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    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Help a hollow.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Help a hollow.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Help a hollow.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    Welcome to our Wednesday thru Thursday sticky thread "Help A Hollow."

    Do you need the game mechanics explained a bit? Don't understand scaling, infusion, or magic? Just can't take on Velstadt solo?

    If you have a question or need a hand then skip /new for the day and get the help you need. Leave a comment below and someone will help you shortly. Or sort comments by new and be a helpful hollow. Remember to check out /r/DarkSouls2/wiki and contribute!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Which FromSoftware game has the highest difficutly? Revisisted.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Ivory King possible Lord of Cinder?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Note: this may contain spoilers from Dark Souls 3

    Has anybody here noticed how the Ivory King shares some very similar move sets to the Soul of Cinder? They have very similar backflips and Aoe attacks, so is it possible somewhere not written in lore, that at some point the Ivory King became a Lord of Cinder?

    submitted by /u/gemsjor501
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    Yep, multiplayer is still very much alive.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Less than 6 hours of invading to become a Wretch.


    submitted by /u/Lava_Croft
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    Welp boys I did it

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    I beat the game. Destroyed nashandra on my 4th attempt and am now on my way to conquer ng+

    I used a str/dex build with a plus 10 ugs and +10 murakumo

    submitted by /u/JAYKEN72
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    Why All the Hate

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    I think DS2 is a great game. Obviously there are some problems scattered throughout the game but it doesn't devalue the game in anyway. I'm honestly tired of all the hate this great game gets.

    submitted by /u/Mancharzilla
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    What’s your favourite NPC dialogue in the game?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    I must confess I've been brutally skipping line after line after the first few runs, but sometimes I listen to a few words and there's a lot of surprisingly deep stuff. My favourite for some reason is Vengarl, also because his voice actor is 8/8 m8

    submitted by /u/kilianer
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    I can skip the 4 great souls if I have 1M soul memory. Is this true for NG+ and so on?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    At long last. After about three days of many deaths. Fume knight is caput!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    It was one of the harder fights, I'll give him that.

    My load out was: Bandit axe +10 (two handed), Chloranthy Ring, Ring Of Blades, Flame quartz ring +3, Dark quartz ring +2, 2 magic pine resin (used on 2 stage), Completlly butt naked.

    I personally found the first stage to be considerably easier, my strategy for consistent full first stage without any hits was to stay as far away from him as I could.

    I found that when he charges he only has abou 5 or 6 attacks he can use, 3 of which are a single attack that allows an instant counter attack. And the remaining 3are easily avoidable and 2 of them even leave time for healing.

    The second stage however was a pain in the ass. While his attacks where slower, the 360 flame wasn't consistently dodgeable and does devastating damage. And he just constantly spams it and I couldn't get close.

    I used magic pine to increase the damage here, still wasn't easy, went from 11 estus to only 2.

    Another tip o found helpful is the Gower ring of protection. If you take a hit from behind (most of the time) it reduces the damage to nearly nothing and it makes the fight a lot easier. The only downside is that it breaks easily, so you will have to repair it.

    I ran out of souls and didn't feel like grinding, so I just replaced it with the dark quartz ring.

    Wooow. That was a fight Indeed. Still, I liked Artorias and even Sihn the dragon more

    submitted by /u/Noamco
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    Obligatory just beat the Fume Knight post

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    What an arsehole.

    Took me about 4 nights of trying maybe half and hour to an hour a night. Not sure how many times I died, enough though.

    Refused to take off my Velstadt helm. Just like a teenage girl defying her father he isn't going to tell me how to dress. I had seen online that it angers him. He goes straight into the flaming sword stage, don't know if it does anything else.

    I think my biggest problem was the Magic Mace having the range of a chopstick. Did good damage though 300 a hit with the right trigger. Tried some other weapons but nothing did anything like that damage so I just went with it.

    You do learn his pattern after a while but I'll be honest first 3 nights he killed me with 75% of his health left but tonight something clicked and I had some good runs of getting him past half health took a break went back to it and beat him 3 or 4 try.

    Used the mace two handed and just rolled to dodged his attacks. I found if you back away from him it gives you plenty of time to judge what he's going to do and he's less likely to catch you with a random swing.

    For his normal swings he usually does it twos he runs towards you, roll when he swings, hit and move away. Same for his lunge, I got the timing for that down and it's the best attack to score a hit. Sword in the ground and projectiles just move back hope you get lucky with the pattern, good opportunity to heal. The big flaming sword swing was my weakness but either get behind him or move right the way back. If you can move back enough good chance to heal but I swear the hit box is random, sometimes he was getting me from across the room.

    Good fight now I'm going to complete the game.

    submitted by /u/Duckdivejim
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    Hello everyone im looking for some ds2 players to help and to coop with

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Im playing on ps4 and im lvl 241

    submitted by /u/Wietroken1
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    Poison levels on DS2: WTF??

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    I mean it folks, were the level designers on acid or something?

    I got the platinum for DS1 and decided it was time for DS2. Aside from all the different mechanics which I had to learn, all was going well. Then I arrive at The Gutter. Even taking super care of my souls because of SM, this dark edgy level was the first one to make me lose some of them and die several times. By the end of it, what do I find? The Black Gulch. Fucking poison spitting statues everywhere, those two NPC fuckers keep invading you, I barely had any poison moss in my inventory, it was hell. I could not believe it took me so many tries to get through such a tiny space between the bonfire and the area boss. But I made it.

    Then, going for my third primal bonfire, I get to Harvest Valley. I'm ok with it, short level with the only difficulty being basically getting the items in the poison fog without dying. But it serves only as a bad omen for what's to come, fucking EARTHEN PEAK.

    WTF is wrong with this place? Dude, not only there is poison to harm you basically everywhere you look, but those ninja headless wolverine fuckers keep coming at you and they suck! I have never died so many consecutive times as much as I did getting from Harvest Valley to Earthen Peak's first area boss. I never understood all the hate DS1's Blighttown got from the community. Honestly, I like it, I think it has beautiful level design and you can progress quite efficiently if you keep yourself on your toes. But Earthen Peak has just become my least favorite level so far.

    submitted by /u/_amorimph
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    Royal rat authority is an amazing boss

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    Ik he gets a lot of hate but I don't understand why. People complain about the little rats but you can kill them in one greatsword swing. Then its just you and methhead Sif, and the music just adds so much atmosphere to the fight. A dark menacing theme fit for a giant rat guardian, this is just my personal opinion on the boss but I will agree hed be a bitch in a mage playthrough.

    submitted by /u/Ehjustzach
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    Was vanilla DS2 ever removed from Steam for any period of time?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Was talking with a friend about playing DS2 and how it would be nice to be able to play it on PC considering I only have it on PS3 and it's not available on Steam. He pointed out that it was still there and I refused to believe him until I got home and looked it up. To my surprise, and complete concern for my mental state, there it was. Now, I'm like 99.9% certain that I looked this up at least twice in the past few years and haven't been able to find it and now I'm a little worried that I'm either a complete idiot or I woke up in some shoddy timeline. Can someone confirm whether it's ever been taken down? I've tried several different tools/googling as much as possible and had no luck.

    submitted by /u/fatcatzeus
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    I just found out today.....

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    .....that you can wear one of the soul protection rings and not only keep your souls when you die, but your health doesn't chip away incrementally either.

    They're also fixable for 3,000 or 9,000 souls, depending on which one you're wearing.

    So I have been keeping my souls and humanities while only spending a few g's per death.

    I do feel sorta dirty by circumventing the risk part, but then again I remember the Iron Keep and don't feel so bad.

    submitted by /u/C9177
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    Just finished my first S1

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Did the entire thing shieldless and with only 5 estus. Edit:SL1

    submitted by /u/Assshark420
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    Want to revisit Drangleic

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Any cool build ideas? I normally use UGS and my last (and only) run was with the Red Iron Twinblade but i'm open to any weapon this time.

    submitted by /u/Margedo
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    Want help farming sunlight medals in vanilla (PC)? Well so do I

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    I decided to try to 100% this wonderfull game. I have beaten every single boss solo and I am ready to go to NG+. However for one of the miracles I need 30 sunlight medals. I have a souls memory of 9Mil so that puts me in the 39th Tier for now. With the Name-Engraved ring I can summon anyone for the boss fights between soul memory of 2,25Mil-45Mil (It should be -6 to +4 Tiers). Anyone interested? We both get a medal if we survive the boss fight. I really don't want to farm the falconers in thing betwixt for them

    submitted by /u/Lead_Ed
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    Playing the DLC

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    So I decided to start recording everytime I play a souls game so I'm starting w Ds2 DLC starting off with the sunken king. 2 videos r up rn on my youtube if you wanna check it out. User: Tropical Solar

    submitted by /u/tropicalsolar
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    Ideas/Tips for Spontoon Hexer/Pyro (PvE mainly)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm currently playing a regular sunset staff hexer spamming dark orb going through the brume tower right now to get the pilgrim's spontoon. I beelined from the start to the tower basically, so I'm around SL 70 or so with unupgraded armor right now. The staff is at least at +3 or so.

    Once I have the spontoon and have enough stats, I plan to switch to something more of a spellsword/spellspear, with the dark infused spontoon in the right and a pyro flame in the left. This opens up my attunement slots a bit, so I'm looking for a few ideas on which spells to use.

    My planned stats:

    20 Vig

    6 End

    5 Vit

    20 Att

    11 Str

    12 Dex

    20 Adp

    30 Int

    30 Fth

    After that, I'll probably start increasing End or Vit a bit, unless I need higher Str/Dex for a decent physical side weapon.

    Other weapons: The sunset in the left but mostly just for buffing the spontoon and a chime for non-dmg miracles. I plan to eventually switch to the black witch staff for the role compression. I plan to also use the southern ritual ring for a total of 7 spells, at least with current attunement.

    I look for spells that give extra utility (like being AoE), but they don't need to be spammable (except fireball, as the go-to fire attack). Also, I like variety, so ideally they should only take up a single slot, maybe two.

    Some of my ideas for spell slots:

    Dark Weapon (fixed)

    Yearn (almost fixed, there are only very few areas in which I wouldn't wanna use it)


    Fireball/Firestorm/Flame Swathe/Fire Whip/Toxic Mist?


    Recollection/Scraps of Life/Dark Fog?

    Utility depending on area:

    Shockwave/Fall Control/Resplendent Life/Caressing Prayer/Unveil?

    I'd also like to use a pure phys weapon as a backup. I'm not sure yet which, it would be great if anyone had any recommendations for one that hits decently with as little investment as possible.

    Oh, and I'm going shieldless on purpose, since I otherwise tend to rely too much on them in all souls games.

    If you have any other recommendations/ideas, I'd be happy to hear them as well!

    submitted by /u/Renaultsauce
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    Best "underrated" weapons in your opinion?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    I'll have to go with the Winged Spear. I dicovered it recently, just wanted to play with something different than the usual Fire Longsword untill I got to my weapon of choice- the Loyce GS in this case- and since I don't usually use spears I decided to give it a go. Got the Leo Ring, got the spear, 2 handed it.

    Man this thing rocks. It's outshining the main weapon of the build, the Loyce, and it's what I pull out for the toughest fights. Lone host? The GS will do fine. Phantoms? Time to pull out the spear. Tough boss? Toss away the sword, get the spear- and so on. It's got great range, it's fast, stunlocks easily. It's just a spear, sure, but a good one at that. Just pay a little care not to get backstabbed.

    Also it looks sleak. I love realistic looking weapons, so the fact that this spear works so damn well makes me happy. Also there's something really satisfying in killing people with fancy weapons with a simple pointy bit on a long stick.

    An honorable mention goes to the Mail-breaker, the perfect sidearm. Light, good crit, shield pierce, thrust attacks.

    submitted by /u/Malu1997
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    DLC co-op (PS4)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    So, I wanted to start playing the dlcs, but I dont wanna do it alone. If any of you are free for some co-op, DM pleaaaase. My sm is around 7 mi, due to some giant lord farms heehheeheh

    submitted by /u/luisF_bs
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    I noticed some interesting similarities in the OSTs while driving

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    While Nashandra by Matoi Sakuraba (link) has a lot of connections via motif, the most obvious one to me is the opening cinematic of DS1 [Matoi Sakuraba] (link) connecting the beginning with the end, about two minutes in a harpsicord is added playing an altered version of Gwyn's theme similar to the bit of Gwyn's theme in the Nameless King's fight song [Matoi Sakuraba] (link). Then of course her boss fight has elements of Queen of Drangleic [Matoi Sakuraba] (link) in it. I'd be more surprised if it didn't. Also interestingly, the opening to both Friede's fight [Yuka Kitamura] (link) and Nashandra's so similar that it CAN'T be unintentional, ESPECIALLY since the two songs are attributed to different composers.

    What really threw me for a loop, especially since I haven't gotten to him yet, was how similar Sir Alonne's theme [Yuka Kitamura] (Link) was to the phase one of the final boss of Dark Souls 3 and phase two of The Abyss Watchers [Yuka Kitamura] (link). For those who haven't played yet, obligatory spoiler tags. The Soul of Cinder, Yuka Kitamura, (link)

    Do I think this necessarily means the characters are related by lore? No. There's a lot of obvious thematic stuff going on here-- the leitmotifs of Gwyn's theme pop up as more than just a throw to Gwyn himself. Nashandra was the final boss of the core game-- of COURSE she's going to have call backs to the beginning. With Alonne, I suspect that the similarities exist because of Yuka Kitamura. I very much doubt he has anything to do with the Watchers. With time you can learn the habits of composers by listening to their work (not that I have... yet....), but she's going to have styles and instruments she favors. Those things are going to reappear from time to time. That's why I don't think that's significant. Especially since I can't imagine an actual lore connection between Alonne and the final boss of Dark Souls 3.

    Beyond this is rambling really.

    But the musical connection between Friede and Nashandra can't be ignored. Not when they have different composers. Is it a theme that plays for women of the Dark who pull the puppet strings of willing men? That opening doesn't play for any of the DLC women in DS2-- at least not that I've heard. Squalid Queen ost opens loudly, and I haven't beaten the winter wonderland... so I haven't moved on to the old iron king stuff... Which makes me wonder about something in Dark Souls 3....

    Now this might be a common theory or what have you, but there are four fragments of Manus in Dark Souls 2. Both 2 and 3 play a LOT with reincarnation and cycles. In DS2 it's Nashandra, Alsanna, Nadalia, and Elana. In Dark Souls 3, we have three sisters. Yuria, Elffriede, and Liliane. These three founded the Sable Church that was meant to bring the age of Dark about... Which makes me wonder if there's a missing sister, especially since Nadalia mentions that her sisters will come to her aid. They don't, of course. Everything has gone to shit.

    submitted by /u/SirWigglesTheLesser
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