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    Monday, September 14, 2020

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Dark Souls 2 /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    /r/DarkSouls2 - Modding Monday.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    Welcome to the weekly Dark Souls mod announcement and discussion thread!

    Beware! Use of mods whilst connected to the internet can cause you to get banned from online play!

    For more information, or to continue the discussion visit /r/ModSouls

    Using mods (PC only!) to enhance or add new content to the Souls games is great fun! It is important, however, to understand that mods are against From's EULA/ToS, so there is a great risk of being banned when using them due to From's anti-cheat--which is deployed in most versions of the Souls games.

    Versions of the games where modding is safe due to no anti-cheat:

    Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

    Versions of the games where modding carries a very high risk of being banned:

    Dark Souls: Remastered

    Dark Souls II

    Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin

    Dark Souls III

    Our recommendations for safe modding

    *This advice is intended for first-time or relatively inexperienced modders who want to get into modding without risking a ban on their main Steam account.

    Basic Steps:

    Make a separate Steam account

    Use Steam's Family Sharing feature to provide your new account with access to your main Steam account's game library.

    Install games to be used with the new account in a separate directory.

    Once you've found your mods be sure to read (and follow) the mod author's instructions carefully prior to installation.

    Set Steam to "off line" mode.

    Install the mods and perform any necessary setup.

    Enjoy the fun and interesting experiences offered by mods!

    Be sure to remove all file components of the mod before going back online!

    Helpful Information for New Users

    Be sure to check the /r/DarkSouls2/wiki page, where you can find community-created tips and research threads.

    Please help build the wiki! You only need 10 karma within /r/DarkSouls2 to contribute.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    27 hours into a game my friend says is unplayably awful

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    I have a friend who claims to be a super fan of the souls series, and when I told them I wanted to start with Dark Soul 2 they told me that the game was awful, a complete mess, etc etc. I was pretty close to buying the first game, but I ended up picking up 2. I have so far loved the game, everything in it is really compelling and lots of the criticisms I see don't really make much sense to me. The only real issues I have had with the game are the button prompts not being made for PC, everything else has been a blast to play through.

    One fight my friend hated was the Flexile Sentry, which I thought was an easy but interesting fight while my friend claimed it was an absolute nightmare to do. Is there something I'm just missing because this was my first game in the series?

    I realize this place might be a bit biased, but from what my friend says the community hates Dark Souls 2 with a passion. I'd rather not be flamed over enjoying a game.

    submitted by /u/ClvrNam
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    Demons in Dark Souls 2

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Hello everyone. I was wondering if we ever got background lore for ds 2 demons. We know how they came to be in the first game but not much is said about their counterparts in Drangleic. I do remember that the description of the covetous demon's soul mentions that the thing was once a man obsessed with his queen. So I suppose emotions play a part in creating demons in ds2? I'm... in the dark. Heh.

    submitted by /u/dustcookie
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    The saddest thing about people bandwagon-hating on DS2 is...

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    ...that it didn't get popular enought to warrant a Switch release. After playing DSR on Switch, I want DS2 port so much.

    submitted by /u/one-armed-scissor
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    I just beat fume knight and holy shit...

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    As you can see in the title, I beat fume knight, and I can say with confidence that this was the hardest fight I've ever done in my entire life. Let's begin by commenting one of my mistakes (btw don't do what I did, it will only make your life worse.), there are 4 Nadalias on the arena in total, as everyone knows, and you are supposed to destroy all 4 to make the fight easier, but I'm a goddamn idiot. I destroyed only 2 Nadalias and went on to fight him. I cannot express this enough, DONT FIGHT HIM IF YOU HAVE ANY NADALIA'S LEFT IN THE ARENA. I did this mistake and not only I had to dodge his already hard to dodge attacks, I had to do it on one side of the arena. After I destroyed the rest of the Nadalias, I had to focus on learning his attacks, their pattern, how to dodge them and when to hit him, and he's unpredictable as fuck, you never know when he'll send two sword slashes, three sword slashes, three sword slashes combined with one greatsword slash, it's so easy to get caught off guard against him. And then there's the phase 2, he repeat a lot of his attacks, but that doesn't mean he's easier to dodge, he's just as hard as phase 1 and has even more damage! That AOE is simply devastating! I died so many times to him that when I did in fact beat fume knight, I ALMOST DID IT NO DAMAGE, he only hit me once and it was on the end of the fight. So overall I love this fight, but dang if it ain't hard. Thank you for reading this huge post and share you opinion on the comments, I love to see what people talk about the bosses in this game.

    submitted by /u/Juloo3
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    Ancient Dragon and Sir Alonne made me take off my clothes.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I can't really explain it, but for some reason it felt more comfortable and appropriate to fight them without armor. It had nothing to do with any challenges or a specific strategy and I didn't feel like that with any other bosses (not even in DS, and I haven't played DS3 yet). Don't get me wrong, these fights were hard and it took me quite a while to beat these bosses, but I've never had this much confidence in my gaming skills. I wonder if it will happen again!
    Have you experienced something like that during your Dark Souls journey?

    submitted by /u/KaysaPS
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    Arsenal of the Awful: Orma's and Reeve's Greatshields

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Man, thinking back memes truly do never stay dreams. Back in the really, REALLY old days of DkS1 Shieldus (some guy who had a build using a chaos Piercing Shield as a mainhand weapon), everyone memes on shields becoming weapons in Souls games, then DkS2 came along with some hilariously powerful smacking tool shields in the form of the Sanctum Shield and Disc Chime, as well as a pair of custom powerstance Greatshields. Orma's and Reeve's memeshields, not-subtly-at-all reference good old Oro and Peeve who unfortunately will never do a DkS2 Pure Black playthrough. And ironically, neither of them blocked with shields for shit so this is peak comedy.

    So how are the ancestor's to the Giant Door Shield? Well, just like their wooden son, they're a joke. A fun joke, and one with some surprisingly niche upsides, but still a joke.

    For those unaware, Orma's and Reeve's memeshields require a whopping FORTY-NINE Strength to do their special powerstance...while having a pathetic D scaling in Strength. Like...why? Their base damage is pretty okay at a good 300, but they also weight a metric fuckton so the weight-attack ratio is ass, and needs a big ass Vitality stat with that phat 49 Strength so this thing is going to only matchmake with the 2.5 million+ SM tiers if you want to even think about using it halfway competently with a fast roll, enough stamina to not get tired out every attack, and enough hp to justify being so up close with these since they won't protect you in PvP for shit.

    And when it comes to actual combat...erm...i can't exactly summarize this because of the sheer amount of stupidity, insanity, and memes that are these things' existence so i'm going to have to go on a bit of a tangent here. These things DON'T have block frames on most of their attacks, and the only attack that does is the least block-centric animation in the entire moveset so how in the fuck THAT move has block frames i have no idea, and you'll never hit anyone with it anyways so it's pointless. The motherfucking Sanctum Shield with its gap-ridden, snowflake-ass design has block frames when used as a bludgeon but not these?! The motherfucking Bound Wooden Shield being a literal wood plank wrapped in chains has block frames when used as a bludgeon but not these?!

    The powerstanced shields have a "clap trap" attack, the L1 being surprisingly fast but you can't combo with it unless your opponent is an idiot that didn't roll/walk away after the first hit, and the L2 is a similar animation but with a slow asf recovery animation and thus completely useless (seriously, it's almost exactly the same as the L1 but just worse due to the long recovery). As shields, they have no running or rolling attack and their clap attack has almost no reach...and has no block frames either. What's sad is that shield piercing attacks don't even matter against these because you're always going to be low on stamina for an easy guard break because the powerstance attack needs a lot of it to use, and you're going to be blocking too.

    Yes, the right hand shield can still block, and the shield itself is pretty decent with 100% physical block and below average elemental block. The problem however is that because the Strength scaling is so ass, for damage output you're going to want to element infuse these. The loss of 100% physical block doesn't actually matter in the slightest, as one might assume, because everyone uses infused weapons, spells, and elemental weapon buffs so you get some phat 270-ish element damage per shield with no Int/Faith (i infused mine with Lightning because that's what most buff stacking havelbitches use and thus block them a bit better). The main problem is that people just wailing on you blocking negates your ability to do anything, so you get shut down by people smacking your shields and chipping away with their buff stacked weapons like a jackhammer that you can't really retaliate against.

    But there is ONE attack that is so meme-tastically stupid that it's unironically amazing, and it's the jumping attack. If you've watched Gravel the Block, you'll see that for some reason, greatshields have the ability to break the laws of aerodynamics to spin in midair like a motherfucking homing missile just for the sole purpose of slamming into your opponent. The hitbox is also surprisingly janky to the point of working in your favor most of the time. The main problem with this, however, is that you're probably going to need to re-bind some controls to pull it off consistently because forwards+R2 at the same time has a lot of room to mess up the button inputs...which i did a lot and looked stupid trying as people stepped away from my slow ass R2 and then proceeded to murder my dumb ass.

    But wait, step away? Yes, because the R2, and non-powerstanced L2, of greatshields with their slow, raise-the-shield-up-and-slam-it move has block frames. Why that move when it specifically exposes you animation-wise? I don't fucking know, but it does sometimes (emphasis on "sometimes") catch someone off guard who doesn't know this and accidentally gets pancaked. I will admit, the very few times i pulled this off were also by complete accident because i was trying to do the jumping slam and just so happened to luck my way into a hit.

    And boy, do these actually hit pretty decently hard. As memey as they are, they do in fact hurt when they hit, especially with the powerstancing having both of them hit, but the problem lies in landing said hit. Because they're susprisingly really good vs backstab fishers since they track and and you can unlock to spin around and clap a sucker, but anyone who rolls away basically by default has won against you. These shields honestly are the Dead By Daylight Legion of the game in that it relies exclusively on your opponent either messing up or memeing into suicide rather than anything resembling skill on your part. Not due to lacking skill on your part, but because it has so few things to work with that there's too little to develop a combat tech with.

    This is because the shields have no tech. You have basically 4 moves, 1 of which is useless, 1 of which literally never hits anyone whose not backstab strafing specifically, 1 of which is quick but has no reach, and 1 of which is awesome but is a pain in the ass to do consistently without control rebinding. Actually blocking with the O&R shields also is a problem because since you use so much stamina for attacks, you don't have much left to block with without getting getting a big fat guard break riposte to your face. And if your opponent is a mage then you'll probably never hit them without the jumping attack, which by virtue of casters being horrible players usually works to kill them since they can't dodge for shit since that requires actual thinking. It's pretty stupid that these genuinely are great for estus punishing if you pull off the jump attack and it's leapfrog jump of "im here to crush your bones so hard that not even the bonfire will be able to fix them".

    Unfortunately, though, Oreo's and Reese's greatshields suffer from the fact that you require a SL that's way too big for when they're actually useful, as you tread into buff stacking havelmonster bitchdom territory who will 3-shot your ass no matter how much hp you have because of broken, guide-reading, tryharding bullshit. Which is a shame because, contrary to what you likely assume, the shields aren't that bad in a more casul setting.

    They're honestly really fun despite the sub-optimal nature of their existence as you do get plenty of cheeky clap attacks from people misjudging how fast the follow-up L1s are (really quick for giant metal slabs) and the jumping attack is hilarious insanity that turns you into a heat-seeking comet. I can also honestly see these being perfectly viable for most PvE as it has a playstyle where you block with reliably strong defenses, then clap counter attack. If you're at 3-4million SM, this is honestly a fun and hilarious tank build that would make Sellsword Luet proud.

    The main problem is that players aren't AI enemies, and thus can way too easily circumvent these by being just a bit smart. Which is the funky part about this; the vast majority of Souls players are actually pretty fucking horrible and rely exclusively on getting carried and/or cheese to do anything. As a result, players who you invade and look like they're in the sub 1-million SM tiers despite being tripled that SM are very prone to fumbling into losing to you. Not because of you being better, but because they don't know shit and make themselves lose. So you get an awkward grab bag of matchups where either your opponent is half-competent and stomps you, or your opponent is incredibly incompetent and stomps themselves against you by repeatedly backstab strafing only to get clapped, then getting slam jammed by a leaping, physics-defying maniac when they try to back off and heal.

    There is no consistency in their performance, as a result, which kind of adds to the hilarity of using them. Really, the Oro and Peeve clap shields are fun, dumb, hit hard thanks to big base damage numbers (scaling sucks even when element infused), and are surprisingly usable in less serious settings. You can probably do NG+ co-op with these pretty well and have a lot of fun, because honestly seeing how obviously carried the players who lose to these are kind of turns things ugly since you kind of feel sorry for them but also hate them for refusing to get better over despawning everything to progress.

    I would definitely recommend using these on a Strength build character slot just to try them out, since their PvP and PvE usability makes for fun times. Times that will probably involve you getting absolutely fucked by spears, rapiers, and katanas, but still fun. Oh and you're not going to run into shield pierce weapons or reapers because only me and like a dozen other players in the history of this game's life have ever seriously used those so don't worry about them. You're 100% fucked against the rare memelords who do use them, however, as nonexistent as the chance is to run into any of them/me.

    So how about we transition into a weapon that's neither fun, hard=hitting, memey, or even interesting. A weapon so reeking of being terrible that it's a wonder why it, and another very similar weapon, even exists. The Lion Greataxe. Just...look at the numbers on this thing and you'll see why i'm dreading the near-future of using it.

    submitted by /u/Branded_Mango
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    Guy with 2 shields, is he a real player?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    I've seen his summon sign on last giant and lost sinner, (I only just killed lost sinner) and he used 2 great shields of glory (that's what I think they are called, they are in ds3)

    He was really helpful for aggro but I n curious if it's a real person or a NPC because it did emotes, the wierd thing, I never say anyone in "last played" for DS2?

    He wore really heavy armour and used 2 great shields of glory, had a wierd red thing around his eyes and had a white aura. His summon for last giant was at the fog gate and the summon for lost sinner was in a cell at the right before the fog gate to the bridge.


    submitted by /u/Darksoulsfanatman
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    Just killed the Last Giant for the first time

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    That boy thicc

    submitted by /u/Weebshit14
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    Rip Straid forever

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    So I acctidently killed Straid by testing one of his spells... I went back to the bonfire to try out poison mist and it went through the wall and aggroed Straid so he started to attack me... Killed him and I knew that I could revive him later on BUUUUUT after around 3 hours in game time when I was just around the spot I killee him, the game froze and crashed... And now around 4-5 in game time has passed but still, no tomb stone, so I guess fck me right?

    submitted by /u/FIGHT4COOCKIEZ
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    To shield or not to shield!?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    What to people think

    submitted by /u/jwbirdy1010
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    Where do I go?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    I killed lost sinner, got a branch and remembered the Statue in Majula, went to it and unlocked shades woods, in shaded woods I saw an npc, it was only a head and got to shaded ruins, got here and killed a scorpion man.

    What now? I'm so lost

    submitted by /u/Darksoulsfanatman
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    The Final leg of my Souls Trilogy Platinum journey

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    So a little under three months ago I rebought Dark Souls 3 since it was on sale. I stopped playing before because I didn't feel like investing the time to get gud. But something about it was calling to me so I bought the complete edition for like $15 and started playing it and I got really into it. I was searching for a challenge and something to distract me from the fact that TES VI is still at least 4 years away. I decided after beating Vordt that I was going to Platinum the series.

    I got my Platinum in DS3 after a month of almost no-lifeing that game. Then I started Dark Souls Remastered, took some time to adjust to the slower more methodical combat but I soon found my rhythm and a little over a month later I platinumed that too (even with like a week of not playing). Now I'm off on my journey to Platinum DS2 (SOTFS) I'm about to enter Sinner's Rise. I'm still learning the mechanics for this one but soon I will find a way to adapt my play style to this game too.

    The minute I stepped into the game fully (I had played through the Last Giant fight before focusing on one game at a time) I was immediately hit with a weird nostalgic feeling. It's only weird because I've never played this game but there's elements that just resonate with me the same way Oblivion, Skyrim, and ESO have and I already love that about this game. Thank you if you made it this far and I'm looking forward to getting into this game and all it's Gank bosses ;D

    submitted by /u/DontDisapPyrrha
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    What do you guys consider the 'Noob Weapon' of DS2?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    There always seems to be that one weapon that really lends a hand to new players, like how in DS1 it was the Drake Sword and in 3 it was the Irithyll Straight Sword, but I'm not sure what that weapon would be for 2. What do you guys think it is?

    submitted by /u/DragonbloodKnight
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    I beat DS2 in 9 bosses, and that's not even the minimum.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    A few days ago, I remembered that you can open the shrine of winter if you have 1 million soul memory. The wheels in my head started turning, and this run was the result. Below is a guide detailing how I did it.

    Obviously, you need a good early game soul farm if you want 1 million souls early. For that, we're heading to the grave of saints ASAP. Here's how: Start as a knight with a bonfire ascetic, and snag the dagger before heading to Majula. Make sure to grab the blue seal and the tseldora set while you're there before going to the forest of fallen giants. Once you're at Melentia's bonfire, grab the life ring, equip only the life ring and blue seal, and jump over to the fragrant branch of yore that's below the tree of giants. Now it's time to head to shaded woods. Open up the doors and stumble through the mist until you find the shaded ruins bonfire. There are four souls of brave warriors here, you're going to need all of them. Use the souls to level vigor to 22, and buy 50 firebombs from Melentia. She'll give you the covetous silver serpent ring +1 for it. Now head back to Majula. Again, with only the life ring and blue seal equipped, take the plunge down to grave of saints, you won't die. No cat ring needed. Don't forget to pick up the pharros lockstone on your way down. Kill Vanguard (they're weak to fire, so it's a perfect time to use those firebombs we bought), and lower the bridge next to the ladder. Now you can burn your ascetic in the harval's resting place bonfire and head back up to Majula to join the company of champions. Go back down to the bonfire before vanguard, put on the tseldora set and the cssr, two hand the dagger, and quit out. You need to be offline for the next part. Now that you are, run from the bonfire (before vanguard), jump down the ladder hole, climb back up, and cross over to the other side of the bridge. Rhoy should invade you, and when he's on the bridge, stunlock him with the dagger poke attack. He'll drop 7,757 souls, so you'll have to kill him about 120 times. Once you've done that, level strength to 40, and invest the rest in vigor and endurance. Offer 50 awestones (you get one each time you kill Rhoy) for the vanquisher's seal, greatly increasing the damage of your bare hands. Two handed light attacks for the win, go over to drangleic castle and progress normally, killing duo dragonriders, looking glass knight, demon of song, and velstadt for the king ring. Head on over to Aldia's place, kill guardian dragon, and get the ashen mist heart from the ancient dragon (don't kill him). Now it's time to go kill giant lord- wait, how are we going to kill him without the soldier key? Via this stupid jump that took me a very long time to do: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dsawEJwy6Mo (you'll probably need the cat ring to survive this, and the ring of binding helps too.) Alright, giant lord defeated, time to kill the final two bosses and beat the game! Throne bros are pretty rough without upgrading estus, same goes for nashandra with her curse buildup. Hopefully you have enough lifegems to make it through. If not, you can always summon.

    I mentioned that this isn't the minimum, and that's true! Vanguard is completely optional, you can farm someone other than Rhoy. He's just convenient because he's easy to kill, drops a lot of souls, and drops awestones so you don't have to upgrade a weapon. If you want, though, go down to black gulch, farm upgrade materials there, and farm the worms for souls. 8 boss DS2, simple as that. You might be able to do it in even less with glitches, but I didn't want to use any.

    submitted by /u/TheGreatQ-Tip
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    How do I beat Elana, the Squalid Queen?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    I'm a high intellect battle mage but I do almost know damage to her. I even summoned Benhart (despite hearing that I shouldn't) and I got her HP to about the same point before getting destroyed

    submitted by /u/Cassius_Merek
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    Does getting cursed ruin a no death run?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Thank You Nicholas_Frozen

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    First time using co-op to take on a boss. Thanks to Nicholas for helping with the Looking Glass Knight.

    submitted by /u/flaco_503_se_1984
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    Blind Playthrough with Forfeits

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Hello Everyone!

    I am A-A-RON from Two Blokes Play Games and I am playing through every Dark Souls 2 for the first ever time!

    But there is a twist! Every 25 deaths I do a forfeit. Anything from chilli powder to tripe urghhh

    We would love to have you in our little community and I look forward to speaking to every last one of you!

    Much love



    submitted by /u/TheDeathJesters
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    I Went To The Lost Bastille From The Forest Of Fallen Giants And Spoke To Lucatiel...

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    If I go to No Man's Wharf now, would I have potentially, messed up Lucatiel's quest? FYI: Haven't been to NM'sW yet.

    submitted by /u/RealMemesus
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    After about 100 hours, finally managed to get both illusory rings and all achievements!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Now I'm not gonna lie, DS2 is still my least favorite of the series on many levels and at this point I don't think anything will change that. I don't like ADP, I don't care for powerstancing, and I won't defend the areas/bosses. Even then, I have to admit the game has a certain charm to it and was still fun to complete for the most part.

    P.S. This community has some commendable patience for dealing with the constant reminders of how controversial this game is ;)

    submitted by /u/limonbattery
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    Anyone tell me how to summon other players and NPCS for help?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    Just started DS2 (Blind Playthrough, Beaten DS3 then DSR)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    My first main question:

    Is this cat trying to fuck me?

    Update: 7 minutes have passed since I made this post and both my human effigies have been consumed.

    submitted by /u/darmar98
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    Recommendations for pyromant run? (Armor,rings,spells...)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Im playin scholar of the first sin and im fresh in ng+ rn and would like to do an pyro run so pls halo lol

    submitted by /u/M1_J4
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    I need help with the gutter denizen

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    First, I fucking hate the gutter. All my loot falls between the planks. Second, the important question. I lit all the stupid scones and kill the denizen, where her loot falls between the planks of the platform and into an unreachable area, where I then die from stupid hallow prisoners. Now what I wanna know is if there is a way to kill her again and get the loot.

    submitted by /u/Omega_Requiem
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    Best areas to get summoned around 4 million SM?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:29 AM PDT

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