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    Thursday, October 15, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 Darklurker, destroyer of effigies

    Dark Souls 2 Darklurker, destroyer of effigies

    Darklurker, destroyer of effigies

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    I killed every boss on the first or maybe second time, but I cant seem to kill this guy. It cost me around 35 effigies so far, i have 5 left and I have 0 idea how iam going to do that

    submitted by /u/amateour
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    A message from the mod author of Tales of Drangleic

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    Tales of Drangleic Mod

    Hello everyone, I'm the mod author of Tales of Drangleic, AoiYozora. I just wanted to give my appreciation to those who downloaded and played my mod. Honestly I never expected the mod to get so many downloads within the past week or so. I've seen a few twitch streamers play the mod which made me really happy. As you might not have known, I had been working on the mod since sometime in August because I really loved DSII and I really felt like the game was under appreciated and I really just wanted to make a DSII mod.

    Honestly, my initial goal was just 100 downloads and maybe a couple of endorses but I never would've expected people like Prod or Lobosjr to play it or try it out. Even if it was a mixed reaction or an ok reaction, I'm still glad they took the time to try it out. I've been getting a lot of positive and some negative feedback but that's all fine, I'm glad they took their own time to try out my mod.

    I've also been constantly updating throughout the week to make sure the mod is playable or maybe fulfill some requests that people have been asking me. A lot of updates consisted of modifying bosses, and making sure that all of the speed of the bosses were playable and challenging. But honestly it was quite tiresome since there were some people who wanted faster, and then some people who wanted slower and the reception was all over the place. Hopefully with the latest update, maybe I can satisfy some people.

    I know my mod is quite small, and it's nothing compared to Augur of Darkness or Ascended mod, but I hope it made your DSII a new fresh experience. My initial goal for the mod was just to add things in the game to make the game look a little nicer, but it ended up turning into a full overhaul and I had to learn how to mess with the parameters, which was very painstaking to learn since DSII has little to no documentation whatsoever.

    I really can't say this enough, I really appreciate everyone who took the time to download and play my mod. Right now I'm going to take a little break from modding and updating and focus on some new things. I really want to make my own indie game project(nothing related to a soulslike game or anything).

    submitted by /u/blader67
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    I'm annoyed

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Mandatory this game is great comment.

    But it is also really annoying. After getting high blood pressure from the hollow varangians and their completely unfair teleportation sliding attacks, I now find myself fighting the pursuer again who is accompanied by multiple dogs and snipers on the rooftops.

    I hate that I love the frustration these games give me.

    submitted by /u/maddskillz350
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    Some questions about the game

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    So I played dark souls 3 two times now and I loved it a lot. In my box, there was a code for dark souls so I gave it a try and I beat the game quite easily. I am now waiting for a ps5 so that I can play demon's souls and bloodborne and I just bought dark souls 2 to play while I was waiting. However, i find the game, I don't know kind of weird ? I have a lot of problems to dodge attacks and a lot of things have changed in this game so I will be glad to hear any tips or advice that you have or that I need to know because I am kind of lost

    submitted by /u/Zyro91
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    Levels coming in really fast?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    I took some advice from this subreddit and have been working through the game. I beat the Last Giant, Pursuer, Dragonrider and Old Dragonslayer. I'm enjoying the game a lot more now due to a few points in adaptability. However, I am pretty high level already I feel. I've beaten 4 bosses now and am around lvl 60 already, this feels really high compared to other souls games where you're level 60 around midgame.

    submitted by /u/Dimitje123
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    Optimal dragon bone + twinkling + slab farming for lazy people trying to watch TV

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    I like to half-watch TV/youtube while I farm stuff, so I figured I'd relay my farming route after some time perfecting it. The most popular route afaik for twinkling/bones is the Tower of Prayer bonfire route, but that requires dealing with some relatively strong enemies, which can make it hard to pay attention to the TV, plus it jacks up the bonfire level for a fairly difficult area. And it doesn't give any slabs. (it also requires killing the squalid queen, which I really didn't want to deal with on NG++, hence my motivation) So here's my alternative route that only jacks up the bonfire for a totally optional area and poses very little challenge, and also requires only 1 ascetic to start. It takes me about 4 minutes to get 4 twinkling, 4 dragon bones, and 1 slab with this route, as well as some some lesser titanite, and optionally imbue stones if you need them scattered around. So it's nearly the same level of efficiency, time-wise, as the prayer route, but with slabs as a bonus and with less brainpower required.

    You start at the dragon aerie bonfire. You need to use a fragrant branch to unlock the main entrance. It's going to be much, much easier is you have a sorcery build. If you're not, I'd recommend respeccing until you're done farming. The main thing you need to be able to do is kill a NG+6 crystal lizard before the bastard warps away, which can be pretty tricky without guaranteed hits from hard-hitting spells. Personally my farming character is high enough level that he does everything. It also helps to have a lot of soul spears. With a +5 magic staff of wisdom, 50 int, and the sorcery clutch ring, crystal lizards die in 2 (regular, not crystal) soul spears which really speeds things up. I have 20 soul spears on my character which is just enough for the full run. If you have fewer, you could try using other spells, but I like my farming runs to be as brain-dead as possible so I don't like switching spells.

    Ok, ready? Run from the bonfire to the bridge above (kill the hollow, he respawns when you ascetic), running directly past the exploding zombies, they pose no threat. Lock onto the crystal lizard in the cave ahead, spear it and collect the twinkling (free mushrooms if you want them, too). Run back to the second zombie's location and grab the ascetic. Then take the ramp on your right up to the first drake.

    *important note on drakes* - they will only aggro if you attack them or break their eggs. So don't do either of those things and they can be completely ignored. They're not hard, but they do take a while to kill, so despite dropping bones I don't recommend engaging them.

    Ok, after you come upstairs there's an exploding mummy on your right, but he doesn't notice you until you run past him so he's easy to kill (unless you forget, which I frequently do - but it's not a huge problem since he doesn't damage you or your weapons - but he might break your clutch ring which means 3 hits for the lizards, boo). Then spear the lizard directly in front of you for a slab. Turn right up the ramp, kill the 2 mummies (with 1 spear if you can time/angle it right), then another lizard at the top for a bone.

    Run down the ramp and past the dragon (on its right). There will be a mummy coming at you eventually - you can wait here to kill it, or charge behind the dragon to save time, but it makes it easier to screw up and clip the dragon with a soul spear (it's still easy to do once you get the hang of it though). There's 2 lizards near the dragon - one will run away when you get close - he's almost impossible to get, so screw him. The other is facing the other direction and is an easy kill once you've dispatched the mummy. Grab his loot (I think twinkling) and keep running across the bridge.

    From here you're just running to the next dragon. Ignore the mummies, they won't hit you if you keep sprinting, trust me. First you run past one facing the wrong direction (with buddies if you stick around, but you won't), then a bridge, then 2 that explode but slowly enough that you can easily run past first. Then another bridge with 3 visible up ahead. Spear the close one, the second explodes on his own, and kill the third as you run up the hill (I usually switch to melee for this to save time). At the top of the ramp, hang hard right along the edge, kill the mummy at the end. In the alcove ahead is a priest who's incredibly easy to spam R1 at until he dies, and a body with 2, yes 2 dragon bones.

    There are 3 lizards in the next area, so I hope you've got enough soul spears. Once is visible from the top of the ramp - kill him then jump down to grab his loot. Head left towards the direction you came from, there's another lizard. Finally, turn right and follow the path towards the normal exit from the area to find the third lizard. Kill him, feather back, ascetic, and repeat.

    (I don't recommend heading to the next drake as there are quite a few exploding enemies and not many lizards, which are hard to catch anyway. Not worth the time, imo.)

    If something somehow goes wrong (i.e. you accidentally piss off a drake and get killed), just ascetic anyway (unless you somehow died before getting the replacement ascetic, which is very hard to do). But this route is incredibly easy, I don't think I've even taken a single point of damage in my last 20 runs or so. Happy farming!

    submitted by /u/Himetic
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    Some help with Frigid Outskirts

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Also posted this on r/summonsign but people also ask here so why not? :)

    My soul memory tier is 33 (soul memory 2.3 mil) and I need help with the 2 kitties and keeping the horses away from my bountiful booty. My region is Europe, but I have cross region on.

    Edit: I have tried the NPC's, but either the horses get them or they get Fus Ro Dah'd of the bridge.

    Edit 2: never mind, I got gud :D

    submitted by /u/Triceror
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    Why do people find Fencer Sharron and Armorer Dennis to be so difficult?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    I am not trying to come over as eletist or anything, but these two have never given me any trouble whatsoever. Maybe share your thoughts on why?

    submitted by /u/Zerrerd-of-Astora
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    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Finally beat fume knight after... 1 attempt? Huh. Thats funky, i was expecting to get my ass handed to me over 50 times. Well time to get his sword

    submitted by /u/LucarioAcee
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    Dark Souls 2 official concept art.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    Let us all be honest that most people have seen these by now but there seems to be new players here and there such as myself who have not seen these. What an interesting glimpse into what was and what could have been.


    Also here's the announcement trailer in case you have not seen that either.


    There was an old thread with the above link.


    I wanted to make a comment but then had to hold up, as wait a minute, of course I can't, that thread is over a year old. As to the comment, everyone seems to agree that the design of that female character is a little off for being in Dark Souls, but the insert made me wonder if she were to change from that initially questionable look as a course of character development. Do you agree?

    There is other concept art around, makes me wonder about a time skip, or the possibility of not being undead at the start and there being an age of fire, so of course it would not be all moody and dark, and people would be free to be people.

    By the way here are some more. Of course some of these double up a bit. So if you have not seen these before what are you waiting for? Go put on Longing and just have a browse.





    Also, can anyone pinpoint where this image came from in this video? Japanese promo material or what? I can not find it otherwise and know it can't be replicated in game.


    submitted by /u/Faunstein
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    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    What's the best way to kill these little blue treasure bugs in higher ng+ cycles? Farming them at arie I always seem to miss one or two and have to do a bunch of extra walking. Big weapons just don't seem to be fast enough for me or I'm not fast enough for them. Is there a elemental weakness or some exploit I can uh exploit?

    submitted by /u/billymillerstyle
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    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    I love me some DS2, but sometimes the attack/movement speed just kills me. I've played all the Souls games in order upon release, and finished all multiply times, but I don't think I've ever truly got used to the sluggish speed of DS2. Bloodborne and DS3 are the sweet spot for me.

    submitted by /u/mew_empire
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    How do I handle heavy weapons well?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    I want to make a strength-based build and I want to use large weapons because kickass. I was just wondering how I can use them properly without getting killed all the time because of mobility. I am a giant noob.

    submitted by /u/SunIsGay
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    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    So I'm beating this one just out of principal and it sucks major weiner. I just beat the lost sinner am I at least halfway through this boys?

    submitted by /u/SirNato14
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    Got inspired and decided to start drawing my character at different levels. LVL 20

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Need help about a build I was working on

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Hi all!
    I'm new to the subreddit itself, and pretty new to the game (I'm already at NG+, but I still miss some mechanics). Like the title said, looking between the subreddit itself and the wiki, I decided to come up with a Katana build. I managed to distribute the points in a good way, but I have some doubts about the weapons themselves. Currently using: Uchigatana, Blacksteel Katana, Darkdrift, Wasking Pole, Hunter's Blackbow, Pyromancy Flame

    Right now, I'm trying to get all of them at +10 (which I'm doing just fine), but I was wondering about infusing them or not. I've seen people using resins, and I started to do that too, but since I'm afraid to ruin a possible good weapon, I didn't do anything

    What do you guys think?
    Oh, if I'm missing something important let me know!

    Thank you all!

    PS: I'm playing on the Scholar of the First Sin version (if that means something) and I have all the DLCs

    submitted by /u/francesco8575
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    Holy Ashes! Lost 20k souls at Threshhold Bridge...

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    ...and I don't have the rings/armor to get them back! :(


    That's an evil trap: right after that boss, finding the bonfire and a gloomy item just 3 meters away. "I'm safe, let's get that." - "Right. YOU DIED." - "No problem, I'll be quick and get them back!" - "Hah. YOU DIED." ... "YOU DIED." ... "DIED." ... "Nope, DEAD." Meh.

    submitted by /u/huyg
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    DLC Areas as a Sorcerer

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Howdy there. I recently beat DS2 (it was my first ever Souls game too) as a Sorcerer and it feels like the DLCs have huge difficulty spikes. The regular enemies take so many hits to kill even when I use Soul Spear and it's honestly been pretty discouraging. My run through the frozen area had me using so many spells that my staff almost broke and that had never happened before.

    For reference I'm like level 170,my INT is 60,ATTN is 75 and I have a magic infused Staff of Wisdom +5. Would I be better off respeccing to a physical damage dealer or should I just y'know git gud? Any advice for a newbie?

    Sorry if this has been asked before.

    submitted by /u/KatieWates
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    Anyone else do this?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    I have a pattern when I play soulsborne games. I've seen that when people finish their first playthrough , they either move on to the next game or try to get a platinum if they're determined. But what I like to do instead is to try out as many different builds as possible after finishing the game.

    My first playthrough in all games has always been the same: DEX build with some sort of curved sword. After that I always branch outb to different builds and weapons. A couple of examples: "Oooo, what if I went for a sorcery build this playthrough? What about a build focused on the mundane infusion? What about a build in which I leveled both faith and intelligence but didn't use hex (That onr might turn out VERY underpowered) ? Or maybe I should go for a faith/strength build? I've never tried that one before!"

    I always want to tinker with the game and see what kind of different characters I can make. Anyone else do the same?

    submitted by /u/honhahoie
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