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    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Help a hollow.

    Dark Souls /r/DarkSouls - Help a hollow.

    /r/DarkSouls - Help a hollow.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Welcome to our Wednesday thru Thursday sticky thread "Help A Hollow."

    Do you need the game mechanics explained a bit? Don't understand scaling, infusion, or magic? Just can't take on O&S solo?

    If you have a question or need a hand then skip /new for the day and get the help you need. Leave a comment below and someone will help you shortly. Or sort comments by new and be a helpful hollow. Remember to check out /r/DarkSouls/wiki and contribute!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Good question, welcome to video game logic, son.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    I just overheard my twelve year old coaching my six year old about his new character. In the asylum when they got to the wounded guy who gives the estus flask my six year old asked, "Shouldn't he just drink it instead of giving it away if he's the hurt one?"

    submitted by /u/JHamburgerHill
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    I never thought I’d be able to play games again.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    That's a dramatic title, but this game helped me overcome my perception of my disability. I lost most function in my right hand after having surgery, only regaining a bit of feeling back. I didn't think I'd be able to games like I used to. I mean, it's still not completely the same same, but getting through each challenge gives me motivation to try other games. I honestly think if I hadn't picked this game up as an opportunity to play games with my friend that is also disabled, I'd just be spectating games forever.

    I also want to say a lot of the posts in this community have helped me too, especially when I've felt stuck on some parts.

    So, thanks Dark Souls. And thank you, awesome dark souls community.

    submitted by /u/glioglio
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    Guys, i really forgot that feel

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    When you finally kill freaking ornstein and his friend (don't remember his name in English) I haven't played the game for three years i think, and it took more than 15 tries to.kill them i think Need to mention that i wanted to get ornstein soul, so it was a bit harder

    submitted by /u/JimHawkins16
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    How weird it feels to look back to when i first started playing

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    about nine months ago i played DS1, my first souls' game. I remember hating every minute of the first 10hours and sucking so hard I almost gave up. Today, this is one of my favourite games I've ever played and I've now been through the entire series. I was so frustrated I made this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/e40hw8/suck_in_undead_burg/

    And it's so weird to look back. How easy I find this area nowadays, it's really interesting how much this game helped me get better in almost every game I've played since. It really teaches you to never give up and it makes overcoming challenges feel so rewarding. Not sure if this is allowed on this sub, but I just felt like posting it

    submitted by /u/TheTragicMagic
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    My girlfriend is starting Dark Souls! So hyped!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    My girlfriend is just starting Dark Souls, I'm really, really hyped. I will keep you informed

    submitted by /u/Academic-Amphibian-6
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    I keep dying

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    I'm a little bitch and I'm losing motivation to continue lol

    Edit: thanks for all the comments, you've given me motivation to keep going

    submitted by /u/bruhman46
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    Question - Anor Londo

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    I am a first time DS1 player coming from Bloodborne and DS3. Should I go to the Painted World first or try to do all of Anor Londo first? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Griffdawg46
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    Dark Souls Lore is so damn sad

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    I loved how cool and sorta edgy the world of Dark Souls was, but never really payed attention to the story so much during my first play through.

    I was curious about the backstory on some of the bosses in DS1 and Gwyndolin/Anor Londo and I started reading up on the lore behind it, and damn it's sad.

    Reading about Gwyn, the lords, and basically how Lordran went to shit when he went to link the first flame really bummed me out.

    I'm currently playing DS3, so I don't know about too much lore yet, but I can't wait to read more.

    Does anybody else find the lore super interesting, but also really depressing at the same time?

    submitted by /u/Macaroni-N-Cheeze
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    Well guys I just finished Dark Souls for the first time....

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    All I can say is


    submitted by /u/Porkchop_Samurai
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    Guys I am stuck at Ornstein and smoug now, I have used claymore till now,I think it's time to get a better weapon....Any suggestions?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Could someone give an inexperienced player some combat tips?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    I got this game about 9-10 months ago now, and I keep going through similar cycles of playing. I'll play, make a bit of progress, get stuck/bored, and then take a break. Fast forward a few weeks if not a few months later, I try to get back into the groove, I end up making more progress, I get stuck again, and the process repeats. The truth is, I got into Dark Souls for the lore and story. I'll admit, I'm kind of a casual, even though I still like a challenge. Out of respect for the game, I want to complete it as is. I took some time to think about it, and after watching other people play Dark Souls compared to how I play it, I decided that the reason I've been having some difficulties is 1) I probably haven't acquainted myself as well as I should have with the combat mechanics, and 2) It seems to me that the game controls are more convenient for consoles rather than a pc.

    That being said, could anyone give me some combat tips? Whether it be PVE or PVP, it would definitely be appreciated. Also, what would be a good key binding arrangement? Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this, any tips are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SlavaRossiya
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    Reached all my soft caps on ng+ and planning on going forward, what to level up on now?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    I've got 50 vit, 41 str, 41 dex, 42 end, every other stat neglected. not interested in Magic this play through and I don't do online. I'm content with my setup (halberd +15, grass crest +15, gold hemmed set, havels ring + cartwheel ring) and already fall into the second fastest roll quadrant after naked and <8.2% load, so investing in faster rolls isn't really realistic (with havels ring I'm at 18.1/123). will my halberd still scale if I invest in strength and dex? Should I get keep grinding out vit? Get into spells? I'm sl 133 and abt to go into my second gwyn fight of this play through and looking for advice going onto ng++ forward. I wanna beat ng7. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/cr4kc
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    Been streaming [blind] dark souls, with BFF Helswake. :)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    1st stream is on youtube
    2nd ones uploading now
    :) join us for fun next time!


    submitted by /u/lumpenrose
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    Trying to work up motivation to play again.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    So I'm at a weird place in the game. I want to eventually beat every boss in the game. Maybe not a super realistic goal for someone of my skill level, but I've had so much fun dealing with the bosses I've fought up till' now that I don't really care. But the fun high I've been on since taking on Quelaag has dropped like a rock since I went back the route I missed to take on the Capra Demon... Jesus Christ. Something about this segment of the game just completely saps my motivation to play. For one, the safest route to the fucker (albeit the longer one) is no longer available to me, as the Firelink bonfire is now gone. And based on info I've found online, I probably won't be able to get it back for a long time.

    So I have to take the short yet PAINFULLY slow route to get back to the boss every time I die. The dogs I can generally handle pretty easily, but the bandits tend to range from reasonable to complete assholes seemingly at random, based on how they end up moving after I aggro them. I can't quite get a pattern down on them like I can with other enemies. And despite managing to get that part down pretty well in the past, the life drained from my eyes every time I got buttfucked into a corner by the worst boss in video game history. Like, I think the boss itself would be pretty cool. Maybe give it a bigger or at least round arena, get rid of the dogs, and increase its health and damage output to balance out the lack of bullshit propping it up, and it would be a genuinely fun boss fight regardless of how many times I died.

    But every time I get to that damn boss room and have every attempt to make some progress squandered because the dogs just happen to gang up on me in the exact wrong place for me to get bum rushed with no room to break through the barricade they make in that tiny-ass room, I just completely loose motivation. No longer does dying leave me with a sense of "damn, that was rough! Time to try again!"

    And I get what the responses to this are gonna be. "Git gud scrub. Lolololol. You lost your motivation to Capra Demon? Have fun with insert those really fun looking armored bosses that are supposed to be obscenely difficult, even if their perfect looking arena and seemingly unique pattern look like they'd make for a fantastic boss fight" And... Well, yeah, I agree. I need to get good. But with this section of the game being so draining on my motivation, I don't really know how I can bring myself to "git gud." I don't want to just go somewhere else because I've already set a goal for myself and don't want to completely trivialize the other boss I missed after Capra Demon, as it looks far more fair and I don't want to ruin it.

    But as I start playing the game less and less, I've just kinda been getting worse at the game. Sections I used to be able to breeze through become insurmountable obstacles I've just lost the patience for because all the things I learned about the section have just kinda faded to the back of mind where I can't access them. I guess what I'm getting at is... What do other folks do when the game gets tiring for them? Or is it not supposed to be tiring, and the game I found fun for the first large chunk of it I've experienced just isn't going to exist anymore, and I should give up because assholes like the Capra Demon are the only thing I have to look forward to? I mean that's obviously an exaggeration. Obviously what I've seen of a lot of the rest of the game looks really fun. It's just... Idk, I feel like I've hit this self-inflicted roadblock I don't really know how to push through because I'm a stubborn bitch. Anyone else ever get that way? Idk, this is more of a venting post than a help post in all honesty.

    submitted by /u/Vio-Rose
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    The 4 knights of gwyn in all their glory

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Good Boss miniatures?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    Working through the game at the moment and thought it would be a fun thing to buy a miniature for each boss I have killed. The problem is I can't seem to find any except the board game which doesn't have all the bosses apparently.

    Anyone know a guy, shop or alternative?

    submitted by /u/Matticus_100
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    Is sorcerer supposed to be this useless against gaping dragon???

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    I'm trying to kill the gaping dragon with my sorcerer and my god the damage is abysmal. There isn't even any yellow when I smack him or use a spell. Did i do so something wrong???

    submitted by /u/AnotherAverageJ0e
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    Summoning Beatrice Has Nothing To Do With Obtaining Her Set

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    I'm doing a playthrough as Barry the Big Blue Barbarian, and I killed the 4 kings before placing the lord vessel to get the darkwraith covenant. I never fought the Moonlight Butterfly and I didn't touch a summon sign, but when I ran to blighttown later on Beatrice's set was there. Does this mean that the real condition is just to beat the 4 kings before placing it, or are there two ways to obtain it?

    submitted by /u/wafflefries77
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    Any tips for a newbie?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Just started my first play through and thought I'd ask for any tips

    submitted by /u/Sharkbait423
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    Beat the Ceaseless Discharge finally, I'm shaking so much

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    I just beat the Ceaseless Discharge finally after 3 tries, and I feel so good damn awesome right now. I can't...keep up with these kinds of posts anymore. Seriously, they've become a complete meme at this point. We're all sunbros but these kinds of posts litter soulsborne subs.

    Maybe condense it in a thread? Dunno.

    Praise it.

    submitted by /u/SunniestBro
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    Whats up with buffed Smough invincibility Frames?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    Praise the Sun my hollowed Friends!

    Little question: I was playing DS1 yesterday and did the Boss Fight O&S. Solaire helped pretty much and Ornstein was slayed fast. But after Smough got his lightning Buff, he practically did'nt recieve any Damage. I always waited for his "Over the Head-Smash" ran past the Pillar but even the blood Animation came and the "Hit" Soundfile played, there was no change in his lifebar.

    Managed to kill him after 10 Hits not counted, but hell that was a pain in the ass!

    Is that normal or just a Glitch?

    submitted by /u/justgotusernamed
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    Appeasing to a larger audience

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    I believe the best choice for any company is to appease to a larger audience. I say this because of all of the complaints that Dark Souls 3 is so linear. Hey, it's actually nice to have a clear cut path. The interconnected world of Dark Souls 1 is awesome but I also feel like the bonfire placing just made it a pain to traverse through the game and being able to travel from bonfire to bonfire came a little too late. I mean what the hell.. Demon Souls handles the travelling better and that is actually the first of the Souls/Borne games.

    They're all good games and one wouldn't be there without the other, but some in the community act like a bit of a level like path is a complete sacrilege. People don't like DS 1 because they came from DS 3 and hate back tracking to get poison arrows and purging stones etc.? That's fine, you don't have to get salty with people who just want a game that is a challenge and not a chore.

    submitted by /u/ShadowKhajiit7
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    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Just finished the game for the first time! So happy! So pleased with the help i got from the community. Theres soooo many youtube vids i get to watch now! Excited to play Dark Souls 2 and then Bloodborne! Shout out to TB skyens the Boss designs of Dark Souls series. Watched each episode as i beat each boss

    submitted by /u/devilsurvivor96
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    I have defeated the Lord of Cinder and kindled the flame!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    What an excellent game! I did beat a good amount of it in Havel's set, but I actually felt like I had improved a ton by the end. Love the world and the lore, especially. Finished at SL85, with a strength and vitality build.

    Best boss: Artorias, absolutely. I had to beat him without Havel's because of fat roll, meaning I really had to learn the timing for his attacks (especially that short bounce he does where he swings his sword forwards). Amazing character, amazing fight, amazing music, and amazing scenery. A deeply satisfying part of the boss was discovering that my Divine Zweihander could stagger Artorias while he was buffing, which I took advantage of by using Zwei alongside Dragon Tooth as my main weapon.

    Hardest boss: O&S. I nearly quit the game here, or thought of taking a break, but I was just too immersed to really do so. Once I summoned Solaire, though, it only took about two or three tries.

    Darkest moment: Being cursed in Blighttown, not sure of how to get back up if I went back to the Depths, and needing to press onward to get back to the Shrine and get a Purging Stone.

    I'm not sure whether to go onto Bloodborne or DS3 next! I don't own DS2 yet at all.

    submitted by /u/A_ccountant
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