality is Nioh 2.

    submitted by /u/CamLam19
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    Has anyone played group Dark Souls?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:11 PM PST

    My boyfriend and I have a group character and every time we die or come to a new bonfire we switch off. Really fun idea for anyone who has friends/roommates/significant others who play too!

    submitted by /u/Cold_Wishbone_2669
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    Drake sword or Zweihander ?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:36 AM PST

    Complete DS noob here. I've been reading guides and they're all telling me to shoot the dragon's tails to get the drake sword but I find that tedious.

    I already got the Zweihander have put 16 into str now so I use it 2 handed. It one shots most normal mobs but is quite slow.

    Is it worth shooting the tail to get the drake sword if that makes the game easier for me?

    submitted by /u/snkhuong
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    Where is the master key

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:24 AM PST

    So I got the dark souls remastered collection for Christmas so I picked the first game to play first and I choose the master key as my gift but when got control over my character I could see the master key was not in my inventory so can anyone help me (I am a newcomer to dark soul)

    submitted by /u/Reaper1645
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    What is you favorite area in all of Fromsoftware games including Dark Souls?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:11 PM PST

    Mine is Hunter's dream and Fountainhead Palace because of how mysterious and nice it is

    Whats yours and a short expanation why?

    submitted by /u/TheJurassicPark7
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    Where should i go after i get the lord vessal?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:22 PM PST

    I know theres 4 areas but which one of them would be the hardest and which of them the easiest? oh and its my cake day. guess i'll spend it here. and happy new year guys.

    submitted by /u/Sgt-BlueBerries
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    Weapons that will ruin low SL matchmaking?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:35 PM PST

    Coming back to DSR after a while and have a pretty nasty sl20 mage build goin, staying at +5 for weapon upgrades. Using this build to try to help new players against the Dark Bead spammers plaguing the Burg. My question is about weapons that automatically increase your highest WL. I know that the Lightning Spear in Sen's and the Occult Club in Anor Londo automatically count as a +10 weapon, but outside of those I don't know what weapons in the game (DLC included) will throw off my +5 WL from picking them up. If anyone knows of any others, please just let me know where they are so I can avoid them!

    submitted by /u/gold_poo
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    The Painted World of Ariamis begins where the Undead Asylum Ends

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:34 AM PST

    The painted world is very odd. Isn't it strange how it is in the middle of a valley, with a random bridge which leads towards it? What kind of madman would build a structure like that. Well, I think I know exactly why this is.

    The Undead Asylum is too, stranded in the middle of nowhere, and abruptly cuts off in an area leading you upwards where the Crow eventually takes you. This is very strange because the Painted World's entrance (with the rope bridge) too, has a path that leads upwards to the bonfire there.

    Theory: The Painted World of Ariamis is the second half of the Undead Asylum, only it was destroyed and recreated in the Painted World, or simply copy-pasted perhaps

    There are many parallels. Not only are the two connected in a game-mechanics level, via the Doll which is required to enter the Painted World. Both structures have visual similarities.

    • Both levels use Hollows as their primary enemy. And they too show a strong emphasis on Torch Hollows. (when you return to the Asylum, and the area where Jeremiah invades you)
    • Both structures are in a similar state of disrepair.
    • Both structures have cages.
      • Both have the theme of punishment. Except it is much more present in the Painted World, given the cages placed in the middle area (where the spearmen are), as if used to shame people, and the Wheel Skeletons. (which pays homage to a popular historical torture technique involving being tied to a wheel.)
        • Velka too is known to punish. (And she is greatly emphasized in the Painted World)
    • Both structures have a surprise enemy that uses Chaos Magic. Jeremiah and the Stray Demon for example.Both have "Demons." Crow Demons, and the Chaos Demons.
    • Both structures have crows or strongly feature crow-like imagery.
    • Both structures have a similar sky color.
    • Both structures are isolated in the middle of nowhere, except the Painted World's positioning is much more unnatural.
    • Both structures have a direct connection to Priscilla. The Plain Doll is Priscilla's Doll, and is found in the starting room of the Undead Asylum. (this could imply that priscilla was once in the jail cell in which the player starts the game. Though I could be wrong)
    • Both levels end in a path leading forward like a hallway.
    • Both levels end in a drop-zone.

    Holes in the Theory and their Possible Rebuttals

    The presence of Velka and the Undead Dragon might seem like the elephants in the room. But are they really so?

    The undead dragon, especially it's positioning, could be a thematic reference to Priscilla's half-dragon descent, especially given the enemy itself is literally half a dragon. Its toxic breath also may explain, in a literal or thematic sense, the presence of disease in the Painted World, one of which is not explored in the Undead Asylum.

    This leaves Velka to be the only thing in question. However if she is connected to the Dark, and so are hollows, and also punishment, and she is also loosely connected to crows as well. Both areas have emphasized crow imagery, and are shown to be filled with jail cells, which are thematically connected to punishment.

    Historical Credence:

    I would also like to point out, that in the medieval ages, "asylums" or their equivalents were run by, or had close-relations to a church. Given that there is no presence of a church in the Undead Asylum, but there IS one in the Painted World of Ariamis, this truth might also add more credence to my theory. Additionally, it was believed, or it may be an untrue modern stereotype, that in the middle ages people thought that madness was caused by sin, which makes sense given that Velka, the Goddess of sin is worshipped in what I believe is the second half of the Undead Asylum.

    submitted by /u/Herald_of_Zena
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    May be stupid question

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:55 PM PST

    Why is sif massive in base game when he is normal sized in dlc?

    submitted by /u/inewiuneiun
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    I’ve played every souls game except DS1 including lots of Bloodborne, what are some tips?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:34 PM PST

    I prefer strength builds usually. Or balance of Dex/Str for a lot of weapons to try out.

    What about gameplay differences and other things?

    submitted by /u/FlubzRevenge
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    What are some criticisms of this game you wish you heard more?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 01:03 PM PST

    We all love this game. We've all beaten it 1,000 times with every build we can think of. But we also know it has flaws. The back half of the game is half-baked: that's obvious. The Bed of Chaos is poorly designed and the Capra Demon is cheap. We know this.

    But what are the things you're thinking that you haven't read here 100 times?

    Here are my examples:

    1) The different Weapon Upgrade paths are so poorly implemented that they actually limit the viability of some fun builds. The Faith/Intelligence build that became so popular in DS2 and DS3 is almost unplayable in this game because split damage suffers so badly on the Magic/Divine/Occult/Fire/Chaos paths that even a caster build requires a significant investment in a physical damage stat to be able to use any melee weapon with any efficiency. And why do Divine and Occult weapons do Magic Damage? Fucked if I know. Is there a lore reason for this? Nope. Why do Divine weapons do less damage to undead enemies than the same weapon on the regular path. Because fuck you, that's why.

    2) Most Boss weapons are not worth it. And they're too hard to acquire for the trash that they are. Except Quelaag's Furysword -- which is the best Chaos weapon because it has dexterity scaling -- and the Chaos Blade -- which does high damage and high bleed buildup. Want to use the Dragonslayer Spear? Don't waste your time. The stat requirements are too high and the damage too low. Just buff a Winged Spear with Sunlight Blade. Want to use the Golem Axe or the Dragonbone Fist? Why? Literally every standard strength weapon on the regular upgrade path does more damage and has better scaling. The Great Lord Greatsword? What a waste. The scaling is shit and it doesn't even do fire damage.

    3) Gravelord Nito is dumb and his lore makes no sense. He's a Lord -- AKA a God -- but he's the first person to die. But he's not dead. And he lives in the dark, but not the Abyss. And he creates dark miracles. But he doesn't have a Dark Soul. He only has a white soul, a Lord soul, he has as much to lose from the fading of the First Flame as the other Lords but he just ... doesn't care?

    I love this game, I really do. But these things just drive me nuts.

    What are things like this that bother you?

    submitted by /u/dova_bear
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    Xbox one controller issues with remaster (I've tried everything)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:32 PM PST

    I decided to go on a binge playing through all the Soulsborne titles and left DS1 for last. I decided to splurge a bit and get the Remastered version but I can't get it to work with my wireless Xbox One controller. It worked perfectly fine for all the other titles (including the Prepare to Die edition) and every other game I've tried a controller with out of the box. For whatever reason, just with the Remastered version, the game just refuses to recognize that I have a controller plugged in. I've been scouring the internet for solutions and so far have tried:

    • Using x360ce
    • Using input mapper
    • Using reWASD
    • Disabling all other input game devices in Device Manager (I had none)
    • Running the game as administrator
    • Running the game in Windows 8 compatibility mode
    • Uninstalling and reinstalling controller and wireless usb dongle drivers
    • Enabling various compatibility options in Steam big picture mode, using people's custom control profiles on Steam, etc.

    I'm basically out of ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated, otherwise I'll probably just end up refunding and playing PtD edition.

    submitted by /u/Seriouslanguage6
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    Nito is hard

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:56 PM PST

    Anyone around SL 80 on the PC that can help with the Nito fight? I'm at the boss door and there are just zero signs. Who's up for some New Years Dunking?

    Edit: Switched from artorias set to full Havels and the boss fight was almost unfair how easy it was. Thanks for the suggestions!

    submitted by /u/SnoopMcDoggyDog
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    Am i leveling wrong?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:30 PM PST

    My current level is around 85 and my stats are 30 on Vitality, endurance, dexterity and strengh, the other stats are nearly unchanged. Im playing the first class (idk the name anymore)

    Yet i do so little damage apparently? Like i have a +7 lightning claymore as my main weapon and when i hit a boss it does so little damage.

    I see people doing way more damage with apparently the same stuff?

    Or the armors Sometimes i go into a fight fully armored and get hella rekt yet i see some dude fighting buttnaked taking half the damage?

    Currently i was trying to beat gwyn but since my friend told me hes the final boss i decided to do the dlc instead. And boy o boy i feel V e r y underleveled for the dlc and/or gwyn

    Am i doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/MaxArt4869
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    Some Parts of Dark souls 1 are influenced by classic Japanese Anime.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:46 PM PST

    Many don't know this but some parts of Ds1 are highly influenced by classic Japanese Anime like grey wolf sif, forest cat, Great hollow, Ash Lake and the talking mushroom. Many of those Animes were classic 70s- 80s Animes. I saw them when I was young but I don't remember their Japanese names now. Also the drawing style of the Cats is 100% the same.

    submitted by /u/Some-Lifeguard5317
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    Never played Dark Souls, which should be my first?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Yo whats up people. I never played darksouls and i wanna try it. Which one do you guys recommend / think is the best game or makes the most sense starting with?

    Thanks in advance boys.

    submitted by /u/viinylBeats
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