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    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    /r/DarkSouls - The Trading Post.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Is there a weapon that eludes you? Want to host a fun give-away?

    Use today to schedule some trades!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Firelink Shrine (Dark Souls) entirely in Lego

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Hey fellow Dark Souls enthusiasts,


    Some of you may remember my first post from this project over a year ago, and I'm proud to say that it's finally finished! For those unfamiliar, my goal was to recreate the starting area of Dark Souls 1, Firelink Shrine, entirely out of Lego with as much detail as possible at minifig-scale. The model includes a little over 36,000 pieces (all of which are available in their current colors), making it my largest MOC yet, and allowed me to focus a lot on my building techniques. While I could have added even more to the project, Stud.io (the program I used to model and render) was becoming too much on my graphics card.

    More pictures will be uploaded on my [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/164519900@N04/) and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/_eber.art_/) for those who are interested in seeing more!

    I'm also hoping to release instructions for the bonfire portion of the MOC by the end of this year!

    Thanks for viewing, and as always, comments and feedback are greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Eberart
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    It’s been a fun year. But DS1 is just going to have to remain unfinished for me. ��

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    I have mixed feelings right now. But I know it was the right decision. I don't want this to sound like a qq ragequit and I want to explain myself. I made a decision and I need to get my feelings out in a community that will hopefully understand.

    I've been playing this game for a year. Trying out new characters. New weapons. New builds. I never really made it past Four Kings. I would put my game on hold and just roll a new character. But I realized I was going to have to progress if I was to finish.

    I seriously just spent 3 hours straight trying to beat Ceaseless Discharge. I just couldn't do it. The hit box on his melee attacks is absurd, and I could not manage to consistently dodge the flame attack. So I broke down and looked up a guide, which I never had to do for any boss before. It was so incredibly demoralizing. And I find out there is a "scripted" way to trigger him to fall off and die, which apparently is what the devs intended. I don't know if I have words to describe how upset I was.

    I don't know what it is about this game that causes me such feelings of inadequacy. My failures used to drive me forward. Now, they just make me angry. My experience tonight just drove it home. I am simply not gud enough to play at a level I will ever be satisfied with. And now that I am ok admitting it, I decided it was time to put my controller down for good.

    It's been an interesting year with this game. This sub has made it fun. I'll still never forget the thrill of beating O&S for the first time! But from what I have learned about the remainder of the game, I just don't know if I'll ever get that feeling back. I think the tedium of failure has broken me and I just can't go back.

    I deleted the game off my console, because it's time to move on. I can't let a video game dominate my thinking the way this game does. And when something fails to be fun anymore and just makes you feel like crap, you know it's time to move on.

    Thanks for being a cool community. It was a really tough decision, but I'm glad I did it. I'll still lurk because all y'all are so cool and I like seeing your art and stories.

    submitted by /u/Raison_Detritus
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    Crossbreed Priscilla build

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Just wanted to share this build with all of you. :) I've been co-oping and invading in the Painted World as Crossbreed Priscilla! Hopefully I saw some of you in the last few days on Nintendo Switch?


    submitted by /u/_-_-alexander-_-_
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    Played for the first time in years.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    I replayed a run on the original Dark Souls on my last night shift on PC (originally PS3) for the first time in years. I had forgotten how intricate and interwoven the whole thing is. Something which is completely lost on every Soulsborne after that once they started making bonfire warping a thing. I think after players complained about back-tracking. In comparison Dark Souls 3 seems linear. A path that splits in two with one leading to a dead end and the other splitting in two again to two more dead ends. And a side path for final game.

    Dark Souls weaves in on itself and you keep unlocking short-cuts which by-pass or intersect areas you've already been to. There's only bonfire warps introduced late game when the map starts becoming too big to feasibly traipse back and forth across and even there you are only given a few key bonfires to warp to rather than any you like. I'm reminded again at how great the level design was in this game, one of the best I've ever seen, and I miss that now. And I don't think it's ever coming back.

    submitted by /u/JynXten
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    Manus can suck my catalyst

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    Seriously, screw this fight. It's not too hard, dodging to the left works, for the combo, I found dodging back is most effective and the magic attacks are easy too, but I can't see them half pf the times! This fight would've been waaaay easier if they removed those stupid stone things! I hate how they don't break when you roll into them and thats how I keep dying! On a more serious note, manus genuinely terrifies me. He's the scariest boss I've fought in the series only after orphan. He's also a tough but fair fight unlike the Anor Londo smash bros. Need tips against manus, anything is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Ichigo_Kurosaki1503
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    I beat the game tonight, regret that it wasn’t blind

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    Beat Gwyn tonight! Took about 10 tries trying to get the parries down. I went in with a +10 Claymore and on my way in the second knight dropped a Great-sword so I was able to switch to that and DAMN it does damage. Dark Souls 2 is coming in the mail on Wednesday and I'm excited to go into that one completely blind. Ive heard the stories of players going in completely blind and how much of a journey its is but since I've seen FightinCowboy's let's play I didn't get to have that experience which is why I'm so excited for DS2. Plan on completing that game around the time the XSX comes out so ill have a fresh start to DS3 on that. Sorry if this sounded a little rambly, i just wanted to share my thoughts to people who would actually care LMAO. Don't go hollow ;)

    submitted by /u/ForceOfLight007
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    Dark Souls Remastered Event

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Yo! I am doing a Halloween Event in Dark Souls Remastered on PS4. It is located in the Darkroot Garden, where the Alvina Covenant is located. This event will include PVP, Trading, and I will randomly drop weapons, armor, rings, shields, and other miscellaneous items, such as Fire Keeper Souls, Humanity, Twin Humanities, Firebombs, Black Firebombs, Throwing Knives, Cracked Red Eye Orbs, and much more. This event will occur at least 2 times within the month of October. The password will be these exact characters: Holloween I will reply to this post on the days that the event will occur. I will also being doing this or Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. This event will not occur for at least the next week. If you are interested, leave an upvote and reply to this post.

    submitted by /u/HolyMungus
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    To the guy who invaded me at Anor Londo bonfire where Solaire sat...

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    You monster. Why did you have to invade me in there and make me hit Solaire whilst trying to fight you off. Thanks to you, Sun Bro is dead and may he forever rest in peace.

    submitted by /u/Canad1an_Jack
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    I don't get why I keep coming back

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    It's funny how I keep coming back to dark souls. I've suffered more in souls games than most things in life. The process of dying to a boss over and over, the mental agony that comes with dying with a hit or two left, the bullshit enemies that have extremely difficult timing, it all makes me wonder why I'm so addicted to this game.

    submitted by /u/focusrunner79
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    NG+ Bed of Chaos...

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    I attacked the right side rather than left the first go around... I started on the left side and now I always get knocked into the hole EVERYTIME.

    I don't know what to do because this is the last Lord Soul I need and I'm getting knocked silly. Any times, advice or help?

    And saying "Git Gud" does help against a boss that is just poorly designed.

    submitted by /u/Cliche-Human
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    Dark Souls explained in 30 seconds or less

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:41 AM PDT


    Dark Souls explained in thirty seconds or less

    submitted by /u/skymoose_
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    Any tips for knight artorias?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Anything i should know before going head first into DS Prepare To Die? Any mods to install etc.?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    So, i've had DS:PTDe for gods know how long in my steam library and i've finally decided to install it. So, I've heard that the game is kinda eh on PC but that there are mods to help alleviate the problems.

    Also, how well does the game work when using a PS4 controller on PC?

    Also, this isn't my first experience with a soulsborne or w/e you want to call these games. I've played Nioh and Bloodborne before, so i know to expect the difficulty etc.

    submitted by /u/Holyrapid
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    What level equipment and SL should I be for Sen’s fortress?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Title. I feel really weak with SL40 and a plus +3 weapon. Follow up question, where would I find easy titanite shards?

    submitted by /u/KINGP0TAT0360
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    Scorched Contract Nearly Broke Me

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    Gwyn was so easy

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    I just killed gwyn on my first try, he is easy like that or i was overleveled?

    submitted by /u/Kauaka__
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    How Badly Did I Mess Up...?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Preface: If you've seen any of my comments here, you know I'm pretty bad at this game, but I'm trying and learning...

    Met up with the giant pile of bones, Vamos, and the man is generous enough to make a shortcut for me. I go, tag the bonfire, get full flasks, start heading out.

    Holy crap was I not prepared for the Wheel Skeletons, so I retreated.

    I then locked onto one, took a swing, ko-ed him, but nicked Vamos. So I run, he chases and kills me. I spawn at the bonfire, he comes right at me, I vanquish him...

    Did I just ruin this play-through or will I still be okay..?

    submitted by /u/jagknife96
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    Tips for Quelaag? Need help

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Any tips for the Spider lady? And is it unavoidable getting poisoned headong to the boss fight room, thats honestly my main problem. Im fine with banging my head against a boss until i win, but im going to run out of moss eventually.

    submitted by /u/SnowMann14
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    Multiple occasions I've had someone invade, while I'm struggling in a fight with an NPC, the player will leave

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    So embarrassing

    submitted by /u/_FaceOfTheDeep
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    My First Dark Souls Video

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Hi, I just posted my first ever YouTube video that I recorded just for fun, and thought I'd share it.

    Note: the game is louder than my voice and my mediocre mike might make it hard to hear me at times, but anyways, I had fun recording and going back on my old character and playing, so enjoy!

    The Chronicles of Panamon

    submitted by /u/noahqh
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    Dark Souls Bosses SURVIVOR: Round 13

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    I think we may be at the end of the "Good" tier, as last round Nito received quite a lot of votes, earning 30.8% of the vote. Turns out the harbinger of death itself wasn't able to stand up against the rest on the list. Super excited to see who's voted out next! Looks like we might have some upsets coming up based on last rounds votes.

    Current tier list:

    • GREAT:
    • GOOD: Nito, Four Kings, Gaping Dragon, Sanctuary Guardian, Iron Golem, Seath the Scaleless, Dark Sun Gwyndolin, Asylum Demon
    • OKAY: Ceaseless Discharge, Centipede Demon, Taurus Demon, Demon Firesage
    • BAD: Moonlight Butterfly, Stray Demon, Pinwheel, Capra Demon
    • TERRIBLE: Bed of Chaos

    For anybody joining in, remember to vote for your LEAST FAVORITE boss. You may pick any criteria you want to decide who to vote for. Best story, best fight, most difficult, best looking, etc...it's up to you!

    CLICK HERE to vote for your LEAST FAVORITE boss

    Bosses In:

    • Bell Gargoyles
    • Black Dragon Kalameet
    • Chaos Witch Quelaag
    • Crossbreed Priscilla
    • Great Grey Wolf Sif
    • Gwyn Lord of Cinder
    • Knight Artorias
    • Manus, Father of the Abyss
    • Ornstein and Smough

    Bosses Out:

    • 26th place: The Bed of Chaos (50%)
    • 25th place: Capra Demon (18.2%)
    • 23rd (Tie): Pinwheel (17.2%)
    • 23rd (Tie): Stray Demon (17.2%)
    • 22nd: Moonlight Butterfly (33.3%)
    • 21st: Demon Firesage (26.9%)
    • 19th (Tie): Centipede Demon (25%)
    • 19th (Tie): Taurus Demon (25%)
    • 18th: Ceaseless Discharge (37.5%)
    • 15th (Tie): Asylum Demon (15.8%)
    • 15th (Tie): Dark Sun Gwyndolin (15.8%)
    • 15th (Tie): Seath the Scaleless (15.8%)
    • 14th: Iron Golem (27.3%)
    • 12th (Tie): Gaping Dragon (17.9%)
    • 12th (Tie): Sanctuary Guardian (17.9%)
    • 11th: Four Kings (24.2%)
    • 10th: Nito (30.8%)
    submitted by /u/SaintMadeOfPlaster
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    Build Advice if you please

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    Hello, not sure where I want to take this build. I just beat the bell gargoyles and decided to do some power leveling in the garden before I move on. Right now my stats are sitting at

    Deprived SL -45 Vit - 20 Att - 11 Str - 20 Dex - 20 Res - 11 Int - 11 Fth - 14

    I boosted everything I need for a melee character plus alittle for the sword of Astora if I decide to raid the catacombs early to get the great scythe. Not sure where I want to take this build. I can go dex which I've never done in DS1 before or I can pump some more points into faith to try and be a beefy cleric. I guess I'm just looking for some interesting ideas since I didn't have a plan ahead of time for this run.

    Currently wearing elite set, grass crest and BKS if it matters.

    submitted by /u/RatedRPG-YT
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    Beat the game

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    It was much harder than ds2. I enjoyed it but didn't explore everything. I was afraid of Gwynn for a few days but I read he could be parried. So I did and he's actually too easy, perhaps the easiest boss in the game, excluding pinwheel. That's all I wanted to say....don't be afraid of Gwyn.

    submitted by /u/fuckermc
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    How to find the way to the Lower undead burg?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    I already know the way, because i have finished the game several times, but something is bothering me.

    My first playtrough was not blind, i was often using wiki and guides, and often felt stupid for not understanding shit myself. One of the thing i needed a guide for is geography, specificly the way to the lower undead burg. I thought i was able to find the way myself, but i was too stupid. I thought there was some kind of the hint, left by the devs. Like key description or npc dialoge.

    Turnes out, there is pretty much no info about the way to the lower undead burg in the game. The key description doesent tell shit, and the only npc that says anything about lower undead burg is undead mercant, but he only says that there is a demon there.

    So, basicly, in blind playtrough the player can only either skip the undead burg entierly, which will leave him without large ember, which is a very important item. Or by just trying every door they have found, and there is a lot of doors.

    Some of the cut content reveals that originaly the way to the undead burg was supposed to be in the firelink shrine, and the player had a choice to either go to the lower bell of awakening or the upper one. Which, to me, makes much more sense then what we have in the game currently.

    So, is there actually no hints to how to get to the Lower Undead Burg or am i missing something?

    Edit: I apologize. In the Russian localization, the description of the key is much more vague, I thought that in the original localization it is the same incomprehensible. Discussion is closed. Me dum.

    submitted by /u/MuTbka_TuTbka
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