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    Sunday, October 11, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Salty Sunday.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Salty Sunday.

    /r/DarkSouls - Salty Sunday.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Today's Salty Sunday is brought to you by the Bed of Chaos

    Being Gravelorded in Anor Londo? Died to Bed Of Chaos for the 100th time? Checked your phone for a second, only to run off a cliff and lose your bloodstain?

    Grab a spoon and watch your blood pressure soar! All complaints are welcome here. Just keep things civil and follow the Posting Guidelines in the sidebar.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Dark Souls Has Taught Me A Valuable Lesson... Dont Get Cocky

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    SO because I am a friggin madman I decided "Hey, what if I power leveled a character to the point of stupid" so a toon I have had for awhile that I have dont nothing with but run around darkroot powerleveling in early game for awhile when I was bored I decided to take for a spin. At lvl 157 (In NG cycle by the way, not NG+. NG) I headed for Sens fortress ready to tear the place a new one. Deaths due to gravity and mistiming blades is own me and has nothing to do with level, that said OMFG. Serpent guard tearing me a new one, Took me 4 tries to take down the Iron Golem despite having all critical stats at lvl 45 and over and fire buffs on my sword. Granted two deaths are cause he grab attacked me and threw my ass off the roof... still. I feel the environmental enemies packed way too much punch. Maybe its cause my weapons are still friggin lvl 5 since I havent made it to Bob the Giant Blacksmith in the castle yet but still. Goddamn.

    Edit: What the fuuuuuuuuck Sens fortress. I just killed it in Anor Londo, O&S in two tries (would have been one but I wanted Ornsteins armor and took extra hits in phase 1 i woulnt have if i was killing Orstein first, so why were the serpent guards so annoying?

    Regardless I now have a +10 Great Scythe which will soon be a Lifehunt scythe as soon as I go murder my waifu.

    submitted by /u/RatedRPG-YT
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    I fucking did it.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    I fucking beat Dark Souls Remastered. It has been quite the journey. Bye, Dark Souls Remastered, and hi, Dark Souls II. I'm fucking proud.

    submitted by /u/NicRim08
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    Oh my god, I did it!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    I never thought I would see the day where I beat dark souls. I'm feeling a lot of emotions right now, still trying to stop shaking. Definitely playing other games from fromsoft, probably bloodborne next!

    submitted by /u/Whasupme
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    Beat Dark Souls (blind run) for the first time, I thought Gwyn was quite easy (I did not parry).

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    I heard that Gywn was infuriatingly difficult and that his weakness was parrying, but since I don't really parry in the main game I figured I'd play as if I didn't know about this.

    Anyway, I beat him on my 3rd or 4th go and I'm lv76, I seriously thought Manus was much more difficult. Perhaps my playstyle simply complimented Gwyn's moveset.

    I'm a light melee build, full thief armour, +10 firelongsword, blackdragon shield (the fire resist one), chloranthy ring, Havel's ring.

    I instinctively dodge to the right, conveniently that avoided every attack he has, I healed when he tried to grab me, and I R2'd him with every opening he gave me.

    I just find it funny how I expected him to be a nightmare but I figured him out pretty quickly without parrying. Ornstein and Smough were an absolute nightmare for me as I could never safely close the distance to do damage.

    Just thought I'd share my experience, I guess playstyles determine the challenges and everybody finds different bosses difficult as a result!

    submitted by /u/TheScarletSpider2018
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    Maybe the point of the game was to accept eternity and by prolonging our existence, we are prolonging our suffering.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:40 AM PDT

    I haven't played a souls game in a while but I absolutely love watching lore videos. I had a thought recently when talking to friends about the concept of death. The interesting thing about death is that it's an eternity of nothingness, and human beings will go through many lengths to avoid or prolong it. Another fascinating thing about death is that the ego and how ego death makes us "okay with it." Ego death is the dissolution of the ego and seeing life for what it really is. Many people on certain psychedelics experience it.

    Those who experience ego death claim they feel this "oneness" with the universe and that they see death as a natural part of the short burst of life we all receive. Going further, this burst of life implies an eternity before it, where nothing existed, and an eternity after it, where nothing will seem to exist. We don't remember anything from before our birth, and that's exactly how death will be once we're gone.

    Life is the age of fire in dark souls. It's new, and allows humans to build great things. We ourselves almost seem to be programmed to build lasting monuments of our existence. We have kids and build sculptures or form connections that last far beyond death. When we're gone we would have already planned in a life time, a monument to everything we were.

    There's a fascination with extending that little burst of life as much as possible, and it ends up with a life of suffering. Where we worry about our own mortality and instead, plan our lives according to that inevitability. The kingdoms built in the age of fire crumble but are rebuilt after rekindling the flame, which gets weaker and weaker every time.

    We see in dark souls 3, all these great heroes brought back to life. And instead of going back to eternity and suffering the flame, they do nothing. They leave their duty behind to sit around a crumbling world. It's a depressing atmosphere of a cold harsh world, a contrast to the comfortable and peaceful slumber we have before birth and after death.

    Humans are born into the world crying, and find themselves unable to deal with the shock. At first they were in a warm and comfortable sack for months after which they are finally forced to leave. Experiencing first a bright light and cold air. This burst of life starts and once we all have the chance of experiencing it, like those heroes again, we don't want to let it go. We can't embrace eternity.

    Instead, in every effort to extend the age of fire, we're met with the curse of the undead. They don't die, but live a life of constant pain and madness. In the end of dark souls 3's we're left with the best option possible. To not extend the age of fire, and let the age of darkness take its course. The world slowly goes black, as the player's breathing intensifies. They're scared. The fire keeper comforts him through it. Then it's just pitch black, a perfect end to the last installment of the series.

    The whole point was to accept eternity. Death is inevitable. To extend the age of fire, much like our short burst of life, is to extend our suffering. To accept the inevitable, even when alive, is the only way to end suffering.

    submitted by /u/Herman999999999
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    If you’re ever lacking confidence in yourself, remember...

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    ...even Pinwheel has a second phase.

    Don't give up, Skeleton!

    submitted by /u/MeridiusGaiusScipio
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    Anyone know the lore behind the big Titanite creatures?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Dark souls reviews

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    I just wanted to quickly point out the obvious, which has been said a billion times. But dark souls is really an incredible series. The community it's build, the reputation, all of it is just beautiful really. Big simping for this game but I've fallen in such a dark souls hole that every other game just doesn't have the same feelings as when I play this game. From lore, to bosses, to combat, and millions of other details that the creators put into this game, this game has it all. I first played dark souls 2 years ago on switch put in 500 hours and as that has been the only platform I've played games on because of financial reasons I never got to play dark soul 2, 3, demon souls, bloodborne, sekiro, up until I got a pc a week ago now I'm playing dark souls 2 and I'm falling in love with this game again. Anyway, My point in saying all this is my interest and love for this game is ongoing and so I'm always watching dark souls vids lol. I like to watch lore videos, I like to see reactions to playing souls, and I especially like people's thoughts on dark souls, as it's my favorite game series of all time. While watching reviews of dark souls I find that, there is no other series that has the amount of depth some of these retrospectives and reviews have. I swear each video, you can just tell how much people genuinely find dark souls masterful. In particular I can think of 3 video reviews that just are so inspirational, and so full of love and passion that I want to play dark souls again and again. Those 3 are Dark souls retrospective by KingK, Why dark souls is a masterpiece by The Act Man, and Dark souls saved me by Nakey Jakey. These are all unique looks at dark souls and these people are really just sponges 🧽 I swear. They take what I love about the souls games and just soak it up and just create masterful videos on how wonderful the souls series are. I just wanted to give a rant real quick because when you see how greatly this game effects people it just makes you grateful for the game, the community, and the creators.

    submitted by /u/Davion-Shower-Handel
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    I did it!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    I beat dark souls remastered today! I'm onto NG+, and am ZOOMING through it. Honestly I didn't understand all the complaints for Capra demon, manus, artorias, and ornstein+smough. I beat all of Those my first try, kalameet was kinda tough took two or three tries. Honestly the bosses that gave me the hardest times were bed of chaos, stray demon (I know), ceaseless discharge ( I didn't know about the easy way), and the toughest AT THE TIME were the gargoyles. And my toughest areas were new londo ruins (ghosts were annoying, plus I went there right after gargoyles because I thought that was where the other bell was lol) and I hated tomb of giants until I got lantern.

    NG+ has been fun so far, I just got to anor londo within about 2 hours :)

    submitted by /u/frostlocke3
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    I beat O&S for the first time today!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Beat Smough first, it was epic. R u guys proud of me

    submitted by /u/Super-Nintenjoe
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    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    It took my a lot of tries. I was using a +5 Quelaags fury at first. I've been playing a mainly DEX build. I think this guy was built for strength builds though. So, was getting maybe 1/4 of his life down and he would just chew through me. I decided to put on the heaviest armor I had in my inventory. It just so happens I just picked up all of the guardian armor. I had to use Havel's Ring and I barely made it under 50% equipment load. I also read that elemental damage sucks against him. So I switched to my +15 Ricard's Rapier. I did way better. This armor tanks his hits like it's nothing. I tried to comer him by the entrance so he couldn't roll back and power up. I kept getting him down to almost 1/4 left but his damn power up was killing me. Then I read that you could stun him with an arrow. I thought, might as well try it. I suck at the bow but it won't hurt. It was way easier than I thought to hit him in the head. After I got that down he had no chance.

    It was a rush.

    submitted by /u/Humpadilo
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    The catarina set.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    This set is so underrated! It has decent poise and defense for a medium armor set, and you can mid-roll in it from 10 endurance with almost any weapon! Pair it with Havel's gauntlets and leggings and you've got yourself a great build!

    btw this is just an opinion, not trying to start an argument or anything.

    submitted by /u/GrandPlat3
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    My first time ever killing Artorias ended up being a no hit! He's always been my fav character even though I never fought him until now

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    A potentially stupid question.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if Artorias becomes more aggressive if you fight him with one of the swords you make from Sif's soul? Because I've given the fight a few attempts, mostly using the Abyss Greatsword, but once I didn't feel like burning a bunch of humanity or trying to retrieve my souls, so I switched to the cursed Artorias sword. It seemed like he was on the offensive way more than usual. To be fair, that attempt is the only time I've used that weapon against him, and I haven't tried the true Artorias sword because I think he's resistant to magic. If this is indeed the case, then it's very interesting. Like maybe he knows you must have acquired that sword by killing his companion, so he gets pissed and goes all out. Or maybe I'm just full of dung pies.

    submitted by /u/abyssfiend91
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    If I Want The Alternate Sif Scene I Cant Meet Frampt Can I?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    I just realized. I planned to get the alternate Sif scene this playthrough but to do that I need the pendant but to get the pendant I need to cleat the barriers which I cant do unless I place the lord vessal. If I place the lord vessal beofre meeting Fampt he wont show up. To meet frampt I need to beat 4kings which I cant do unless I kill Sif and I cant get the alternate Sif scene if I kill sif before accessing the DLC.



    submitted by /u/RatedRPG-YT
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    Most annoying area?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Waited 10 years to finally play this game lol. I always heard horror stories about Blighttown but I found it atmospheric, didn't hate it at all. So what other areas should I look out for that you think are rage inducing in ds1?

    (I must be weirdest player of these games, I actually began my FromSoft journey with Sekiro, then Dark Souls 3, then Bloodborne, Dark Souls 2, and now Dark Souls 1 and getting the PS5 so I can play Demon Souls next lol).

    submitted by /u/BaronVonGoon
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    Video of Ironpineapple playing mod?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    Hi, I saw a while a video of Ironpineapple playing a mod, it was super interesting, and I cannot find them anymore. Anyone knows something?

    I dont recall the name of the mod, but it was a serious one. Things I recall:

    • The broken demon just after Andre (before going into Darkroot) is a boss fight, and it casts a shadow of itself (like Pontiff Sulyvan)
    • There is a bonfire where the golden knight is in Undead Burg - up the stairs after dealing with those 3 rats.

    That's all I have but I would really like finishing the video.

    submitted by /u/AlwaysFartTwice
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    The power of the gods

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Among the known gods who is the strongest(in terms of lore,not gameplay)

    submitted by /u/Cain1547
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    The Chosen Undead as a Tarot Card (there's only one possible card)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Not exactly the same meaning of The Fool tarot card, but seems appropriate if you think of it as poetic freedom.

    Hope you guys like it!


    submitted by /u/AbdallahMarcos
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    Does my level matter when using passwords to be summoned by my friend in the remaster?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    One of my friends just got Dark Souls and wanted to play it with me when it finished installing. I've already beat the game and I'm like SL160 on my favorite character. Do I need to make a new character to play with him or will it just lower my SL when he summons me? I really want to help him out but also troll him a little.

    submitted by /u/David_East
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    i killed Quelaag should i go down or go my way back

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    Where does it say that it is called NG+? Why 'plus' in particular? I've heard nothing of the sort from the developers or seen anything in the game itself.. Is it something the players use for calling a new game cycle? God, I hate internet abbreviations...

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    I got cursed

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    Currently in the depths(i really hate it), and I somehow got cursed. How do I regain my full hp?

    submitted by /u/TSMJoelWindigan
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    Just killed the Capra Demon.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Two years ago, I tried playing Dark Souls. I was doing a pure strength build and only made it to the Capra Demon, and that was mostly because of my buddy. I could not get past him for the life of me, so I gave up. This time I made a DEX/STR character and made it to the Capra Demon, and killed him on on my 4th try. I may have cheated a little with the stairs, and almost got killed by the dogs I ran past outside after the fog lifted, but I feel great about myself.

    submitted by /u/LobsterBush97
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