Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday. |
- /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.
- So I just completed Shrine of Amana on a single run, 0 death
- Dark Souls 2 is a game about collecting pokemon on the way to a concert
- Arsenal of the Awful: Archdrake Mace and Unbroken Santier's Spear
- Dark souls 2 season pass free steam code
- A little tidbit of info
- Question about killing Maughlin The Armourer and the armor set he drops
- Messages extra "trolly" in DS2?
- Aldia is a great bitch
- Back in! PS3!
- The Dark Souls II Experience - a montage of a playthrough
- Is the smelter demon armor good for the fume knight boss
- Distortion 2 was just on pace to getting a Sub 2:10:00 for his DS2 All Bosses run
- I’m at my wits end with Huntsman’s corpse
- Happyful update
- ��
- I have the crushed eye orb, but nothing happens when I go to Licia. Help!
- REDDIT I NEED HEEEELP. Do I need all the boss weapons for ds2 to get it platinumed or hundred percent. Just wanna be sure before I use the souls
- Good site for ds2 (ps4 edition) trophys? Cuz many websites often have invalid information and stuff so maybe someone can give me one which i can rly trust? Lol
- What is the best armor set in the game?
- Does anyone have tips
- Can someone join and help me with the game? Im sm:25,9k
- Has someone ever beaten that Dru** guy in the arena?
- Controls feel different than DS1?
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:10 PM PDT Today's Salty Sunday is brought to you by the Frigid Outskirts. Summoned into a gank squad on the Iron Keep Bridge? Died to Fume Knight for the 100th time? Think you're getting boned by SOTFS? Grab a spoon and watch your blood pressure soar! All complaints are welcome here. Just keep things civil and follow the Posting Guidelines in the sidebar. Helpful Information for New Users Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads. Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute. [link] [comments] |
So I just completed Shrine of Amana on a single run, 0 death Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:18 AM PDT Vanilla DS2 on PS3. 40 STR and 40 DEX. The secret is combination of bow (I used Bellkeeper Bow+10, wooden arrow) and Hawk Ring. Works like charm on the sorcerers and those ugly ass ogres. As for the lizardmen, I only need to aggro these guys with bow and chop them with axe when they are near. Perhaps the easiest part, ironically, is the boss: It's the first time in my DS2 play that I don't take a single damage from a boss. [link] [comments] |
Dark Souls 2 is a game about collecting pokemon on the way to a concert Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:14 PM PDT Hello fellow curse-bearers, I'm a YouTuber specialising in the Souls games and as part of my series taking a humorous look at the story of each game, I've made a video breaking down what the hell DS2 is all about (though I might have got one or two details wrong) - any of you who are also in the DS1 sub might have seen my video a couple of weeks ago on that game, which seemed to go down well, so hopefully you'll enjoy this - if not, feel free to hurl abuse at me like you're spamming dark orbs: [link] [comments] |
Arsenal of the Awful: Archdrake Mace and Unbroken Santier's Spear Posted: 26 Sep 2020 04:59 PM PDT Sorry this is so late, had some things pop up and have been busy. But still, despite that if you even still remember me, let's talk about some of the most ridiculous identity crisis weapons of the entire Souls franchise, starting with the Archdrake Mace. Or, a halberd that's called a mace that's classified as a greathammer that uses Strike damage despite hitting with a clearly thrust-hitting beak-end. Yeah, this thing is hilarious from how the devs clearly had no idea wtf they wanted this to be, which oddly enough works in its favor a lot more than you'd think. This is because it inherits some traits from all of its wack-ass weapon misclassifications, having a whopping 60 (SIXTY!) poise break like a greathammer, the versatile moveset of the halberd, and the stats of a mace (only weights 6 units and has a decent 250 base damage at +10) along with strike damage and a sexy A Strength scaling and minor but still appreciated D Dex scaling. It's also longer than one would assume, which works swimmingly with its halberd moveset albeit you can't do any wombo combo death beatdowns like the Archdrakes themselves (those twinkly hoarding little bastards...). As a result, this thing laughs at havelbitches with their scrubby over-reliance on poise, that sweet sexy strike damage hitting respectably hard too. Unfortunately, though, halberd tech is very wonky at times which i'm about to go over. Halberds have a good moveset...but locked behind having to use all of its possible button prompts rather than simple R1 and R2 chaining. The 1-handed moveset has the best reach, comes out quickly, and is an overall reliable 2-hit combo that unfortunately only hits in front of you in a vertical slam and a thrust (even though this thing doesn't even deal Thrust damage, wtf?!), the R2 is a slow ass verticle slam that's telegraphed like an orbit ting planet, but has a really nice followup sweep R2 (great for punishing backstab fishers), and the running R1 is a quick sweep attack. Unfortunately, the 1-handed moveset is pretty ass in comparison as the 2-handed R1s is a slightly faster version of the 1-handed R2s, and you have a silly 2-hit spinny move that literally no one will get hit by unless you use it right after pulling a backstab (and good luck with that). The 2-handed running attack however is a 3-hit spin2win that used to be one of the oldest OP meta moves courtesy of OnlyAfro and Beyblade, but that quickly got nerfed and nowadays is a very risky move that will either get you backstabbed, or destroy your opponent depending on how good he is (which is probably not that good, so it's still pretty good on that metric). The Archdrake Mace shines in that it has lower base damage than most other halberds, but is much lighter, has much lower stat requirements to wield, has almost doubled the poisebreak, and deals Strike damage so it's damage is negated much less by armor than other damage types. The 1-handed moveset is pretty good since you have quick, distance closing sweeps and some cheeky R1s that act as a pseudo-spear. Except...there's just one teensy weency, itty bitty little problem with all these upsides to this weapon... The Mastadon Halberd is functionally the same, does a hell of a lot more damage, also has A Strength scaling, is longer, and is available way EARLIER than the Archdrake Mace (Nani da fuqu, Fromsoftu?!). Sure it's a lot heavier, but its much higher stats justify it and it can also do that shitty spear poke while blocking move for those times when you feel like wielding it with a greatshield. It may have much less poise break, but poise break honestly doesn't matter if you outreach your opponent to the point where there's little to no hit trading risk that comes with poise racing. Both as halberd moveset weapons also suffer from that shitty sweet spot system, but the Archdrake Mace's sweet spot head is...really damn small compared to other halberd weapons so its trickier to land. Now, it is shorter too than any other halberd which ironically works in its favor since that means you can land sweet spot hits while closer to your opponent, and its huge poise break is functionally good for closer engagements, except its damage isn't that great to work off those. Because you see, while its damage is respectable, it is not good. It actually hits lighter than any hammer weapon, really having comparable damage to straight swords if anything. But its slower, doesn't have bullshit broken hitboxes, and lacks spammability. And yet despite this...it's also still not half bad. Mainly due to the halberd moveset, though. If you get used to backstepping, the 1-handed moveset has something for any situation like a swiss army knife, also being light enough to use in conjunction with a good shield. Yes, that's right, a shield. With a good medium shield like Defender, Royal Kite, Archdrake, etc or a greatshield if you want to go full on Strength caveman oonga boonga mode, you can greatly reduce an opponent's aggression even if you don't actually intend to rely on the shield. Just by blocking you control your opponent's method of attack in a way where you can then use the Archdrake Mace to counter accordingly. They're trying to guard break? Attack because the Archdrake Mace lowers your shield instantly for its R1s, since it lacks the guard-thrust of spears and other halberds. They're trying to backstab you? Play unlocked and use the R2s or backstep/running R1s for sweeps. They're running into you like some yoloing moron? Just outreach them since they're not poising through your 60 poise break insanity on a stick. The main problem is that the punishes don't hit all that hard, but not lightly either. It's honestly hilarious how having a fakeout shield gives you so much control, since you're probably never going to seriously block with one. So yeah, would highly recommend even in PvE since this thing just stunlocks everything that isn't a boss or giant enemy (and for the giant enemies, just 2-handed running R1 for the stunlock lol). It's very fun but also a bit finnicky, which honestly adds to the fun. Not OP by any means, but only scrubs actively use the brokenly OP shit anyways to compensate for lack of skill. And now to the unbroken Santier's Spear...it's basically the same as the above, but Raw infused. Yeah, keeping the rock face on it just makes it a heavy, no scaling halberd with pretty good base 350 damage which can also be Raw infused for 385 damage. With its reach, it's not too shabby...except Mastadon Halberd is objectively better in this case since Santier's Spear has a fairly high Strength/Dex wielding requirement that it gains no benefit from without its broken bullshit moveset. Aside from good reach...it's boring unbroken. Kind of a shame because when broken it just becomes a stupid cheese tool that invalidates an entire weapon class (RIP Twinblades) and is mindlessly easy to win with. Even when nerfed from its much more bullshit days, it still retains enough bullshit to be an annoying as sin tool to go against and a cheese tool to use. Not much to say about it because i have that little respect for Santier's Spear, broken or unbroken. And...that might be it. Forever. Honestly, i think we've come to the end of weapons that are awful, but not purposefully awful like the broken sword, ladle, work hook, and hollow infantry weapons. It's been a fun ride and interesting to find a pretty decent chunk of these weapons turning out to be pretty good but just overshadows by buff stacked katana, rapier, and santier bullshit. But, i think this is it. Kind of taking a break from DkS2 (though i do always come back), as some stuff is coming up for me. Plus, some of the remaining "awful" weapons kind of fall into Flamberge territory where they're "Not bad but just painfully mediocre", which are boring. Still, i hope you stay healthy from COVID and have fun. I also hope you try some of the Arsenal of the Awful weaponry yourself now that you know how some of them are much better than you'd think (except Ivory Straight Sword...fuuuuuuck using that). [link] [comments] |
Dark souls 2 season pass free steam code Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:01 AM PDT I bought the scholar of the first sin version and then bought the season pass thinking it wasnt included in the version I bought. Ill leave the code here just in case someone still hasnt got the DLC's. VX80A-HVCJN-5T7GQ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT If you're going through the iron keep and keep dying to the 40 alonne knights, bring a broad sword. I found out that the R2's stunlock the regular knights to death. I hope this helps someone. [link] [comments] |
Question about killing Maughlin The Armourer and the armor set he drops Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:00 AM PDT Hi, I'm a few weeks old to this game (and whole Dark Souls series). I just learned in a video that if you kill Maughlin in Majula, he drops a set of armor that increases the amount of souls you get from killing enemies. Sounds like a great thing to grab, but I was just wondering if there's any reason I shouldn't kill him, like anything I might miss out on or anything negative that happens? Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Messages extra "trolly" in DS2? Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:44 PM PDT Has anyone noticed that a large majority of messages are trolls writing "illusory wall" or "jump ahead for chest" next to a cliff in this game compared to DS1? Not gonna lie, it is mostly funny, but often times frustrating when I fall for these troll messages (just trying to find those illusory walls folks!). DS2 players just be trolling! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT I need some help. Does anyone knows a trick to make the fight with aldia, scholar of the first sin or at least a better way to kill him than just wait for the fire that protect him desapear? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:40 AM PDT Hey guys, just started playing ds2 on ps3 again. Who else is playing on that platform? Want some Jolly Cooperation? Message me if you'd like. [link] [comments] |
The Dark Souls II Experience - a montage of a playthrough Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:26 AM PDT Hi Dark Souls 2 community. Like you I am a massive fan of the Dark Souls games. I've recently played through Dark Souls 2 on twitch, and have afterwards edited almost 20 hours of fottage into 14 minutes. I worked hard on it, and thought some of you guys might enjoy it as well :) [link] [comments] |
Is the smelter demon armor good for the fume knight boss Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:00 AM PDT |
Distortion 2 was just on pace to getting a Sub 2:10:00 for his DS2 All Bosses run Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:06 AM PDT Unfortunately the run died at darklurker, but he's getting closer!!! [link] [comments] |
I’m at my wits end with Huntsman’s corpse Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:31 PM PDT I'm so god damn fucking sick of the executioners! It's so annoying how they throw five of them at once and they literally kill me in two hits. I am so sick of this, I've spent two days trying to stop them from spawning, but they just won't stop. Edit: I completed it [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:11 AM PDT I have recovered my 15K souls! Road to mountain paladin build! (STR, FAI, END and VIT focus) Heide Knight Set. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:28 PM PDT |
I have the crushed eye orb, but nothing happens when I go to Licia. Help! Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:16 AM PDT Is there something I have to do before it will let me invade her? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:06 AM PDT |
Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:03 AM PDT |
What is the best armor set in the game? Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:24 AM PDT |
Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:22 AM PDT I am getting the game soon and was hoping for some first play tips [link] [comments] |
Can someone join and help me with the game? Im sm:25,9k Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:21 AM PDT |
Has someone ever beaten that Dru** guy in the arena? Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:37 AM PDT (I assume his actual name is Druss) I brought him to pretty low health once or twice, but that's it. Most of the time it seems impossible to even hit him. [link] [comments] |
Controls feel different than DS1? Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:38 AM PDT I recently played DS1 for the first time and moved straight on to DS2. I play on the PC with a DualShock4 controller. DS2 felt weird to control right off the bat. I looked into it and installed a mod that "fixes" the deadzones of the analog stick. It helped a lot but it still feels different than DS1, kinda more clunky. My question is, is the game just different in that sense or should I try to fiddle more with the settings of the mod? If the controls on console feel the same as DS1, then I'd just get the console version. If the game is just different, I'll try to get used to it. [link] [comments] |
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