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    Monday, April 26, 2021

    Dark Souls 2 Thank you from software!

    Dark Souls 2 Thank you from software!

    Thank you from software!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    Taking a Poll on Souls Games for School

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I'm a senior in High School and one of my last projects is making and analyzing data from a survey. I decided I wanted to make a survey on Dark Souls and how the players personally feel about the Dark Souls games as a whole. The survey is only 11 questions and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete. I'd greatly appreciate if you could fill it out. Thank you in advance!

    Link to the poll: https://forms.gle/fQh7yGgLvm3cJuwd6

    Edit: Thank you to all who responded, unfortunately I am not taking anymore responses. I have a lot of data to comb through and I'll put out an analysis ASAP. Again, thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/Wafflemana
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    My Dark Souls themed graduation hat!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    Faraam knight be me

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    The end of a run, the beginning of a journey

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:57 PM PDT

    I thought he already ran ahead of me

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    New DS2 player just beat first DS2 boss

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 06:17 AM PDT

    I liked the fight with the giant, the way he tried to stomp me, swing his arms, broke off his arm to use as a club, etc. Reminded me of the amygdala boss in Bloodborne. I was able to chip away at his ankles, roll away before the stomp, and finish him with no estus left. I'm really liking the game so far, especially Majula as a hub like Firelink Shrine. I just need to find the blacksmith key.

    im playing dex melee dual wield but will make it dex/int for sorcery.

    submitted by /u/MoonlitBadlands
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    NG+7 Is Insane

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    So my friend and I having been playing SOTFS for a few years now and I have finally gotten to ng+7, and boy oh boy, got invaded by our old friend forlorn and he practically ripped my face off. Now I know ds games have been notorious for difficulty but the other games feel like a walk in the park compared to this. The Iron keep is just...death, those alonne knights are like heat seeking missiles, Vendrick one shots me, I run from any and all npc invaders, and those little hollows in the gutter give me fear as I have never felt fear before, as for the dlc, the dlc are pure masochism now.

    submitted by /u/Willem991
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    A sneak peek on my character's actual set. Obs: With this mask I can't look to my char, I immediately think on Skeletor from He-man KKKKKKK sorry

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    Main problems of ds2. This is not a hate post

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    First post in this subreddit and the most articolated that i have ever made. In this post i'm gonna make a list of the problems that i found in Ds2 so far. I beated only the lost sinner, Freja and now I'm at the smelter demon, so please no spoilers in the comments. I'm not saying this game is pure evil, i'm enjoying it for other reasons, like very good and exotic landscapes. in this post i'm not going to talk about bosses and lore quality because as said before, i haven't finished the game yet. Please read the end of the post and I have to add that english isn't my mothertongue so there are going to be mistakes. Please leave a comment with your opinion. There may be some errors because i Copyed-pasted this post by a previous one i made on my profile. If you don't believe you can check.

    1 Healing. In ds1/3 estus flasks were instantaneous. You press a button, the character does the drinking animation, which lasts one second, and you get a big chunk of your health restored immediatly. In ds2 the character does a animation which lasts forever and then the recovery of the health is progressive. Bosses like the persuer or the ruin sentinels in some situations are impossibile to cure. In some good boss fights in ds3 like gael or sulyvahn you can heal yourself during some time windows which can also be used to attack. You have a choice. In ds2 these bosses have only attack windows and no heal windows because healing is slow af.

    2 Bad level design of some areas. In Iron keep there are like 800 alonne knights in front of the smelter demon. I use most of the flasks to them and not to the boss itself. If it was another game there would be a shortcut bridge or a tunnel which lead you to boss. The fog animation wasn't a good idea. In ds1 you get to the fog you press a button and even if the whole Gwyn's army is following you they can't hit you. because you are invincible. In ds2 you can't just run to a boss because during the animation you aren't immortal and it can be interrupted. This is also a problem of enemy placement and their speed and IA.

    3 That feeling when you don't know where the f*ck you are supposed to go. In Ds1 when you place the lord vessel the game literally shows you which doors you have opened. This way in my brain I said:"Woah! that door is opened now. There must be something cool. Let's explore!". In ds2 after you beat a lord it's like:"Yes, soooo, there must be a door? I have to talk to a npc?". Ds2 is too cryptic. I don't want that a game must say me where to go or what to do, but giving you a whole world with some barriers which you can open in very specifics way it's a little bit unfair. At least say me that a boss lays on the top of a mountain or in a city (like in ds1)

    In this post I was too hard with this game and i felt a little bit Egoraptor in some video comparisons on Zelda. A new sequelist on these games would be pretty cool. Anyway i'm gonna do a 2.0 version of this post and a list of good features of this game. These problems are caused by high expectatives on the game and that Miyazaki wasn't involved in this. As said before i love some locations of this game and the potential of his build-making based on very complex stats. See you on this subreddit.

    submitted by /u/Salernoaless448
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    What not to miss

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    So I'm playing through DS2 for the first time, it's actually my first game in the series, and I've just beaten the last of the four big bosses. I just keep feeling like I'm missing stuff since the world is so large and there's so much to explore. Is there any really cool shit that's easy to miss?

    submitted by /u/2chips1cola
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    Guys I just received King Vendrick Blessings! So what does it do gameplay and lorewise?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 05:11 AM PDT


    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    Lol I'm 40 hours into SotFS, it's my first souls game, and since I wanted to go into the game blind I never watched any playthroughs. I just now realised that I, as a knight, can cast spells. I just assumed it was cleric/sorcerer stuff lmao.

    submitted by /u/2chips1cola
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    +2 Vit on Player Stats?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    I currently have 20 Vit invested. But when i take a look at my player stats screen it shows 22. Ive looked at all my equipped gear and cant for life of me get why id have a secret +2 invested in Vit. Is there anything you guys can think of thats doing this? I have Clor+1, Life ring+1, Ring of blades and Covetous Silver +1

    submitted by /u/smithah2
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    Can't figure this game out. Could use some mechanical advice.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    New DS2 player here, having some trouble, frankly confused.

    I have played Dark Souls for 600+ hours and consider myself more than competent for PvE at least.

    Yet for all that I try the basic combat of DS2 is nearly impossible to grasp. Like the 1v1 with hollows is unrecognizable from DS1. Nothing from that game works here. What the hell happened to this game?

    DS1 I am a parry GOD.

    DS2 haven't landed a single parry.

    There are certainly some timing differences in animation timing but I haven't figured what they are. Like the spear hollows for example, their triple stab attack is really similar to the spear hollows from DS1 but the timing is ALL off.

    Are the inputs delayed or lagged in some way compared to DSR?

    From a technical control and input POV can anyone explain the differences in these two games?

    What an I missing?

    I'm ok with sucking but this i don't get.

    submitted by /u/nosamplesplease
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    Can anyone identify this status symbol under my covenant symbol? The grey one.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    Managed to kill Burnt Ivory King with one of the knights still alive.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    Even better the knight got the final hit in, incase you're wondering what happens they just teleport out and wait for your next assault on the old chaos.

    submitted by /u/DanniHm0001
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    Is this really the only souls game you can play left handed?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 12:15 AM PDT

    I haven't played demon souls but in the other two dark souls games if you equip a weapon in the left hand it usually has a different move set but not here, not in dark souls 2. It's just weird to me that this for whatever reason is different in that regard idk.

    submitted by /u/bookDJnr1
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    Best weapons for a 50/50/50/50 build ?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    Title, so I leveled STR/DEX/INT/FTH all to their hardcap to pretty much use whichever weapon, spell or playstyle that I want. I'm still rocking my Dark Sacred Chime Hammer from when I was at 50/20/30/30, and I'm really enjoying it still, though as I plan on going for the 100% (all weapons, armors, spells and rings except the two +2 online rings cause I don't have PS+) I will soon start ng+ on a NDNB run. The issue is, pretty much all mandatory areas I have to go through are on very high bonfire intensity because of farming shenaningans, and I'd like to be as prepared and optimized as possible with this offensive stats distribution so that I wouldn't fail and have to do it all over again on ng++.

    So do you guys have any idea of which weapons could be the best with these "maxed out" stats ?

    Also, since for certain parts a greatshield comes in handy, do you have recommandations for lighter melee weapons, such as straight swords ?

    Thanks in advance guys :)

    submitted by /u/DarkAnter
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    Just started dark souls 2, I’m glad I don’t trust messages

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    I just started dark souls 2 and entered majula, the amount of messages telling you to jump off the cliff and the amount of bloodstains showing people doing it is pretty funny

    submitted by /u/dwarf_in_a_giant
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    [Question] powerstance dual katanas

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    so I'm a noob who's basically cleared the game once in the past when it was released. I wanted a dual katana build with power stance, heard it was OP, finally got +10 bs katana and +10 uchigatana. I don't notice any MAJOR difference in AR ? Also the moveset feels slow and jittery. Can anyone clarify ?

    submitted by /u/Mastmithun
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    To the person who tried to help me...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    Thank you and I'm sorry that the Fume Knight killed me in two hits. Hope the 2 effigy's I left you made it a little worth it... I'm trying to "git gud".

    submitted by /u/DanniHm0001
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