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    Tuesday, November 24, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - The Trading Post.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:09 PM PST

    Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away?

    Use today to schedule some trades!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    If bluepoint games remade DS2, How would you feel about it?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Mainly in terms of design and minor in-game tweaks, how would you guys feel about it?

    In general I love the game since day one! This isn't me saying it needs a major improvement or anything (maybe minor adjustments) but after I saw how demons souls looked my curiosity about how this would look has grown since

    I think I would put more hours into it then I did with all the soulsborne/sekiro games put together

    submitted by /u/bishysenpai
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    My name is lucatiel.. I beg of you remember my name.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 06:18 PM PST

    it bothers me how DS2 is widely considered to be the "least good" -- for lack of a better term -- souls game, and indeed most of it is not so memorable as other soulsborne games. But every now and again this quote just pops into my head, and.. well, if you've studied the lore, gives you a more and more uneasy feeling. Moreso if you had put a large number of hours into the game at the time of its release.

    submitted by /u/baldguy21
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    How tall is the Bearer of the Curse?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Hello! Some days ago I made this post where I found how far can the bearer of the curse shoot.

    The post blew up like I didn't imagine it would, and so, I fell compelled to finish the already half done job.

    Now, if you remember on that post, (which you probably don't, that's why I'm saying this) we determined that the symmetric tiles on the Plazza near the Grand Cathedral where 22 cm in real life.
    We did this by using the Espada Ropera, which is a Spanish Rapier with set measures as reference, finding out we could align the camera exactly above, which would give us a measure of 5 tiles for 1 meter 10 cm.

    So now the only thing left was to somehow find a reference point between a naked Bearer of the Curse and the tiles.

    My first idea was to use the shadow the bearer casted, and then apply some trigonometry to find things out, but I ruled that out for two simple reasons:

    1) We do not know if the Dark Souls sun works like ours. Probably not, keeping in mind the things we see in Dark Souls 3 (hollow sun) and Dark souls 1 (No sun before the first flame?)
    2) I suck at trigonometry.

    So, with the sun out ruled, I thought I could maybe do some graphic comparison with the tiles and pixels. Until it hitted me: There was a way to align a Naked Bearer with the Tiles.

    I just needed something to flatten me on the ground. And take some captures.

    Now mobs and red spirits do like to flatten the Bearer, but not always, and they're not very cooperative in terms of research, so the solution had to be a human invader. Cool, except there is a tiny problem: Not many of my friends play Dark Souls 2, and the few that do kinda suck (Sorry guys, <3 u), which makes it impossible for them to invade since I'm at SM 25 million plus.

    Fortunately for me, after some research, I found a way to invade myself. How? For now I'm saving the secret for personal reasons (no it doesn't involve cheating/cracking, calm your tits), but don't worry, I'll release it soon. Also it is way too long to explain on this post. Sorry.

    With my evil invader twin, I had him flatten me, and took some screenshots . After some analysis of the pictures and taking several references with the tiles, I determined, two sure things:

    From heel to waist, the Bearer measures 4 tiles. From waist to top of the head, the Bearer measures 3 and a half tiles. Which gives us a big total of 7,5 tiles.

    22 cm by tile * 7,5 tiles = 165 cm.

    So. it's not that the monsters are very big, but the Bearer is not very tall?
    Who knows. Next I'll probably measure Vendrick, but not before I do some soul crushing grinds...

    submitted by /u/Slav_knight
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    Fun discussion time:The undead curse is real, holloing is real and all the events that happen throughout the trilogy, are or are about to happen. How do you see yourself in this? Lucky or not?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:11 AM PST

    With my luck I'd be one of the hollows you find at the introductory area 😂

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    New Run Ideas?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:47 AM PST

    I want to start a new Charakter in DS2 and I like to have a goal with them. (like being a specific Magic user or using specific weapons) What Ideas do you have?

    submitted by /u/Jan-chu
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    Did anyone have any really wierd personal plot suspicions playing the game? neat headcannon? whether or not you think it came true? I'd love to hear !

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:34 AM PST

    For me, When I'd heard that there had been a raid of the giant kingdoms and a great prize had been taken, and that the king also now had a wife, I was totally convinced that Nashandra was kidnapped and forced into marriage in sort of tribal medievil style, hence her anger and the hatred of the giants.

    I was even MORE convinced when I finally ran into her, and BITCH WAS LIKE 12 FEET TALL!

    now, no, she didn't have a cloaca for a face like all the other giants. But given some of the giant variety in the other souls games, I'm still not sure she wasn't a conquered trophy prize bride, seething with hatred and plotting the downfall of all around her, eventually just sitting forlorn in her throne, totally alone, but never vindicated, never having had her revenge slaked.

    Nothin' at ALL to do with some dumb magic chair. nope!

    submitted by /u/spoonguy123
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    Spells in PvP are more complicated than you think. It has amazing potential.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:18 AM PST

    When you hear 'spells' in pvp you think of the OP ones. But i dislike being OP and spamming dark orb for 1/3 of their HP bar. I like creativity, rare playstyles and giving my opponent a challenge.

    So I tried being a pure mage in pvp, using non-OP spells, with a +0 staff and pyro glove for a few months now on and off. (im busy with school). Let me tell you - the possibilities are endless, so much deeper and more complex than simple melee weapons.

    A pure mage is very rare in pvp. Spells are cool looking, and the playstyle is also cool and unique. This pleases the ds fashion gods!

    Pure mage has so many ways different approaches to the same problem, so many ways of attacking, so many things to take into account before casting, so many ways to trade hits with the enemy, so many combos, wakeup combos, spell parry combos, so many ways to predict, force, and catch rolls with spells... Mixing up spells with binoculars and consumables ( dragon head stone ) just further increase the possibilities. ( mixing spells with melee weps could be even deadlier than pure mage, but I RP a pure wizard and like the challenge so ill refrain from filthy steel weapons )

    Using a mage in pvp honestly makes you feel like youre in a completely different game. It makes you look at the game and combat from a different angle, because youre forced to see all the little nuances and use them to your advantage or you simply cant compete against melee weapons. Yes - melee weapons are superior to spells. You can only compete if you have extra high skill.

    Yes, its complicated. I burned out multiple times trying to make spells work. But it gets simpler once you divide all those spells & combos into categories.

    Spells are slow and easy to dodge, unlike melee weapons.
    With melee you can keep the pressure by just swinging over and over, and use quick attacks, but if you miss with a spell you are wide open for a backstab.

    For the last few months I thought I was damn good with spells, but then I come up with discoveries this week that make me realize how little I actually know about the amazing complexity of DS2 pvp combat. All this time I only saw the tip of the iceberg.
    We get stuck in play styles that we are comfortable with, and we dont improve for a long time. But you never stop learning in ds2, and after years of playing i still come up with new discoveries i didnt think were possible. I have 2.000+ hrs in ds2 and im surprised at how little i know

    Even though my mage rotations were good, now i realize that they're nothing more than an educated guesses, spamming tricky spells in hopes of getting a hit. But I never looked deeper. I just knew that some slow spells tend to screw up the enemy's timing, and i knew to bino aim a few spells.
    Here are a few example pvp fights of mine (Im autumn leaf):




    These are from 1 month ago, before my new discoveries. I did follow some good principles, I just didnt understand exactly WHY i was landing spells. Now i see more method in fighting.
    They are some of my better fights . I usually miss more.

    The big discovery is realizing that mage build is all about trading and roll-catching.
    To accomplish that you need to predict enemy movement/attacking, and rolling direction.
    To trade you need to bait him into attacking. To rollcatch you need to know where he will roll, before you even cast your spell.

    Up until now I never really wondered where will the enemy roll and when he rolled in an undesired direction and i missed the spell, I'd just attribute it to poor luck - but actually I can control the enemy movement and pace of combat by hugging walls and using certain area of denial spells, to narrow the options for enemy roll directions, so that I can make a binocular-aimed precision strike in the predicted area!
    Since spells are slow, I must cast at the spot where the enemy will be in in the future. This requires prediction, or just wild guessing.

    After realizing that roll-catching is important, we look at it and realize there are different versions of roll-catching. Certain spells are good at catching rolls in certain directions.
    Example: fire snake, or slow velocity spells are good at catching players rolling away from you or toward you.
    Dance of fire is good at catching rolls to the side.
    Flame swathe is good for catching rolls towards you, behind you. (or even to the side/away from you if you bino aim ahead of the enemy)

    In the last few days ive done nothing but think. I didnt even open the game, ive just brainstormed ideas about how to make a pvp mage work . (and not rely on op dmg) - how certain spells cause the enemy to roll in a certain direction. And I discover more and more patterns in certain spell behaviours and enemy player behaviour.
    I start to notice unique properties for each spell that I didnt see before. Example: now i see slow projectile velocity not as a weakness, but as an advantage (in certain situations). Some spells have 360 tracking, some have lingering hitboxes, lingering effects/splash damage when they hit the ground,etc

    I've divided all spells into different categories, based on how I can use them in a fight.I have multiple text files full with combos and spell categories written in the last few days. I'm having more fun than actually playing.. :p

    One day I hope to play with such a style that baits and predicts the enemy with little missing chance, unlike how most mages just spray and pray.

    The amount of possibilities is overwhelming, and the skill ceiling is much higher than that of melee weapons. Its an amazing opportunity for players that are looking for a good challenge. Just dont have op damage because thats lame.

    My advice if you want to try mage?
    - Use binoculars to aim spells sometimes.
    - Try out every spell in the game.
    - Start simple at first - make pure builds first, dont mix different spell schools because that's overwhelmingly complicated - only mix them later.
    - Dont just learn from experimentation ( fights ), also learn from thinking in peace - outside of fights/invasions. Imagine scenarios and how to best react to them.
    - Write all ideas down into text files.
    - Find patterns in the ideas youve written down. What do the ideas have common with one another? Divide into categories. Divide attack vectors into categories.

    These tips can help for any type of build really, not just mage.

    submitted by /u/Autumn_Leaf6702
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    Weird stagger glitch on kbm when turning 180

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:43 PM PST

    I've been told this doesn't happen on controller and it is making it literally impossible to run from the rotton aoe

    submitted by /u/The-True-Apex-Gamer
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    Should I buy the season pass?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:24 AM PST

    I just completed the story and, to be honest, I didn't enjoyed the overall experience (this is my personal, subjective opinion. If you adore the game, I completely respect and understand your opinion). Even so, there is a thing that I really do like about it: Vendrick's lore and the lore of those close to him (Nashandra, Velstadt, Aldia...) And that interest, to put it somehow, tempts me to continue even though I don't really like the game that much. So, taking this into account, should I go for the DLCs or jump straight to DS3?

    PD: I really like the armours designs too.

    submitted by /u/Kn1ght_4rt0r14s
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    Anyone up for coop right now ? (PS4)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:22 AM PST

    Hi everybody,

    I am doing a NG++ run to get to chancellor Wellager and buy the last miracles and pyromanies for platinum trophy. Looking for coop buddies to help and have fun ! SM 16,8 Millions

    submitted by /u/Jzb75
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    There should be a DS2 remaster!!!!!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:12 PM PST

    Now that I've got your attention, I am aware that Scholar of the First Sin was indeed the remaster/remake of DS2. However my question is, with the release of Demon Souls on the PS5 have you seen the influx of people calling for a DS2 remake? It may just be me but I either cringe or laugh when I see such posts... I doubt FromSoft would even attempt to reimagine DS2 AGAIN. When we see such posts should we let them know a remake already exists or just let their mad, hollow little selves dream?

    submitted by /u/thisonescrolls
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    Aged smelter demon nightmare gauntlet. I JUST WANT THE SWORD ��

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Idk what I'm supposed to do. I've tackled this thing dozens of times and can't make it to the fog. PERIOD. I would pay someone actual money at this point to just give me the damn weapon. Lol

    submitted by /u/Bound16
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    Schools of magic in the Dark Souls Universe, a Jungian perspective.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:05 AM PST

    Hi! I'm a Jungian psychologist madly in love with Dark Souls. I want to share some musings of mine that have developed while playing the games.
    The following analysis will be held from a Jungian perspective. Carl Jung was a psychologist who studied mythology in order to better understand the human mind. He was a disciple of Freud, but later broke this apprenticeship due to irreconcilable points of view regarding the human mind and it's development.

    I want to mainly focus on the schools of magic and the questions I have about them while playing the games, however I will introduce the main concepts of Jungian psychology I feel are necessary to do so, this will obviously be extremely informal, because this is reddit, not a paper.
    So, humanity shares a collective unconscious. Everything we think is derived from it, in one way or another. In order for consciousness to develop, humanity had to put a hold on various aspects of the unconscious. From the development of consciousness we devise the notions of good and evil, right and wrong, essentially, duality. However, we took it too far. Think of it as a well that has run dry. We don't know if this was intentional, or if there was even another way of developing consciousness. What we do know is that modern man has to start the difficult process of integrating the unconscious once again. But what happens if you try to do just a small crack in a damm? Won't all that water rush you and flood everything? This is our dilemma.

    In the souls universe I feel like pyromancy is the school of magic closest to the unconscious. It is primeval, raw, shapeless, life giving but destructive, it is intuitive. Pyromancers seek knowledge in themselves, they engage in quiet contemplation to try to hear the murmur of the fire inside of them. They will never understand it completely, and maybe, they don't even want to.

    Faith, in the soul's universe, reminds me of the first stage of the development of consciousness. The heretic pyromancers had to be "left behind", they were seen as primitive, as something that would hold civilization back. Faith and knowledge of the gods would be enough for the modern man. Gwynn, Gwynevere, all these gods were the embodiment of life, they were worshipped and trusted, "If only I could be so grossly incandescent". Although miracles required to search in oneself as well as pyromancy, and it also seems like an intuitive practice, knowledge of the gods was required. Clerics study the tales of the gods. We can easily imagine a cleric spending long nights reading a simple tale over and over again, understanding how to harness the power in it in order to heal, replenish, etc.

    If Faith is the dawn of consciousness, in which the unconscious still lingers, sorcerers are those who try to cut all vestiges of the unconscious in their craft. Knowledge, and knowledge alone, will be enough. They build schools and libraries away from the church. They seek study and understanding from a logical point of view. If they could retrieve the soul and place it in a table they would have no qualms in dissecting it without mercy. We can easily see them as scientists, conducting dangerous, and sometimes terrible experiments, only to advance their craft a bit more. Remember the Duke Archives? I do..

    Going back to Jung, he believes that in order for consciousness to re-integrate the unconscious, we have to go through a process he describes as "shadow work". Basically, it means delving into the part of yourself which you don't like, that part which you locked away in a far tower hoping it would just go away already (oh god, poor Havel). Shadow work is tricky, it may well end in a feeling of wholeness, but it can also spiral you into despair. Why is this? Because the shadow will always eventually surface. It won't go away, so either we start acknowledging it or we wait for it to come by itself. Say you are insecure, that you feel less than others, what happens when you don't acknowledge this? Well, suddenly you are convinced that your partner is cheating on you, and the thought starts to consume you, little by little, until it's all you can think about. By acknowledging the shadow we take responsibility for ourselves, and do the necessary work. We realize the hard truth: "I am the problem, not them".

    I feel like Dark and the Abyss fits perfectly with shadow work, but I can't reach a final conclusion. Felkin the outcast says: "Hexes are more than mere tools to me… I feel affinity…and warmth… Something universal, nostalgia…even…" However, we can't forget about Oolacile, Carthus, Draeglic, etc. Countless kingdoms lost by this spreading corruption. Maybe the problem is the abyss, but not the dark by itself? Maybe the prolongation of the first flame, which brought the undead curse, could be equivalent to a consciousness that sealed up the unconscious and the shadow. How would that shadow develop? I can easily imagine it turning into something more and more volatile. What would have happened if humanity would have just embraced the dark from the beginning? Would the abyss have been a peaceful, quiet and calm place? Now, that with all said and done, should we link the fire or bring the age of dark, this dangerous and pissed off dark? Prolonging the fire only prolongs the inevitable, and makes the dark more and more angry, and in turn, more and more dangerous. But does then truly mean that all that is left is accepting it and letting it spread?
    I don't know, I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

    If you made it this far, sorry that i'm posting this in all three soul subreddits. I love them all, and I couldn't really choose one over the other.

    Don't go hollow.

    submitted by /u/zodiac9094
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    Mass suicide?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:37 AM PST

    So I just witnessed a mass suicide just before reaching Majula. Anyone know why? I have the footage but I'm curious if it's just an ongoing meme or something.

    submitted by /u/Sparkzero121
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    My friends and I started a new game of DSII and this happened.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:50 AM PST

    Re-attempting a challenge run, wish me luck

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:46 PM PST

    5 years ago, I embarked on a journey to beat dark souls 2 using the dragon head stone as my only weapon. Today, I will start that journey once more!

    submitted by /u/Anubis620
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    [Platinum Checklist] Scholar of the First Sin

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 08:38 PM PST

    Sup guys,

    I've been working on getting the platinum in all three Dark Souls games. For DS1 and DS3 I managed to find some neat google doc checklists that let me keep close track of what I had and didn't have. However, being the idiot that I am I was unable to find a checklist for Scholar of the First Sin which was sufficiently easy to keep track of. Don't get me wrong, the github guides people made are great to follow along to. But I needed something to organize my progress. As such, I went ahead and created my own. Though I know many of you likely won't find this useful I figured it wouldn't hurt to post it. The document has several tabs covering the following: Achievements Overview, Gesture Maestro, Master of Sorcery/Miracles/Pyromancies/Hexes, Supreme Weapon, Gathering of Exiles, Curious Map, and Lucatiel. The lists are formatted with an "Acquired" category which will change color when you type an "X" into the corresponding spot. Hopefully this will help with organization.


    The link should take you to a clean, viewer only, version. From there you can make your own editable copy. Most of the information comes from the wiki. If you find anything to be missing please let me know.

    submitted by /u/NobodyAKAOdysseus
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:25 AM PST

    You think farming sun medals and rat tails is difficult? Ha! Wait till you hear this one!

    As for now, I have all the items in the game minus the keys on my completionist run, and minus TWO RINGS

    Lingering Dragoncrest ring +2: Defeat 1000 dark spirits
    Ring of thorns +2: Invade and defeat the host 1000 times.

    I can not confirm for now that it is indeed 1000 times, but I can at least assure you that IT IS NOT 100 times. How do I know that? Welp, I have self invaded (more on that another day) and defeated myself 101 times, and still no ring, so yeah it smells like 1000 times.

    As for the lingering Dragon crest I have defeated Roy the explorer 101 times, and no ring either.

    Let's talk about why this grind is the mother of all grinds.

    As I have mentioned in another post , a single drop farm doesn't take more than 200 times to pop with full discovery gear and everyday that passes I'm more sure about that (black witch domino mask which is ultra rare took 34 tries) . Consumables like sun medals and rat tails are trickier, they can have dry spells of more than 500 tries. But normally those are quicker to farm, since you can farm multiple mobs to get them. Overall, with my very gratifying experience of farming every item in the game, I don't recall any of them being more than 10 hours on a streak. (Except a certain shield, but don't bother with that )

    But those cursed rings! Let's suppose for a moment that Rhoy is a valid way of farming the dragon crest (which is probably false ). Rhoy takes about one minute for a full cycle when it is correctly optimized. That means, 1000 minutes, or 16 hours and 40 minutes. And that's in the best of the cases.

    What about the ring of thorns? Same thing but worse. Let's suppose that red saponite invasions count as valid, and you have a friend disposed to collaborate or, even better, you self invade. If you optimize it fully, It takes one minute as well. Those are another 1000 minutes or 16 hours and 40 minutes.

    So, in the best of the best case scenario, you are grinding for 33 hours and 20 minutes, which is a day and a half.

    Welp, I'm off for a good time, and I'll come back with juicy info, proofs and probably some mental health issues. This has been all, thanks for your attention.

    submitted by /u/Slav_knight
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    Help to the Newbiee..

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:31 PM PST

    Is there a weapon which can be used to cast sorceries and Miracles both simultaneously. if so , then where can i find it?? Thanks in advance .

    submitted by /u/utsavpathak1
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    Dark souls franchise sales

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Hey I'm planning to buy dark souls remastered, 2 and 3 and naturally I want to buy them on autumn sales. The problem is there weren't any sales of remastered and 2 in Summer Sales( this is not the case with ds3).I wonder why? So it means there won't be any sales either in autumn sales. If that happens should I buy ds3 and start playing the series with it or should I wait months or years (thinking they've stopped discounting) for another sale?

    submitted by /u/tutkuaksoy
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    Missing just one weapon

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Hey guys, I would appreciate if someone could drop me a heide lance, not to be confused with heide greatlance, its the last weapon I need to have everything in the game and since i am in ng + 5 its impossible to farm it from heide knight in gutter. I can offer you something in return.

    submitted by /u/RucajKlobasy
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    Looking to make a melee hexer. How does theese stats look?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:36 AM PST

    40+ vig 30 end 24 adp

    24 strength 18 dex 20 int/faith For the Dark Lost sinner sword (cos it looks awesome)

    10 attunement for dark orb or dark weapon, 24 adaptability

    -Will dark orb deal decent damage at 20/20?

    -What dictates how long dark weapon lasts? (Wiki says it lasts 50 seconds at min reqs)

    -Whats a good alternative weapon for dark resistant enemies?

    Looking to stay around sl150/ SM 1.7m

    submitted by /u/svettsokkk
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    Dark souls franchise sales

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:36 AM PST

    Hey I'm planning to buy dark souls remastered, 2 and 3 and naturally I want to buy them on autumn sales. The problem is there weren't any sales of remastered and 2 in Summer Sales( this is not the case with ds3).I wonder why? So it means there won't be any sales either in autumn sales. If that happens should I buy ds3 and start playing the series with it or should I wait months or years (thinking they've stopped discounting) for another sale?

    submitted by /u/tutkuaksoy
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