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    Sunday, September 6, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Salty Sunday.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Today's Salty Sunday is brought to you by the Frigid Outskirts.

    Summoned into a gank squad on the Iron Keep Bridge? Died to Fume Knight for the 100th time? Think you're getting boned by SOTFS?

    Grab a spoon and watch your blood pressure soar! All complaints are welcome here. Just keep things civil and follow the Posting Guidelines in the sidebar.

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Licia on ng+7 is hell

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    I hate Licia she is just a frail woman that can one shot me and has more health than Drangleic's entire army

    I think she's impossible to beat for me now

    submitted by /u/chhaylab2
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    An Apology

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    I was just invaded by someone called "Drogon" at the Lost Bastille. If you're out there, Drogon, I'm sorry. What I did to you was mean-spirited and cruel. If you want to know where I was hiding, it was a little ledge I reached from standing at the top of the cage shortcut and rolling a couple of times down with the Silvercat Ring. I literally only saw your health bar for a split-second once or twice, before you presumably flung yourself off a cliff. I suck at PVP and I really wasn't tryna get into anything at the moment so I though I'd play a little hide and seek. If you want I'll give you a proper fight, I'm in the Blue Sentinels if you want to duel.

    submitted by /u/SonnyJimbuk
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    Bested the Ancient Dragon recently, and learned an interesting strat while fighting it.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Like the title says, I beat the Ancient Dragon recently, and made an interesting strategy while fighting it.

    What I did was attacking it's left foot three times, and ran in proximity to the head to gauge it's reaction. It wasn't perfect, but I had 5 uses left when I won.

    If it flew up, I immediately ran like hell to avoid the flames, and ran back to attack it's left foot again three times, being absolutely careful trying not to get greedy. Rarely, it used its head to attack me, which luckily missed every time.

    If it just used another fire breath, I ran back to attack the left foot three times to start the process anew.

    Not once did it try stepping on me, and using a fully-upgraded Dragon Tooth I eventually became victorious. I claimed my 5th Giant Soul, and went on to break Vendrick, who didn't stand a chance.

    submitted by /u/kingdomcome3914
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    Arsenal of the Awful: Puzzling Stone Sword

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    The Puzzling Stone Sword is interesting because the only thing puzzling about it is why in the hell the devs made it so damn weak when whip movesets aren't even good to begin with to warrant that. For those unaware, this is one of the 3 big "identity crisis" weapons, one of which everyone knows about and the other one will be covered eventually on one of these for its meme value. But the Puzzling Stone Sword...boy oh boy does this thing have no memes to meme about.

    You all probably only know this weapon exists because Fencer Sharron has wielded it to make noobs miserable, speedrunners rage, and challenge runners want to kill themselves. Because without enemy NPC hax stats of infinite poise and impossible roll cancelling, this damn sword would never kill anyone.

    Why? Because this damn sword has a whopping, incredibly, unimaginabl...y shit, 140 attack at max upgrade, with S Dex scaling that's still not good enough to make it reach BASE +10 straight sword attack. But wait, to compensate it has some cool asf whip R2s! And what do those add to this weapon's moveset?

    Absolutely nothing because the whip attacks have such an obvious windup that you'll never hit someone outside of a mistimed roll on the opponent's part. And even if you do, it hits so lightly that you'll tickle anyone with mediocre defenses and do literally less than 100 damage to people with fully upgraded armor in the bloodbro arena (it hurts so much...to use this because it doesn't hurt anyone you're trying to actually fucking kill).

    And you know what the worst part is? The thing that absolutely kicks this weapon in its magnetic dick? It doesn't even use the good straight sword moveset: IT USES THE SHITTY HEIDE SWORD SWEEP MOVESET, so it's R1s suck dick, the R2s too obvious to hit, AND its damage is embarrassing, so you're better off just using any random whip instead! The literal only attack that this weapon has that isn't complete and utter garbage is the running R1, purely because straight sword running R1s are bullshit fast with bullshit hitboxes so it's still worse than just using literally any straight sword.

    So wtf does this thing even do?! If it can't kill players for shit, then it's worse vs PvE and all of those anti-slash armored mobs. Well, it does have 2 moveset quirks that are surprisingly unique and useful for a straight sword, even one as piss weak as this.

    The 2-handed R1 is a stab, which is usually only used for straight sword R2s (well, the good ones), costing much less stamina and being just as annoying. Too bad rapiers do this better in every way. The 2nd moveset quirk is something that is genuinely very, very fun to use though...even if it's not actually very good.

    The 2-handed R2 is a whip-like spin slash...except unlike whips this can be chained with another R2 for a tornado spin attacks (looks like Helicopter Man chose the wrong spin weapon...he still have gotten fucked anyways). This is great for crowd controlling small mobs...except that niche practically disappears halfway through the game once the virgin hollows get replaced by the many chad knights of thicc armor and thiccer hp. A weapon that's only use is clear out small, weak mobs...is obtained way past when that's relevant in any goddamn way since it's found in a DLC area where the most basic mob is a 7 foot tall, armored, poison coated man wielding a mace the size of a person.

    Unless you're actually insane enough to rush the Rotten straight from the get-go, somehow beat those 2 Gulch giants, somehow survive the Woodland Assholes, and somehow survive through a DLC of ultra tough monsters that can kill you by farting in your general direction (quite literally in this case with the poison)...you get the Puzzling Stone Sword which is relevant and useful for the first few zones of the game, then immediately useless upon reaching the Iron Keep (but hey, at least its decent for the other 3 Old Ones). Then upon reaching Drangleic Castle it's straight up worthless.

    Pretty much the only way to use this weapon is with either Rob+Flynn for infusion + buff, but neither of those will actually put this above a standard weapon without those 2 boosters, but rather up to that level at best. Probably the worse part about this is that even actual meme weapons like the Black Flamestone Swagger stomp this weapon.

    Like...it doesn't even get a unique powerstance. Powerstancing whip swords doesn't give you any kind of cool powerstance: what in the actual fuck, why?! We could have gotten some sick ass Castlevania shit but no, not even a single whip-blade attack on the powerstance! W.H.Y?!

    Probably the only thing about it that's commendable is that it weights practically nothing, so if you're a dex Rob+Flynn build, you can keep it as a backup to do a roll catch against a backwards roll (but it's still going to miss most of the time). One of the coolest weapons in concept just had to be over-balanced to the point where it makes underpowered weapons look OP in comparison. It doesn't even have a good counter rating either, not that you'll ever get a counter hit anyways with its ass base reach and slow whip-blade R2s.

    And you wanna know what's a tragedy? This weapon actually had its tracking and windup speeds nerfed, as well as all whips, which is why it's so bad as it currently is. It used to be a gimmicky but fun and viable quick mixup tool but without the quickness...it's kind of shit. Of all the weapon to nerf, the devs chose this and NOT fucking katanas, those japanese and their need to make their mediocre swords look special (i did kendo for 5 years dammit; katanas are shittier than straight swords in every way IRL!).

    But, apparently up next is a weapon that none of you likely had ever used due to its absurd stat requirement and ass reach...but it is one of the many weapons that got buffed in the game's long patch history but still no one uses it or gives a shit, calling it shit. The Iron King Hammer; aka the hammer that looks like it should only need 25 Strength because it's a lot smaller than its item portrait would have you believe but for some reason it needs 50. The Demon's Greathammer and Dragon Tooth i can see needing 50 strength but this damn thing that's practically a mace?!

    submitted by /u/Branded_Mango
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    No weapons, No armour, sorceies, summons, shields, pyromancies, miracles, hexes, bows, throwables, rings and estus run-completed.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    This run is not for the easily frustrated. Was it a pain to do? Yes. Was it extremely difficult? Yes. No matter though. It is now done. I made this post to inspire anyone running out of ideas or challenge runs. This will be the hardest run you have ever attempted (if you decide to try this run). Any questions that you feel may help you with this run please do let me know e.g. what boss was hardest or stragies for an area/boss, how long a boss would take etc.

    submitted by /u/The_MLG_Beaver9
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    Iron Keep difficulty overrated?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    I've always heard of people complaining about the Alonne Knights and their terrible aggro range but I've always found it simple and easy, even on my first playthrough. Almost every single Alonne knights can be lured into a one on one and you'll only ever have to face a 2on1 twice (once before the bridge to Smelter Demon and again after the bridge).

    Same with the run to Sir Alonne. The only time I've had multiple Alonne Knights fighting me is just before the boss room with three of them but two of them are archers so you can just lure the sword fighter into a 1 on 1 by staying behind the right wall so that the archers can't shoot at you. Eventually one of them will come near you and start using a sword and then same for the third enemy.

    It seems like a lot of players don't know where exactly to move in order to aggro which of the knights.

    Edit : And if its the archers or Alonne Captain greatbow users that are the problem, those can always be taken care of by using a bow/crossbow or if your player is a spell user then sorceries or hexes. Shoot at them once, dodge their arrows or move away from their line of sight. Repeat.

    submitted by /u/Quantam-Law
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    I beat the pursuer last week (after so many, many tries...) and I am still riding high.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Y'all certainly helped me with him. And now I am definitely into the game (in small chunks). It's a learning experience constantly, but the victory certainly helped. The victory opened up more of the game for me. I'm not scared... As much...

    submitted by /u/chancebay7
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    I swear forlorn is omnipresent and omniscient

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Forlorn has to be the biggest troll npc ever in dark souls 2 he always invades when you don't want him to and never invades when you want him to like yesterday I was trying to kill him a bunch of times to unlock his armour set for my grim reaper build and he never invaded not once and then in the shrine of amana he invaded when I was being chased down like that has to be some omniscient power.

    submitted by /u/Whyusertakenlied
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    Is iron keep optional

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    I've died like 100 times so far I can't take it

    submitted by /u/dinkleberg2100
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    Ah cant decide which build/playstyle

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Just picked this beauty up on PS store for 8quid but fuck me i cant decide what style to go for. Either intelligence / sorceror. Fling some spells and use a staff ? Pure strength / quality. Smash twats with a greatsword? Palladin type with faith and smite with enchanted weapons? So hard to decide. I want to dabble in PvP eventually aswell. (Veteran DS/BB player but havnt played dor a year or so)

    submitted by /u/GuitarDemonFromMars
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    Can some1 explain me the pte quest and the one of this other guy who wants to kill him? Wikis are a little confusing to me lol

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    (Im playing the scholar of the first sin versuon btw)

    submitted by /u/M1_J4
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    So I’ve killed Licia without invading her

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    I'm just 4 spells away from the platinum and I was so stupid when I started ng+ I killed Licia right after dragonrider is there any way that I can invade her now so that I don't have to go all the way to the undead crypt?

    submitted by /u/chhaylab2
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    [Help][PS4] I could use some jolly cooperation to defeat the gargoyles on NG+. Soul Memory 875k.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I'm thinking about starting a new game, is magic/sorcery worth it?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    So I plan to start a new game after completing a strength based run. I was torn between a cleric or sorcerer type build and planned to use magic with some medium strength based weapons. Is magic worth it in this game?

    submitted by /u/Weekend_metalhead
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    Tips for a Hex build?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Currentt plan is to minmax with Kings crown to 30int 30fth but thinking about going to SL200 and get 42int 30fth. Any tips or any spell recommendations? Also, the "spice down spell" thing is really confusing, does that decrease the damage of certain hexes or... how does that work

    submitted by /u/NotABadMon
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    Kann mir wer die pate und die des typen der ihn töten will schritt für schritt erklären? Würde in wikis gucken aber die sind immer so verwirrend lol

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Meine die quest sry haha

    submitted by /u/M1_J4
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    Struggling to follow the story in each zone, are there any good explanations?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    I'm playing through dark souls 2 for the first time, and unlike ds1, I'm struggling to find the flow to this game.

    In ds1 you have a specific goal to ring both bells, and there's a natural progression to the zones which lead to the objective.

    I struggle to see the same flow in this game, I'm around halfway through but I'm not following with the goal here besides getting the four souls. I've got no idea where I'm supposed to be going.

    submitted by /u/laganio
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    Help with Sir Alonne

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:44 AM PDT


    Im full hexer and sir Alonne has a lot of magic resistance. I wonder if someone could help me out with the boss right now?Otherwise i will just go change my stats and then change them back again because i can barely use a melee weapon with this character.Im also looking for dark souls friends so let me know if you can help me out ASAP.


    My PS4 Username is: XKratioZ

    submitted by /u/Dyoxe
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    Scholar of the first sin pate and the other guy who wants to fight him

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    So i was wondering: I didnt summon pate for the last giant boss and then never saw him again (maybe hes still at the first spot idk) then i did everything till sinners hill after that i went to the first encounter if this other dude and after that i read that they would foght later but now im not sure if the questline still works cuz i didnt summon him back then pls tell me if it still works and if not what items i missed cuz if that ty ;)

    submitted by /u/M1_J4
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    Which one is better? Ds2 firekeeper or ds3 firekeeper?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    I am curious what ya'll think

    submitted by /u/Noobie_xD
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    Fume Knight vs Slave knight Gael

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Two knights duking it out in a brightly lit desert. My bet is on the fume knight but maybe gael could win.

    Resistances: (taking boss battle and lore into account)

    Now both are highly resistant to dark and have shown it.

    The fume knight got out of nadalia's control in phase 2 and always had high resistance to dark. Nadalia was the strongest piece of manus upon formation and like the others had amassed massive amounts of power since forming a long time ago thus making her power of dark that much more potent.

    Gael has survived for a incredibly long time. And had attained nearly all of the dark soul before becoming corrupt with it. This alone shows huge resistance to dark.

    While Gael could do extra damage to fume knight with his limited faith based attacks, the fume knight can easily dish out massive amounts of physical and fire damage in counter.

    Speed: (scaling to PC characters due to different game combat speeds)

    Both have shown great speed with gael possibly outspeeding the fume knight due to his dashes though its not by a considerable margin. As for weapon swing speed the fume knight and gael swing their main weapons at roughly the same speed. And the fume knight swings the straight sword faster than gael though not by much.


    As we know, soul isn't everything. It allows you to build a great many things and increase power but physical strength, speed, etc. plays a massive part too. Otherwise how the hell did the weak ashen one beat gael? Or how did bearer of curse beat the ivory king? Or how did chosen undead beat manus?

    Fume knight posses a incredible level of pure physical strength by wielding the heaviest ''sword'' and swinging that thing around at tremendous speeds (greatsword levels). Not only that but he's capable of leaping into the air and dodging the player by dashing around (sort of backstep) showing he's no slouch. In addition to that he posses 3 damage types which are physical, fire and dark. That makes his damage versatile and allows him to dish out massive amounts of damage. Add in he knows dual wielding plus was the 2nd highest ranking knight in dranglaic, he's definitely skilled.

    Gael's got a tremendous will power (possibly the strongest there is) meaning he will not rest till his target is destroyed. And he probably has the highest level of patience which is crucial in battle. His strength has likely been enhanced by the dark soul meaning that greatsword will hit hard. And he does physical and dark damage along with a bit of faith damage too. Plus dual wielding the crossbow with the greatsword is quite the feat of skill which is further exemplified by him dashing around


    I think the fume knight would win the battle. Not only can he match and likely exceed gael's strength, but he can have better defensive options too due to his ugs being a greatshield. Plus he seems to wear heavier armor granting better defense. Plus while gael does physical damage and dark damage, the fume knight does that and fire damage too. Both are quite skilled and whereas gael has determination and patience powering him, the fume knight has pure rage. In terms of speed gael maybe slightly faster but its not enough to make a huge difference.

    I'm curious to hear your outcome. This is just my take.

    submitted by /u/dsaf6229
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    Getting my ass kicked!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    Guys, I'm on my first run of this game and the blue smelter demon is handing it to me... Anyone able to help?

    submitted by /u/Unholyjudge
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    NG+ first impressions: More spawns, more stuff, more souls

    Posted: 05 Sep 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    I've just finished despawning hostiles in NG+ Things Betwixt, Majula, and Forest of Fallen Giants (excepting the Flame Lizards and Pursuer). Comparing to this point in NG:

    • More spawns: Quite a few added black phantoms for flavor. What I wasn't expecting was the lower-level ones (Hollow Soldier, Ironclad Knight) to follow the normal 12-respawn sequence instead of being one-and-done like all the others. The ballista room especially was a bit more of a hassle due to having two respawning black phantom soldiers in addition to the normal crew. And going to the Soldier's Rest bonfire--holy crap. First I had to deal with Armorer Dennis, never fun. Backed away to the basement because he has trouble with pillars. Then returning, the Ironclad Knights had dropped from the roof plus a Black Phantom Ironclad Knight was with them, so I had to back up some again to deal with all of them. Then returning after that, another Black Phantom wearing the Catarina Armor turned up out of nowhere. By the time I actually made it to the bonfire, I was down all my Estus and a few Lifegems to boot, and the vast majority of that came from just trying to cross the last 25 feet or so.
    • More stuff: Wearing discovery enhancing equipment (Jester's Hat, Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +1, Watchdragon Parma Shield) that was not available at this stage of NG makes quite a difference. Especially notable is that while I scored only two Sunlight Medals during all of NG, I got five more just despawning the four new falconers in Things Betwixt--a roughly 10% drop rate. Be interesting to see if that holds up in Shaded Woods.
    • More souls: Despawning to here in NG, including the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +1 (+20%) acquired fairly early, got me a total of 225,609 souls. In NG+, between the stronger enemies dropping more souls, the additional enemies, and wearing more soul-increasing gear (the ring, Jester's Gloves, and Tseldora Pants--+35% total) right from the start, I ended up with 612,020 souls. Of course, that only gains me two levels now.
    • Oh, but fewer deaths: 5 so far in NG+ as opposed to exactly 50 by this time in NG. IIRC, the current tally is one to the rooftop Pursuer (dammit, hoped I'd get him this time), one to being swarmed by the ballista room mob plus the two soldiers across the way, and three to the two new Black Phantoms at the King's Gate.

    Now I get to see what the new discovery gear does for the infamous Heide Knight drop rates.

    submitted by /u/Calidore266
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    Please help with fume knight!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    Who the hell does 4 way combo!? It is impossible to dodge attack and then dodge without getting hit and losing 100% of the stamina. I have king's UGS and 60 strength. I am unable to come up with any strategy against this guy. I am all out. I just defeated blue smelter demon and I am tired.

    submitted by /u/sanketvaria29
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