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    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Fashion Friday.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    What does your current PvP character look like? If your character has a back story to go with their personal fashion statement we'd like to hear that, too!

    Don't forget to check out /r/fashionsouls for all of your fashion needs.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Why do people hate ds2 bosses so much?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    People say that the bosses are too samey. Big guy with a weapon, usually in armor. But mechanically the bosses are very different. All of the bosses even the reused ones have mechanical differences between them, even the Dragonriders. The bosses are different design-wise as well. The best bosses in the series are just big guys with weapons, usually in armor.

    Edit: also think about a boss from any souls game and it's very likely that the boss is just a reskin of previous boss from the series. Exception being demon souls for obvious reasons.

    submitted by /u/Oh_God_Humanity
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    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I had played the first game on Nintendo switch which introduced me to the series then I got a pc two years later and I'm playing dark souls 2. AND IM LOVING IT. This entire series is just so masterfully beautiful I'm simping mad hard for this game. Looking back at the first game I put in 500+ hours and I know every inch of that game, I wonder what awaits me. Also I just joined the blue covenant, don't know what that does so plz inform me but, YEAH IM FUCKIN HYPED

    submitted by /u/Davion-Shower-Handel
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    NPC summon signs not showing up?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    I haven't been able to see any summon signs since I started, for example Glencour's summon sign outside of the dragonrider room wasn't there, even though I'm human, online, and don't have that debuff that doesn't let you summon. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/asfleshorasdust
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    My First Serious Playthrough of SOTFS: The Story So Far

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I have owned SOTFS for a couple years, and I've played it a few times, but never beat it yet. Yesterday, I began what I would like to be my first serious, full playthrough of the game. And, unfortunately, since I like to watch speedrunners and challenge runners sometimes, I have been spoiled on the basic plot and progression of this game, but despite that, I am still enjoying myself. In this post, I will list all of my thoughts and reactions that I took so far, and will post more of these as I go through the game. I'm a bit of a completionist, so my goal right now is to beat all of the bosses and collect as many weapons, spells, rings, and armor as I can before heading to NG+.

    Hello ladies, this is my first post on this sub, but I would like to make it my most memorable. This is my SOTFS Experience. First off, before starting the game, I am aware of SOTFS's durability glitch as well as its issues with analog stick deadzones and whatever, so I made sure to install DS2Fix and the other appropriate mod before playing.

    THINGS BETWIXT (Deaths: 0):

    > So in my opinion, DS2's character artstyle allows for the creation of probably some of the most genuinely good-looking characters in the entire series. Am I alone in this? Nevertheless, I gave my character vibrant red hair, a vibrant blue beard, and named him Eeerectus.

    > Legends tell of how DS2's magic system is actually really good and viable, so I decided to roll as a Sorcerer for this playthrough. Anyone who calls me a casul is getting slapped. ;)

    > Petrified Something as my gift, because I have prior knowledge about how nestling trading works (Again, I did spoil myself a lot about these games, and all of the other Souls games as well. Doesn't affect my enjoyment, though).

    > Spam Soul Arrow on the Ogre outside the hagshack to get that sweet Stone Ring

    > Get outta dodge, nothing else of interest yet. Will come back later.


    > Nothing cool happened in Majula so I'm skipping to here.

    > Geez, Soul Arrow is nice and all, but fighting with a knife as my backup weapon sucks ass.

    > You know what also sucks ass? Having 3 Strength.

    > So I wanted to test out DS2's Enemy Despawn mechanic, and lo and behold, I killed everyone, including the Ogre, in the river area. Now I have enough souls to actually wield proper weapons. This is the only time I've done this so far, though. Call it an unhealthy playstyle all you want, but I'm probably gonna exploit this a few times later on (For the... infamous areas...).

    > During my killing spree, I encountered my first death. Got my face chewed up by the Ogre. Grab attacks are fun!

    > I can now two-hand an axe. So I have that going for me in case I run out of Soul Arrows.

    > Never mind. Bought a second stock of Soul Arrows from Melentia and now I have 60 casts. 200 IQ inbound.

    > Dropped down into hell itself and walked into the tree place only to be pelted with arrows. God, I despise how short-ranged the Lock-on mechanic is in this game. I have been spoiled by DS3's Cinders mod. Anyways, in my rush to kill the archers, I got smacked by a Sword n' Board knight and died.

    > Came back, got the key to the Majula Manor from the Map Nerd, and went up to the shortcut. The Turtle Man blew himself up (Apparently his hammer creates sparks hot enough to ignite the powder kegs next to him...).

    > I stood near the explosives near the hole-in-the-wall shortcut, trying to bait the Firebomb thrower to open the path. What I didn't know is that there was a Halberd knight rushing up to poke my ass, and he ended up destroying the barrels. So now I have to do the whole area again.

    > In my hubris, I climbed the ladder to challenge the Pursuer. Got slapped. Died shamefully. Weirdly enough, if you die to him here, you can't fight him again until you get to his actual boss room.

    > Went down to the Ballista Room and was viciously defiled by the knights. So that's Death #4.

    > We got Heavy Soul Arrow, boys

    > I also picked up the Shortsword, which is going to be my official backup weapon for now.

    > These Turtle Men are spooky, but their brains are too smooth to handle my blueness

    > Last Giant actually kicked my ass a bit, but I still managed to beat him first try.

    > You know, at first I wanted to eventually turn my Sorcerer into a Hexer, but then I found out that I had too much INT invested for Hexes to be any good, since they scale with the lowest of the two magic stats. So I guess I'm staying as a nerd, now.

    > Headed up for my rematch with the Swole Knight Himself. Tried to cheese him with the ballista. Failed miserably. Now I have to fight him legit. With the aid of my magic, though, I actually managed to beat him on my first (second?) try.

    LOST BASTILLE (Deaths: 3):

    > Got kidnapped by a bird. Now I'm in jail.

    > Immediately went into the left building, tipped over the barrel, and the explosion still somehow hit me despite being several feet above it.

    > Got the chest outside. Turn around to see the Swole Knight back for blood.

    > I'm actually doing pretty well against him this time. He's almost dea- wait why the fuck is he keeling ove- OH GOD WHY AM I CURSED AND DYING

    > Now miffed, I go back for Round 2 (I am not losing 20,000 souls). The barrel that you can tip in the dog room is very inconsistent and sometimes does nothing. Yay.

    > You're not Chris Angel, buddy. Just stop.

    > I'm making sure to run back into the building whenever he does his Dark Balls attack. And, of course, he conveniently decides to spam it a few times during this fight.

    > Despite my efforts, I die again. The souls weren't lost, but now I'm annoyed.

    > He's dead. He almost bailed on me after I went into the building to avoid his attack, but I slapped him before he could leave.

    > Makin' my way downtown, walking fast, trying to blow open the wall to McDuff, barrel doesn't explode, no Firebombs, barrel is now broken, I want to die, time to restart the area. Deadass.

    > Stupid Dogs, you made me look bad

    THINGS BETWIXT 2.0 (Deaths: 0):

    > It is now today. I realized that I had a Yore Branch so I decided to spend it on the cockblocker in the tutorial area.

    > Double Trouble! I just threw magic at them from behind the cave opening.

    > Went to go get my reward: A SPOON!

    > Went back to genderbender coffin, get greeted by my Stalker Ex-Boyfriend. Again.

    > Luckily he doesn't do his barrage attack this time, instead he chooses to be Parry Fodder.

    > I know the secret puzzle to this place, too. Light all of the torches in the area to summon a redboi who I kill for a petrified thing.

    > Give those things to the nestling. Get early Slab and Dragon Turd.

    FOREST OF FALLEN GIANTS 2.0 (Deaths: 0):

    > Forgot that the Soldier Key opened more doors than just the Pursuer door. Rectifying that issue now.

    > Went down to the ravine place. The Turtle Men are no match for my 200 IQ.

    > You'd think that a guy named "Armorer Dennis" would be some sort of Andre Cosplayer or something, but no, he's a big fat nerd like me.

    > First NPC Invader and he comes equipped with mid-late-game spells. Yaaaaay

    > We have a little game of tag around the buildings, and sniped each other with magic a few times. Then, I manned up and lured him indoors and stabbed him to death.

    HEIDE'S TOWER OF FLAME (Deaths: 0):

    > Realized that I used up my Yore Branch in Betwixt and now I have no way of entering the Bastille without forking cash over to Melentia. So now I have to go to Viking Land.

    > I still buy the branch from Melentia but I don't want to use it on the Bastille statue. I'm SL 50 by now, which is probably way too high, but because of the many crotch shots this game throws at you in the future, I don't feel guilty.

    > I boldly conclude that I want to fight the Ornstein Cosplayer first.

    > Get spanked by Heide bitches

    > Man this "Dragonslayer" is terrible at his job. Literally a huge-ass dragon right on his front doorstep.

    > Say goodbye to your Achilles tendons, chucklehead

    > Find the Imposter

    > After a long, hard fight with his long, hard spear, I emerge victorious

    > Get told to fuck off by Mr. Holier-Than-Thou

    > I try to get him to un-fuck-me-off by doing co-op, but nobody will summon me because 100,000 soul memory. Dammit From.

    > Too cowardly to get Dragonrider to suicide off his own arena, so I fight him legit

    > Only got hit once.

    > Ooo, I'm glad I saved that Yore Branch from Melentia cuz now I have more chugs

    NO-MAN'S WHARF (Deaths: 1):

    > Time to beat up some pesky vikings.

    > Talked to Little Miss Masquerade lounging around in the slums.

    > Tried to pick off some dogs. Drew in the whole pack. Got monched to death. Fuck Dogs (Disclaimer, please don't fuck the dogs).

    > Round 2. I managed to make friends with the Torch Hollow. He doesn't do anything but we seem to be developing a special bond that will last us a lifetime.

    > Strolling thru the hood, get mugged several times.

    > Oh my, Torch Hollow is capable of spooking the Arm People. I think I'm in love.

    > Ominous-looking empty house

    > Open the door to meet a family of three

    > They bust down their own walls to kick my ass

    > I kick their asses

    > Go upstairs to find their deadbeat dad

    > Beat the deadbeat dead

    > Loot their belongings, get tricked, nearly got poisoned by a vape cloud.

    > Summon the Black Pearl. Now I must go, but I don't want to leave my friend behind

    > Tearfully bid him farewell

    > Head down to the docks


    > Well that was annoying

    > Why is it that whenever I feel remotely safe in this damn place, I get jumpscared by a surprise axe murderer?

    > Meet Gavlan. He has Poison Moss, but supply and demand apparently jacked the price up to the thousands. Fucking capitalism.

    > Why are there Poison Jars in this hou- HOLY SHIT WHY AM I DYING SO FAST

    > Gavlan's overpriced moss comes to the rescue, at the cost of my dignity and life savings

    > I spoke to this old dude for three seconds and he already wants to make me his student. I hope there isn't a tuition fee.

    > Got that Great Heavy Soul Arrow

    > Think you can fool me, Viking boy? I saw you from a mile awa- *Gets nut tapped from behind by a second viking that I missed*

    > Time to pillage the ship! *Gets nut tapped from behind again* WHERE ARE THESE ASSHOLES COMING FROM

    > Fighting the Conjoined Spins wasn't difficult at all with my glorious magic

    > Not that I wanted to be a Pyromancer or anything, but why the hell is the first ever Pyromancy Flame tucked away so late into the earlygame?

    This is as far as I got. Gonna continue my adventures tomorrow, maybe. I'm actually enjoying myself now that I'm doing a serious playthrough, despite how slow and rough the beginning can be. I spent an hour writing this post despite the fact that I really need to do my homework and it's nearly 2 am. So, uh, see you next time, I guess.

    submitted by /u/RedST0114
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    Bonfire intensity 3,havent beaten any bosses,have 3 milion souls. how many i need to open shrine of winter rn?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    help plz

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    Recruitment for Invaders on ps4

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    Uncle Vendrick wants you

    Enlist in the drangliec special forces

    Call out to young and old .

    New or vets

    Drangliec special forces the D S F

    Has many regiments to join

    Will prove provisions and training

    Contact Drill sergeant ' McSmelt '

    submitted by /u/McSmelt
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    Seek Misery my friends

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Just got "The Dark Soul" achievement on DS2! I never want to see a Sunlight medal again.

    DS1 and DS2 are now complete, next up is three.

    But I think I'll watch the waves in Majula for a little while longer.

    There is no path. Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of Dark... what could possibly await us? And yet, we seek it, insatiably... Such is our fate.

    submitted by /u/Grim-Lavamancer
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    I've killed all 4 great bosses, now I'm lost.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    Killed all 4, embraced frejas soul, been to the shrine in the shaded woods, I'm feeling a little confused and lost. What now? 😁

    submitted by /u/DeathofBa
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    Retainer Staff or Sunset Staff

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Pretty new to the game, not the series though. Was planning on trying a hex build, so I started with the sorcerer. I get to the cardinal tower and summon this angel named SaltyAmerifat. They message me saying they have a couple items to give me, then drop the Retainer Staff, and the Retainers Short Sword. For the life of me, I'm not seeing any reason to put any twinkling titanite into the sunset staff now. Looking for input.

    Side note; this is the most creative of the three games. Effing love it.

    Edit: Thanks for all the input! One more question; is the chaos rapier worth the stat investment? Or should I just stick with retainer short sword?

    submitted by /u/K2mouth
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    Help with str/faith build?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    I just finished DS1 as a paladin (str/fth) and tank build. I was using +15 mace,Greatshield of Artorias and +5 Black Iron Armor set. I would like to do something similar on DS2.

    I started yesterday (never played DS2 before ),already killed 3 or 4 bosses,and my character is pretty bad imo. Miracles look considerably weaker in DS2 (at least early on). My 'Heal' skill heals nothing,is slow,only has 3 uses,and my Restoration is literally the worst thing i have ever seen. I'm pretty sure im doing something very wrong,because it looks like my Ring of Restoration can outheal it.

    My mace deals an okay damage,but it is starting to fall of.

    What should i do? I just want some ''tips'',because im pretty lost tbh.

    Which weapons should i use? I heard Blacksmith's Hammer is pretty good. As i'm a ''paladin'' build,i need some tips on str/faith scaling weapons i think.

    Which stats should i pump early on? Im pumping Endurace,because,like i said,i pretend to have a good stability shield and tank a lot.

    Edit: I also would like to know where i can get a good shield early on,or a shield similar to Greatshield of Artorias...

    Edit2: This is 100% pvE,won't be playing PvP at all.


    submitted by /u/BL4CK0UT19
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    Item in the Forest Of Fallen Giants.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Anyone ayve any idea how to get to the item that's on a wooden platform that's also right cave with the Fire Longsword? I would seriously like to know how to get to it.

    I appreciate the help given.

    submitted by /u/TheGamersofaLifeTime
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    Where to go

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    I just started the game and I reached the bonefire after the forest of the fallen giants, but the enemy 2-shot me. Am I underleveled or is this normal? I found also the way to the tower of flame but the enemy here one shot me? Am I doing the right way or I should somewhere else?

    submitted by /u/listiantor
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    Vanilla DLC not appearing

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    I have all the DLC but I'm not playing SOTFS. It says everything is installed and enabled and all the guides say that the DLC items should now be in my inventory. Was there an update where you now have to find them in vanilla as well?

    submitted by /u/chocolate_demon
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    Need new weapon for dlc

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    I've been using the mace the whole game and I was wondering if someone can drop me either a +10 large club or smelter swords Thanks

    submitted by /u/rioizcool69
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    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Just message me if you need help with anything in ds2 like I said I have 10 charcters all different sm

    submitted by /u/Idkmyname2014
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    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Can I upgrade any sorcery and if I can how could I do it

    submitted by /u/Thickdicdaddy
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    NG build?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    So I am almost done with the dlc and getting my character ready for NG+ can anyone go over my stats tell me where I can make it a bit easier for me for the next run? VGR 13 END 30 VIT 16 STR 40 DEX 20 ADP 30 INT 3 FTH 40 Im just maining a mace and some buffing miracles

    submitted by /u/xoblow
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    I wish we could have symmetrical pauldrons like the armor in Maughlin's shop

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Sooo...what’s a worse designed area Lost Izalith or Cave of the dead

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:43 AM PDT

    For me it's cave of the dead but it's a really close call

    submitted by /u/chickenoken-king
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    Nashandra Vanquished

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    Whoever helped me with three last three boss fights, thank you two! #praisethesun

    submitted by /u/yvngpapa1
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